CDC announces 74% of Delta infections are vaccinated

Your vaccine is useless and you want to make it mandatory.

Shove it up your ass
You’re useless. It’s the unvaccinated that are allowing the virus to mutate, instead of being killed off.
More daily every changing drool from the CDC to keep Americans off balance and , they hope, frightened into compliance

You must get vaccinated with the jab which makes you more likely to get Covid, or else you will be banned from society.

Fuck your freedoms
You’re useless. It’s the unvaccinated that are allowing the virus to mutate, instead of being killed off.
Hey asswipe. I actually found data showing the opposite.

The vaxxed are creating new strains.

Your must trusted news source. Chew on that.
3/4 of those infected in Cape Cod were vaxed, you imbecilic buffoon.
These folks are impervious to reason.

They watch too much propaganda. . . and are, at this point, too far gone IMO.

". . . Anyway, what has been so incredibly frustrating is that many of us have been operating under the illusion that we are engaged in a rational argument over facts (e.g., the facts of Russiagate, Literal-Hitlergate, 9/11, Saddam’s WMDs, Douma, the January 6 “insurrection,” the official Covid narrative, etc.) This is not at all what is happening. Facts mean absolutely nothing to the adherents of totalitarian systems.

You can show the New Normals the facts all you like. You can show them the fake photos of people dead in the streets in China in March of 2020. You can show them the fake projected death rates. You can explain how the fake PCR tests work, how healthy people were deemed medical “cases.” You can show them all the studies on the ineffectiveness of masks. You can explain the fake “hospitalization” and “death” figures, send them articles about the unused “emergency hospitals,” the unremarkable age-and-population-adjusted death rates, cite the survival rates for people under 70, the dangers and pointlessness of “vaccinating” children. None of this will make the slightest difference.

Or, if you’ve bought the Covid-19 narrative, but haven’t completely abandoned your critical faculties, you can do what Glenn Greenwald has been doing recently. You can demonstrate how the corporate media have intentionally lied, again and again, to whip up mass hysteria over “domestic terrorism.” You can show people videos of the “violent domestic terrorists” calmly walking into the Capitol Building in single file, like a high-school tour group, having been let in by members of Capitol Security. You can debunk the infamous “fire-extinguisher murder” of Brian Sicknik that never really happened. You can point out that the belief that a few hundred unarmed people running around in the Capitol qualifies as an “insurrection,” or an “attempted coup,” or “domestic terrorism,” is delusional to the point of being literally insane. This will also not make the slightest difference.

I could go on, and I’m sure I will as the “New Normal” ideology becomes our new “reality” over the course of the next several years. My point, at the moment, is … this isn’t an argument. The global-capitalist ruling classes, government leaders, the corporate media, and the New Normal masses they have instrumentalized are not debating with us. They know the facts. They know the facts contradict their narratives. They do not care. They do not have to. Because this isn’t about facts. It’s about power.

I’m not saying that facts don’t matter. Of course they matter. They matter to us. I’m saying, let’s recognize what this is. It isn’t a debate or a search for the truth. The New Normals are disassembling one “reality” and replacing it with a new “reality.” (Yes, I know that reality exists in some fundamental ontological sense, but that isn’t the “reality” I’m talking about here, so please do not send me angry emails railing against Foucault and postmodernism.). . . "


Your vaccine is useless and you want to make it mandatory.

Shove it up your ass
Did you even read what you just posted? You are an idiot!!! LOL.

but only four of 346 people who had shots were hospitalized and none died​

Did you read the story?

but only four of 346 people who had shots were hospitalized and none died​

You conveniently forgot that the CDC told you in march 2021 this:

The CDC has now confirmed what we have hoped for: the mRNA vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna are highly effective at preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection in real world conditions. It was known previously from clinical trials that these vaccines were effective at preventing symptomatic disease. What was not known was whether they prevented asymptomatic infection.

All of that was wrong. Now, your CDC is saying the exact opposite. Next, they'll tell you that the hospital stay will only be for a day or two. Endless goalpost movement and you believe every word that comes out of their mouth. Sad.
Hey asswipe. I actually found data showing the opposite.

The vaxxed are creating new strains.

Your must trusted news source. Chew on that.
Did you read it? They said people need to wear masks and take other steps to prevent spread until almost everyone in a population has been vaccinated.

  • Of the infections, 74% occurred in fully vaccinated people who had one of the three FDA-emergency approved vaccines and 80% had symptoms
  • Only four of the vaccinated people were hospitalized, two of whom had underlying conditions, and there were no deaths
However, there were just four hospitalizations and no fatalities among the fully vaccinated group, showing that the vaccines are very effective against severe disease and death.

For the report, the team looked at COVID-19 cases linked to summer events and large gatherings in Provincetown, on Massachusetts's Cape Cod, between July 3 and July 17.

Thousands of residents and tourists flocked to the summer town for Independence Day celebrations as well as family vacations, resulting in crowded bars, restaurants, rental homes and more.

On July 10, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health began receiving reports of an increased number of cases linked to the county.

Super spreader events

'The masking recommendation was updated to ensure the vaccinated public would not unknowingly transmit virus to others, including their unvaccinated or immunocompromised loved ones.'

The documents claim the Delta variant has an R0, or is as infectious, as chickenpox or Ebola and that an infected person can spread the virus to eight or nine other people.

Meanwhile, the original strain that originated in Wuhan, China, could be passed on two or three others, making it as transmissible as the common cold.

'When you think about diseases that have an R0 of eight or nine - there aren't that many,' Walensky told CNN on Thursday.

'I think people need to understand that we're not crying wolf here. This is serious.'

The CDC's mask guidance states that masks only need to be worn in counties with 'substantial' or 'high' transmission of the virus.

As of Friday, 73.8 percent of counties fall into one of these two categories, up from 69.3 percent the week before.

The CDC was criticized this week for updating the mask guidance without detailing the science behind it.

'Yes, CDC should release all data in a timely manner,' Dr Ali Mokdad, an epidemiologist with the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, told on Thursday.

'In my opinion, it is criminal to sit on data during a pandemic.'
These folks are impervious to reason.

They watch too much propaganda. . . and are, at this point, too far gone IMO.

". . . Anyway, what has been so incredibly frustrating is that many of us have been operating under the illusion that we are engaged in a rational argument over facts (e.g., the facts of Russiagate, Literal-Hitlergate, 9/11, Saddam’s WMDs, Douma, the January 6 “insurrection,” the official Covid narrative, etc.) This is not at all what is happening. Facts mean absolutely nothing to the adherents of totalitarian systems.

You can show the New Normals the facts all you like. You can show them the fake photos of people dead in the streets in China in March of 2020. You can show them the fake projected death rates. You can explain how the fake PCR tests work, how healthy people were deemed medical “cases.” You can show them all the studies on the ineffectiveness of masks. You can explain the fake “hospitalization” and “death” figures, send them articles about the unused “emergency hospitals,” the unremarkable age-and-population-adjusted death rates, cite the survival rates for people under 70, the dangers and pointlessness of “vaccinating” children. None of this will make the slightest difference.

Or, if you’ve bought the Covid-19 narrative, but haven’t completely abandoned your critical faculties, you can do what Glenn Greenwald has been doing recently. You can demonstrate how the corporate media have intentionally lied, again and again, to whip up mass hysteria over “domestic terrorism.” You can show people videos of the “violent domestic terrorists” calmly walking into the Capitol Building in single file, like a high-school tour group, having been let in by members of Capitol Security. You can debunk the infamous “fire-extinguisher murder” of Brian Sicknik that never really happened. You can point out that the belief that a few hundred unarmed people running around in the Capitol qualifies as an “insurrection,” or an “attempted coup,” or “domestic terrorism,” is delusional to the point of being literally insane. This will also not make the slightest difference.

I could go on, and I’m sure I will as the “New Normal” ideology becomes our new “reality” over the course of the next several years. My point, at the moment, is … this isn’t an argument. The global-capitalist ruling classes, government leaders, the corporate media, and the New Normal masses they have instrumentalized are not debating with us. They know the facts. They know the facts contradict their narratives. They do not care. They do not have to. Because this isn’t about facts. It’s about power.

I’m not saying that facts don’t matter. Of course they matter. They matter to us. I’m saying, let’s recognize what this is. It isn’t a debate or a search for the truth. The New Normals are disassembling one “reality” and replacing it with a new “reality.” (Yes, I know that reality exists in some fundamental ontological sense, but that isn’t the “reality” I’m talking about here, so please do not send me angry emails railing against Foucault and postmodernism.). . . "

Big money this beast has gathered up around the globe and we can be assured that they will buy off whomever is willing to propagate lies for them.

Here's the study the CDC used to lead them to recommend masking...

''In a study of 469 cases of Covid-19 that broke out in the resort town of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, earlier this month, 74% occurred in “fully vaccinated persons.” Four out of five patients hospitalized were fully vaccinated, and on average the inoculated had completed their two rounds of doses only 86 days before infection.''

CDC director Walensky said that the Cape Cod study was “pivotal” in informing the CDC’s decision to recommend indoor masking.

Funny how all of the quislings were popping off about it's the unvaccinated's fault they're being leashed up again with the mask routine.

They were extremely vitriolic about it, too. Really antagonistic and nasty.

Just goes to show the mentality we're dealing with here.

Really think they just instinctively repeat the smut that the talking heads posing as journalists on cable news entertainment programming are throwing put there to see if it'll stick.

There's clearly no sense of self-awareness with that bunch. None at all.
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Reading is not a strong suit of yours, is it?

Heh heh. Clearly not.

I wonder if they still wanna float around their previous solutions, given the fact that the cat is finally out of the bag now.

They were rather creative, if we recall.

Here's one of their more disturbing solutions that immediately comes to mind....

No, we need to establish camps for the unvaccinated and unmasked, like they did for the Japanese-Americans during WW2.
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