CDC Finally Admits What Conservatives Have Always Known

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

Silly, silly Death Angel........this isn't about the facts...this is about an election to remove Trump....and lying about the chinese flu is just one of the tools they will use to do it........
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

What does that mean, though? Do the 120,000+ deaths mean less if the death rate is lower?
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

It does not matter to you, I'm sure. Trumpers don't care about anybody but trump. 127,640 in 5 months is a lot of dead people. Infection levels are at all-time highs and Americans aren't taking the precautions serious, so I suspect another 127,000 or so in the next 5 months. Last time a republican ran the white house, they killed the economy and left the mess to be cleaned up by the Democrats. This time they drained the Fed and presided over the death of 127,640 Americans, maybe 254,000 plus by election day and they will again leave the Democrats to clean up the mess.
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127,640 in 5 months is a lot of dead people.
Yes it is, but consider this.

About 2.5 million Americans die in a typical year. So in 5 months, about 1 million people would be expected to die.

It would be interesting to know what the total deaths were for this time period. I suspect that the delta increase due to Covid is not as horrific as the media wants us to believe.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

What does that mean, though? Do the 120,000+ deaths mean less if the death rate is lower?
Depends on how they are counted.........I know of 2 elderly people who people at work know that the death certificate said covid...............both really died of something else.......terminal cancer in the last hope for survival...........other gang green......from diabetes..........

But both said COVID on the certificate..........imagine that..............not to mention the gov't funds for claiming covid on the medical billing.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

It does not matter to you, I'm sure. Trumpers don't care about anybody but trump. 127,640 in 5 months is a lot of dead people. Infection levels are at all-time highs and Americans aren't taking the precautions serious, so I suspect another 127,000 or so in the next 5 months. Last time a republican ran the white house, they killed the economy and left the mess to be cleaned up by the Democrats. This time they drained the Fed and presided over the death of 127,640 Americans, maybe 254,000 plus by election day and they will again leave the Democrats to clean up the mess.
Add in the population change and that would be about the same numbers with increased population from 1957 and never shut down..........

We are only seeing the beginning of the long term effects of this BS.........You discount the damage to people from the will not be good for this country...........but I guess that doesn't concern you while counting body bags........

None of you should ever join the military.........You'd never come out of your hole.
WARNING!!!! COVID is EVERYWHERE!!!!!! OMG!!!! O-M-G!!!! I looked under my couch today and I'll be damned if the COVID virus wasn't lurking !!!!! I sprayed it with bleach...I flooded the entire section and then ran away in mortal fear until the anti-bacterial warrior had won it's battle...or so I thought. Did the bleach win? OH HELL NO! I went to take a shower and I found it hiding in my shower curtain!!!!! NO SHIT!!!!! I ran away with nothing but a towel wrapped around my waist and let me tell ya, my heart was racing and I developed a shortness of breath.....OMG! That is one of the symptoms of COVID!!!!!!! I was in a panic and I ran to my car with only a towel to cover my privates because there wasn't a second to waste!!!! In my haste and panic? I had forgotten to procure my cell-phone so I could locate the nearest ER!!!! and most of all, I had forgotten my mask! Fear overcame me and everything became hazy..... and I entire life passed before my eyes....but only the good stuff. All in all, it wasn't the worst Friday afternoon I have ever had.

All kidding aside, wake the hell up and realize that this entire fiasco is a psy-op.....are you willing to accept "the new normal"? Are you willing to live in fear? Have you even researched on how to protect yourself from contamination by arming yourself with information like how COVID is just another strain of influenza and how it's Achilles heel is heat? By raising the temperature in your nasal passages to 140 degrees (easily done by inhaling steam) you can prevent the snot generated by this infection from gathering in your lungs which is the leading cause of illness. Knowledge is power and the ones in control want you to fear and they want you paranoid. We can never build up an immunity to any type of virus by living in a bubble and this "social distancing" is being used to isolate us from each other so we never reach a consensus about what is really going on. FACT!
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

What does that mean, though? Do the 120,000+ deaths mean less if the death rate is lower?
Do they mean less if they die from flu or falling out of windows?
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

It does not matter to you, I'm sure. Trumpers don't care about anybody but trump. 127,640 in 5 months is a lot of dead people. Infection levels are at all-time highs and Americans aren't taking the precautions serious, so I suspect another 127,000 or so in the next 5 months. Last time a republican ran the white house, they killed the economy and left the mess to be cleaned up by the Democrats. This time they drained the Fed and presided over the death of 127,640 Americans, maybe 254,000 plus by election day and they will again leave the Democrats to clean up the mess.
Add in the population change and that would be about the same numbers with increased population from 1957 and never shut down..........

We are only seeing the beginning of the long term effects of this BS.........You discount the damage to people from the will not be good for this country...........but I guess that doesn't concern you while counting body bags........

None of you should ever join the military.........You'd never come out of your hole.
So, go back to the 50s and 60s, eh? Great. I lived there. A period of war, riots, and before the civil rights act. You people do not change. Too late, on the military thing. Already joined, like my son, my brothers, and my father before me. Did a little over 20, all combat arms with two honorable discharges. Now I get a nice pension every month, further allowing me to not care about people like you, and they still come to attention and salute, every time we come on post. Other than that, all I learned there was a knowledge of people, organization, tactics and weaponry. I do suggest you join the military. You might learn a thing or two.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

What does that mean, though? Do the 120,000+ deaths mean less if the death rate is lower?
Depends on how they are counted.........I know of 2 elderly people who people at work know that the death certificate said covid...............both really died of something else.......terminal cancer in the last hope for survival...........other gang green......from diabetes..........

But both said COVID on the certificate..........imagine that..............not to mention the gov't funds for claiming covid on the medical billing.
What govt funds are given for calling the death covid vs cancer?


Thousands of deaths from COVID have not been counted.... January, February and March we had no testing available or insufficient amounts.... And the CDC is only counting deaths of those who were tested and positive.

March there was allegedly only 3000 deaths...because we had no testing available....but in April we did have testing, and nearly 55000 deaths were recorded as COVID due to having more testing kits.

40000 deaths were likely not counted in March.

And even now, if you are not tested, and died at home from it, you are not counted in the CDC numbers.....

Those who died in nursing homes, without being COVID tested, were not counted in the COVID deaths.

The number of deaths are not fewer than the CDC recorded,

The number of deaths from COVID are much greater than CDC recorded....

Even with the COVID deaths taken out ...of those who were going to die from some other disease....
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

What does that mean, though? Do the 120,000+ deaths mean less if the death rate is lower?
Depends on how they are counted.........I know of 2 elderly people who people at work know that the death certificate said covid...............both really died of something else.......terminal cancer in the last hope for survival...........other gang green......from diabetes..........

But both said COVID on the certificate..........imagine that..............not to mention the gov't funds for claiming covid on the medical billing.
What govt funds are given for calling the death covid vs cancer?


Thousands of deaths from COVID have not been counted.... January, February and March we had no testing available or insufficient amounts.... And the CDC is only counting deaths of those who were tested and positive.

March there was allegedly only 3000 deaths...because we had no testing available....but in April we did have testing, and nearly 55000 deaths were recorded as COVID due to having more testing kits.

40000 deaths were likely not counted in March.

And even now, if you are not tested, and died at home from it, you are not counted in the CDC numbers.....

Those who died in nursing homes, without being COVID tested, were not counted in the COVID deaths.

The number of deaths are not fewer than the CDC recorded,

The number of deaths from COVID are much greater than CDC recorded....

Even with the COVID deaths taken out ...of those who were going to die from some other disease....
I know the people who told me this..........they don't lie.......and the cert said COVID........They didn't die from Covid.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

It does not matter to you, I'm sure. Trumpers don't care about anybody but trump. 127,640 in 5 months is a lot of dead people. Infection levels are at all-time highs and Americans aren't taking the precautions serious, so I suspect another 127,000 or so in the next 5 months. Last time a republican ran the white house, they killed the economy and left the mess to be cleaned up by the Democrats. This time they drained the Fed and presided over the death of 127,640 Americans, maybe 254,000 plus by election day and they will again leave the Democrats to clean up the mess.
Add in the population change and that would be about the same numbers with increased population from 1957 and never shut down..........

We are only seeing the beginning of the long term effects of this BS.........You discount the damage to people from the will not be good for this country...........but I guess that doesn't concern you while counting body bags........

None of you should ever join the military.........You'd never come out of your hole.
So, go back to the 50s and 60s, eh? Great. I lived there. A period of war, riots, and before the civil rights act. You people do not change. Too late, on the military thing. Already joined, like my son, my brothers, and my father before me. Did a little over 20, all combat arms with two honorable discharges. Now I get a nice pension every month, further allowing me to not care about people like you, and they still come to attention and salute, every time we come on post. Other than that, all I learned there was a knowledge of people, organization, tactics and weaponry. I do suggest you join the military. You might learn a thing or two.
Up yours .....I did 10 so the hell what................

This is BS........we are destroying our country over this stinking if you want to hide from it..........go crawl under your bed and hide from it.....I'll take my chances

Doubt anyone would want to sever with you.

The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

What does that mean, though? Do the 120,000+ deaths mean less if the death rate is lower?
Do they mean less if they die from flu or falling out of windows?

You might have a point with the flu, but falling out of windows isn't contagious. :p

Oh, and I didn't start a thread about the mortality rate for anything being low. ;)
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

What does that mean, though? Do the 120,000+ deaths mean less if the death rate is lower?
Do they mean less if they die from flu or falling out of windows?

You might have a point with the flu, but falling out of windows isn't contagious. :p

Oh, and I didn't start a thread about the mortality rate for anything being low. ;)
You'd probably say you started the thread because of your concern for Americans..............While ignoring the damage caused by the Shutdowns...........from Political Quacks going full Nazi on regs for anything..........POWER CORRUPTS.....

We lost about 40 million jobs......only some are coming back now...........Small Businesses got HAMMERED......GLOBALIST's WET DREAM.......which is why the crap probably went down this way........

The long term damage we have done from this will well exceed the short term damage of a bug that you can't stop anyways.................

People will start losing everything again like 2008........I saw good people lose everything.....they did nothing wrong........just a bunch of Peckerwoods on Wallstreet did it..........Doesn't change that they and their kids were screwed.........

Take this KUNG FLU and the BS and stick it where the sun doesn't shine.......along with the political trash who come on themselves for the power........
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

What does that mean, though? Do the 120,000+ deaths mean less if the death rate is lower?
Depends on how they are counted.........I know of 2 elderly people who people at work know that the death certificate said covid...............both really died of something else.......terminal cancer in the last hope for survival...........other gang green......from diabetes..........

But both said COVID on the certificate..........imagine that..............not to mention the gov't funds for claiming covid on the medical billing.
What govt funds are given for calling the death covid vs cancer?


Thousands of deaths from COVID have not been counted.... January, February and March we had no testing available or insufficient amounts.... And the CDC is only counting deaths of those who were tested and positive.

March there was allegedly only 3000 deaths...because we had no testing available....but in April we did have testing, and nearly 55000 deaths were recorded as COVID due to having more testing kits.

40000 deaths were likely not counted in March.

And even now, if you are not tested, and died at home from it, you are not counted in the CDC numbers.....

Those who died in nursing homes, without being COVID tested, were not counted in the COVID deaths.

The number of deaths are not fewer than the CDC recorded,

The number of deaths from COVID are much greater than CDC recorded....

Even with the COVID deaths taken out ...of those who were going to die from some other disease....
I know the people who told me this..........they don't lie.......and the cert said COVID........They didn't die from Covid.
Yes, as I said, there are a few in the covid count, that may have passed onward, from something else.... but not in great numbers....
and they still come to attention and salute, every time we come on post.
You were in the Academy weren't you.......that's were they turn out pricks.......LOL

You salute the rank and not necessarily the person wearing it............I've seen your kind many times who talked like you ..............I'm NOT IMPRESSED.
Who asked you to be impressed? Just did my job. They still print the Enlisted Guide and Officers Guide. Tradition does not die easily in the Army.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

What does that mean, though? Do the 120,000+ deaths mean less if the death rate is lower?
Depends on how they are counted.........I know of 2 elderly people who people at work know that the death certificate said covid...............both really died of something else.......terminal cancer in the last hope for survival...........other gang green......from diabetes..........

But both said COVID on the certificate..........imagine that..............not to mention the gov't funds for claiming covid on the medical billing.
What govt funds are given for calling the death covid vs cancer?


Thousands of deaths from COVID have not been counted.... January, February and March we had no testing available or insufficient amounts.... And the CDC is only counting deaths of those who were tested and positive.

March there was allegedly only 3000 deaths...because we had no testing available....but in April we did have testing, and nearly 55000 deaths were recorded as COVID due to having more testing kits.

40000 deaths were likely not counted in March.

And even now, if you are not tested, and died at home from it, you are not counted in the CDC numbers.....

Those who died in nursing homes, without being COVID tested, were not counted in the COVID deaths.

The number of deaths are not fewer than the CDC recorded,

The number of deaths from COVID are much greater than CDC recorded....

Even with the COVID deaths taken out ...of those who were going to die from some other disease....
I know the people who told me this..........they don't lie.......and the cert said COVID........They didn't die from Covid.
Yes, as I said, there are a few in the covid count, that may have passed onward, from something else.... but not in great numbers....
I don't believe it......and the numbers as the data comes forward is not worth the damage to this country from the shutdowns...............We just haven't seen the full effect's coming........and it will not be pretty.....

All we have done is delayed what was coming anyway...........I remember early on so many HYPING THE DEATH COUNT......I said by what information.....and used the best data available the cruise ship and South Korea.........hell those numbers were way to dang high...............0.8 to 1%.........the experts were wrong..........

And on here POSTER AFTER POSTER said HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THE EXPERTS......I learned a long time ago to QUESTION AUTHORITY are they will walk all over you.........and they sure as hell did it here...........with the real rate being about 0.2 now.
and they still come to attention and salute, every time we come on post.
You were in the Academy weren't you.......that's were they turn out pricks.......LOL

You salute the rank and not necessarily the person wearing it............I've seen your kind many times who talked like you ..............I'm NOT IMPRESSED.
Who asked you to be impressed? Just did my job. They still print the Enlisted Guide and Officers Guide. Tradition does not die easily in the Army.
So..........the way you posted is why I responded............Let me be FRANK.....Are you a COWARD....because this dang Covid response is destroying our country.............

Did you forget your oath.......hmmm............You would sit here and FEAR MONGER this as American lives are lost.............if you do are a disgrace to the uniform you used to wear.......I wore one too...........and this nonsense on Covid needs to end........along with all the BS from Pecker wood politicians with authority.

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