CDC Finally Admits What Conservatives Have Always Known

WARNING!!!! COVID is EVERYWHERE!!!!!! OMG!!!! O-M-G!!!! I looked under my couch today and I'll be damned if the COVID virus wasn't lurking !!!!! I sprayed it with bleach...I flooded the entire section and then ran away in mortal fear until the anti-bacterial warrior had won it's battle...or so I thought. Did the bleach win? OH HELL NO! I went to take a shower and I found it hiding in my shower curtain!!!!! NO SHIT!!!!! I ran away with nothing but a towel wrapped around my waist and let me tell ya, my heart was racing and I developed a shortness of breath.....OMG! That is one of the symptoms of COVID!!!!!!! I was in a panic and I ran to my car with only a towel to cover my privates because there wasn't a second to waste!!!! In my haste and panic? I had forgotten to procure my cell-phone so I could locate the nearest ER!!!! and most of all, I had forgotten my mask! Fear overcame me and everything became hazy..... and I entire life passed before my eyes....but only the good stuff. All in all, it wasn't the worst Friday afternoon I have ever had.

All kidding aside, wake the hell up and realize that this entire fiasco is a psy-op.....are you willing to accept "the new normal"? Are you willing to live in fear? Have you even researched on how to protect yourself from contamination by arming yourself with information like how COVID is just another strain of influenza and how it's Achilles heel is heat? By raising the temperature in your nasal passages to 140 degrees (easily done by inhaling steam) you can prevent the snot generated by this infection from gathering in your lungs which is the leading cause of illness. Knowledge is power and the ones in control want you to fear and they want you paranoid. We can never build up an immunity to any type of virus by living in a bubble and this "social distancing" is being used to isolate us from each other so we never reach a consensus about what is really going on. FACT!
BRAVO ZULU......about power and control........and they can kiss my ass and anyone who parrots their dang talking points.......

So many people are fucked right now over the economy......these pricks just ignore it......and go WE ARE SAVING LIVES........Bunch of dang sheep.........or they are in a position where it doesn't effect them so they don't give a damn.............

I'm working......but thousands are still gone where I cuts again......and most will not be back this entire year..............time for the Globalist to foreclose houses out the ass again......
You'd probably say you started the thread because of your concern for Americans..............While ignoring the damage caused by the Shutdowns...........from Political Quacks going full Nazi on regs for anything..........POWER CORRUPTS.....

We lost about 40 million jobs......only some are coming back now...........Small Businesses got HAMMERED......GLOBALIST's WET DREAM.......which is why the crap probably went down this way........

The long term damage we have done from this will well exceed the short term damage of a bug that you can't stop anyways.................

People will start losing everything again like 2008........I saw good people lose everything.....they did nothing wrong........just a bunch of Peckerwoods on Wallstreet did it..........Doesn't change that they and their kids were screwed.........

Take this KUNG FLU and the BS and stick it where the sun doesn't shine.......along with the political trash who come on themselves for the power........

I didn't start the thread at all. This was started by someone else.

I have said numerous times on the site that I'm concerned about the economic impacts of the shutdowns. That hasn't changed. People wearing masks shouldn't have much economic impact, however.
You'd probably say you started the thread because of your concern for Americans..............While ignoring the damage caused by the Shutdowns...........from Political Quacks going full Nazi on regs for anything..........POWER CORRUPTS.....

We lost about 40 million jobs......only some are coming back now...........Small Businesses got HAMMERED......GLOBALIST's WET DREAM.......which is why the crap probably went down this way........

The long term damage we have done from this will well exceed the short term damage of a bug that you can't stop anyways.................

People will start losing everything again like 2008........I saw good people lose everything.....they did nothing wrong........just a bunch of Peckerwoods on Wallstreet did it..........Doesn't change that they and their kids were screwed.........

Take this KUNG FLU and the BS and stick it where the sun doesn't shine.......along with the political trash who come on themselves for the power........

I didn't start the thread at all. This was started by someone else.

I have said numerous times on the site that I'm concerned about the economic impacts of the shutdowns. That hasn't changed. People wearing masks shouldn't have much economic impact, however.
We are having to FAKE WEARING MASKS at work.......when the retard Mask Nazi's around........the ones who make the rules and don't have to deal with 100 degree plus heat index......cloth masks soaking wet with sweat......then someone with an AC job who doesn't work all day .............

Goes what a good job and idea this was...........lmao.........better not stand around the job site too much..........Construction workers sometimes drop THE DROP.
You'd probably say you started the thread because of your concern for Americans..............While ignoring the damage caused by the Shutdowns...........from Political Quacks going full Nazi on regs for anything..........POWER CORRUPTS.....

We lost about 40 million jobs......only some are coming back now...........Small Businesses got HAMMERED......GLOBALIST's WET DREAM.......which is why the crap probably went down this way........

The long term damage we have done from this will well exceed the short term damage of a bug that you can't stop anyways.................

People will start losing everything again like 2008........I saw good people lose everything.....they did nothing wrong........just a bunch of Peckerwoods on Wallstreet did it..........Doesn't change that they and their kids were screwed.........

Take this KUNG FLU and the BS and stick it where the sun doesn't shine.......along with the political trash who come on themselves for the power........

I didn't start the thread at all. This was started by someone else.

I have said numerous times on the site that I'm concerned about the economic impacts of the shutdowns. That hasn't changed. People wearing masks shouldn't have much economic impact, however.
We are having to FAKE WEARING MASKS at work.......when the retard Mask Nazi's around........the ones who make the rules and don't have to deal with 100 degree plus heat index......cloth masks soaking wet with sweat......then someone with an AC job who doesn't work all day .............

Goes what a good job and idea this was...........lmao.........better not stand around the job site too much..........Construction workers sometimes drop THE DROP.

I'm in Florida, masks do suck in the heat. It's a requirement where I am to wear masks in businesses right now, though. Would I prefer not wearing one? Of course! It's not just hot, I wear glasses and they get foggy while wearing a mask. But it's not such a huge inconvenience that I am going to refuse to do it.

Rules about masks should be based on evidence and research, but I'm not going to freak out about wearing one. :dunno:
You'd probably say you started the thread because of your concern for Americans..............While ignoring the damage caused by the Shutdowns...........from Political Quacks going full Nazi on regs for anything..........POWER CORRUPTS.....

We lost about 40 million jobs......only some are coming back now...........Small Businesses got HAMMERED......GLOBALIST's WET DREAM.......which is why the crap probably went down this way........

The long term damage we have done from this will well exceed the short term damage of a bug that you can't stop anyways.................

People will start losing everything again like 2008........I saw good people lose everything.....they did nothing wrong........just a bunch of Peckerwoods on Wallstreet did it..........Doesn't change that they and their kids were screwed.........

Take this KUNG FLU and the BS and stick it where the sun doesn't shine.......along with the political trash who come on themselves for the power........

I didn't start the thread at all. This was started by someone else.

I have said numerous times on the site that I'm concerned about the economic impacts of the shutdowns. That hasn't changed. People wearing masks shouldn't have much economic impact, however.
We are having to FAKE WEARING MASKS at work.......when the retard Mask Nazi's around........the ones who make the rules and don't have to deal with 100 degree plus heat index......cloth masks soaking wet with sweat......then someone with an AC job who doesn't work all day .............

Goes what a good job and idea this was...........lmao.........better not stand around the job site too much..........Construction workers sometimes drop THE DROP.

I'm in Florida, masks do suck in the heat. It's a requirement where I am to wear masks in businesses right now, though. Would I prefer not wearing one? Of course! It's not just hot, I wear glasses and they get foggy while wearing a mask. But it's not such a huge inconvenience that I am going to refuse to do it.

Rules about masks should be based on evidence and research, but I'm not going to freak out about wearing one. :dunno:
Are you working outside in it........all day it's wet wearing it is pure stupidity..........I'm on the Gulf Coast and this is summer...........this isn't gonna cut it....

And the powers to be can preach all they want........when their enforcers are gone.....most aren't gonna wear them..............because everyone thinks it's Stupid.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

What does that mean, though? Do the 120,000+ deaths mean less if the death rate is lower?
there isnt 120K deaths,,youre being lied to,,,
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

It does not matter to you, I'm sure. Trumpers don't care about anybody but trump. 127,640 in 5 months is a lot of dead people. Infection levels are at all-time highs and Americans aren't taking the precautions serious, so I suspect another 127,000 or so in the next 5 months. Last time a republican ran the white house, they killed the economy and left the mess to be cleaned up by the Democrats. This time they drained the Fed and presided over the death of 127,640 Americans, maybe 254,000 plus by election day and they will again leave the Democrats to clean up the mess.
Thanks, Obama!
and they still come to attention and salute, every time we come on post.
You were in the Academy weren't you.......that's were they turn out pricks.......LOL

You salute the rank and not necessarily the person wearing it............I've seen your kind many times who talked like you ..............I'm NOT IMPRESSED.
Who asked you to be impressed? Just did my job. They still print the Enlisted Guide and Officers Guide. Tradition does not die easily in the Army.
So..........the way you posted is why I responded............Let me be FRANK.....Are you a COWARD....because this dang Covid response is destroying our country.............

Did you forget your oath.......hmmm............You would sit here and FEAR MONGER this as American lives are lost.............if you do are a disgrace to the uniform you used to wear.......I wore one too...........and this nonsense on Covid needs to end........along with all the BS from Pecker wood politicians with authority.
Idiot. I am not afraid of Covid-19. LabCorp says I have the SARS-COV-2 Antibodies, IgM, bodies after my annual ski trip and this year's Rockies Mountain Coronavirus adventure and I only missed two days on the slopes with my retired and active duty military Officers traveling group, sleeping at 10,000 feet, skiing at 13,000 ft plus at temps from minus -7 to plus +24 Degrees. Now my plasma, (which I donate regularly) is valuable. I'll keep donating, in case you get sick with your foolishness. I will also keep masking and distancing in stores and crowds, as I support community recommended standards, just to show my support for community standards, a concept you do not understand or believe in, probably because you have no standards as you live you "every man for himself" lemming-like existence. I haven't forgotten my oath. I just, no longer lead by assignment. I continue to lead by example. You certainly seem like a sorry example. Hopefully you practice birth control, so as not to pollute the gene pool.
and they still come to attention and salute, every time we come on post.
You were in the Academy weren't you.......that's were they turn out pricks.......LOL

You salute the rank and not necessarily the person wearing it............I've seen your kind many times who talked like you ..............I'm NOT IMPRESSED.
Who asked you to be impressed? Just did my job. They still print the Enlisted Guide and Officers Guide. Tradition does not die easily in the Army.
So..........the way you posted is why I responded............Let me be FRANK.....Are you a COWARD....because this dang Covid response is destroying our country.............

Did you forget your oath.......hmmm............You would sit here and FEAR MONGER this as American lives are lost.............if you do are a disgrace to the uniform you used to wear.......I wore one too...........and this nonsense on Covid needs to end........along with all the BS from Pecker wood politicians with authority.
Idiot. I am not afraid of Covid-19. LabCorp says I have the SARS-COV-2 Antibodies, IgM, bodies after my annual ski trip and this year's Rockies Mountain Coronavirus adventure and I only missed two days on the slopes with my retired and active duty military Officers traveling group, sleeping at 10,000 feet, skiing at 13,000 ft plus at temps from minus -7 to plus +24 Degrees. Now my plasma, (which I donate regularly) is valuable. I'll keep donating, in case you get sick with your foolishness. I will also keep masking and distancing in stores and crowds, as I support community recommended standards, just to show my support for community standards, a concept you do not understand or believe in, probably because you have no standards as you live you "every man for himself" lemming-like existence. I haven't forgotten my oath. I just, no longer lead by assignment. I continue to lead by example. You certainly seem like a sorry example. Hopefully you practice birth control, so as not to pollute the gene pool.
You can no longer transmit or receive but do so out of what.......SOCIAL OBEDIENCE......Public SHAMING..............Got news for you ......I think I've already had it.............

Now for the real deal...........your post proves you don't give a shit about America and only care for yourself............CRYSTAL CLEAR TO ME.............

You got yours.......and how you would donate to me if I needed it.........blow me bro......before Covid BS I took 3 weeks unemployment in my whole life..............I know many people who will be SCREWED BY THIS NONSENSE...........

They don't give a shit about your career and happy skiing........neither do I..........they dont' want our need your help.............I don't either...........

I'm very glad I didn't serve under a pompus peckerwood like you.........VERY GLAD...but their were others just like you.......everyone knew it but the peckerwood himself........that would be you.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

And even at that rate we are looking at millions dead before this ends if we don't get a handle on it.

So put on your mask .
'He had to admit, "Directly we have got more relief by our fight of the unemployed than with the employed workers." The huge funeral for workers slain in the August 1931 eviction riot drew thousands, yet Communists working the next neighborhood, where the stockyards operated, were not able to build their organization from such successes. To Communist leaders, the overlap between the population in the Yards and those at the funeral and demonstrations should have eased this work, but it did not. Through the period, Communists recruited more unemployed than employed. Between January and May 1932, Chicago's Communists brought in 2,009 new members; 71 percent were unemployed.'
(Storch R, Red Chicago: American Communism at its Grassroots, 1928-1935, p. 162)
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

And even at that rate we are looking at millions dead before this ends if we don't get a handle on it.

So put on your mask .

Biden understated the 120,000,000 deaths
Are you working outside in it........all day it's wet wearing it is pure stupidity..........I'm on the Gulf Coast and this is summer...........this isn't gonna cut it....

And the powers to be can preach all they want........when their enforcers are gone.....most aren't gonna wear them..............because everyone thinks it's Stupid.

Everyone doesn't think masks are stupid...or did you just mean the people on your construction crew?

I don't know the specifics of your situation, but there may be alternatives. If people are able to maintain distance from each other while working, the masks could be off. Maybe face shields would be less uncomfortable out in the heat and humidity. If you're working in a state where cases are rising and you're working in close proximity to other people, though, masks make sense. :dunno:
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

We would know for sure if Drumpf stopped trying to stop the testing.
Are you working outside in it........all day it's wet wearing it is pure stupidity..........I'm on the Gulf Coast and this is summer...........this isn't gonna cut it....

And the powers to be can preach all they want........when their enforcers are gone.....most aren't gonna wear them..............because everyone thinks it's Stupid.

Everyone doesn't think masks are stupid...or did you just mean the people on your construction crew?

I don't know the specifics of your situation, but there may be alternatives. If people are able to maintain distance from each other while working, the masks could be off. Maybe face shields would be less uncomfortable out in the heat and humidity. If you're working in a state where cases are rising and you're working in close proximity to other people, though, masks make sense. :dunno:
face masks should be a option.....but given the rate of this now.................WHY....0.2% with most people not even knowing they had it....

You protect the most vulnerable and move on..............Cloth masks in warm humid weather is STUPID....and wet masks of any kind are NOT GOOD FOR YOU causes problems......and anyone who thinks you are going to keep them dry in that kind of's not gonna happen.......

Masks with export nothing unless filtered.......puts out your moisture anyway.......and finally in the sun..........covid only lasts about 90 seconds in the sunlight.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

What does that mean, though? Do the 120,000+ deaths mean less if the death rate is lower?

No, it means that Covid is going to end up being less deadly than a typical flu.

You don't shut down the entire planet, over something less deadly than the flu.

What we should have done, is protected those most at risk, not destroy the planet, over a flu like illness.
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The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

And even at that rate we are looking at millions dead before this ends if we don't get a handle on it.

So put on your mask .

Sorry, you are not a dictator, and I'm a free man. You don't get to make demands on me.

Besides, we've heard that "millions of deaths" crap before. Isn't happening. They said that about Sweden. They said it about Japan. They said it about Florida. You guys have been wrong about every single estimate you have ever made on Corona, just like CO2 global warming.

I don't believe you guys anymore. Go cry wolf elsewhere.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

And even at that rate we are looking at millions dead before this ends if we don't get a handle on it.

So put on your mask .

Sorry, you are not a dictator, and I'm a free man. You don't get to make demands on me.

Besides, we've heard that "millions of deaths" crap before. Isn't happening. They said that about Sweden. They said it about Japan. They said it about Florida. You guys have been wrong about every single estimate you have ever made on Corona, just like CO2 global warming.

I don't believe you guys anymore. Go cry wolf elsewhere.
BRAVO ZULU.............Give me a HELL YEAH.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

Yeah, many of the 60,000 "flu" deaths this year were probably actually COVID. Since half the flu season people were actually taking the precautions they should take every year, the number logically would be lower, not higher than average.

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