CDC Finally Admits What Conservatives Have Always Known

The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
Yeah, what are an extra 125,000 deaths?


Don’t - Wear it if it causes any difficulty in your ability to breathe
• Don’t - Wear it if it causes your safety glasses or reading glasses to fog up and impair your vision • Don’t - Let it hang down around your neck

When it gets wet with's like being waterboarded.........

It fogs up MANDATORY safety glasses required by OSHA ON THE JOBSITE.

Companies are issuing neck chaffs to pull up from the neck to put over your mouth and nose all over the place......because in most cases that is all they can find............

Welcome to the NEW AMERICAN I'M STUPID RULES for IDIOTS running the country.

Listen to what I have to say.............OR DON'T.........I DON'T's your sign if you agree with wearing this crap outside.

Be glad you never had to train on a range in MOPP4. These masks aren't jack.

LOL...........I've worn the mc2 types.....and cbr suits...........but not in field like you.......Was Navy.

I've trained and used most types of fresh air and masks .......I'm very familiar with them....including full Acid suits with a respirator in the summer in the deep south............

You go try that in a heat index of 100 plus some time.......and tell me how you liked it.....LOL

If you aren't drug off after.....LOL

Don’t - Wear it if it causes any difficulty in your ability to breathe
• Don’t - Wear it if it causes your safety glasses or reading glasses to fog up and impair your vision • Don’t - Let it hang down around your neck

When it gets wet with's like being waterboarded.........

It fogs up MANDATORY safety glasses required by OSHA ON THE JOBSITE.

Companies are issuing neck chaffs to pull up from the neck to put over your mouth and nose all over the place......because in most cases that is all they can find............

Welcome to the NEW AMERICAN I'M STUPID RULES for IDIOTS running the country.

Listen to what I have to say.............OR DON'T.........I DON'T's your sign if you agree with wearing this crap outside.

Be glad you never had to train on a range in MOPP4. These masks aren't jack.

LOL...........I've worn the mc2 types.....and cbr suits...........but not in field like you.......Was Navy.

I've trained and used most types of fresh air and masks .......I'm very familiar with them....including full Acid suits with a respirator in the summer in the deep south............

You go try that in a heat index of 100 plus some time.......and tell me how you liked it.....LOL

If you aren't drug off after.....LOL

Been there, done that. Always tried to incorporate NBC into most any training, if possible, including range fire if ammo and time allowed, for familiarization only. Tried to make it short by firing order and get them back out of it as soon as possible to avoid heat injuries. Generally pretty degrading. Not as bad inside a tank, with gas particulate system on. Used to keep the hose often inside my BDU top or down my pants when were weren't doing NBC. Like your own little air conditioner. :cool:

Don’t - Wear it if it causes any difficulty in your ability to breathe
• Don’t - Wear it if it causes your safety glasses or reading glasses to fog up and impair your vision • Don’t - Let it hang down around your neck

When it gets wet with's like being waterboarded.........

It fogs up MANDATORY safety glasses required by OSHA ON THE JOBSITE.

Companies are issuing neck chaffs to pull up from the neck to put over your mouth and nose all over the place......because in most cases that is all they can find............

Welcome to the NEW AMERICAN I'M STUPID RULES for IDIOTS running the country.

Listen to what I have to say.............OR DON'T.........I DON'T's your sign if you agree with wearing this crap outside.

Be glad you never had to train on a range in MOPP4. These masks aren't jack.

LOL...........I've worn the mc2 types.....and cbr suits...........but not in field like you.......Was Navy.

I've trained and used most types of fresh air and masks .......I'm very familiar with them....including full Acid suits with a respirator in the summer in the deep south............

You go try that in a heat index of 100 plus some time.......and tell me how you liked it.....LOL

If you aren't drug off after.....LOL

Been there, done that. Always tried to incorporate NBC into most any training, if possible, including range fire if ammo and time allowed, for familiarization only. Tried to make it short by firing order and get them back out of it as soon as possible to avoid heat injuries. Generally pretty degrading. Not as bad inside a tank, with gas particulate system on. Used to keep the hose often inside my BDU top or down my pants when were weren't doing NBC. Like your own little air conditioner. :cool:

Only the company we work for gets the AC acid suits...........luckily I don't have to do it cooks you.

Employers have the discretion to determine whether to allow employees to wear cloth face coverings in the workplace based on the specific circumstances present at the work site. For some workers, employers may determine that wearing cloth face coverings presents or exacerbates a hazard. For example, cloth face coverings could become contaminated with chemicals used in the work environment, causing workers to inhale the chemicals that collect on the face covering. Over the duration of a work shift, cloth face coverings might also become damp (from workers breathing) or collect infectious material from the work environment (e.g., droplets of other peoples' infectious respiratory secretions). Workers may also need to use PPE that is incompatible with the use of a cloth face covering (e.g., an N95 filtering facepiece respirator).

Where cloth face coverings are not appropriate in the work environment or during certain job tasks (e.g., because they could become contaminated or exacerbate heat illness), employers can provide PPE, such as face shields and/or surgical masks, instead of encouraging workers to wear cloth face coverings. Like cloth face coverings, surgical masks and face shields can help contain the wearer's potentially infectious respiratory droplets and can help limit spread of COVID-19 to others.

Note that cloth face coverings are not considered PPE and cannot be used in place of respirators when respirators are otherwise required.

Now everyone go outside in a humid place and wear a cloth mask.......when it's a 100 degree heat index............AND WATERBOARD YOURSELF............

ENJOY........That 's the shit going on at Fing work...........brought to you by people making rules that couldn't pour pee out of a boot with the instructions on the heel.
Sounds like you need to take this up with your employer....

Employers have the discretion to determine whether to allow employees to wear cloth face coverings in the workplace based on the specific circumstances present at the work site. For some workers, employers may determine that wearing cloth face coverings presents or exacerbates a hazard. For example, cloth face coverings could become contaminated with chemicals used in the work environment, causing workers to inhale the chemicals that collect on the face covering. Over the duration of a work shift, cloth face coverings might also become damp (from workers breathing) or collect infectious material from the work environment (e.g., droplets of other peoples' infectious respiratory secretions). Workers may also need to use PPE that is incompatible with the use of a cloth face covering (e.g., an N95 filtering facepiece respirator).

Where cloth face coverings are not appropriate in the work environment or during certain job tasks (e.g., because they could become contaminated or exacerbate heat illness), employers can provide PPE, such as face shields and/or surgical masks, instead of encouraging workers to wear cloth face coverings. Like cloth face coverings, surgical masks and face shields can help contain the wearer's potentially infectious respiratory droplets and can help limit spread of COVID-19 to others.

Note that cloth face coverings are not considered PPE and cannot be used in place of respirators when respirators are otherwise required.

Now everyone go outside in a humid place and wear a cloth mask.......when it's a 100 degree heat index............AND WATERBOARD YOURSELF............

ENJOY........That 's the shit going on at Fing work...........brought to you by people making rules that couldn't pour pee out of a boot with the instructions on the heel.
Sounds like you need to take this up with your employer....

This isn't the only place doing it.........I'm hearing about many places doing it.........

The ones making the rules.......just like politicians don't have to actually do the work.......sit in offices..........MAKE COOL IDEAS to them that is.............and Make Rules that are dumber than dirt............All for a virus that is 0.....2%.

The hype of this virus is causing this..........IT WILL RUN IT'S COURSE.......all we are doing is delaying what's going to happen anyway.........SWEDEN was right.

Deaths per day are down......because younger people are getting the Media hypes the new cases again............

This isn't a real killer of younger and healthy people..............But the HYPE......goes on.

The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

What does that mean, though? Do the 120,000+ deaths mean less if the death rate is lower?
Depends on how they are counted.........I know of 2 elderly people who people at work know that the death certificate said covid...............both really died of something else.......terminal cancer in the last hope for survival...........other gang green......from diabetes..........

But both said COVID on the certificate..........imagine that..............not to mention the gov't funds for claiming covid on the medical billing.
What govt funds are given for calling the death covid vs cancer?


Thousands of deaths from COVID have not been counted.... January, February and March we had no testing available or insufficient amounts.... And the CDC is only counting deaths of those who were tested and positive.

March there was allegedly only 3000 deaths...because we had no testing available....but in April we did have testing, and nearly 55000 deaths were recorded as COVID due to having more testing kits.

40000 deaths were likely not counted in March.

And even now, if you are not tested, and died at home from it, you are not counted in the CDC numbers.....

Those who died in nursing homes, without being COVID tested, were not counted in the COVID deaths.

The number of deaths are not fewer than the CDC recorded,

The number of deaths from COVID are much greater than CDC recorded....

Even with the COVID deaths taken out ...of those who were going to die from some other disease....
I know the people who told me this..........they don't lie.......and the cert said COVID........They didn't die from Covid.
Yes, as I said, there are a few in the covid count, that may have passed onward, from something else.... but not in great numbers....
I don't believe it......and the numbers as the data comes forward is not worth the damage to this country from the shutdowns...............We just haven't seen the full effect's coming........and it will not be pretty.....

All we have done is delayed what was coming anyway...........I remember early on so many HYPING THE DEATH COUNT......I said by what information.....and used the best data available the cruise ship and South Korea.........hell those numbers were way to dang high...............0.8 to 1%.........the experts were wrong..........

And on here POSTER AFTER POSTER said HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THE EXPERTS......I learned a long time ago to QUESTION AUTHORITY are they will walk all over you.........and they sure as hell did it here...........with the real rate being about 0.2 now.
The death count is only from the first inning, 8 more to go.... life isn't going to be peachy keen, for quite some time.... You need to mentally prepare yourself for that, imo...

I have more hope than that.

In fact, what the CDC said, indicates to me that things will improve pretty fast.

Why? So one of the things the CDC did, was test donated blood for Covid-19 anti-bodies.

This indicates the person who donated the blood, didn't even know they were infected. Which we already knew that tons of people are asymptomatic. Meaning they have the virus, fight it off, and have no symptoms.

Now that's critical to understand. The virus is spreading through the population, and people are gaining resistance, and they don't even know they had it.

As that spreads, at some point Corona will start having a hard time finding non-immune people to jump to.

I think this is good news. To me, I am optimistic.
They've done studies on this.... taken ENTIRE towns and tested everyone, and if memory serves, it's from 7% to 14% that have been infected with it, many...varying from 20 to 40% who had been infected and had no idea they had it...

But studies are also showing that those with the milder/asymptomatic version, have a weak antibody response built up, which may only give protection for a few months.... of course, they still do not know for's too New of a virus, to know anything in a 'for certain' sense.

But if only 7 to 14% of the population having been infected....we are just finishing the first inning and moving in to the second inning.

It takes a long time to reach heard immunity naturally, from my understand, years.... that's why creating a vaccine to give us heard immunity, is sooooo important....

We need to reach 70% of the population with natural or man made, heard immunity for it to put the virus in check, and close to checkmate, from what I've read...

Sure a ton more people ARE infected, and more will be infected.

The point I think that we disagree, is that we don't know when, or if, there will be a vaccine.

No one who believes the lunar landings were real, does not want a vaccine. That's not the issue.

The issue is, can we shut down the entire planet, to wait for vaccine that may not come for a decade, may not be effective, and may not stop the virus?

If you could tell me "In August we'll have a vaccine, and have mass inoculations, and we can reopen", then I'd be open to saying ok we can keep things tight until then.

But you don't know. Even the "experts" have said as much.

Well of course that's insane. More people would die from the lock downs, than from the virus, if we shut down for 2 years. Ridiculous.

And I personally think that the left-wing overlords know this. They know the country can't survive 2 years of lock down over a virus with a lower death rate than the flu. They know it.

They are using this for political motives.

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