CDC Finally Admits What Conservatives Have Always Known

Are you working outside in it........all day it's wet wearing it is pure stupidity..........I'm on the Gulf Coast and this is summer...........this isn't gonna cut it....

And the powers to be can preach all they want........when their enforcers are gone.....most aren't gonna wear them..............because everyone thinks it's Stupid.

Everyone doesn't think masks are stupid...or did you just mean the people on your construction crew?

I don't know the specifics of your situation, but there may be alternatives. If people are able to maintain distance from each other while working, the masks could be off. Maybe face shields would be less uncomfortable out in the heat and humidity. If you're working in a state where cases are rising and you're working in close proximity to other people, though, masks make sense. :dunno:
face masks should be a option.....but given the rate of this now.................WHY....0.2% with most people not even knowing they had it....

You protect the most vulnerable and move on..............Cloth masks in warm humid weather is STUPID....and wet masks of any kind are NOT GOOD FOR YOU causes problems......and anyone who thinks you are going to keep them dry in that kind of's not gonna happen.......

Masks with export nothing unless filtered.......puts out your moisture anyway.......and finally in the sun..........covid only lasts about 90 seconds in the sunlight.
I wish you would read the CDC guidance on masks. That way you wouldn't be so stupid!
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The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

What does that mean, though? Do the 120,000+ deaths mean less if the death rate is lower?
Depends on how they are counted.........I know of 2 elderly people who people at work know that the death certificate said covid...............both really died of something else.......terminal cancer in the last hope for survival...........other gang green......from diabetes..........

But both said COVID on the certificate..........imagine that..............not to mention the gov't funds for claiming covid on the medical billing.
What govt funds are given for calling the death covid vs cancer?


Thousands of deaths from COVID have not been counted.... January, February and March we had no testing available or insufficient amounts.... And the CDC is only counting deaths of those who were tested and positive.

March there was allegedly only 3000 deaths...because we had no testing available....but in April we did have testing, and nearly 55000 deaths were recorded as COVID due to having more testing kits.

40000 deaths were likely not counted in March.

And even now, if you are not tested, and died at home from it, you are not counted in the CDC numbers.....

Those who died in nursing homes, without being COVID tested, were not counted in the COVID deaths.

The number of deaths are not fewer than the CDC recorded,

The number of deaths from COVID are much greater than CDC recorded....

Even with the COVID deaths taken out ...of those who were going to die from some other disease....
I know the people who told me this..........they don't lie.......and the cert said COVID........They didn't die from Covid.
Yes, as I said, there are a few in the covid count, that may have passed onward, from something else.... but not in great numbers....
I don't believe it......and the numbers as the data comes forward is not worth the damage to this country from the shutdowns...............We just haven't seen the full effect's coming........and it will not be pretty.....

All we have done is delayed what was coming anyway...........I remember early on so many HYPING THE DEATH COUNT......I said by what information.....and used the best data available the cruise ship and South Korea.........hell those numbers were way to dang high...............0.8 to 1%.........the experts were wrong..........

And on here POSTER AFTER POSTER said HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THE EXPERTS......I learned a long time ago to QUESTION AUTHORITY are they will walk all over you.........and they sure as hell did it here...........with the real rate being about 0.2 now.
The death count is only from the first inning, 8 more to go.... life isn't going to be peachy keen, for quite some time.... You need to mentally prepare yourself for that, imo...

I have more hope than that.

In fact, what the CDC said, indicates to me that things will improve pretty fast.

Why? So one of the things the CDC did, was test donated blood for Covid-19 anti-bodies.

This indicates the person who donated the blood, didn't even know they were infected. Which we already knew that tons of people are asymptomatic. Meaning they have the virus, fight it off, and have no symptoms.

Now that's critical to understand. The virus is spreading through the population, and people are gaining resistance, and they don't even know they had it.

As that spreads, at some point Corona will start having a hard time finding non-immune people to jump to.

I think this is good news. To me, I am optimistic.
Apparently, no one is immune. People are getting it the second time.
I have more hope than that.

In fact, what the CDC said, indicates to me that things will improve pretty fast.

Why? So one of the things the CDC did, was test donated blood for Covid-19 anti-bodies.

This indicates the person who donated the blood, didn't even know they were infected. Which we already knew that tons of people are asymptomatic. Meaning they have the virus, fight it off, and have no symptoms.

Now that's critical to understand. The virus is spreading through the population, and people are gaining resistance, and they don't even know they had it.

As that spreads, at some point Corona will start having a hard time finding non-immune people to jump to.

I think this is good news. To me, I am optimistic.

The big worry is that immunity isn't permanent. There have been reports of people getting infected more than once. So far I've only seen a couple of supposed incidents like that, but if people either don't get immunity or only get it for a limited time, it would be a problem. Hopefully those cases are either false or just outliers, though.

That's true of any virus. You can get the flu twice in one year.

People can get the chicken pox again.

There is no such thing as actual immunity. What people call immunity, is more like resistance, that lowers the severity and duration of an illness.

But there is no actual "immunity".

Again, we learned this from the Spanish flu. The Spanish Flu had actually 3 waves, that happened over 3 years.

But what they found isn't that it wasn't the same people in each wave. While there were also some that got sick from the second or third strain of the Spanish flu, the reality was most people who got the less severe first strain from the first wave, generally didn't get the second or third strains. And those that did, had it far less severe as others around them who had not gotten sick during the first wave.

So I am optimistic.

I tend to be pessimistic by nature, but I'm trying not to assume the worst. :p This virus has been somewhat unusual, which leads to more than usual worry.

Actually I don't think the virus is all that unusual. I think the insanity of left-wing media and pundits, plus an out of control hate by the Democratic establishment of Trump, that is more than willing to use any and every possible reason to attack their political opponents, has blew this thing so far out of proportion to what it really is.

This is a global issue, not in any way limited to US media or politics.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

It does not matter to you, I'm sure. Trumpers don't care about anybody but trump. 127,640 in 5 months is a lot of dead people. Infection levels are at all-time highs and Americans aren't taking the precautions serious, so I suspect another 127,000 or so in the next 5 months. Last time a republican ran the white house, they killed the economy and left the mess to be cleaned up by the Democrats. This time they drained the Fed and presided over the death of 127,640 Americans, maybe 254,000 plus by election day and they will again leave the Democrats to clean up the mess.
Democrats destroyed the economy, dumbass. If Trump and the CDC did not recommend interventions we could be looking at deaths in the millions.
You are living in an alternate reality. Somehow we ended up with the highest infection count and death toll of any country on earth on trump's watch, under his management in place. He did little, made mistakes, scoffed at the seriousness of the the epidemic, lied about having it under control, turned down test kits from WHO, shipped a bunch of our PPE to China at the outset, praised their valiant fight against the epidemic, lied about testing availability, tried to keep the concentration on economy instead of the public health threat, and on and on and on.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

It does not matter to you, I'm sure. Trumpers don't care about anybody but trump. 127,640 in 5 months is a lot of dead people. Infection levels are at all-time highs and Americans aren't taking the precautions serious, so I suspect another 127,000 or so in the next 5 months. Last time a republican ran the white house, they killed the economy and left the mess to be cleaned up by the Democrats. This time they drained the Fed and presided over the death of 127,640 Americans, maybe 254,000 plus by election day and they will again leave the Democrats to clean up the mess.
Democrats destroyed the economy, dumbass. If Trump and the CDC did not recommend interventions we could be looking at deaths in the millions.
You are living in an alternate reality. Somehow we ended up with the highest infection count and death toll of any country on earth on trump's watch, under his management in place. He did little, made mistakes, scoffed at the seriousness of the the epidemic, lied about having it under control, turned down test kits from WHO, shipped a bunch of our PPE to China at the outset, praised their valiant fight against the epidemic, lied about testing availability, tried to keep the concentration on economy instead of the public health threat, and on and on and on.
We also have the largest highly mobile population. Was it Trumps fault that people in New York died in their nursing hoes, but did not in Florida? He was doubtful about the impact because he didn't know China was sending human virus bombs through the airlines. The WHO is to blame for a lot of this shit! Why use their tests? The PPE to China was because it was unlikely we would get it as badly as China. Thanks again WHO! If Biden had been president, our death toll would have been in the illions because he would have to be reminded hourly what COVID-19 was!

So you believe China has handled the problem better than us and is truthful in reporting their stats? Lay off the drugs!
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The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

What does that mean, though? Do the 120,000+ deaths mean less if the death rate is lower?
Depends on how they are counted.........I know of 2 elderly people who people at work know that the death certificate said covid...............both really died of something else.......terminal cancer in the last hope for survival...........other gang green......from diabetes..........

But both said COVID on the certificate..........imagine that..............not to mention the gov't funds for claiming covid on the medical billing.
What govt funds are given for calling the death covid vs cancer?


Thousands of deaths from COVID have not been counted.... January, February and March we had no testing available or insufficient amounts.... And the CDC is only counting deaths of those who were tested and positive.

March there was allegedly only 3000 deaths...because we had no testing available....but in April we did have testing, and nearly 55000 deaths were recorded as COVID due to having more testing kits.

40000 deaths were likely not counted in March.

And even now, if you are not tested, and died at home from it, you are not counted in the CDC numbers.....

Those who died in nursing homes, without being COVID tested, were not counted in the COVID deaths.

The number of deaths are not fewer than the CDC recorded,

The number of deaths from COVID are much greater than CDC recorded....

Even with the COVID deaths taken out ...of those who were going to die from some other disease....
I know the people who told me this..........they don't lie.......and the cert said COVID........They didn't die from Covid.
Yes, as I said, there are a few in the covid count, that may have passed onward, from something else.... but not in great numbers....
I don't believe it......and the numbers as the data comes forward is not worth the damage to this country from the shutdowns...............We just haven't seen the full effect's coming........and it will not be pretty.....

All we have done is delayed what was coming anyway...........I remember early on so many HYPING THE DEATH COUNT......I said by what information.....and used the best data available the cruise ship and South Korea.........hell those numbers were way to dang high...............0.8 to 1%.........the experts were wrong..........

And on here POSTER AFTER POSTER said HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THE EXPERTS......I learned a long time ago to QUESTION AUTHORITY are they will walk all over you.........and they sure as hell did it here...........with the real rate being about 0.2 now.
The death count is only from the first inning, 8 more to go.... life isn't going to be peachy keen, for quite some time.... You need to mentally prepare yourself for that, imo...

I have more hope than that.

In fact, what the CDC said, indicates to me that things will improve pretty fast.

Why? So one of the things the CDC did, was test donated blood for Covid-19 anti-bodies.

This indicates the person who donated the blood, didn't even know they were infected. Which we already knew that tons of people are asymptomatic. Meaning they have the virus, fight it off, and have no symptoms.

Now that's critical to understand. The virus is spreading through the population, and people are gaining resistance, and they don't even know they had it.

As that spreads, at some point Corona will start having a hard time finding non-immune people to jump to.

I think this is good news. To me, I am optimistic.
They've done studies on this.... taken ENTIRE towns and tested everyone, and if memory serves, it's from 7% to 14% that have been infected with it, many...varying from 20 to 40% who had been infected and had no idea they had it...

But studies are also showing that those with the milder/asymptomatic version, have a weak antibody response built up, which may only give protection for a few months.... of course, they still do not know for's too New of a virus, to know anything in a 'for certain' sense.

But if only 7 to 14% of the population having been infected....we are just finishing the first inning and moving in to the second inning.

It takes a long time to reach heard immunity naturally, from my understand, years.... that's why creating a vaccine to give us heard immunity, is sooooo important....

We need to reach 70% of the population with natural or man made, heard immunity for it to put the virus in check, and close to checkmate, from what I've read...
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

It does not matter to you, I'm sure. Trumpers don't care about anybody but trump. 127,640 in 5 months is a lot of dead people. Infection levels are at all-time highs and Americans aren't taking the precautions serious, so I suspect another 127,000 or so in the next 5 months. Last time a republican ran the white house, they killed the economy and left the mess to be cleaned up by the Democrats. This time they drained the Fed and presided over the death of 127,640 Americans, maybe 254,000 plus by election day and they will again leave the Democrats to clean up the mess.
Democrats destroyed the economy, dumbass. If Trump and the CDC did not recommend interventions we could be looking at deaths in the millions.
You are living in an alternate reality. Somehow we ended up with the highest infection count and death toll of any country on earth on trump's watch, under his management in place. He did little, made mistakes, scoffed at the seriousness of the the epidemic, lied about having it under control, turned down test kits from WHO, shipped a bunch of our PPE to China at the outset, praised their valiant fight against the epidemic, lied about testing availability, tried to keep the concentration on economy instead of the public health threat, and on and on and on.
We also have the largest highly mobile population. Was it Trumps fault that people in New York died in their nursing hoes, but did not in Florida? He was doubtful about the impact because he didn't know China was sending human virus bombs through the airlines. The WHO is to blame for a lot of this shit! Why use their tests? The PPE to China was because it was unlikely we would get it as badly as China. Thanks again WHO! If Biden had been president, our death toll would have been in the illions because he would have to be reminded hourly what COVID-19 was!

So you believe China has handled the problem better than us and is truthful in reporting their stats? Lay off the drugs!
It wasn't all trumps fault just like it wasn't all Jimmy Carter's fault on the failed rescue of the hostages. Neither one of them could get lucky in a $2 Dollar whorehouse with a roll of Hundred$. "Nursing hoes"? The hoes in New York were Cuomo's fault. Like Jimmy or Reagan or Kennedy, the prez gets credit or blame for what he is lucky on during his watch. This moron was helped in his bad luck by his own policies, management, big mouth, the degree to which he took the threat seriously and his effect on the 32 percenter morons that follow his lead. He's toast. Guess we won't know if it would have been better controlled under Biden, just as we won't know if we would all be whistling Dixie, if the south had fielded M-60A3 tanks and satellite surveillance capability during the civil war. We already know from trump that the union army took control of the airports. (sorry, couldn't resist) . I didn't say China did a good job. The dummy in the white house did. Thanks for playing, but this wasn't up to your usual standards. Next.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

It does not matter to you, I'm sure. Trumpers don't care about anybody but trump. 127,640 in 5 months is a lot of dead people. Infection levels are at all-time highs and Americans aren't taking the precautions serious, so I suspect another 127,000 or so in the next 5 months. Last time a republican ran the white house, they killed the economy and left the mess to be cleaned up by the Democrats. This time they drained the Fed and presided over the death of 127,640 Americans, maybe 254,000 plus by election day and they will again leave the Democrats to clean up the mess.
Democrats destroyed the economy, dumbass. If Trump and the CDC did not recommend interventions we could be looking at deaths in the millions.
You are living in an alternate reality. Somehow we ended up with the highest infection count and death toll of any country on earth on trump's watch, under his management in place. He did little, made mistakes, scoffed at the seriousness of the the epidemic, lied about having it under control, turned down test kits from WHO, shipped a bunch of our PPE to China at the outset, praised their valiant fight against the epidemic, lied about testing availability, tried to keep the concentration on economy instead of the public health threat, and on and on and on.
We also have the largest highly mobile population. Was it Trumps fault that people in New York died in their nursing hoes, but did not in Florida? He was doubtful about the impact because he didn't know China was sending human virus bombs through the airlines. The WHO is to blame for a lot of this shit! Why use their tests? The PPE to China was because it was unlikely we would get it as badly as China. Thanks again WHO! If Biden had been president, our death toll would have been in the illions because he would have to be reminded hourly what COVID-19 was!

So you believe China has handled the problem better than us and is truthful in reporting their stats? Lay off the drugs!
It wasn't all trumps fault just like it wasn't all Jimmy Carter's fault on the failed rescue of the hostages. Neither one of them could get lucky in a $2 Dollar whorehouse with a roll of Hundred$. "Nursing hoes"? The hoes in New York were Cuomo's fault. Like Jimmy or Reagan or Kennedy, the prez gets credit or blame for what he is lucky on during his watch. This moron was helped in his bad luck by his own policies, management, big mouth, the degree to which he took the threat seriously and his effect on the 32 percenter morons that follow his lead. He's toast. Guess we won't know if it would have been better controlled under Biden, just as we won't know if we would all be whistling Dixie, if the south had fielded M-60A3 tanks and satellite surveillance capability during the civil war. We already know from trump that the union army took control of the airports. (sorry, couldn't resist) . I didn't say China did a good job. The dummy in the white house did. Thanks for playing, but this wasn't up to your usual standards. Next.
The "m" key on my keyboard is acting up. Apparently it has something in common with your brain.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

What does that mean, though? Do the 120,000+ deaths mean less if the death rate is lower?
Depends on how they are counted.........I know of 2 elderly people who people at work know that the death certificate said covid...............both really died of something else.......terminal cancer in the last hope for survival...........other gang green......from diabetes..........

But both said COVID on the certificate..........imagine that..............not to mention the gov't funds for claiming covid on the medical billing.
What govt funds are given for calling the death covid vs cancer?


Thousands of deaths from COVID have not been counted.... January, February and March we had no testing available or insufficient amounts.... And the CDC is only counting deaths of those who were tested and positive.

March there was allegedly only 3000 deaths...because we had no testing available....but in April we did have testing, and nearly 55000 deaths were recorded as COVID due to having more testing kits.

40000 deaths were likely not counted in March.

And even now, if you are not tested, and died at home from it, you are not counted in the CDC numbers.....

Those who died in nursing homes, without being COVID tested, were not counted in the COVID deaths.

The number of deaths are not fewer than the CDC recorded,

The number of deaths from COVID are much greater than CDC recorded....

Even with the COVID deaths taken out ...of those who were going to die from some other disease....
I know the people who told me this..........they don't lie.......and the cert said COVID........They didn't die from Covid.
Yes, as I said, there are a few in the covid count, that may have passed onward, from something else.... but not in great numbers....
I don't believe it......and the numbers as the data comes forward is not worth the damage to this country from the shutdowns...............We just haven't seen the full effect's coming........and it will not be pretty.....

All we have done is delayed what was coming anyway...........I remember early on so many HYPING THE DEATH COUNT......I said by what information.....and used the best data available the cruise ship and South Korea.........hell those numbers were way to dang high...............0.8 to 1%.........the experts were wrong..........

And on here POSTER AFTER POSTER said HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THE EXPERTS......I learned a long time ago to QUESTION AUTHORITY are they will walk all over you.........and they sure as hell did it here...........with the real rate being about 0.2 now.
The death count is only from the first inning, 8 more to go.... life isn't going to be peachy keen, for quite some time.... You need to mentally prepare yourself for that, imo...

I've been saying round one of a prize fight ..........I've also said I don't care anymore. This virus WILL TAKE IT'S COURSE......and there isn't a damned thing you can do about it.........Sweden was right.......and the sooner it gets over with the better..........

When you can stop the Common Cold and Flu let me know.......It will be about the same time that a chain link fence can protect you from mosquitos
Are you working outside in it........all day it's wet wearing it is pure stupidity..........I'm on the Gulf Coast and this is summer...........this isn't gonna cut it....

And the powers to be can preach all they want........when their enforcers are gone.....most aren't gonna wear them..............because everyone thinks it's Stupid.

Everyone doesn't think masks are stupid...or did you just mean the people on your construction crew?

I don't know the specifics of your situation, but there may be alternatives. If people are able to maintain distance from each other while working, the masks could be off. Maybe face shields would be less uncomfortable out in the heat and humidity. If you're working in a state where cases are rising and you're working in close proximity to other people, though, masks make sense. :dunno:
face masks should be a option.....but given the rate of this now.................WHY....0.2% with most people not even knowing they had it....

You protect the most vulnerable and move on..............Cloth masks in warm humid weather is STUPID....and wet masks of any kind are NOT GOOD FOR YOU causes problems......and anyone who thinks you are going to keep them dry in that kind of's not gonna happen.......

Masks with export nothing unless filtered.......puts out your moisture anyway.......and finally in the sun..........covid only lasts about 90 seconds in the sunlight.
I wish you would read the CDC guidance on masks. That way you wouldn't be so stupid!
I circular filed it with the other I don't care information on this subject.

You protect yourself...........but don't expect me to follow along..........I think this whole thing is BS and not worth what it has done to this country...............

I'm not alone on that..........people are sick of this BS.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

It does not matter to you, I'm sure. Trumpers don't care about anybody but trump. 127,640 in 5 months is a lot of dead people. Infection levels are at all-time highs and Americans aren't taking the precautions serious, so I suspect another 127,000 or so in the next 5 months. Last time a republican ran the white house, they killed the economy and left the mess to be cleaned up by the Democrats. This time they drained the Fed and presided over the death of 127,640 Americans, maybe 254,000 plus by election day and they will again leave the Democrats to clean up the mess.
Add in the population change and that would be about the same numbers with increased population from 1957 and never shut down..........

We are only seeing the beginning of the long term effects of this BS.........You discount the damage to people from the will not be good for this country...........but I guess that doesn't concern you while counting body bags........

None of you should ever join the military.........You'd never come out of your hole.
So, go back to the 50s and 60s, eh? Great. I lived there. A period of war, riots, and before the civil rights act. You people do not change. Too late, on the military thing. Already joined, like my son, my brothers, and my father before me. Did a little over 20, all combat arms with two honorable discharges. Now I get a nice pension every month, further allowing me to not care about people like you, and they still come to attention and salute, every time we come on post. Other than that, all I learned there was a knowledge of people, organization, tactics and weaponry. I do suggest you join the military. You might learn a thing or two.
And you're a leftist? Hmm..It is possible.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

It does not matter to you, I'm sure. Trumpers don't care about anybody but trump. 127,640 in 5 months is a lot of dead people. Infection levels are at all-time highs and Americans aren't taking the precautions serious, so I suspect another 127,000 or so in the next 5 months. Last time a republican ran the white house, they killed the economy and left the mess to be cleaned up by the Democrats. This time they drained the Fed and presided over the death of 127,640 Americans, maybe 254,000 plus by election day and they will again leave the Democrats to clean up the mess.
Democrats destroyed the economy, dumbass. If Trump and the CDC did not recommend interventions we could be looking at deaths in the millions.
You are living in an alternate reality. Somehow we ended up with the highest infection count and death toll of any country on earth on trump's watch, under his management in place. He did little, made mistakes, scoffed at the seriousness of the the epidemic, lied about having it under control, turned down test kits from WHO, shipped a bunch of our PPE to China at the outset, praised their valiant fight against the epidemic, lied about testing availability, tried to keep the concentration on economy instead of the public health threat, and on and on and on.
Our rates per population aren't the worst in the world..........Mr. Body Bag Whiskey

You push the TDS side of the equation........and ignore a whole lot of what the DNC did during this.......

The death rate of knowns is getting lower as more are known to have already had this. Too bad they don't push for the anti body test nation wide.....then their BS HYPE early on would look even worse than it does now........they were way off.......
Are you working outside in it........all day it's wet wearing it is pure stupidity..........I'm on the Gulf Coast and this is summer...........this isn't gonna cut it....

And the powers to be can preach all they want........when their enforcers are gone.....most aren't gonna wear them..............because everyone thinks it's Stupid.

Everyone doesn't think masks are stupid...or did you just mean the people on your construction crew?

I don't know the specifics of your situation, but there may be alternatives. If people are able to maintain distance from each other while working, the masks could be off. Maybe face shields would be less uncomfortable out in the heat and humidity. If you're working in a state where cases are rising and you're working in close proximity to other people, though, masks make sense. :dunno:
face masks should be a option.....but given the rate of this now.................WHY....0.2% with most people not even knowing they had it....

You protect the most vulnerable and move on..............Cloth masks in warm humid weather is STUPID....and wet masks of any kind are NOT GOOD FOR YOU causes problems......and anyone who thinks you are going to keep them dry in that kind of's not gonna happen.......

Masks with export nothing unless filtered.......puts out your moisture anyway.......and finally in the sun..........covid only lasts about 90 seconds in the sunlight.
I wish you would read the CDC guidance on masks. That way you wouldn't be so stupid!
I circular filed it with the other I don't care information on this subject.

You protect yourself...........but don't expect me to follow along..........I think this whole thing is BS and not worth what it has done to this country...............

I'm not alone on that..........people are sick of this BS.

You are not wearing the ask for YOU dumbass! You are preventing YOU from inadvertently spreading it to others!
Are you working outside in it........all day it's wet wearing it is pure stupidity..........I'm on the Gulf Coast and this is summer...........this isn't gonna cut it....

And the powers to be can preach all they want........when their enforcers are gone.....most aren't gonna wear them..............because everyone thinks it's Stupid.

Everyone doesn't think masks are stupid...or did you just mean the people on your construction crew?

I don't know the specifics of your situation, but there may be alternatives. If people are able to maintain distance from each other while working, the masks could be off. Maybe face shields would be less uncomfortable out in the heat and humidity. If you're working in a state where cases are rising and you're working in close proximity to other people, though, masks make sense. :dunno:
face masks should be a option.....but given the rate of this now.................WHY....0.2% with most people not even knowing they had it....

You protect the most vulnerable and move on..............Cloth masks in warm humid weather is STUPID....and wet masks of any kind are NOT GOOD FOR YOU causes problems......and anyone who thinks you are going to keep them dry in that kind of's not gonna happen.......

Masks with export nothing unless filtered.......puts out your moisture anyway.......and finally in the sun..........covid only lasts about 90 seconds in the sunlight.
I wish you would read the CDC guidance on masks. That way you wouldn't be so stupid!
I circular filed it with the other I don't care information on this subject.

You protect yourself...........but don't expect me to follow along..........I think this whole thing is BS and not worth what it has done to this country...............

I'm not alone on that..........people are sick of this BS.

You are not wearing the ask for YOU dumbass! You are preventing YOU from inadvertently spreading it to others!
I understand it.............and don't fing care...........I will keep my distance........but don't expect me to continue listening to the experts who have been WAY THE HELL OFF.........A whole lot of people are there also.............WE DON'T AGREE.......

Having masks out in the sun like what is going on at work......and in the heat is STUPID.....destroying the economy for this was STUPID............and continuing the FEAR just more STUPIDITY............

Enough already........I SIMPLY NO LONGER will run it's course......maybe you can ORDER IT TO GO AWAY....and it will SALUTE and scram.......LOL..........I doubt it.........

We have done nothing but prolong the CHAOS of the Hype til November.......after that they will no longer care for the Hype.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

It does not matter to you, I'm sure. Trumpers don't care about anybody but trump. 127,640 in 5 months is a lot of dead people. Infection levels are at all-time highs and Americans aren't taking the precautions serious, so I suspect another 127,000 or so in the next 5 months. Last time a republican ran the white house, they killed the economy and left the mess to be cleaned up by the Democrats. This time they drained the Fed and presided over the death of 127,640 Americans, maybe 254,000 plus by election day and they will again leave the Democrats to clean up the mess.
Democrats destroyed the economy, dumbass. If Trump and the CDC did not recommend interventions we could be looking at deaths in the millions.
You are living in an alternate reality. Somehow we ended up with the highest infection count and death toll of any country on earth on trump's watch, under his management in place. He did little, made mistakes, scoffed at the seriousness of the the epidemic, lied about having it under control, turned down test kits from WHO, shipped a bunch of our PPE to China at the outset, praised their valiant fight against the epidemic, lied about testing availability, tried to keep the concentration on economy instead of the public health threat, and on and on and on.
We also have the largest highly mobile population. Was it Trumps fault that people in New York died in their nursing hoes, but did not in Florida? He was doubtful about the impact because he didn't know China was sending human virus bombs through the airlines. The WHO is to blame for a lot of this shit! Why use their tests? The PPE to China was because it was unlikely we would get it as badly as China. Thanks again WHO! If Biden had been president, our death toll would have been in the illions because he would have to be reminded hourly what COVID-19 was!

So you believe China has handled the problem better than us and is truthful in reporting their stats? Lay off the drugs!

Fyi- 40% of Florida covid deaths are from nursing home deaths.... New York is almost 40% as well....

Florida did no better than NY... And NY followed the CDC guidelines to send the nursing home residents who were hospitalized but recovered enough to not need hospital care anymore, back to their residence in nursing homes....

There was a list of steps for nursing homes to take, to keep these covid residents from the rest of the nursing home residents, ie their own ward, with their own staff that did not work in the non covid resident areas, their own entrance and a bunch of other CDC guidelines to do it safely....

NEW YORK followed the federal cdc nursing home guidelines to a T.

And so did most of the states, likely Florida did too...unless they paid attention to what happened in NY before their hit, with the virus...

Even if they didn't follow the cdc guidelines and did not return covid residents back to their nursing home....

40% of their deaths too, are deaths from covid in nursing homes....

So, something else is causing the massive spread in these homes, and not necessarily the return of once hospitalized, recovering residents....imo.

Employers have the discretion to determine whether to allow employees to wear cloth face coverings in the workplace based on the specific circumstances present at the work site. For some workers, employers may determine that wearing cloth face coverings presents or exacerbates a hazard. For example, cloth face coverings could become contaminated with chemicals used in the work environment, causing workers to inhale the chemicals that collect on the face covering. Over the duration of a work shift, cloth face coverings might also become damp (from workers breathing) or collect infectious material from the work environment (e.g., droplets of other peoples' infectious respiratory secretions). Workers may also need to use PPE that is incompatible with the use of a cloth face covering (e.g., an N95 filtering facepiece respirator).

Where cloth face coverings are not appropriate in the work environment or during certain job tasks (e.g., because they could become contaminated or exacerbate heat illness), employers can provide PPE, such as face shields and/or surgical masks, instead of encouraging workers to wear cloth face coverings. Like cloth face coverings, surgical masks and face shields can help contain the wearer's potentially infectious respiratory droplets and can help limit spread of COVID-19 to others.

Note that cloth face coverings are not considered PPE and cannot be used in place of respirators when respirators are otherwise required.

Now everyone go outside in a humid place and wear a cloth mask.......when it's a 100 degree heat index............AND WATERBOARD YOURSELF............

ENJOY........That 's the shit going on at Fing work...........brought to you by people making rules that couldn't pour pee out of a boot with the instructions on the heel.

3. Disease vector / respiratory hazards: face masks may accumulate COVID-19 viruses and other pathogens. If they become wet with saliva or sweat, face masks may become a growth environment for bacteria and other pathogens. Face masks can further accumulate nuisance dust, silica, or other respirable health hazards that exist in the workplace.

> Employers should train employees to safely remove face masks, without touching their eyes, nose or mouth, and wash their hands and face before touching their face.

> Employers should develop protocols for replacement or cleaning of company-provided face masks.

> Employers should train employees on how to safely maintain face masks whether or not issued by the employers, including proper handling with clean hands and proper storage. Safety professionals have recommended the use of a paper bag for storage, to wick moisture and not plastic bags which would retain moisture and create an environment to propagate infectious material.

4. Asphyxiation hazards: tight, homemade face masks made of impermeable materials or face masks covered with saliva or mucous may excessively limit an employee’s breathing. This can cause rebreathing of carbon dioxide or other infectious material. Employees with underlying respiratory or cardiac health conditions may be particularly susceptible to this hazard. A restriction of breathing of fresh air can also create an asphyxiation hazard.

> Employers should train employees on the exclusive use of employer-provided masks, or alternatively the proper construction of homemade masks. The CDC recommends relatively permeable t-shirt fabric or coffee filter construction.

> Employers should train employees on proper fitting and maintenance of face masks, including replacement if they become saturated from exhalation.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

It does not matter to you, I'm sure. Trumpers don't care about anybody but trump. 127,640 in 5 months is a lot of dead people. Infection levels are at all-time highs and Americans aren't taking the precautions serious, so I suspect another 127,000 or so in the next 5 months. Last time a republican ran the white house, they killed the economy and left the mess to be cleaned up by the Democrats. This time they drained the Fed and presided over the death of 127,640 Americans, maybe 254,000 plus by election day and they will again leave the Democrats to clean up the mess.
Democrats destroyed the economy, dumbass. If Trump and the CDC did not recommend interventions we could be looking at deaths in the millions.
You are living in an alternate reality. Somehow we ended up with the highest infection count and death toll of any country on earth on trump's watch, under his management in place. He did little, made mistakes, scoffed at the seriousness of the the epidemic, lied about having it under control, turned down test kits from WHO, shipped a bunch of our PPE to China at the outset, praised their valiant fight against the epidemic, lied about testing availability, tried to keep the concentration on economy instead of the public health threat, and on and on and on.
We also have the largest highly mobile population. Was it Trumps fault that people in New York died in their nursing hoes, but did not in Florida? He was doubtful about the impact because he didn't know China was sending human virus bombs through the airlines. The WHO is to blame for a lot of this shit! Why use their tests? The PPE to China was because it was unlikely we would get it as badly as China. Thanks again WHO! If Biden had been president, our death toll would have been in the illions because he would have to be reminded hourly what COVID-19 was!

So you believe China has handled the problem better than us and is truthful in reporting their stats? Lay off the drugs!
It wasn't all trumps fault just like it wasn't all Jimmy Carter's fault on the failed rescue of the hostages. Neither one of them could get lucky in a $2 Dollar whorehouse with a roll of Hundred$. "Nursing hoes"? The hoes in New York were Cuomo's fault. Like Jimmy or Reagan or Kennedy, the prez gets credit or blame for what he is lucky on during his watch. This moron was helped in his bad luck by his own policies, management, big mouth, the degree to which he took the threat seriously and his effect on the 32 percenter morons that follow his lead. He's toast. Guess we won't know if it would have been better controlled under Biden, just as we won't know if we would all be whistling Dixie, if the south had fielded M-60A3 tanks and satellite surveillance capability during the civil war. We already know from trump that the union army took control of the airports. (sorry, couldn't resist) . I didn't say China did a good job. The dummy in the white house did. Thanks for playing, but this wasn't up to your usual standards. Next.
The "m" key on my keyboard is acting up. Apparently it has something in common with your brain.
Just messing with you on the "hoes" thing. I know you are better on the keyboard than I am, and probably don't have to depend on spell check as much. You'll undoubtedly nab me on worse pretty soon. You've read my crap for months now.

Don’t - Wear it if it causes any difficulty in your ability to breathe
• Don’t - Wear it if it causes your safety glasses or reading glasses to fog up and impair your vision • Don’t - Let it hang down around your neck

When it gets wet with's like being waterboarded.........

It fogs up MANDATORY safety glasses required by OSHA ON THE JOBSITE.

Companies are issuing neck chaffs to pull up from the neck to put over your mouth and nose all over the place......because in most cases that is all they can find............

Welcome to the NEW AMERICAN I'M STUPID RULES for IDIOTS running the country.

Listen to what I have to say.............OR DON'T.........I DON'T's your sign if you agree with wearing this crap outside.


Don’t - Wear it if it causes any difficulty in your ability to breathe
• Don’t - Wear it if it causes your safety glasses or reading glasses to fog up and impair your vision • Don’t - Let it hang down around your neck

When it gets wet with's like being waterboarded.........

It fogs up MANDATORY safety glasses required by OSHA ON THE JOBSITE.

Companies are issuing neck chaffs to pull up from the neck to put over your mouth and nose all over the place......because in most cases that is all they can find............

Welcome to the NEW AMERICAN I'M STUPID RULES for IDIOTS running the country.

Listen to what I have to say.............OR DON'T.........I DON'T's your sign if you agree with wearing this crap outside.

Be glad you never had to train on a range in MOPP4. These masks aren't jack.

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