CDC Finally Admits What Conservatives Have Always Known

The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

And even at that rate we are looking at millions dead before this ends if we don't get a handle on it.

So put on your mask .

Biden understated the 120,000,000 deaths
And tRump stated you should inject bleach.

The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

And even at that rate we are looking at millions dead before this ends if we don't get a handle on it.

So put on your mask .

Sorry, you are not a dictator, and I'm a free man. You don't get to make demands on me.

Besides, we've heard that "millions of deaths" crap before. Isn't happening. They said that about Sweden. They said it about Japan. They said it about Florida. You guys have been wrong about every single estimate you have ever made on Corona, just like CO2 global warming.

I don't believe you guys anymore. Go cry wolf elsewhere.

Do you avoid every business that says "no shoes, no shirt, no service"?

If not then you are a hypocrite.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

And even at that rate we are looking at millions dead before this ends if we don't get a handle on it.

So put on your mask .

Sorry, you are not a dictator, and I'm a free man. You don't get to make demands on me.

Besides, we've heard that "millions of deaths" crap before. Isn't happening. They said that about Sweden. They said it about Japan. They said it about Florida. You guys have been wrong about every single estimate you have ever made on Corona, just like CO2 global warming.

I don't believe you guys anymore. Go cry wolf elsewhere.
BRAVO ZULU.............Give me a HELL YEAH.
Lol, look at the morons high-fiving their stupidity.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

What does that mean, though? Do the 120,000+ deaths mean less if the death rate is lower?
Depends on how they are counted.........I know of 2 elderly people who people at work know that the death certificate said covid...............both really died of something else.......terminal cancer in the last hope for survival...........other gang green......from diabetes..........

But both said COVID on the certificate..........imagine that..............not to mention the gov't funds for claiming covid on the medical billing.
What govt funds are given for calling the death covid vs cancer?


Thousands of deaths from COVID have not been counted.... January, February and March we had no testing available or insufficient amounts.... And the CDC is only counting deaths of those who were tested and positive.

March there was allegedly only 3000 deaths...because we had no testing available....but in April we did have testing, and nearly 55000 deaths were recorded as COVID due to having more testing kits.

40000 deaths were likely not counted in March.

And even now, if you are not tested, and died at home from it, you are not counted in the CDC numbers.....

Those who died in nursing homes, without being COVID tested, were not counted in the COVID deaths.

The number of deaths are not fewer than the CDC recorded,

The number of deaths from COVID are much greater than CDC recorded....

Even with the COVID deaths taken out ...of those who were going to die from some other disease....
Either way it’s still dying of natural causes.

Unless you want to argue that it’s a man made virus.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

And even at that rate we are looking at millions dead before this ends if we don't get a handle on it.

So put on your mask .

Sorry, you are not a dictator, and I'm a free man. You don't get to make demands on me.

Besides, we've heard that "millions of deaths" crap before. Isn't happening. They said that about Sweden. They said it about Japan. They said it about Florida. You guys have been wrong about every single estimate you have ever made on Corona, just like CO2 global warming.

I don't believe you guys anymore. Go cry wolf elsewhere.
BRAVO ZULU.............Give me a HELL YEAH.
Lol, look at the morons high-fiving their stupidity.
Coming from you I'll take that as a compliment..........your trolling sucks........don't make me edjamacaate you .
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

And even at that rate we are looking at millions dead before this ends if we don't get a handle on it.

So put on your mask .

Sorry, you are not a dictator, and I'm a free man. You don't get to make demands on me.

Besides, we've heard that "millions of deaths" crap before. Isn't happening. They said that about Sweden. They said it about Japan. They said it about Florida. You guys have been wrong about every single estimate you have ever made on Corona, just like CO2 global warming.

I don't believe you guys anymore. Go cry wolf elsewhere.
BRAVO ZULU.............Give me a HELL YEAH.
Lol, look at the morons high-fiving their stupidity.
Coming from you I'll take that as a compliment..........your trolling sucks........don't make me edjamacaate you .
It was a compliment. I actually think you are far below moron level. Closer to imbecile, really.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

And even at that rate we are looking at millions dead before this ends if we don't get a handle on it.

So put on your mask .

Sorry, you are not a dictator, and I'm a free man. You don't get to make demands on me.

Besides, we've heard that "millions of deaths" crap before. Isn't happening. They said that about Sweden. They said it about Japan. They said it about Florida. You guys have been wrong about every single estimate you have ever made on Corona, just like CO2 global warming.

I don't believe you guys anymore. Go cry wolf elsewhere.
BRAVO ZULU.............Give me a HELL YEAH.
Lol, look at the morons high-fiving their stupidity.
Coming from you I'll take that as a compliment..........your trolling sucks........don't make me edjamacaate you .
It was a compliment. I actually think you are far below moron level. Closer to imbecile, really.
Yawn...............last post wins BS again.

The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

What does that mean, though? Do the 120,000+ deaths mean less if the death rate is lower?
Do they mean less if they die from flu or falling out of windows?

You might have a point with the flu, but falling out of windows isn't contagious. :p

Oh, and I didn't start a thread about the mortality rate for anything being low. ;)
What does contagious have to do with being dead? It’s about apples to apples.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

And even at that rate we are looking at millions dead before this ends if we don't get a handle on it.

So put on your mask .

Biden understated the 120,000,000 deaths
And tRump stated you should inject bleach.


Too many TidePods
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

And even at that rate we are looking at millions dead before this ends if we don't get a handle on it.

So put on your mask .

Biden understated the 120,000,000 deaths
And tRump stated you should inject bleach.


Too many TidePods
So maybe you should lay off the tRumptinis then.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

There has been so much misinformation by the government and MSM, that it’s hard to believe anything pro or con from these two criminal entities.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

What does that mean, though? Do the 120,000+ deaths mean less if the death rate is lower?

No, it means that Covid is going to end up being less deadly than a typical flu.

You don't shut down the entire planet, over something less deadly than the flu.

What we should have done, is protected those most at risk, not destroy the planet, over a flu like illness.

That would make more sense if COVID-19 hadn't already killed a lot more than the typical flu. Over the last 10 years the flu has killed an average of something like 37,000 people in the US each year. COVID-19 is at 120,000 and counting in, what, 4 months?
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

What does that mean, though? Do the 120,000+ deaths mean less if the death rate is lower?
Do they mean less if they die from flu or falling out of windows?

You might have a point with the flu, but falling out of windows isn't contagious. :p

Oh, and I didn't start a thread about the mortality rate for anything being low. ;)
What does contagious have to do with being dead? It’s about apples to apples.

The thread was begun talking about not just deaths, but infections. That's why something being contagious is relevant.

But no, people's deaths from flu or falling out a window aren't less important than COVID-19 deaths. However, I didn't start a thread talking about how either of those things have a low mortality rate. :dunno:
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

What does that mean, though? Do the 120,000+ deaths mean less if the death rate is lower?
Do they mean less if they die from flu or falling out of windows?

You might have a point with the flu, but falling out of windows isn't contagious. :p

Oh, and I didn't start a thread about the mortality rate for anything being low. ;)
What does contagious have to do with being dead? It’s about apples to apples.

The thread was begun talking about not just deaths, but infections. That's why something being contagious is relevant.

But no, people's deaths from flu or falling out a window aren't less important than COVID-19 deaths. However, I didn't start a thread talking about how either of those things have a low mortality rate. :dunno:
But you need to consider perspective in order to be accurate and honest. That’s why comparing death to death is relevant.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

It does not matter to you, I'm sure. Trumpers don't care about anybody but trump. 127,640 in 5 months is a lot of dead people. Infection levels are at all-time highs and Americans aren't taking the precautions serious, so I suspect another 127,000 or so in the next 5 months. Last time a republican ran the white house, they killed the economy and left the mess to be cleaned up by the Democrats. This time they drained the Fed and presided over the death of 127,640 Americans, maybe 254,000 plus by election day and they will again leave the Democrats to clean up the mess.

Unless death rates spike, you won't get anywhere near than number. We were at 512 deaths, less than 20% from the peak.
The deaths are a known quantity, though inflated. The question is, what percentage of the population is infected. This is important because it tells us if the mortality rate is high or low. Turns out it is VERY low
23 million likely have or had the virus

What does that mean, though? Do the 120,000+ deaths mean less if the death rate is lower?

No, it means that Covid is going to end up being less deadly than a typical flu.

You don't shut down the entire planet, over something less deadly than the flu.

What we should have done, is protected those most at risk, not destroy the planet, over a flu like illness.

That would make more sense if COVID-19 hadn't already killed a lot more than the typical flu. Over the last 10 years the flu has killed an average of something like 37,000 people in the US each year. COVID-19 is at 120,000 and counting in, what, 4 months?

But it hasn't killed more than the typical flu.

The death rate of any illness, is the total number of people infected, by the number of deaths.

What we on the right-wing have all known for long time, is that the number of actual infected is dramatically higher than the number of known confirmed infected.

They are checking blood from blood donations, and found many show signs that the person who donated the blood has already had Covid-19. People that didn't go to hospital, or even didn't have any symptoms.

That means that the death rate, is lower than the flu. Do we shut down the economy for an illness less deadly than the flu? Of course not. Ridiculous.

Instead we should have simply isolated people who were sick... just like Japan and Sweden.... and we should have protected nursing homes, where the most-at-risk people were.

Half the deaths in New York City, were in Nursing homes where Cuomo forced known Covid patients back into those places, and killed everyone.

That should have been the focus. Not trying to shut down half the economy.
But you need to consider perspective in order to be accurate and honest. That’s why comparing death to death is relevant.

OK, but what perspective are you talking about? What do flu deaths and falling deaths have to do with the death rate of COVID-19 or the OP?
But it hasn't killed more than the typical flu.

The death rate of any illness, is the total number of people infected, by the number of deaths.

What we on the right-wing have all known for long time, is that the number of actual infected is dramatically higher than the number of known confirmed infected.

They are checking blood from blood donations, and found many show signs that the person who donated the blood has already had Covid-19. People that didn't go to hospital, or even didn't have any symptoms.

That means that the death rate, is lower than the flu. Do we shut down the economy for an illness less deadly than the flu? Of course not. Ridiculous.

Instead we should have simply isolated people who were sick... just like Japan and Sweden.... and we should have protected nursing homes, where the most-at-risk people were.

Half the deaths in New York City, were in Nursing homes where Cuomo forced known Covid patients back into those places, and killed everyone.

That should have been the focus. Not trying to shut down half the economy.

Yes, COVID-19 has killed far more than the typical flu. It could have a lower death rate and kill more than the flu. It would just need to infect more people. The flu is estimated to have killed an average of under 40,000 each flu season in the US. COVID-19 is estimated at over 120,000. The death rate doesn't change that.

Whether the government reactions to COVID-19 were appropriate is, in large part, a separate question. Certainly it has been far from perfect at many levels.

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