CDC: Only 50,000 Died from Covid Only, Not 836,000

This is what I have said all along and all of you know this. The numbers have been lies to heighten fear so everybody can become an addled proclaimer of “get the shot” and to achieve involuntary compliance .
We stood our ground and it’s paying off
How many pearl clutching lunatic Nancy’s are there today still spouting off that a “private” business can still order you to get the shot and fire you if not because he’s the “boss” and says so? Yeah like the SC makes a ruling and then just watches everyone scurry to work around it and ignore
We’ve been proning ventilated patients for years. Like, not even just since COVID. We’ve been doing it since I was an intern.

Oh, really? Corticosteroids. I didn’t think of that, all we used was dexamethasone. You know. A corticosteroid.

“breathing exercises” are tough when the patient is so tired they can’t even keep their eyes open.

You can do everything you said for a week and still they’re saturations are falling. What do you do?

Every nurse I talk to say they do NOT prone anyone on a ventilator in the US because it constricts the tubes.
I have never seen an image of a prone patient in the US, only overseas.
The point is there are hundreds of corticosteroid other than dexamethasone, and you can never tell which one will work on a particular patient.

Patients do not need to keep their eye's open when doing breathing exercises.
And what about iron lungs?
They worked fine for Polio?

There are other drugs known to work in some cases, like ivermectin, quinine, Remdesivir, Paxlovid, nirmatrelvir, favipiravir, merimepodib, etc.
This is getting beyond my expertise, since I have never used any of these on anyone, (except for quinine).
But just we now can treat AIDs, we likely should already be able to treat the cytokine storm.
It’s a brand new route of delivery that fulfills the same function as any other vaccine.

It’s like saying a jet plane isn’t a plane since Webster defined a plane as something with wings and a propeller. Or saying a cellphone isn’t a phone since Webster defines a phone as something connected to a phone line.

The mRNA injections are nothing at all like any real vaccine.

All these mRNA injections do is instruct our own ribosomes to start growing spike proteins in our own cells.
In no way can that possibly ever result in any immunity information getting stored on our T-cells.
All that can do is temporarily stimulate antibody production.
And even that can't last for more than 6 months.
A real immune response from a real vaccine is typically life long, with the shortest being a decade at least.
That all happened under Trump.

So what?
Trump does not know anything about medicine, so he could easily have been lied to as well.
Doesn't matter who was at fault, the point is "flattening the curve" is wrong, and we should switch over to the real vaccines from India or Russia.
Oh blow me Mr. Fake. The other countries are Night and day better than us. At some point even stupid peoole like you should say something isnt right here.

Our govt has manipulated way too much and have caused too much damage.
So, the OP lied about the 50,000 deaths just being about Covid. Then how did the others die?
And probably some remdesiver to put the kidneys into failure...

Kidney failure is not a known side effect of Remdesiver.
And even if it were, you would not be using large doses or keep the person on it for very long, so side effects from massive long term use would be irrelvant with covid, since covid only lasts 12 days at most.
So, the OP lied about the 50,000 deaths just being about Covid. Then how did the others die?

We have been over this.
Half of them likely had the flu instead of covid, and the tests back then were giving false positives for covid from flu.
Is it really better that Covid only pushed those with other illnesses also 6 feet under? Is this really a better argument?
It's not an argument it's getting the real facts instead of hysteria. Instead of shutting down a whole country, it tells US targeted treatment was more appropriate. Most of US already knew the CDC was padding the numbers up anyway.

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