CDC: Only 50,000 Died from Covid Only, Not 836,000

In that case the car wreck. Is that what we are talking about or people with diabetes who get covid and die? They would not have died (at this point) without the covid, right? So if so, it was the covid that killed them.
It depends on what the death certificate reads. WHO complicated reporting, IMO
The WHO has provided a second code, U07.2, for clinical or epidemiological diagnosis of COVID-19 where a laboratory confirmation is inconclusive or not available. Because laboratory test results are not typically reported on death certificates in the United States, NCHS did not implement U07.2 for mortality statistics.

Seems to me that deaths with the 'second code' may have been conflated with actual Covid caused deaths. It's not a cut and dry as one may assume, here is a link to instructions for completing cause of death section of death certificate:
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That’s not what the opening post actually says.
Dr. Deborah Birx said that while some countries are reporting coronavirus fatality numbers differently, in the U.S. you are counted as a victim of the pandemic if you die while testing positive for the virus, even if something else causes your death.
We have been over this.
Half of them likely had the flu instead of covid, and the tests back then were giving false positives for covid from flu.
That's not what the OP said. We are going to either go over the facts and the truth or we are not. Because, "half of them likely had the flu" doesn't cut it. Which by the way, tells us you are accusing the OP of lying too. Read his title. It's very simple to understand.

Folks, this is how bull shit on this forum stays bull shit. We are either going to discuss facts and the truth, or we are going to discuss the OPs bull shit. You have two choices.
I've always had a healthy skepticism of government, but after the events of the past two plus years, I wouldn't believe any government if they told me the sun was hot and water was wet. I had the Alpha variant last Jan. I went to be tested--positive. The hospital provided NO treatment. I was told to go home, quarantine and drink Ensure and Pedialyte. I recovered completely in about two weeks. I am four days from onset of Omicron--have not tested. First two days it was evident I had come down with it, but not severe. Yesterday, I started treating with Ensure and Pedialyte because I felt I was a bit worse for the wear. This a.m. It is clear that I am out of the woods. I have kept a running record of BP, HR, Temp and Ox saturation. None have ever been out of ordinary range. I am in the most vulnerable age group with co-morbidities and never vaxxed nor do I mask as a rule. Covid is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the world populace. Government officials that have promoted this hoax should be tried en masse and executed for crimes against humanity.
But the reason they "died of COVID" is they were otherwise unhealthy to begin with. You don't get to ignore all the other factors surrounding the cause of death because they are inconvenient for some reason.
That means you knew every one then.
Then why don't you do something about it Mr. lip service, who knows shit?
Like a coward like you would do anything you welcher. A toddler knows more than you do. Now prove that every single person listed as a Covid death died OF Covid. Go!
That doesn't mean they didn't die from Covid.
Dude, that's not what we are talking about here. We are talking about the others. The OP said the 50,000 are the only ones who died of covid. I asked him and anyone else on here, then what did the rest of them die of? No one, including the lying OP has answered.
That’s absolutely false.


Potential for False Results with Roche Molecular Systems, Inc. cobas SARS-CoV-2 & Influenza Test for use on cobas Liat System-Letter to Clinical Laboratory Staff, Point-of-Care Facility Staff, and Health Care Providers​


Combine that with supposedly there suddenly no longer being any flu cases, and obviously the PCR tests were combining the 2 and giving false positives.
Every nurse I talk to say they do NOT prone anyone on a ventilator in the US because it constricts the tubes.
I have never seen an image of a prone patient in the US, only overseas.
The point is there are hundreds of corticosteroid other than dexamethasone, and you can never tell which one will work on a particular patient.

Patients do not need to keep their eye's open when doing breathing exercises.
And what about iron lungs?
They worked fine for Polio?

There are other drugs known to work in some cases, like ivermectin, quinine, Remdesivir, Paxlovid, nirmatrelvir, favipiravir, merimepodib, etc.
This is getting beyond my expertise, since I have never used any of these on anyone, (except for quinine).
But just we now can treat AIDs, we likely should already be able to treat the cytokine storm.
Many patients died to the lack of ventilator training; deaths marked as: from Covid-19. This was reported by various sources over the past year, even so much that patients going into the hospitals would be adamant to deny being placed on a ventilator while having COVID-19. The lungs do not need to be shut down artificially when breathing is already restricted. I don’t understand some of these hospital decisions that were made, I guess they did what they were told but not using logic.

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