CDC: Only 50,000 Died from Covid Only, Not 836,000

They’ve already been on dexamethasone and baracitinib. They’re too tired from breathing at a rate of 40, their cough is just too weak. They’ve been proning as much as they can but now they’re hard to arouse because their pCO2 is 80.

Almost everything you said can be done with someone who is unconscious. Nothing you’ve suggested is going to have an immediate benefit. Meanwhile their brain is being deprived of oxygen.

What do you do? Watch them die?

An unconscious person can not use an expectorant, do breathing exercises, or is easily turned even. For example, the tubes make it impossible to do a face down position.
And there are other drugs, like duvelisib, corticosteroids, etc.
They should never get to the point they are deprived of oxygen.
That takes over a week of abuse.
The mRNA injection is not a vaccine at all because it just instructs our own ribosomes to start growing spike proteins in our own cells.
So all it does is temporarily stimulate antibodies.
By taking the mRNA treatment ahead of time, then it decreases its ability to help.
It would MORE effective is one took the mRNA injection AFTER you have become infected, and then wanted the maximum antibody stimulation.
It appears that some posters don’t know that Webster’s dictionary changed the definition for - vaccine - January 2021 so that mRNA route of delivery falls under the definition of vaccine which it never did prior.
I can't grasp the idea of how lying represents your best interest.

Lies have got a countless number of people killed.
Let’s talk about the lies that you’re referencing. Again, I fall back to thinking you’re talking once again about Trump, so it must be when he said “don’t panic”. I think that was an appropriate response by a responsible leader to say, particularly accurate given the specifics for SARS2 was totally blown out of proportion by the LSM. Do you really think that going into a full-blown panic mode is going to be productive in anyway? Do you think that intentionally going overboard so millions of people lost their jobs, due to the intentional lies of an authoritarian government, do you think that’s good for the populace? No. It was not. Anyone with 20/20 vision knows this, heck, even people out there with 20/200 know it by now.
I can't grasp the idea of how lying represents your best interest.

Lies have got a countless number of people killed.

And the problem is to figure out who is lying?

The easiest way is to "follow the money".
And the only money involved with covid is the billions from the sale of tests and vaccines.
So then it becomes obvious WHY to CDC adopted the ridiculous strategy of "flattening the curve", which can never work.
It was to delay the epidemic long enough for a supposed vaccine to become marketable.
And the problem is to figure out who is lying?

The easiest way is to "follow the money".
And the only money involved with covid is the billions from the sale of tests and vaccines.
So then it becomes obvious WHY to CDC adopted the ridiculous strategy of "flattening the curve", which can never work.
It was to delay the epidemic long enough for a supposed vaccine to become marketable.

Well stated Rigby5, absolutely following the money leads us to the deception to “flatten the curve” which was only to give Moderna and Pfizer extra time to rush through their crappy products.
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All the information about covid from the CDC was totally and completely wrong.
For example, it turns out washing hands is useless, since covid dies so quickly from light, air, etc.

And in particular, "flattening the curve" was totally wrong, designed and intended only to sell vaccines that were not yet marketable.
Soooo, you don't wash your hands?
An unconscious person can not use an expectorant, do breathing exercises, or is easily turned even. For example, the tubes make it impossible to do a face down position.
And there are other drugs, like duvelisib, corticosteroids, etc.
They should never get to the point they are deprived of oxygen.
That takes over a week of abuse.
We’ve been proning ventilated patients for years. Like, not even just since COVID. We’ve been doing it since I was an intern.

Oh, really? Corticosteroids. I didn’t think of that, all we used was dexamethasone. You know. A corticosteroid.

“breathing exercises” are tough when the patient is so tired they can’t even keep their eyes open.

You can do everything you said for a week and still they’re saturations are falling. What do you do?
Yes. I deliberately tried not to get COVID. I know. That makes me bad in your mind, but I was really more concerned about giving COVID to vulnerable people, which seems like it was kind of a priority.

The best way to not infect others is to get infected yourself ahead of time, so you know when you are a risk to others and can safely quarantine.
There is no other safe way to do it.
If you simply social distance, you can still get infected but not know it, so you won't be under quarantine and WILL spread it for sure.

It is identical to the situation faced by Gen. Washington in 1777, and his correct solution was to pick deliberate infection ahead of time.
With smallpox, that was known as variolation.

George Washington knew what to do when it came to fighting the British. And he knew what was needed to contain smallpox from spreading throughout the Colonies and his army.

Inoculation against smallpox dated back to ancient China. But in Colonial America, the process, called variolation, was controversial and dangerous.

It involved cutting an incision in someone’s skin and inserting a small amount of the live smallpox virus. (In 1796, Edward Jenner would invent a way to do this using cowpox.)

But the procedure still had a fatality rate of 5-10% — not great. King George III’s son died an agonizing death when his dose was improperly applied.

And many Americans didn’t trust the process. When inoculation was tried out in Boston in 1721, anti-vaxxers of the 18th-century were outraged and firebombed the house of the man behind the immunization effort. They believed he was actually spreading the disease — and defying the will of God.

Even in Washington’s time, variolation was illegal in his home state of Virginia.

But the general knew he needed to act. Washington was worried that the British would figure out the chink in the Americans’ armor, and use their men as walking bioweapons.

After some initial hesitation, Washington made his choice. He would inoculate his army. On February 5, 1777, he wrote a letter to John Hancock, the president of the Second Continental Congress, informing him of his decision.

“The small pox has made such Head in every Quarter that I find it impossible to keep it from spreading thro’ the whole Army in the natural way,” Washington stated.

“I have therefore determined, not only to innoculate all the Troops now here, that have not had it, but shall order Docr. Shippen to innoculate the Recruits as fast as they come in to Philadelphia.”
It appears that some posters don’t know that Webster’s dictionary changed the definition for - vaccine - January 2021 so that mRNA route of delivery falls under the definition of vaccine which it never did prior.
It’s a brand new route of delivery that fulfills the same function as any other vaccine.

It’s like saying a jet plane isn’t a plane since Webster defined a plane as something with wings and a propeller. Or saying a cellphone isn’t a phone since Webster defines a phone as something connected to a phone line.
It’s a brand new route of delivery that fulfills the same function as any other vaccine.

It’s like saying a jet plane isn’t a plane since Webster defined a plane as something with wings and a propeller. Or saying a cellphone isn’t a phone since Webster defines a phone as something connected to a phone line.

It is not a brand new route a delivery, ^ 20 years.

“Hundreds of scientists had worked on mRNA vaccines for decades before the coronavirus pandemic brought a breakthrough.”
Soooo, you don't wash your hands?

Of course I washed my hands.
I wore a mask I did not agree with, kept 6' away from others, took the Moderna shots, etc.
Disagreeing with a public strategy does not mean you do not comply, since you can't get everyone else to change over to your way of thinking.
There is always a chance they were right after all, and if everyone does only what they believe in, then nothing can ever possibly work.
You have to give it a try.
Let’s talk about the lies that you’re referencing. Again, I fall back to thinking you’re talking once again about Trump, so it must be when he said “don’t panic”. I think that was an appropriate response by a responsible leader to say, particularly accurate given the specifics for SARS2 was totally blown out of proportion by the LSM. Do you really think that going into a full-blown panic mode is going to be productive in anyway? Do you think that intentionally going overboard so millions of people lost their jobs, due to the intentional lies of an authoritarian government, do you think that’s good for the populace? No. It was not. Anyone with 20/20 vision knows this, heck, even people out there with 20/200 know it by now.

Trump lied about many things.
And the problem is to figure out who is lying?

The easiest way is to "follow the money".
And the only money involved with covid is the billions from the sale of tests and vaccines.
So then it becomes obvious WHY to CDC adopted the ridiculous strategy of "flattening the curve", which can never work.
It was to delay the epidemic long enough for a supposed vaccine to become marketable.

That all happened under Trump.
I see that the only topic you’re willing to discuss is Trump, my mistake thinking we could attempt to remove our personal biases for the sake of a decent conversation. Nm.

Oddly you somehow missed me discussing Fauci's words, why they should have got him fired and countered those who said he never said it.

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