CDC: Only 50,000 Died from Covid Only, Not 836,000

Odds of dropping dead spontaneously multiplied the time that one has COVID.

Someone lives for 20,000 days and dies in the one week time span of having COVID. The odds these are mere coincidence is not zero, but not very high.
6% of the ChiCom Flu deaths were healthy people. Fact.
Destroying the economy that harmed the entire population was wrong.
The immunosuppressants are far less effective than you think.

I never said how effective they are, and each person may respond differently and need different medication.
But clearly no one with covid should ever have been put on a ventilator and put into a chemically induced coma.
That is a horrifically stupid and inappropriate medical treatment for covid.
Sweden had zero shutdowns and zero mask required.
They told their people to be cautious.

Better results than the states with draconian crackdowns.

Sweden...1517 deaths per million people.

Now, lets look at their closest neighbors...

No, I just think if you want the truth you have to face it everywhere.

Sure, it's OK when he lies but not when others do.
Do you not even see your own bias PK knot? You seem to be relatively sane and self-aware so I don’t understand it. Do you ever post anything that is not related to Trump? That is a serious question. I like to engage with you because you do come up with some good points, like your comment you just made we should look at the truth in all areas and I agree. I also like when people call me out on my own biases. Sometimes they’re right.
I never said how effective they are, and each person may respond differently and need different medication.
But clearly no one with covid should ever have been put on a ventilator and put into a chemically induced coma.
That is a horrifically stupid and inappropriate medical treatment for covid.
Well, what are you going to do with a COVID patient whose saturations are dropping while wearing BiPAP at 100% FiO2 and a pressure of 20/12?
That's the power of ideology, the power of group pathology. Look at Europe in the 30's and 40's.
The Left's reaction to the pandemic is classic group think. I mean shit, you people still think vaccine everyone will stop the
Sure, some. It’s not nearly as prolific as on the right, many of whom basically inhabit an alternate reality.

All the information about covid from the CDC was totally and completely wrong.
For example, it turns out washing hands is useless, since covid dies so quickly from light, air, etc.

And in particular, "flattening the curve" was totally wrong, designed and intended only to sell vaccines that were not yet marketable.
It's every bit as bad now if not worse than then. Even if you can argue it did some good you have to counter that with the negatives it did.
It is every bit as bad but we are largely no longer doing much social distancing. Think of how much worse it would have been without these measures last year? It was already bad enough.
Do you not even see your own bias PK knot? You seem to be relatively sane and self-aware so I don’t understand it. Do you ever post anything that is not related to Trump?

All the time. I suppose you haven't read my posts where I noted Obama (and others) should rot in hell for all the things they did. You only take offense when it's a negative Trump post.

That is a serious question. I like to engage with you because you do come up with some good points, like your comment you just made we should look at the truth in all areas and I agree. I also like when people call me out on my own biases. Sometimes they’re right.

I believe Fauci should have been fired the day he said that a pandemic was worth the cost of doing the research but he wasn't. Not by Obama, not by Trump and still not by Biden. All have failed the country.
The Left's reaction to the pandemic is classic group think. I mean shit, you people still think vaccine everyone will stop the
I think it decreases the chance of getting it, decreases the severity of the symptoms if you do get it, and decreases the chance of hospitalization.

So, you're ignorant and wrong. Typical for a Trumpster.
Do I have to start calling you Dr Rightwinger now?......................Most of these people probably looked liked Ruth Ginsburg the day before she croaked out
Especially those "Covid" deaths in nursing homes, where residents are already 'at death's door' and the life expectancy after admission is about one year anyway.

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