CDC: Only 50,000 Died from Covid Only, Not 836,000

Social distancing was about all we could do to fight the pandemic in the first place.

It was our guess. It didn't do much good.

Besides, saying we shut down the economy is a little hysterical. We didn’t shut down the economy, at least not as a whole. Service and hospitality industry was struck hard but a lot of people had to go to work. A lot of people worked from home.

There are many who live off hyperbole.
I learned real quick to ignore Dr Rigby.

Then why did General Washington order the deliberate infection, (variolation), of the entirely continental army in 1777?
Historical precedent clearly says that there are 2 strategies for all epidemics.
If very lethal, you do full quarantine with contract tracing, to end it fast.
If not very lethal, you accelerate infection among healthy volunteers, to end it fast.

You NEVER "flatten the curve", essentially conserving hosts and preventing it from ending.
It’s better to have honest data presented to the public, not falsehoods for economic and political gains by national health spokespeople. THAT is the problem that will only be swept under the rug by the left side. This is going to be a huge factor in 2022 primaries and 2024 election. It will be a fair outcome for Democrat-led deception.

What was saying that it was under control and not coming here? Was that honest?
This statement has never been anything but useless.

Obviously wrong.
Since we know the untreatable virus is not actually killing anyone, then we can use the immuno suppressants we are aware of, to prevent death.
What was saying that it was under control and not coming here? Was that honest?
I guess you are referring back to what Trump did and didn’t do; that seems to be quite the sticking point with you. I get it that you were a never Trumper ever Trumper. Let me clarify my position: I did not trump vote for Trump the first time around nor did I vote for the corrupt Hillary who was obviously corrupt and I wasn’t sure about Trump in 2016. I voted for him in 2020, however, because he proved himself in office on paper as early as 2016, where it counts long-term by the way.
I guess you are referring back to what Trump did and didn’t do; that seems to be quite the sticking point with you.

No, I just think if you want the truth you have to face it everywhere.

I get it that you were a never Trumper ever Trumper. Let me clarify my position: I did not trump vote for Trump the first time around nor did I vote for the corrupt Hillary who was obviously corrupt and I wasn’t sure about Trump in 2016. I voted for him in 2020, however, because he proved himself in office on paper as early as 2016, where it counts long-term by the way.

Sure, it's OK when he lies but not when others do.
Obviously wrong.
Since we know the untreatable virus is not actually killing anyone, then we can use the immuno suppressants we are aware of, to prevent death.
The immunosuppressants are far less effective than you think.
It was our guess. It didn't do much good.

There are many who live off hyperbole.

Social distancing SLOWED the infection rate down, conserving hosts, so then prevented herd immunity.
It gave the epidemic far MORE time, which allowed it to travel wider and deeper, to those who otherwise would never have likely been exposed.
Without social distancing, you could achieve herd immunity in the first month, with fewer than 60% of the population being immune through recover.
After social distancing for 2 years, you have spread it so wide that you likely would need 100% of the population to be immune before it would end.

Never do "social distancing" in order to "flatten the curve".
You either do full quarantine to totally end it quickly, or you deliberately accelerate to herd immunity, to totally end it quickly.
How do you figure that?
Odds of dropping dead spontaneously multiplied the time that one has COVID.

Someone lives for 20,000 days and dies in the one week time span of having COVID. The odds these are mere coincidence is not zero, but not very high.
Social distancing SLOWED the infection rate down, conserving hosts, so then prevented herd immunity.
It gave the epidemic far MORE time, which allowed it to travel wider and deeper, to those who otherwise would never have likely been exposed.
Without social distancing, you could achieve herd immunity in the first month, with fewer than 60% of the population being immune through recover.
After social distancing for 2 years, you have spread it so wide that you likely would need 100% of the population to be immune before it would end.

Never do "social distancing" in order to "flatten the curve".
You either do full quarantine to totally end it quickly, or you deliberately accelerate to herd immunity, to totally end it quickly.
Nations like Sweden showed the government interventions were useless and in fact harmful.
Irrelevant. Government ordered totally healthy young people to get fired.
Yes they did, although extra credit should be given to the authoritarian move that “it is still a worker’s choice to change jobs” as if that’s an easy task for long-term employees relying on paycheck. Many families (huge number) live paycheck to paycheck, and there’s no room for a 2 to 3 week void to look for another job. Ah yes, “get paid to stay home, no worries”, says the imbeciles conducting the head of state operations.

Now, here’s the great news…although it’s upsetting to watch back-to/back substantial mistakes being supported by the Democrats, I’m not considering the upcoming outcome! Whooo hooo! Bye-bye leftist losers at least for 8 more years.
Bull Fucking Shit. My dad passed after the Flu back in the day. He had pre-existing conditions and the Flu was NOT thr cause if death. They changed the definitiin for the death certificate. Presume its covid is all they needed. And if in with covid.....its $77000 a head at each case under the Cares Act.

I know of 3 cases that the death certificate said Covid and the families said that was a Lie.

Cool story Bro.

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