CDC: Only 50,000 Died from Covid Only, Not 836,000

I'm only going to address this to you once and only once. Afterward, you will be ignored.

The handling and information regarding covid 19 started with Fauci in 2020 and continues with him to this very day.

He has been proven a liar, and been exposed for the lies he has told regarding covid and his management of it.

ANY misinformation regarding covid is fully in the lap of the CDC and the mainstream media.

Saying that it was under control and wasn't coming here wasn't a false claim?
No but you have to put who's dying in context. If a disease is killing young and otherwise healthy people, it's a different issue than if it's killing old and unhealthy people, doesn't it? Not that young people's lives are more valuable but it's much easier to assign causation in the young and healthy than the old and unhealthy.

Perhaps so but again just like so many others you feel this need to argue a point with me I am not arguing.
If Im 40-50lbs overweight, don't exercise, eat like shit, have diabetes, smoke, drink and am 78 years old.
You made it 78 years without dropping dead. What are the odds that you just so happen to drop dead from “the other stuff” at the same time as you contract COVID?

It’s quite low.
Why did a healthy 23 year old lose her job?
Government lied.

The government lies all the time. Many times you'll defend it, sometimes you wont which is why they continue to lie, they know many will defend them no matter what.

Man who died in motorcycle crash counted as COVID-19 death in Florida​

Shows how out touch you are.
Yeah, they reversed it but only after the shitstorm forced them to.

Man who died in motorcycle crash counted as COVID-19 death in Florida​

Shows how out touch you are.
Yeah, they reversed it but only after the shitstorm forced them to.
Congrats. Out of 800k deaths, you found one that was wrong.

But you think that proves something.

Man who died in motorcycle crash counted as COVID-19 death in Florida​

Shows how out touch you are.
Yeah, they reversed it but only after the shitstorm forced them to.
Just as a point of interest, folks, I think it's best not to bite the bobbers that low-value posters like Mac and whoever that other low-value poster is. BK or whatever the screen name is, I'm not scrolling up to see.

Those kinds of people aren't interested in functional discussion. Their purpose is to interrupt it, observably.

They're only interested in dropping hand grenades all over threads to take them off-topic, toss around ad-hom, etc, for no other reason than to get you to respond in kind and consequently get topical content they don't like tossed out of view and out of sight of the casual passer-by and tossed into the basement. Again, observably.

And certainly I need not remind anyone here who has been around long enough to witness it, that there are certain mods here foaming at the mouth for the opportunity to eagerly act on their leads, rather than simply removing their bait from the thread. The group tends to function in synergy as soon as the clock gets punched.

Best to ignore any low-value pablum. And low-value posters in general if you wanna keep your threads where you start them.
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Is it though?

If Im 40-50lbs overweight, don't exercise, eat like shit, have diabetes, smoke, drink and am 78 years old. I die and they test me for a cold after I'm dead and I come up positive would you say I died of a cold or the other shit? And Im not equating COVID to a cold (though Omicron seems to be much like one) but you are very quick to assign causation to COVID but isn't that to a large degree because we've been told that COVID had killed 800k people?

I think it's quite likely that when Trump was in office a person in your situation that died, the cause of death would've been classified as COVID. Under Biden, the person wouldn't. Maybe not in every case, but I think that in too many cases that is/was true. And the takeaway is the politics has pretty much invaded everything, and quite frankly you can't tell what is accurate and true and what isn't. Maybe that was always true, but I daresay it's worse now than it ever used to be.
Perhaps so but again just like so many others you feel this need to argue a point with me I am not arguing.
Ok what is your point then? If we dont know how many people are actually dying of this disease and contextualize who's dying how can we make intelligent decisions about what to do about it? I would argue that to this point we havent made many intelligent decisions.
Ok what is your point then? If we dont know how many people are actually dying of this disease and contextualize who's dying how can we make intelligent decisions about what to do about it? I would argue that to this point we havent made many intelligent decisions.

I believe the government should have been perfectly honest from the beginning. "Sorry, we just do not know".
You’ve just proven my point. You cannot differentiate between actual knowledge and bullshit. You ignore what you don’t want to hear.
No, YOU and your ilk are the ones who won't acknowledge what you hear and read.

You just defend your confirmation bias to the bitter end.

The proof is in the numbers and still you defend the misinformation that is being parlayed by the government.

No but you have to put who's dying in context. If a disease is killing young and otherwise healthy people, it's a different issue than if it's killing old and unhealthy people, doesn't it? Not that young people's lives are more valuable but it's much easier to assign causation in the young and healthy than the old and unhealthy.
It is also much better to formulate a sound and effective public health policy.

So far, we've had none from Fauci.

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