CDC: Only 50,000 Died from Covid Only, Not 836,000

Those “issues” are being over 65, overweight, diabetes, heart issues
With tens of millions of Americans dealing with those issues
Most could have expected to live a decade or more….until COVID

Covid did not and can not kill anyone.
The only thing deadly associated with covid is the immune system over reaction, the deadly cytokine storm, and that is easily made harmless with medications.

It is obviously our treatment regimes that are wrong.
For example, once the immune system over reacts and starts filling the lungs with fluid phlegm, our current regimine is to induce a chemical coma, and intubate.
That is just murder.
You can NOT ventilate lungs filled with fluid.
If you try, all you will do is burst the lungs and cause massive hemorrhaging.

What they should do instead, is keep the patient conscious, moving, breathing heavy, and rotating through different positions, including face down.
And give immuno suppressants to stop the cytokine storm.
Paranoid delusions. This is absolutely untrue. Rational people would laugh at this idea.

There is no question the CDC lied.
They discounted all treatments when clearly there are successful treatments.
Then they pushed "flattening the curve" which can never possibly work at all.
And the motive obviously is the billions made in profits from the sale of tests and vaccines.
And the mRNA vaccines clearly do not at all work, since they are back to 0 efficacy after 6 months.
The mRNA injections only are a treatment, in that they temporarily stimulate antibody production only.
They do not at all get into permanent T-cell memory.
They can't, because they just get our own cells to product spike proteins, and spike proteins can't be remembered.
You are doing the very same thing you accuse the government of doing.

The way to minimize the epidemic would have been to make is as short as possible.
And you do that by deliberate spread to those under 40, who essentially are assured to not die.
We could have ended this in a month or 2, years ago.
There is no question the CDC lied.
They discounted all treatments when clearly there are successful treatments.
Then they pushed "flattening the curve" which can never possibly work at all.
And the motive obviously is the billions made in profits from the sale of tests and vaccines.
And the mRNA vaccines clearly do not at all work, since they are back to 0 efficacy after 6 months.
The mRNA injections only are a treatment, in that they temporarily stimulate antibody production only.
They do not at all get into permanent T-cell memory.
They can't, because they just get our own cells to product spike proteins, and spike proteins can't be remembered.
You have no idea what you’re talking about. Almost nothing you say bears any semblance to actual scientific knowledge.
The way to minimize the epidemic would have been to make is as short as possible.
And you do that by deliberate spread to those under 40, who essentially are assured to not die.
We could have ended this in a month or 2, years ago.

I learned real quick to ignore Dr Rigby.
But there is no evidence that shutting down the economy did much to help.
Social distancing was about all we could do to fight the pandemic in the first place.

Besides, saying we shut down the economy is a little hysterical. We didn’t shut down the economy, at least not as a whole. Service and hospitality industry was struck hard but a lot of people had to go to work. A lot of people worked from home.
No, YOU and your ilk are the ones who won't acknowledge what you hear and read.

You just defend your confirmation bias to the bitter end.

The proof is in the numbers and still you defend the misinformation that is being parlayed by the government.

I use numbers all the time. Anytime I use numbers to prove my point, what do people say? They say they don’t believe the numbers. Just like that. They decide that they just get to believe wherever they want and ignore anything they don’t want to.
Is it really better that Covid only pushed those with other illnesses also 6 feet under? Is this really a better argument?
It’s better to have honest data presented to the public, not falsehoods for economic and political gains by national health spokespeople. THAT is the problem that will only be swept under the rug by the left side. This is going to be a huge factor in 2022 primaries and 2024 election. It will be a fair outcome for Democrat-led deception.
You have no idea what you’re talking about. Almost nothing you say bears any semblance to actual scientific knowledge.

Care to be specific about anything?
I read all the medical research papers, and likely know more about covid than Fauci.

For example, do you know why covid has spike proteins?
Do you know why our cells have ACE2 receptors that spike proteins can cause to open?
Do you then understand why spike proteins can not possibly be successfully used in a vaccine?
There has been so much right wing disinformation regarding COVID. People will accept the ramblings of know nothings in some weird internet video over the most respected infectious disease experts.

You’re definitely being lied to, but the problem is you guys have lost all ability to differentiate between the people who are full of shit and the people who actually know what they’re talking about.
are you implying there is no left wing misinformation?

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