CDC: Only 50,000 Died from Covid Only, Not 836,000

Cases are 5 times higher in unvaccinated as vaccinated individuals.

Seems like they do something to prevent infections.

No, the mRNA injection stimulate antibody production, so your body is already on such a defensive position that the virus will not do well, but that still does not prevent infection.
And it is not the best way to reduce symptoms or death either, because the mRNA injections would be much more effective if you wait to give it AFTER the person has just become infected.
That will mean you will have the most antibody production when you need it the most, instead of wasting it ahead of time.
Is it really misleading people? Did the Covid not end up being the reason they died?

If they argue over the methods and the numbers long enough, no one will believe anything is a fact.
Same thing with Dr Fauci ... The biggest mistake they made was keeping him in the forefront.

Whatever he is and whatever he contributed to what was going on
doesn't outweigh his liability as someone the public they are trying to reach doesn't trust enough to listen to.

If he's shitty salesman ... Why would they keep him as the spokesman?

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That’s not even the topic of the thread and highly misleading. The odds that someone has COVID at the same time as incidentally dying or something else is pretty low. It’s little more than a rounding error. The excess mortality we see actually pretty closely lines up with the death tally from COVID.

The OP is trying to claim that if you had any other comorbid conditions when you died from COVID, then you really didn’t die of COVID.

That’s stupid.
The implications of what Birx said are huge, and they are extremely relevant to the opening post.
There’s no way the PCR tests would combine the two. The link you provided is about a manufacturing defect causing leaky reagents in one specific multiplex assay that I’ve never even seen used.

It’s not a problem with the test.

If the PCR test was not faulty, the CDC would not have withdrawn its use.


Up to 90% of PCR Tests for COVID-19 May Be False Positives​

Jeff Brown | Aug 31, 2020 | Bleeding Edge | 10 min readPrint

Dear Reader,
It has been an incredible few days in the world of COVID-19.
In fact, what I’ll share today will seem almost unbelievable.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) just updated its data on the number of deaths involving COVID-19, pneumonia, and influenza. This information can be found on the CDC’s website under “Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics.”
This data was always frustrating to me because COVID-19 deaths were always lumped in with other comorbidities. There was no way to strip out the number of actual COVID-19 deaths that had no other listed causes of death… until now:

J Occup Environ Med. 2021 Mar; 63(3): e159–e162.
Published online 2021 Jan 6. doi: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000002138
PMCID: PMC7934325
PMID: 33405498

False Positive Results With SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR Tests and How to Evaluate a RT-PCR-Positive Test for the Possibility of a False Positive Result​

Glenn D. Braunstein, MD, Lori Schwartz, MD, FACOEM, Pamela Hymel, MD, MPH, FACOEM, and Jonathan Fielding, MD, MPH, MBA
The implications of what Birx said are huge, and they are extremely relevant to the opening post.
They’re not for the reasons I’ve stated. The opening post is trying to make it sound like COVID killed less than 10% of the actual death toll. Even if we accept your framing, no way did Birx imply that COVID wasn’t responsible for 90%.
Cases are 5 times higher in unvaccinated as vaccinated individuals.

Seems like they do something to prevent infections.
Variants can’t specifically target an unvaccinated person over a vaccinated person because that’s just not how viruses work. CDC director Rochelle Walensky admitted that "what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission."
If the PCR test was not faulty, the CDC would not have withdrawn its use.
They didn’t withdraw its use. None of the articles address your original attempt at trying to claim that influenza cases came out as positives on COVID testing.
Variants can’t specifically target an unvaccinated person over a vaccinated person because that’s just not how viruses work. CDC director Rochelle Walensky admitted that "what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission."
You can’t transmit if you don’t have it. Seems more cases crop up in unvaccinated. A lot more cases. Maybe it’s a coincidence?

If they argue over the methods and the numbers long enough, no one will believe anything is a fact.
Same thing with Dr Fauci ... The biggest mistake they made was keeping him in the forefront.

Whatever he is and whatever he contributed to what was going on
doesn't outweigh his liability as someone the public they are trying to reach doesn't trust enough to listen to.

If he's shitty salesman ... Why would they keep him the as spokesman?

Fauci must have some good dirt on the NIH’s board or other higher ups. As we saw, the recent turnover with Collins, long time president of NIH, has now been replaced (yes, he retired but the timing is noted) by an interim president until a permanent replacement takes over.

I tried finding an article but it’s been buried (it was either by Science or Nature) and the author was questioning whether or not the next NIH president needs to be a scientist. According to the article, it would be more important to find an individual who can “sell ideas creatively” to the public. Lovely. Yes, that should be the top priority… let’s just leave the need for solid scientific background out of it.
They’re not for the reasons I’ve stated. The opening post is trying to make it sound like COVID killed less than 10% of the actual death toll. Even if we accept your framing, no way did Birx imply that COVID wasn’t responsible for 90%.
Kinda like lefties try to make it sound like vaccines killed less than 10% of the actual post covid jab deaths in vaers data? If you can't objectively extrapolate vaccine deaths from vaers data, then you have no business trying to extrapolate what the rest of the alleged 800k deaths were from. Birx gave us the biggest clue when she said in the U.S. you are counted as a victim of the pandemic if you die while testing positive for the virus, even if something else causes your death.
Seems more cases crop up in unvaccinated. A lot more cases. Maybe it’s a coincidence?
Variants can’t specifically target an unvaccinated person over a vaccinated person because that’s just not how viruses work.
Kinda like lefties try to make it sound like vaccines killed less than 10% of the actual post covid jab deaths in vaers data? If you can't objectively extrapolate vaccine deaths from vaers data, then you have no business trying to extrapolate what the rest of the alleged 800k deaths were from. Birx gave us the biggest clue when she said in the U.S. you are counted as a victim of the pandemic if you die while testing positive for the virus, even if something else causes your death.
These leftist diehards crack me up. It only demonstrates how political extremists are in the gutters. They will remain clueless because they choose to remain clueless.
Variants can’t specifically target an unvaccinated person over a vaccinated person because that’s just not how viruses work.
What do you mean target? We aren’t talking about targeting. We are talking about infecting.
Kinda like lefties try to make it sound like vaccines killed less than 10% of the actual post covid jab deaths in vaers data? If you can't objectively extrapolate vaccine deaths from vaers data, then you have no business trying to extrapolate what the rest of the alleged 800k deaths were from. Birx gave us the biggest clue when she said in the U.S. you are counted as a victim of the pandemic if you die while testing positive for the virus, even if something else causes your death.
Who needs to extrapolate? We can just go by what the attending physician wrote on the death certificate.

It’s asinine. A patient who has high blood pressure for 30 years controlled on one drug gets COVID and develops severe respiratory failure and dies of cardiac arrest after getting COVID. The brain squad here would say that since he had another medical condition he didn’t actually die of COVID. He died of high blood pressure. That’s idiotic.
Perhaps. If you do have it though, keep in mind that the vaxxed can infect the unvaxxed.
Sure. But I would make it a lot higher probability that the infected unvaccinated people are the ones who don’t isolate.

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