CDC: Only 50,000 Died from Covid Only, Not 836,000

Sure. But I would make it a lot higher probability that the infected unvaccinated people are the ones who don’t isolate.
If people are isolated from the virus then obviously they will not become infected. Infected vaxxed can infect uninfected unvaxxed.
If people are isolate from the virus then obviously they will not become infected. Infected vaxxed can infect uninfected unvaxxed.
Isolation is what you do after you’ve contracted the virus so as to prevent spread to others.

People should get vaccinated.
I really don't care what your spin is. I posted the quote and he said exactly what I said he said.
It's not spin. Because risk comes in degrees. An essential part you have to ignore to maintain your crap narrative. Simple as that.
Do you have time to talk to 850k physicians?
How many are you accusing of being incompetent or liars?

People like you just reflexively vomit your first reaction, without having the next big girl thought of understanding what you are actually saying.
Is it really better that Covid only pushed those with other illnesses also 6 feet under? Is this really a better argument?

People who died in nursing homes were already there for end of life care. Most people who enter such facilities die within 6 months.

Is it really a better argument to exploit their deaths to turn our society into a Corporate Fascist shit hole?
Exactly the number that you can quote me accusing of this.
What a sissy copout. haha, you are so embarrassed of your own talking points that you hide from them.

I asked ,because you have not said.

Nor will you, because all you did was vomit a reflexive emotional reaction without knowing what it really meant,.
People who died in nursing homes were already there for end of life care.
What a stupid goddamn lie. Why are all of you cultists so gotdam dumb? You are thinking of hospice care. There is a difference. Some people end up in nursing homes temporarily, because they require intense care for a short time. Some people require 24 hour care be available. That doesn't mean they are in hospice.
What a stupid goddamn lie. Why are all of you cultists so gotdam dumb? You are thinking of hospice care. There is a difference. Some people end up in nursing homes temporarily, because they require intense care for a short time. Some people require 24 hour care be available. That doesn't mean they are in hospice.

When you resort to vulgarity, you admit that you are a losing loser who lost.

Just sayin.
Which you have not done. In fact, you have ignored the objective interpretation by the experts and have instead chosen to lie about it.
Lefties are not capable of objective thought, you have no business talking about objective interpretation. Objective interpretation through the eyes of a lefty only means an interpretation that aligns with your subjective position.
Altruistic bullshit. You are here to support and defend the political narrative of covid culture. All roads lead to vax almighty.
There’s nothing political about it. You’re just too brainwashed to believe that another human being wishes for less suffering in other human beings.

What a sad pathetic person you’ve become.
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