CDC: Only 50,000 Died from Covid Only, Not 836,000

Lefties are not capable of objective thought, you have no business talking about objective interpretation. Objective interpretation through the eyes of a lefty only means an interpretation that aligns with your subjective position.
I’m sure you’ve read something like this before but no doubt you’ll come up with some stupid excuse to deny the truth.

What a stupid goddamn lie. Why are all of you cultists so gotdam dumb? You are thinking of hospice care. There is a difference. Some people end up in nursing homes temporarily, because they require intense care for a short time. Some people require 24 hour care be available. That doesn't mean they are in hospice.
Well that falsehood was easily struck down:

“The length of stay data were striking:

  • the median length of stay in a nursing home before death was 5 months
  • the average length of stay was longer at 14 months due to a small number of study participants who had very long lengths of stay
  • 65% died within 1 year of nursing home admission
  • 53% died within 6 months of nursing home admission”

If they argue over the methods and the numbers long enough, no one will believe anything is a fact.
Same thing with Dr Fauci ... The biggest mistake they made was keeping him in the forefront.

Whatever he is and whatever he contributed to what was going on
doesn't outweigh his liability as someone the public they are trying to reach doesn't trust enough to listen to.

If he's shitty salesman ... Why would they keep him as the spokesman?


You would have to ask Trump and Biden that. As I've already stated, I wouldn't have.
Well, did I call it or what?

A pathetic excuse. You guys bounce off reality like rocks on a pond.
How many lines of your propaganda piece do need to read before you see the extreme lefty bias in it? Let's see an objective answer to this.
When you resort to vulgarity, you admit that you are a losing loser who lost.
Yeah, liars like to say that, when they can't support their lies. This one goes up there with "Looks like I upset you" on the troll excuse list from the first AOL chat room.
I don't think I have. If I had, I wouldn't be on this forum. That's on me, unfortunately.

I just can't seem to rap my head around this level of dishonesty, ignorance, hate, and stupidity from human beings, and the lengths they will go to maintain those traits.

I try and imagine myself investing my life each and every day, pursuing those negatives, and it's just not there.

I suppose in some respects, these folks are a reminder of the fragility of our situation in this country, and across the world.

We are almost forced to swim in this cesspool with them as way of achieving self-preservation. I guess that's why I continue making a fool of myself, arguing with a bunch of idiots. Lol!
Democrats have indeed become deranged fascists - it's both sad and incredibly dangerous.
Lefties are not capable of objective thought, you have no business talking about objective interpretation.
An idiotic comment. I defer to the experts. I am not a dumbass like you who thinks he has outsmarted the experts, because what they say doesn't support my childish lies and fetishes..

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