CDC Quietly Deletes 6,000 COVID Vaccine Deaths From Its CDC Website Total in One Day

Nuff said. Its the gateway pundit.

"Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news."
Indeed, when lefties cannot attack the content, they resort to attacking the source. Glad to see you do not dispute the content of the article.
Glad to see you cannot dispute the content of the article.
This is how you roll Ev - Same way Donnie rolled. Make up a lie (bigger is better), get a loon site to cover that lie as if it was truth, and then demand that the lie be debunked.


This is how you roll Ev - Same way Donnie rolled. Make up a lie (bigger is better), get a loon site to cover that lie as if it was truth, and then demand that the lie be debunked.


View attachment 516259
Glad to see you you are not disputing the article, it's always nice to have you endorse articles that I post.
I just told you I dont dispute bullshit. I do laugh at the person that believes it though. :)
Glad to see you are not disputing it. We all know lefties would be all over it if they could dispute it, so it means a lot that you absolutely cannot dispute it. Don't forget to attack the source and call it misinformation.
As I said ^ It's as predictable as the sun rising in the east :lol:
Indeed. Attack the source, evade debating the content, fail to dispute the content. We can go around and around for hundreds of posts, and you will never dispute the content. Eventually you will move on to not disputing the content of the next article I post, just like you never disputed the content of the last article I posted.
Glad to see you are not disputing it. We all know lefties would be all over it if they could dispute it, so it means a lot that you absolutely cannot dispute it. Don't forget to attack the source and call it misinformation.
Disputing it would be like arguing with a mentally ill person that believes they can fly. My job is complete and I have had my laugh at your expense.
When it doesn't fit the cover political narrative, covid agenda supporters have been instructed to use the term "misinformation", not fake news or false information. Learn your talking points.
Don't post fake news and I won't issue a fake news alert.

Why is the CDC trying to deflate vaccine death statistics?

CDC Quietly Deletes 6,000 COVID Vaccine Deaths From Its CDC Website Total in One Day​

Fake News.

Here's every alteration of that page detected on the internet archive website and no such numbers exist...

Now quoting CDC is grounds to toss the thread to conspiracy....

This type of crap is why we need a Covid vax death audit including party affiliation.

Does anyone here think dr. Love has a problem with offing non-Dems???

Dumbfuck, you're not quoting the CDC ... you're quoting the gatewaypundit quoting infowars.


Dumbfuck, you're not quoting the CDC ... you're quoting the gatewaypundit quoting infowars.


Now the Mossad is really worried. They called in the big cheese....

CDC admits it deleted 6k. Search for yourself.... As if you did not already know.

So how about two more audits, faun?

One for Covid vaccine deaths by party affiliation

The other the 1/6 crowd for being homosexual


You love audits don't you?????


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