CDC Quietly Deletes 6,000 COVID Vaccine Deaths From Its CDC Website Total in One Day

As we can see on this thread, lefties absolutely will not dispute the content of the article. The can call cdc quotes misinformation, they can attack the article publisher, and they can call the article ugly names, but they will not attack the content of the article. They will always have some reason why they aren't attacking the content of the article, but we all know that the real reason is that they simply cannot dispute it.
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As we can see on this thread, lefties absolutely will not dispute the content of the article. The can call cdc quotes misinformation, they can attack the article publisher, and they can call the article ugly names, but they will not attack the content of the article. They will always have some reason why they aren't attacking the content of the article, but we all know that the real reason is that they simply cannot dispute it.
get better sources, liar.
Fake News.

Here's every alteration of that page detected on the internet archive website and no such numbers exist...

Like a moth to a flame, we see another lefty who cannot attack the content resort to attacking the source. Another lefty does not dispute ANYTHING from the article. Go on now, post your next evasion or your next strawman.
Now the Mossad is really worried. They called in the big cheese....

CDC admits it deleted 6k. Search for yourself.... As if you did not already know.

So how about two more audits, faun?

One for Covid vaccine deaths by party affiliation

The other the 1/6 crowd for being homosexual


You love audits don't you?????

Who needs to audit if these trump freaks are gay? They prolly are....


MAGA = My Aching Gay Ass
The opening post question still stands. Why is the CDC trying to deflate vaccine death statistics? Do the lefties here need to evade or attack the source, or do lefties have an answer?
We can trust candy on this one, sitting at home in Israel....

Candy wants all Americans to get the vax, because she cares so much for those who died on 911, she has spent 20 years online shouting down 911 truth....

Is that the best answer the MOSSAD can come up with?

9/11 Truth has gone nowhere in 20 years. I take full credit for shutting it down. Wasn't that hard either. LOL
The official talking point that you've been instructed to use is "misinformation." Use "misinformation" when you cannot debate or say "false" information. Use it to evade, assert it as if it is evidence of something. Learn your talking points.

What your alleging never happened.

Are you no longer boycotting baseball, stupid?
9/11 Truth has gone nowhere in 20 years. I take full credit for shutting it down. Wasn't that hard either. LOL

Hardly. Polls show more than half of Americans do not believe the official version of 911, and that poll includes several percent of Zionist liars like yourself.

You have no idea how many Americans now know, KNOW, that "Osama" was always col Tim osman. Thank Putin and those who took th KGB photos and spread them.....

Any idea who might have done that?

Who needs to audit if these trump freaks are gay? They prolly are....


MAGA = My Aching Gay Ass

You can count the number of gay republicans on one hand....

The actual accusation is that homO and those behind the 1/6 hate hoax needed white male frauds to dress up in MAGA and bait the trump supporters into the "open door" Capitol. Simple math applies too. Who are white male dem activists?

Yeah, all homos...

By logic and deduction, homos in MAGAdrag were the agitators.

We will see if anyone in the GOP cares enough to check, because it is there....
Hardly. Polls show more than half of Americans do not believe the official version of 911, and that poll includes several percent of Zionist liars like yourself.

You have no idea how many Americans now know, KNOW, that "Osama" was always col Tim osman. Thank Putin and those who took th KGB photos and spread them.....

Any idea who might have done that?

No reputable poll shows any such thing. You're on drugs.
Like a moth to a flame, we see another lefty who cannot attack the content resort to attacking the source. Another lefty does not dispute ANYTHING from the article. Go on now, post your next evasion or your next strawman.

That one is the highest ranking Mossad on USMB....
No reputable poll shows any such thing. You're on drugs.


It is amazing to watch it. There was a thread on stadium wall 2 bills drive. It went totally viral.

Who is the man talking to zbigniew in these 3 photos...

For months, it was top 5 on google search for col Tim osman....

Surely you will recognize the poster....
Why is the CDC trying to deflate vaccine death statistics?

CDC Quietly Deletes 6,000 COVID Vaccine Deaths From Its CDC Website Total in One Day​

6,000 out of 170,000,000 vaccinated is a very small percentage.

Compare it with the number of covid deaths for 170,000,000 unvaccinated people. Pick your time frame going back to March 2020.

It is amazing to watch it. There was a thread on stadium wall 2 bills drive. It went totally viral.

Who is the man talking to zbigniew in these 3 photos...

For months, it was top 5 on google search for col Tim osman....

Surely you will recognize the poster....

This is what it looks like when someone is posting while baked.
6,000 out of 170,000,000 vaccinated is a very small percentage.

Compare it with the number of covid deaths for 170,000,000 unvaccinated people. Pick your time frame going back to March 2020.
6000 is way, WAY, too many to be deleting. They shouldn't be deleting ANYTHING.

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