CDC: Vaccinated at Higher Risk from Covid Than Unvaxxed

The CDC will soon declare that even though the vaccines are ineffective and non preventative that they do have the benefit of making lib loons feel more safe spacey and therefore are of emotional support value.

Fine. Let the emotionally-unsound libs poison themselves with this shit. Just leave the rest of us, who are smart enough to know better, out of it.
especially when the truth is so unavoidable and we all know it.

I knew the following was going to happen at some point. LIsten to this lying maniac politician place the blame for what they did to their own people ON the people they were browbeating into taking the poison jab.

You do know that very few people in New Zealand died from covid don't you. They had less than 1/3 of the deaths of you Americans.
Which are not actually vaccines; nor are they based on sound science, as genuine vaccines are.
So what?! Has nothing to do what what I’ve been talking about. You’re changing the subject away from the lies in the OP
We already knew this. When is the public going to stop listening to the experts hand picked to lie them?
"The CDC quietly made the damning admission in an update on its guidance regarding newly emerging variants of Covid."

If people believe Slay or people like you, God help them.


England mortality data shows a lower COVID-19 mortality risk among vaccinated people compared to unvaccinated ones, contrary to claim by Slay News​


“the Covid injections are not effective” because the large majority of deaths involving COVID-19 occurred among vaccinated individuals
SOURCE: Frank Bergman, Slay News
Published: 17 Aug 2023

No evidence that COVID-19 vaccines reduces the life expectancy of vaccinated people; COVID-19 vaccines don’t increase mortality rate​


“those who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 with mRNA shots will lose 25 years of their life”
SOURCE: Anonymous, The Exposé, Slay News, The People’s Voice
Published: 30 May 2023
OK Folks recap

The OP claims that the CDC said unvaxxed are at less risk than vaxxed with the new Covid strain.

That is a lie.

Go to the link from the OP and you'll see for yourself.

Trust nothing from that poster
It’s an “obey the science” disaster

Where the “science” that we are being told to obey is a mockery of genuine science, the same mockery that declares that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

Where the “science” is being used to deceive, control, and harm us, not to inform or enlighten us.
Where the “science” that we are being told to obey is a mockery of genuine science, the same mockery that declares that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

Where the “science” is being used to deceive, control, and harm us, not to inform or enlighten us.
Sure buddy. Why then are you fuckers reduced to posting dishonest shit like this thread?
Where the “science” that we are being told to obey is a mockery of genuine science, the same mockery that declares that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

Where the “science” is being used to deceive, control, and harm us, not to inform or enlighten us.
It’s pretty rich for you to act like you are fighting against deceptive science while defending a debunked OP.
It’s pretty rich for you to act like you are fighting against deceptive science while defending a debunked OP.

As far as I am concerned anyone who is stupid enough to have fallen as completely for the #CoronaHoax2020 as you have is in no position to cast aspersions on anyone's intelligence or honestly.
As far as I am concerned anyone who is stupid enough to have fallen as completely for the #CoronaHoax2020 as you have is in no position to cast aspersions on anyone's intelligence or honestly.
Well your concern is idiotic then. I could be the most dishonest, stupid, gullible moron on the board and none of that makes any difference if I’m pointing out facts. And the facts here are… The OP has a dishonest headline that is contradicted by a link in the OP body and then you come along trying to defend it while also trying to condemn dishonest science. It’s a freaking circus.
As far as I am concerned anyone who is stupid enough to have fallen as completely for the #CoronaHoax2020 as you have is in no position to cast aspersions on anyone's intelligence or honestly.

The fucking irony.
So what?! Has nothing to do what what I’ve been talking about. You’re changing the subject away from the lies in the OP
Forcing the victim's cells to reproduce the toxic SARS2 spike is not sound science, it's pimping an experiment on the world's population.
We already knew this. When is the public going to stop listening to the experts hand picked to lie them?
"The CDC quietly made the damning admission in an update on its guidance regarding newly emerging variants of Covid."

The CDC is full of it. It does media fear-mongering while conveniently leaving out the mention of precise new mutations that are supposed to make BA.2.86 variant what it is. Thus this vaxxed-unvaxxed claim is not science.
Forcing the victim's cells to reproduce the toxic SARS2 spike is not sound science, it's pimping an experiment on the world's population.
That’s could be said about any medical remedy at one point or another
Forcing the victim's cells to reproduce the toxic SARS2 spike is not sound science, it's pimping an experiment on the world's population.
That’s could be said about any medical remedy at one point or another

Which is why the FDA sets specific standards for how a new drug or procedure must be tested, while it is still in an experimental stage, in tests only involving willing human test subjects who have given their full, informed, uncoerced consent to be used in such tests; and for the standards which must be met concerning proof of safety and efficacy, before that drug or procedure can be put into general use.

This dangerous experimental mRNA shit has never been subjected to these standards, and a growing body of empirical evidence seems to clearly indicate they they will never be able to pass these standards. By every legal; definition, these drugs are still very much experimental, and it is very much a violation of our established principles to be giving these drugs to any persons other than those who have given full informed consent to be used as medical test subjects. It is certainly a violation of these principles to employ any form of deception or coercion against anyone, in order to get them to take these drugs.

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