CDCs “confusing” messaging on vaccines.

The cure should not even come CLOSE to doing the damage as the disease you're meant to cure--do not lose sight of that. We live in such an age of propaganda that we have. But in the case of young people--only a few hundred teens and children have died of Covid and the vast majority with comorbidities like cancer--yes, the vaccines come close to that. That's harrowing. Why would you use a cure that comes close to the mortality rate of the actual disease?
The vaccines come close to killing hundreds of young people?

I'll believe it when I see it.
Small pox may have a high mortality rate, but polio actually didn't have a high mortality, just 0.5%. Mumps has a really low mortality. Hib has a pretty low mortality rate too. We vaccinate for lots of diseases with low mortality rates.

I really doubt that the vaccine is more dangerous than COVID and I don't think the data supports this as well.

We've gotten so used to people trying to downplay the risk of COVID to young/healthy that people tend to just feel that it's not a big deal. Meanwhile they talk about these anecdotal inflammatory reactions to the vaccine without any reference to frequency. I've personally known about a few cases of myocarditis in young people with the vaccine, but I've also known about a few cases of MIS-C in young people too.
Uh... that is because it isn't a big deal with young people. It is just plain absurd to say anything else.
The morality rate of under 30 is less than 1/10th of 1%. But of course it is MUCH lower than that. There are more young folks that got it, had little to no symptoms and were never tested. Probably much higher number than were tested. So in reality, the mortality rate in that age group is likely in the 1/100s if 1%.
Now. I get it. Especially last year, it was important than young people wear masks etc. as to not infect other people with much higher mortality rates. And I agree with that.
But now is different. I just looked at the CDC vaccine page, and people over 60 have near a 70% vaccination rate.
SO the panic porn is just that - panic porn. NO fucking mask!
People over the age of 60, or are compromised and don't get vaccinated. THEN THAT IS THEIR CHOICE!!
Don't punish the whole country for that.
Uh... that is because it isn't a big deal with young people. It is just plain absurd to say anything else.
The morality rate of under 30 is less than 1/10th of 1%. But of course it is MUCH lower than that. There are more young folks that got it, had little to no symptoms and were never tested. Probably much higher number than were tested. So in reality, the mortality rate in that age group is likely in the 1/100s if 1%.
Now. I get it. Especially last year, it was important than young people wear masks etc. as to not infect other people with much higher mortality rates. And I agree with that.
But now is different. I just looked at the CDC vaccine page, and people over 60 have near a 70% vaccination rate.
SO the panic porn is just that - panic porn. NO fucking mask!
People over the age of 60, or are compromised and don't get vaccinated. THEN THAT IS THEIR CHOICE!!
Don't punish the whole country for that.

Two people come in contact with each other. Young person and old person.

If the old person is vaccinated and the young person isn't, it's a 5% chance the old person could get the infection since the vaccine is 95% effective.

If both are vaccinated, then it's 5% squared, or 0.25% chance.

Herd immunity depends on the herd being immune.
Two people come in contact with each other. Young person and old person.

If the old person is vaccinated and the young person isn't, it's a 5% chance the old person could get the infection since the vaccine is 95% effective.

If both are vaccinated, then it's 5% squared, or 0.25% chance.

Herd immunity depends on the herd being immune.
Haha... you understand that herd immunity also depends on people getting the virus and then being immune right??

I notice you didn't answer...

Hot spot - Illinois!!!! OMFG!!!
Out of last 14 days.... 17,176 new cases. - OMG!!!!.... MASKS!!!!,,, DELTA!!!!.... TRUMP!!!..... AUUUGGGH!!!

But wait.... out of those 17,176 people.... 90 died. That is not even a full percentage .... less than 1%.


Let me leave this right here. Sorry to ruin your pity party. Stories from Red states.

You assume the OP trusts the media.
Two people come in contact with each other. Young person and old person.

If the old person is vaccinated and the young person isn't, it's a 5% chance the old person could get the infection since the vaccine is 95% effective.

If both are vaccinated, then it's 5% squared, or 0.25% chance.

Herd immunity depends on the herd being immune.
You mean if the young person is infected and contagious. You’re such a lemming.
Haha... you understand that herd immunity also depends on people getting the virus and then being immune right??

I notice you didn't answer...

Hot spot - Illinois!!!! OMFG!!!
Out of last 14 days.... 17,176 new cases. - OMG!!!!.... MASKS!!!!,,, DELTA!!!!.... TRUMP!!!..... AUUUGGGH!!!

But wait.... out of those 17,176 people.... 90 died. That is not even a full percentage .... less than 1%.


More infections, more mutations. More mutations, less effective immunity.

By the way, deaths always lag infections by weeks.
Hot spot - Illinois.
Out of last 14 days.... 17,176 new cases. - OMG!!!!.... MASKS!!!!,,, DELTA!!!!.... TRUMP!!!..... AUUUGGGH!!!

But wait.... out of those 17,176 people.... 90 died. That is not even a full percentage .... less than 1%.


First you have to get it which occurs to 5-10% of the population and then of the 5-10% who do get infected, 3-5% die, almost all of which are 65+. So, 3-5% of 5% is, well, very small
But, stats don’t work for emotetard feelings freaks of fear so the lies keep getting spread that we are in grave peril and need to turn our lives over to libbies or government
1. The vaccine may lose some efficacy with time. But it means going from 95% to 88%.
2. This is false. Not only does it prevent most infections, the infections that do occur have far less viral load and far less transmission.
3. A day of soreness is unpleasant. Yes.
4. Wait until you see the actual effects of COVID. Blood clots. Losing limbs. Not to mention respiratory failure.
Colfax is still in denial.
It IS NOT 88% effective. Effectively every adult, especially the elderly in Israel is vaccinated. Where’s that COVID explosion coming from? Who are all those people in the hospital with COVID? 80% of Israeli deaths are the fully vaccinated In the UK some 70% of their critical COVID patients are fully vaccinated. Basically the Delta is just getting started, it ain’t even fall yet.

Now, if you’re argument is 88% effective as a therapeutic, that’s a different story. Though I still call BS.

And then you want to push data from April, of the entire UK, when alpha numbers were anemic, let alone the delta. Annnnd on top of that natural acquired immunity is protecting against delta. So they can say, “it’s 88% effective”. It’s like saying your team is the better team because they beat another teams JV squad. It’s a strawman argument playing out in real life.

And hell to the no it’s not just “a day of soreness.” The whole premise of “the vaccine is safe” is that the goddamn cytotoxic spike protein doesn’t leave the injection site. WHICH WE ALREADY KNOW FOR A FACT IT DOES. There’s even a preprint rolling out that researchers trying to find a control group (basically those with the shot where it did not travel and stayed in injection site) isn’t even possible. Even asymptomatic vaxed folks have it traveling. And the VAERS data perfectly reflects the fact that it travels. I mean sheesh, ain’t it weird that there’s a lot of vaccine side effects that look a lot like covid symptoms?

1. Why push this vaccine on those whove already recovered from COVID when natural immunity is proving to be far superior and longer lasting than vaccine immunity? Same question for kids

2. Why push this vaccine at all when ivermectin is proving itself to be not only a very effective therapeutic, but even a better prophylactic. Plus a very long history of being safely administered, safer than aspirin, and far safer than the most dangerous vaccine ever created.

3. Why is the narrative on the vaccine shifting to “its a therapeutic”?

4. Why is the CDC ordering a remasking of the fully vaccinated.

5. Why, in the age of the internet, and near unlimited information at your fingertips, are governments including our own, hiding the vaccinated vs unvaccinated data? Go ahead, try to find it. Should it not be easy? We got real time data of infections in NY when the pandemic first started. Would that not be important information? Would the governments not be shoving the data down our throat if it was as good as they say?
This is the primary reason why there is so much skepticism about COVID in general. They keep shifting the goal posts and the science has been politicized, so it's hard for many people to believe what they're being told.
Agreed. It’d be one thing IF the vaccines were as safe as any other, and IF they weren’t pushing people who clearly do not need the vaccine to get it. And IF there wasn’t a very safe, very promising alternative out there. At best we’re witnessing some intense cronyism. At this point, with how hard they’re pushing, I’m starting to feel like fucking Alex Jones, wondering what the fuck did y’all put in this vaccine that you want us to take it so bad
Dying with Covid is vastly different than dying from Covid but that’s been muddled deliberately to confuse and create compliance via fear
Fact is 95% of the deaths were with Covid with the preexisting conditions so dire that most Any newly introduced ailment would cause death
5% die from Covid solely. The number of otherwise quite healthy people who are under 55 and died from Covid solely has not reached 3,000
I’m in late 60’s and have no fear of it and resent snd resist strongly this takeover of our lives for something that is very rarely lethal
COVID in older gentleman, even healthy ones, can be concerning. Yes death rate is still low, but I’m not a fan of those long haul symptoms. What’s absurd is our hospitals sending these folks away upon a diagnosis and telling them not to return until their lips are blue. Which is insane. Especially with effective treatments. Name another disease in which we treat that way?
Colfax is still in denial.
It IS NOT 88% effective. Effectively every adult, especially the elderly in Israel is vaccinated. Where’s that COVID explosion coming from? Who are all those people in the hospital with COVID? 80% of Israeli deaths are the fully vaccinated In the UK some 70% of their critical COVID patients are fully vaccinated. Basically the Delta is just getting started, it ain’t even fall yet.

Now, if you’re argument is 88% effective as a therapeutic, that’s a different story. Though I still call BS.

And then you want to push data from April, of the entire UK, when alpha numbers were anemic, let alone the delta. Annnnd on top of that natural acquired immunity is protecting against delta. So they can say, “it’s 88% effective”. It’s like saying your team is the better team because they beat another teams JV squad. It’s a strawman argument playing out in real life.

And hell to the no it’s not just “a day of soreness.” The whole premise of “the vaccine is safe” is that the goddamn cytotoxic spike protein doesn’t leave the injection site. WHICH WE ALREADY KNOW FOR A FACT IT DOES. There’s even a preprint rolling out that researchers trying to find a control group (basically those with the shot where it did not travel and stayed in injection site) isn’t even possible. Even asymptomatic vaxed folks have it traveling. And the VAERS data perfectly reflects the fact that it travels. I mean sheesh, ain’t it weird that there’s a lot of vaccine side effects that look a lot like covid symptoms?

1. Why push this vaccine on those whove already recovered from COVID when natural immunity is proving to be far superior and longer lasting than vaccine immunity? Same question for kids

2. Why push this vaccine at all when ivermectin is proving itself to be not only a very effective therapeutic, but even a better prophylactic. Plus a very long history of being safely administered, safer than aspirin, and far safer than the most dangerous vaccine ever created.

3. Why is the narrative on the vaccine shifting to “its a therapeutic”?

4. Why is the CDC ordering a remasking of the fully vaccinated.

5. Why, in the age of the internet, and near unlimited information at your fingertips, are governments including our own, hiding the vaccinated vs unvaccinated data? Go ahead, try to find it. Should it not be easy? We got real time data of infections in NY when the pandemic first started. Would that not be important information? Would the governments not be shoving the data down our throat if it was as good as they say?
Pfizer is saying 84% effective after 6 months. Based on data.

You make a lot of claims but can’t produce any literature showing a well designed analysis of the data. I look forward to people in Israel producing their data but until then I won’t make assumptions. I will go based on the data that is available, in well designed trials, which you may or may not actually understand unless you’ve had a reasonably thorough education. I’ve been trained to read this literature and have been doing so for nearly 2 decades.

You can drop the ivermectin nonsense. The data for ivermectin is pretty garbage. The biggest study was retracted. The better designed studies showed almost no effect in treatment of prophylaxis. This is hydroxychloroquine redux.

No one is shifting the story of the vaccine to “therapeutic”. It’s not.
Same thing happened to the M1A1 Abrams tank. When it was fielded they said that it was 100% effective against the Soviet Tanks.

But as the Russians developed different variants, we found the M1A1 wasn't 100% any more, and we had to add an outside armor "mask" (reactive armor).

No difference.
Yeah actually big difference, reactive armor actually works. We’ve know for decades that masks DO NOT WORK with airborne viruses. The metaphor I use is like saying your eyeglasses can also be used as underwater goggles for snorkeling, and keep the water out. It’s insane. I never ever ever ever thought I’d see what I’m seeing in the medical community. What we’re witnessing is a real life milgram experiment happening right before our very eyes. Some guy in a lab coat is telling people it’s okay to keep shocking a guy with a heart condition begging you to stop, and they keep shocking them. It’s insane,
You didn't run anybody off! We all know what 95 percent efficacy is and it ain't the injections! Quit spreading misinformation, prog!! You know better than this.
I can only conclude that you are either psychotic or a troll bott. In either case it's clear that you just make shit up, and cling to your lies even when confronted by evidence to the contrary. You are a real mess indeed
Yup we’re all in this together!!!

Just get the shot and we can all be friends again. Put everything behind us. Go back to normal, and we’ll stop calling half the country domestic white supremacist Nazis.
It's mostly Black people refusing to be vaccinated.

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