CDCs “confusing” messaging on vaccines.

The CDC has a lot of smart people working for it. However, the guidance out of the CDC is usually moronic.

You can never trust a government bureaucracy to look after your best interest. Never.
Sadly you people instead trust internet kooks and Tucker Carlson
When they say 95 efficacy, it means you have a 95 percent chance of catching the virus after taking the injection.
Ah there you are Trout! I ran you off that other Covid thread when I called on your lies, and now, here you are again still lying. Did you ever have the feeling that you are being followed?

EPA/Tibor Rosta For example, “95% efficacy” means that the group which got the vaccine developed 95% fewer COVID-19 cases than the one which did not get the vaccine. In the case of the Pfizer clinical trial, the number of people who received the vaccine was almost the same as the number of those who received a placebo –21,720 vs. 21,728 1.

What does "95% efficacy" mean? - iMEdD Lab
We’re not buying it, Einstein. The CDC sanitized the P.1 Brazil-Japan variant by changing is from its original published form, K417N/T to K417T. The N that was removed links to increased potency of fentanyl at asparagine(N) 230 of the mu-opioid receptor implicating J&J vaccine, and its division Janssen, the original synthesizer of fentanyl. The T is what causes increased potency of fentanyl, and so the investigator would not forget that opiate addiction may link to animal market traffickers and the natural reservoir of SARS-CoV-2. This is the only example thusfar as is known, of a Coronavirus mimicking what happens at the fentanyl receptor.
Dying with Covid is vastly different than dying from Covid but that’s been muddled deliberately to confuse and create compliance via fear
Fact is 95% of the deaths were with Covid with the preexisting conditions so dire that most Any newly introduced ailment would cause death
5% die from Covid solely. The number of otherwise quite healthy people who are under 55 and died from Covid solely has not reached 3,000
I’m in late 60’s and have no fear of it and resent snd resist strongly this takeover of our lives for something that is very rarely lethal
Well you have no doubt noticed that the age bracket has been removed from the CDC covid dashboard. You have to look much further to get that info. It used to be right there, and easily selected to get the number.
Now.... just why would one think they would remove that as a selection??
I guarantee the new administration wanted it removed.
I actually kind of agree with you. I think, although don't have the best evidence possible, that these vaccines are actually a bit riskier than others. That risk ties directly into how risky COVID is, however. The effects from COVID, such as blood clots, are seen in the vaccine. That's not really surprising if you think about it.

However, the vaccines is safer than getting COVID.

Pharma and government are pursuing every possible avenue.

Small pox, for example, has a mortality rate of 30%. So you take a risky vaccine, perhaps, because that's how risky the disease is.

Even in the oldest population, Covid is about maybe 5% (if you are also ill). For a lot of Americans, taking the vaccine is really, honestly a lot riskier than getting the virus.
No, we did also. China may have continued but so did we.
And Fau Chi knew GOF was continued at Wuhan, while in the media, the Chinese blamed Ft. Detrick.

20 Jan 2021 Post #241 Hua Chunying
It is not that difficult.
Here is an example straight from the AAMC -
An elderly man arrived at Atlanta’s Emory University Hospital Midtown last month so stricken with advanced cancer that it could take his life within months — but that’s not what brought him to the emergency room.
The man had contracted COVID-19 and was struggling to breathe, recalls Sara Auld, MD, a critical care physician at the hospital. He was admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) and intubated. “Given his already fragile state, his condition quickly took a turn for the worse” and he died, she recalls.
Was his death caused by COVID-19?
Yes, Auld says: “While he was very weak and frail from his underlying cancer, his death was undoubtedly accelerated and precipitated by COVID-19.”

This is a good example of how the numbers are faulty.

Patient 2 - A middle aged woman with no other illnesses is admitted to the hospital with Covid 19, within 24 hrs her conditions worsens and she is moved to ICU and dies on the second day.

Both of these patients are counted EQUALLY as Covid deaths.
They should not be!!

Actually to show you that you're wrong is what if both of them had mailed an absentee ballot in the week prior to election day (Nov 3) they both died before election day invalidating their votes.

As you said, if not for COVID the man would have lived long enough for his absentee ballot to be counted.

If COVID can be the cause of an absentee ballot not being counted, it can be the cause of death.
You have not explained why there has never been a vaccine for coronaviruses or SARS, you are simply making a statement with no evidence shown to back the claim. The following SARS-CoV vaccine is for civet cats, the natural reservoir of SARS-CoV. Fau Chi knows that it also links to HIV-1 vaccine:

CTLA4Hinge SARS 800 DNA Vaccine for Civet Cats

"One of the problems with corona vaccines in the past has been that when the immune response does cross over to where the virus-infected cells are it actually increases the pathology rather than reducing it," Professor Frazer said.

"So that immunisation with SARS corona vaccine caused, in animals, inflammation in the lungs which wouldn't otherwise have been there if the vaccine hadn't been given."

Sounds promising, no?

Hot spot - Illinois.
Out of last 14 days.... 17,176 new cases. - OMG!!!!.... MASKS!!!!,,, DELTA!!!!.... TRUMP!!!..... AUUUGGGH!!!

But wait.... out of those 17,176 people.... 90 died. That is not even a full percentage .... less than 1%.


Ah there you are Trout! I ran you off that other Covid thread when I called on your lies, and now, here you are again still lying. Did you ever have the feeling that you are being followed?

EPA/Tibor Rosta For example, “95% efficacy” means that the group which got the vaccine developed 95% fewer COVID-19 cases than the one which did not get the vaccine. In the case of the Pfizer clinical trial, the number of people who received the vaccine was almost the same as the number of those who received a placebo –21,720 vs. 21,728 1.

What does "95% efficacy" mean? - iMEdD Lab

You didn't run anybody off! We all know what 95 percent efficacy is and it ain't the injections! Quit spreading misinformation, prog!! You know better than this.
Hot spot - Illinois.
Out of last 14 days.... 17,176 new cases. - OMG!!!!.... MASKS!!!!,,, DELTA!!!!.... TRUMP!!!..... AUUUGGGH!!!

But wait.... out of those 17,176 people.... 90 died. That is not even a full percentage .... less than 1%.



Panic panic, fear fear,fear. Run for the hills.
Small pox, for example, has a mortality rate of 30%. So you take a risky vaccine, perhaps, because that's how risky the disease is.

Even in the oldest population, Covid is about maybe 5% (if you are also ill). For a lot of Americans, taking the vaccine is really, honestly a lot riskier than getting the virus.
Small pox may have a high mortality rate, but polio actually didn't have a high mortality, just 0.5%. Mumps has a really low mortality. Hib has a pretty low mortality rate too. We vaccinate for lots of diseases with low mortality rates.

I really doubt that the vaccine is more dangerous than COVID and I don't think the data supports this as well.

We've gotten so used to people trying to downplay the risk of COVID to young/healthy that people tend to just feel that it's not a big deal. Meanwhile they talk about these anecdotal inflammatory reactions to the vaccine without any reference to frequency. I've personally known about a few cases of myocarditis in young people with the vaccine, but I've also known about a few cases of MIS-C in young people too.
You’re not educated about amino acids.
Very educated. There's 23 of them. I don't know why you think pointing out an asparagine mutation in completely different proteins makes them linked in any way. It's like saying two cars are definitely linked because they're both fire engine red.
Small pox may have a high mortality rate, but polio actually didn't have a high mortality, just 0.5%. Mumps has a really low mortality. Hib has a pretty low mortality rate too. We vaccinate for lots of diseases with low mortality rates.

I really doubt that the vaccine is more dangerous than COVID and I don't think the data supports this as well.

We've gotten so used to people trying to downplay the risk of COVID to young/healthy that people tend to just feel that it's not a big deal. Meanwhile they talk about these anecdotal inflammatory reactions to the vaccine without any reference to frequency. I've personally known about a few cases of myocarditis in young people with the vaccine, but I've also known about a few cases of MIS-C in young people too.

The cure should not even come CLOSE to doing the damage as the disease you're meant to cure--do not lose sight of that. We live in such an age of propaganda that we have. But in the case of young people--only a few hundred teens and children have died of Covid and the vast majority with comorbidities like cancer--yes, the vaccines come close to that. That's harrowing. Why would you use a cure that comes close to the mortality rate of the actual disease?

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