CDCs “confusing” messaging on vaccines.

Pfizer is saying 84% effective after 6 months. Based on data.

You make a lot of claims but can’t produce any literature showing a well designed analysis of the data. I look forward to people in Israel producing their data but until then I won’t make assumptions. I will go based on the data that is available, in well designed trials, which you may or may not actually understand unless you’ve had a reasonably thorough education. I’ve been trained to read this literature and have been doing so for nearly 2 decades.

You can drop the ivermectin nonsense. The data for ivermectin is pretty garbage. The biggest study was retracted. The better designed studies showed almost no effect in treatment of prophylaxis. This is hydroxychloroquine redux.

No one is shifting the story of the vaccine to “therapeutic”. It’s not.
I most certainly will not drop the ivermectin. Do you know the reasons cited why it was “dropped”? Well a med student, yes a student, found that a few of the thousands of patients were under the age of 17 when the authors said 18+...Oh yeah, in another case the dates was off by 2 weeks. So, explain to me how that skews the efficacy data? Or by all means find some other reason cited why the studies are no good. But yeah those “reasons why it’s a flawed study” got published in an news article, and some groups (wonder who they were tied too) pressured the journal into dropping it. Ask yourself, why is the Indian bar association, the highest lawyer org in India, coming after the administrators who lied about the effectiveness of ivermectin with the death penalty?

Here’s the fucking study. It’s a metadata analysis of 50 fucking studies. 30 of which are randomized controlled. Have at it. McCullough and Tyson have treated probably 20,000 COVID patients between them. Ask them how they’re doing. Why aren’t they being sued if it’s a farce not approved by the NIH/CDC. CITE FOR ME THE REASON WHY THESE STUDIES ARE APPARENT BS. PLEASE. IVE BEEN BEGGING FOR IT.

And I’ve posted plenty of data and sources. You can’t explain why they’re wrong, just that you don’t trust it yet. I would love to post more but they’re hiding the data. By all means, dig it up and prove me wrong. Find the data today in countries/places where the delta is very active and prove me wrong. That’s all you have to do.

You’re citing the fucking phizer data, well gee wiz, no conflict of interest there. Same fucking company that claimed, “it doesn’t leave the injection cite”. Do you want to know how they came to that conclusion? Well, they’re supposed to slice up tissue in the animal subjects, and through slides of that tissue use a spectrometer to detect the photons from the bioluminescent molecules they attached to the concoction they injected. They didn’t, they instead looked at the organs as whole, and said “yep we don’t see anything, therefore it doesn’t travel”. This is the type of shit big pharma does all the time. Take for instance vaccine boosters. They only test its effectiveness 5 (or however many) years out, then they stop, they can then therefore claim “we cannot guarantee it’s effectiveness after 5 years, therefore you’ll need a booster. But I guess this one instance, where they rushed this to market, they totally did everything by the book, and we’re totally honest huh?

And you didn’t answer my questions. Let’s just start with why push the vaccine on people who’ve already recovered from COVID? We don’t push the chxn pox vax on people who’ve already had it. Why this?
They are reporting the words of the Republican leaders. You can click through them. Heck they are over on YouTube clear as day if you can trust your eyes and ears.
Right...the GOP Mitch McConnell, hannity, Mike lee, Huckabee-sanders, every goddamn gop governor, yeah all of them aren’t total shills for the vaccine.
You're supposed to be confused....That's the point of gaslighting.
Oh I’m not confused at all. I see far far past this shit. Unfortunately too many people don’t. Listening to a sport program talk about Indys head coach getting COVID although he was fully vaxed. And the dumbass host of the show went full leeroy Jenkins and angrily declared it happened because the people around him didn’t take their vaccine. Didn’t even see the tractor trailer sized hole in his logic.
Very educated. There's 23 of them. I don't know why you think pointing out an asparagine mutation in completely different proteins makes them linked in any way. It's like saying two cars are definitely linked because they're both fire engine red.
dumdum, see if you can find this mutation on the CDC variants page(it was there): K417N/T. This is the fentanyl mutation of SARS-CoV-2. It has all of the requirements to increase the potency of fentanyl at position 230 of the mu-opioid receptor:

Because it damn sure is here:
’....these variants harbor 9 and 11 mutations in their S proteins including three changes in the RBD, K417N/T, E484K, and N501Y.’

The virus is expressing flexibility in its “thinking” at position 417. It will either use an asparagine (N) or a threonine (T). we will excerpt again from this page to show another position of the viral spike that does the same flexible thing.

Not that I expected a single virtue signaling panic porn hugger to reply to that post about Illinois (I'll post again below)
But what you see missing from the media is the single most important fact point throughout this entire pandemic...
Hospitalization rates.
Mortality rates.
Pretty much everything else is white noise and fodder for the panic pushers.

And those numbers above.... they are both well...well...well below last year. It's not even close.
It should be good news. But the virtue signalers don't want good news. You can't claim a moral high ground when everything is good. You have to have a crises in order to create panic.

Now Illinois again.... Did you know Illinois is a Hot Spot???? [shudder, shiver gasp!!]
OMG!!.... pant! pant!.... over 17,000 new cases in the last 14 days... over 1000 a day!!!!!!!!! AUUUGGHHH!!!

But wait... there are only 90 deaths. 90. In the entire state of almost 13,000,000 people. 90.
That is 1/2 of 1% of those who infected died. Including already sick and old.

And you want to reinstate restrictions, mask... close public places over that???????????

Are you really, honestly that fucking gullible????
dumdum, see if you can find this mutation on the CDC variants page(it was there): K417N/T. This is the fentanyl mutation of SARS-CoV-2. It has all of the requirements to increase the potency of fentanyl at position 230 of the mu-opioid receptor:

Because it damn sure is here:
’....these variants harbor 9 and 11 mutations in their S proteins including three changes in the RBD, K417N/T, E484K, and N501Y.’

The virus is expressing flexibility in its “thinking” at position 417. It will either use an asparagine (N) or a threonine (T). we will excerpt again from this page to show another position of the viral spike that does the same flexible thing.
Notice the click-on “Effectiveness of Janssen vaccine” and notice the flexibility of the virus in the S477G/N mutation, that strengthens binding. The reference on that page leads to this study showing that indeed that flexibility also happens at position 417:

’....these variants harbor 9 and 11 mutations in their S proteins including three changes in the RBD, K417N/T, E484K, and N501Y.’

Notice on the Wiki Variants page what L452R of Delta probably does. This is the same mutation in California variants B.1.427 and B.1.429. In Lambda, the virus goes to Q (glutamine) instead: L452Q.

Not that I expected a single virtue signaling panic porn hugger to reply to that post about Illinois (I'll post again below)
But what you see missing from the media is the single most important fact point throughout this entire pandemic...
Hospitalization rates.
Mortality rates.
Pretty much everything else is white noise and fodder for the panic pushers.

And those numbers above.... they are both well...well...well below last year. It's not even close.
It should be good news. But the virtue signalers don't want good news. You can't claim a moral high ground when everything is good. You have to have a crises in order to create panic.

Now Illinois again.... Did you know Illinois is a Hot Spot???? [shudder, shiver gasp!!]
OMG!!.... pant! pant!.... over 17,000 new cases in the last 14 days... over 1000 a day!!!!!!!!! AUUUGGHHH!!!

But wait... there are only 90 deaths. 90. In the entire state of almost 13,000,000 people. 90.
That is 1/2 of 1% of those who infected died. Including already sick and old.

And you want to reinstate restrictions, mask... close public places over that???????????

Are you really, honestly that fucking gullible????
Honestly that fokking gullible.
At least one of these URLs will work:
SARS-CoV-2 in White Tailed Deer in Illinois
‘....This species, after intranasal inoculation, became infected by SARS-CoV-2, shed the virus, and transmitted it to non-inoculated contact deer.’

’certain white-tailed deer populations in Illinois, Michigan, New York and Pennsylvania were exposed to SARS-CoV-2.’
Honestly that fokking gullible.
At least one of these URLs will work:
SARS-CoV-2 in White Tailed Deer in Illinois
‘....This species, after intranasal inoculation, became infected by SARS-CoV-2, shed the virus, and transmitted it to non-inoculated contact deer.’

’certain white-tailed deer populations in Illinois, Michigan, New York and Pennsylvania were exposed to SARS-CoV-2.’

On another thread, then, we are analyzing host-range amino acids in comparison to other critter’s spikes at these positions, so we’ll now focus on “hotspot” Illinois to see if there are any clues.
It may be confusing to some of us And it’s deliberately so from them
“We don’t know” is not a reason reason (thought) for mask, closure and lockdown
Last edited:
So you’re saying it’s “the pandemic of black people”?
This is going to be very vexing for libbies but the “responsibility” you are trying to confer upon everyone to get vaccinated is being ignored in the greatest amount by their chosen minority
Going to be a difficult scolding to fully accomplish
I most certainly will not drop the ivermectin. Do you know the reasons cited why it was “dropped”? Well a med student, yes a student, found that a few of the thousands of patients were under the age of 17 when the authors said 18+...Oh yeah, in another case the dates was off by 2 weeks. So, explain to me how that skews the efficacy data? Or by all means find some other reason cited why the studies are no good. But yeah those “reasons why it’s a flawed study” got published in an news article, and some groups (wonder who they were tied too) pressured the journal into dropping it. Ask yourself, why is the Indian bar association, the highest lawyer org in India, coming after the administrators who lied about the effectiveness of ivermectin with the death penalty?

Here’s the fucking study. It’s a metadata analysis of 50 fucking studies. 30 of which are randomized controlled. Have at it. McCullough and Tyson have treated probably 20,000 COVID patients between them. Ask them how they’re doing. Why aren’t they being sued if it’s a farce not approved by the NIH/CDC. CITE FOR ME THE REASON WHY THESE STUDIES ARE APPARENT BS. PLEASE. IVE BEEN BEGGING FOR IT.

And I’ve posted plenty of data and sources. You can’t explain why they’re wrong, just that you don’t trust it yet. I would love to post more but they’re hiding the data. By all means, dig it up and prove me wrong. Find the data today in countries/places where the delta is very active and prove me wrong. That’s all you have to do.

You’re citing the fucking phizer data, well gee wiz, no conflict of interest there. Same fucking company that claimed, “it doesn’t leave the injection cite”. Do you want to know how they came to that conclusion? Well, they’re supposed to slice up tissue in the animal subjects, and through slides of that tissue use a spectrometer to detect the photons from the bioluminescent molecules they attached to the concoction they injected. They didn’t, they instead looked at the organs as whole, and said “yep we don’t see anything, therefore it doesn’t travel”. This is the type of shit big pharma does all the time. Take for instance vaccine boosters. They only test its effectiveness 5 (or however many) years out, then they stop, they can then therefore claim “we cannot guarantee it’s effectiveness after 5 years, therefore you’ll need a booster. But I guess this one instance, where they rushed this to market, they totally did everything by the book, and we’re totally honest huh?

And you didn’t answer my questions. Let’s just start with why push the vaccine on people who’ve already recovered from COVID? We don’t push the chxn pox vax on people who’ve already had it. Why this?
The study that was withdrawn had far more problems than a few people being mislabeled. Start with the fact that paragraphs were plagerized. Then, that the study was approved after 1/3rd of the people in the study were already dead. Then, they found that the raw data was not aligning with the data that the paper was reporting. The raw data said no one died in the conservative group but the paper said 4, and that 4 died in the ivermectin group but the paper said 2. There were so many dates that were wrong and sometimes impossible, that the entire study needs to be viewed with skepticism. The process of randomization is critical and does not seem to have been adequately done.

Also, the paper was never peer reviewed.

And yes, a British medical student pointed out these errors, as did others. Got a problem with that?

The meta analysis you posted doesn't have 50 studies, it has 24 or so. It also includes a couple of studies from the author that withdrew the above trial (including the withdrawn trial). A good chunk of these are preprint and some of these aren't even available to review. Properly reviewing articles takes hours and hours. The meta analysis itself claims that the only thing that it can claim with moderate grade of accuracy is all cause mortality and the strongest (by far) study showing improvement in mortality was the withdrawn study. I would have had a huge effect on the outcome.

The next most significant trial is the Fonseca trial from Brazil. I'd love to analyze that but there's no manuscript. This is all you get as a citation:

But maybe it's this paper? Kinda looks like it.

Let's take a look at this Kaplan Meier curve:

Doesn't look like a winner to me. What do you think? Doesn't line up with the results listed in the meta-analysis whatsoever.

There are better trials ongoing, and maybe they'll show something different, but this just isn't showing an effect.
dumdum, see if you can find this mutation on the CDC variants page(it was there): K417N/T. This is the fentanyl mutation of SARS-CoV-2. It has all of the requirements to increase the potency of fentanyl at position 230 of the mu-opioid receptor:
How does a mutation in COVID's spike protein affect the mu-opioid receptor?

What does it mean to have "all of the requirements to increase the potency of fentanyl"?
Nope, you said it.
But DemonRats say it’s “the pandemic of the unvaccinated” and you said it’s “mostly black people” refusing the jab.

Wouldn’t it make it “the pandemic of black people”?

It sounds like you’re suggesting black people are murdering everyone

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