Celebration! Trump's Most Damning Tweet.

impeachments are for SERIOUS crimes, not something you THINK MIGHT have been wrong ....

Attacking the US Capitol is a SERIOUS Crime
and that means he's innocent-because he did not attack the Capitol or incite it
..it's just your hate filled OPINION---and this is proven because you people have said this shit since 2016

It was a TRUMPmob

View attachment 453793

Trump fed them lies, fired them up and sent them to the Capitol
Then he sat back and watched for hours and did nothing
Zero evidence from speech but a leftist hick like you can only parrot CNN
impeachments are for SERIOUS crimes, not something you THINK MIGHT have been wrong ....

Attacking the US Capitol is a SERIOUS Crime
and that means he's innocent-because he did not attack the Capitol or incite it
..it's just your hate filled OPINION---and this is proven because you people have said this shit since 2016

It was a TRUMPmob

View attachment 453793

Trump fed them lies, fired them up and sent them to the Capitol
Then he sat back and watched for hours and did nothing
so no politician tells lies!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH--you fkd up there !!!!!
So out of your desperation to deep throat Trump. .you admit he lied about election fraud...

That same big lie that led a bunch of right wing fascists to the belief they can storm the captiol and overturn the election..

For the first time in US history... the only thing close to it was when a bunch of right wing fascists overturned an election in Wilmington, NC......

Funny how both groups had so much in common

Former President Donald Trump's second impeachment trial is scheduled to begin next week, and a former aide to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has uncovered the former president's most damning tweet about the insurrection Democrats are alleging he incited.
1. -Rawstory--hahahahhahahahaha
2. you do see the word ''alleging''''???? it's right there
3. you people have cried wolf since 2016 on so much bullshit

Read the tweet that Trump posted at 6 PM on Jan 6th.
"Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!"


That's like when Schumer threatened SCOTUS!!

Former President Donald Trump's second impeachment trial is scheduled to begin next week, and a former aide to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has uncovered the former president's most damning tweet about the insurrection Democrats are alleging he incited.
Unfortunately the GOP Senators are afraid for their political careers and for their personal safety from domestic terrorists.

Their families are being threatened too. Welcome to America.

You mean SCOTUS justices threatened by Schumer??
So the most damning tweet that he incited a riot was a tweet that he sent out after all the rioters were gone?

Shouldn't this be in satire?

It's embarrassing that it took 18 posts for someone to point this out. Goes to show just how stupid liberals are... A text sent AFTER the riot is PROOF that Trump INCITED the riot. Can't make up this level of stupidity.

Former President Donald Trump's second impeachment trial is scheduled to begin next week, and a former aide to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has uncovered the former president's most damning tweet about the insurrection Democrats are alleging he incited.
1. -Rawstory--hahahahhahahahaha
2. you do see the word ''alleging''''???? it's right there
3. you people have cried wolf since 2016 on so much bullshit

Read the tweet that Trump posted at 6 PM on Jan 6th.
"Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!"


That's like when Schumer threatened SCOTUS!!

Trump watched the attack for hours and didn't tweet that tweet until 6 PM.
impeachments are for SERIOUS crimes, not something you THINK MIGHT have been wrong ....

Attacking the US Capitol is a SERIOUS Crime
and that means he's innocent-because he did not attack the Capitol or incite it
..it's just your hate filled OPINION---and this is proven because you people have said this shit since 2016

It was a TRUMPmob

View attachment 453793

Trump fed them lies, fired them up and sent them to the Capitol
Then he sat back and watched for hours and did nothing
Zero evidence from speech but a leftist hick like you can only parrot CNN
It was more than one speech. It was a series of speeches, tweets and interviews where Trump claimed, without evidence, that the election had been stolen from him.
He created a mob, filled them with lies and sent them to the Capitol
Unfortunately the GOP Senators are afraid for their political careers and for their personal safety from domestic terrorists

As they should be. Those of us on the Right don’t take well to our employees making their own decisions rather than doing what they’ve been told to do. Our response tends to be less than pleasant.
impeachments are for SERIOUS crimes, not something you THINK MIGHT have been wrong ....

Attacking the US Capitol is a SERIOUS Crime
and that means he's innocent-because he did not attack the Capitol or incite it
..it's just your hate filled OPINION---and this is proven because you people have said this shit since 2016

It was a TRUMPmob

View attachment 453793

Trump fed them lies, fired them up and sent them to the Capitol
Then he sat back and watched for hours and did nothing
Zero evidence from speech but a leftist hick like you can only parrot CNN
The whole world saw him do it. I saw it on BBC.
If I tell a lie and that mob acts on the lie

I am responsible

Former President Donald Trump's second impeachment trial is scheduled to begin next week, and a former aide to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has uncovered the former president's most damning tweet about the insurrection Democrats are alleging he incited.

Writing on Twitter, former Cruz communications director Amanda Carpenter posted a screen cap of a tweet Trump posted on January 6th at 6 p.m., shortly after authorities cleared the former president's supporters out of the United States Capitol building.

"These are the things and events that happened when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long," Trump wrote in the tweet. "Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!"

"Read this very carefully," Carpenter commented. "It's celebratory. It's all there. Essentially, yep, this is what happens when you don't re-elect me. He pushes the big election lie some more and wraps the mob in love. What more do we need to see here."
It’s a fake “ show trial “ and it’s 100 percent unconstitutional
What about the fat schmuck Schumer who threaten 2 USSC justices or Nancy calling for disruption and mob violence

"These are the things and events that happened when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long," Trump wrote in the tweet. "Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!"
Maybe you should break it down for us.

Former President Donald Trump's second impeachment trial is scheduled to begin next week, and a former aide to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has uncovered the former president's most damning tweet about the insurrection Democrats are alleging he incited.
Unfortunately the GOP Senators are afraid for their political careers and for their personal safety from domestic terrorists.
You too. Why don't you tell us all EXACTLY how that is inciting insurrection.

You won't.

Because you're a dumbfuck.

Former President Donald Trump's second impeachment trial is scheduled to begin next week, and a former aide to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has uncovered the former president's most damning tweet about the insurrection Democrats are alleging he incited.
Unfortunately the GOP Senators are afraid for their political careers and for their personal safety from domestic terrorists.
You too. Why don't you tell us all EXACTLY how that is inciting insurrection.

You won't.

Because you're a dumbfuck.
I have, many times. If you still don't know, then tough shit.

Former President Donald Trump's second impeachment trial is scheduled to begin next week, and a former aide to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has uncovered the former president's most damning tweet about the insurrection Democrats are alleging he incited.
Unfortunately the GOP Senators are afraid for their political careers and for their personal safety from domestic terrorists.
You too. Why don't you tell us all EXACTLY how that is inciting insurrection.

You won't.

Because you're a dumbfuck.
I have, many times. If you still don't know, then tough shit.
No you didn't. Shut the fuck up.
impeachments are for SERIOUS crimes, not something you THINK MIGHT have been wrong ....

Attacking the US Capitol is a SERIOUS Crime
and that means he's innocent-because he did not attack the Capitol or incite it
..it's just your hate filled OPINION---and this is proven because you people have said this shit since 2016

It was a TRUMPmob

View attachment 453793

Trump fed them lies, fired them up and sent them to the Capitol
Then he sat back and watched for hours and did nothing
Couldn't be, looks like a Red Hat monthly chapter club meeting.

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