Cell research discredited

Medical research involving “stem cells” is often presented as a false dilemma. It is a falsehood that one must be either pro-science or pro-life; that in order to advance medical and scientific research, one must push aside ethical issues relating to the creation, cloning, and destruction of human embryos. This common misperception is not just oversimplified and misleading – it is also outdated.
Today, scientists can create the most powerful type of stem cells without destroying embryos. Researchers have generated a new kind of stem cell that shares the helpful characteristics of embryonic cells, while avoiding the many moral and practical problems. The new, non-embryonic cells have shown tremendous promise in clinical studies, and scientists have only begun to explore their potential. They add to an already lengthy roster of medical treatments utilizing “adult” stem cells.
What are “Stem Cells”?
Stem cells are unspecialized cells that can replicate themselves and produce more specialized cells. The most powerful stem cells are “pluripotent,” which means capable of developing into any type of cell. Stem cells come from a variety of sources. Embryonic stem cells are those obtained by destroying a human embryo in the early stages of its development. Adult stem cells refer to stem cells from adult tissue, umbilical cord blood, or placenta. In the past, it was believed that embryonic stem cells were unique in their ability to transform into any type of cell. We now know that this is not the case. Researchers have learned to manipulate the genes of adult cells and convert them into the equivalent of embryonic stem cells. These breakthrough new cells – known as “induced pluripotent stem cells” or “iPS cells” – were created from adult skin cells. Like embryonic stem cells, they can be transformed into any type of tissue, including lung, brain, heart and muscle.

Stem Cell Research
Does anyone have an abortion for the expressed purpose of harvesting stem cells??

The point is that "harvesting stem cells" is a euphemism for utilizing human embryonic tissue, for the purpose of reducing unborn human life to the level of an agricultural commodity.

Complete horseshit. I already asked, does anyone get an abortion for the expressed purpose of harvesting stem cells??

The answer is no. There are various reasons people get abortions, but harvesting stem cells is not one I have ever heard.

Now, once they get the abortion, should we throw away a potential healing for serious illnesses and disorders, simply because you hate the source?

Impossible premise to support. You have no idea, and the research engine that drives stem cell *research* isn't to be trusted.
Good God, what the hell are you talking about now, you silly broad? There are plenty of what they need in the fertility clinics cold storage. And since that material will be thrown out anyway, what differance does it make that it is used for research?

You assholes with your false morals are a shame to all Christianity.

So it would be OK with you if Mary aborted her "fetus?"

Mary should go talk to her doctor, and you should keep your nose out of her twat.

And you probably have no idea what a demeaning, misogynistic comment that is.
use only words that you know...
Good God, what the hell are you talking about now, you silly broad? There are plenty of what they need in the fertility clinics cold storage. And since that material will be thrown out anyway, what differance does it make that it is used for research?

You assholes with your false morals are a shame to all Christianity.

So it would be OK with you if Mary aborted her "fetus?"

Mary should go talk to her doctor, and you should keep your nose out of her twat.

And you probably have no idea what a demeaning, misogynistic comment that is.

Why is recommending that someone talk to their doctor and everyone else stay out of her business a misogynistic comment? The only reason it is demeaning is the implication that someone has their nose in her twat. So it demeans the person the comment is aimed at, not the woman.
Good God, what the hell are you talking about now, you silly broad? There are plenty of what they need in the fertility clinics cold storage. And since that material will be thrown out anyway, what differance does it make that it is used for research?

You assholes with your false morals are a shame to all Christianity.

So it would be OK with you if Mary aborted her "fetus?"

Mary should go talk to her doctor, and you should keep your nose out of her twat.

And you probably have no idea what a demeaning, misogynistic comment that is.

Why is recommending that someone talk to their doctor and everyone else stay out of her business a misogynistic comment? The only reason it is demeaning is the implication that someone has their nose in her twat. So it demeans the person the comment is aimed at, not the woman.

No, it demeans women.
Does anyone have an abortion for the expressed purpose of harvesting stem cells??

The point is that "harvesting stem cells" is a euphemism for utilizing human embryonic tissue, for the purpose of reducing unborn human life to the level of an agricultural commodity.

Complete horseshit. I already asked, does anyone get an abortion for the expressed purpose of harvesting stem cells??

The answer is no. There are various reasons people get abortions, but harvesting stem cells is not one I have ever heard.

Now, once they get the abortion, should we throw away a potential healing for serious illnesses and disorders, simply because you hate the source?

Impossible premise to support. You have no idea, and the research engine that drives stem cell *research* isn't to be trusted.

It is absolutely easy to support. Look at those in favor of, and those who have had, abortions. The reasons they give are numerous. I have never heard "to harvest stem cells" as a reason given.
There was an interesting discussion recently about how cells are poorly identified- and that part of the reason that some experiments are not replicated is because the wrong cell lines are being used.

Meanwhile- those who claim that purpose for 'stem cell research is to promote baby killing' are just as stupid as those saying that those opposed to stem cell research want paralyzed people to stay paralyzed.
Does anyone have an abortion for the expressed purpose of harvesting stem cells??

The point is that "harvesting stem cells" is a euphemism for utilizing human embryonic tissue, for the purpose of reducing unborn human life to the level of an agricultural commodity.

Complete horseshit. I already asked, does anyone get an abortion for the expressed purpose of harvesting stem cells??

The answer is no. There are various reasons people get abortions, but harvesting stem cells is not one I have ever heard.

Now, once they get the abortion, should we throw away a potential healing for serious illnesses and disorders, simply because you hate the source?

Impossible premise to support. You have no idea, and the research engine that drives stem cell *research* isn't to be trusted.
now we see the basis for kosher hag's obsession
Good God, what the hell are you talking about now, you silly broad? There are plenty of what they need in the fertility clinics cold storage. And since that material will be thrown out anyway, what differance does it make that it is used for research?

You assholes with your false morals are a shame to all Christianity.

So it would be OK with you if Mary aborted her "fetus?"

Mary should go talk to her doctor, and you should keep your nose out of her twat.

And you probably have no idea what a demeaning, misogynistic comment that is.

Why is recommending that someone talk to their doctor and everyone else stay out of her business a misogynistic comment? The only reason it is demeaning is the implication that someone has their nose in her twat. So it demeans the person the comment is aimed at, not the woman.

No, it demeans women.

How? How does requesting that a woman and her doctor discuss things and then let the woman decide for herself demean any woman?
Oh look, more junk science so revered by the left has been exposed to be fraud:

"The Japanese researcher whose claim of a major breakthrough in stem cell research was discredited resigned after the government lab where she worked failed to replicate her results."

"Obokata initially was lauded for leading the research that raised hopes for a discovery of a simple way to grow replacement tissue. But questions about the validity of the research prompted Riken scientists, including Obokata, to retract two scientific papers.

"The allegations of research misconduct prompted a shake-up at Riken."
Japan scientist quits as cell research discredited

You guys will have to find another excuse for killing and harvesting babies now.

One of the first things I learned as a 10 year old Little League baseball player is you don't get any hits leaving the bat on your shoulder. Same thing with Stem Cell research - no cures will be found if we don't do the research.

That said, the bat came off the shoulder in Sweden recently, did you know;

In a major breakthrough for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, researchers working with laboratory rats show it is possible to make dopamine cells from embryonic stem cells and transplant them into the brain, replacing the cells lost to the disease.


Now, a breakthrough study from Lund University in Sweden shows it is possible to get human embryonic stem cells to produce a new generation of dopamine cells that behave like native dopamine cells when transplanted into the brains of rats.

And-----and the bat came off the shoulder at Harvard recently, did you know;

Giant step toward new diabetes treatment
Harvard stem cell researchers today announced that they have made a giant leap forward in the quest to find a truly effective treatment for type 1 diabetes, a condition that affects an estimated 3 million Americans at a cost of about $15 billion annually:

With human embryonic stem cells as a starting point, the scientists are for the first time able to produce, in the kind of massive quantities needed for cell transplantation and pharmaceutical purposes, human insulin-producing beta cells equivalent in most every way to normally functioning beta cells.

Doug Melton, who led the work and who 23 years ago, when his then infant son Sam was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, dedicated his career to finding a cure for the disease, said he hopes to have human transplantation trials using the cells to be underway within a few years.

“We are now just one pre-clinical step away from the finish line,” said Melton...


Oh look, more junk science so revered by the left has been exposed to be fraud:

"The Japanese researcher whose claim of a major breakthrough in stem cell research was discredited resigned after the government lab where she worked failed to replicate her results."

"Obokata initially was lauded for leading the research that raised hopes for a discovery of a simple way to grow replacement tissue. But questions about the validity of the research prompted Riken scientists, including Obokata, to retract two scientific papers.

"The allegations of research misconduct prompted a shake-up at Riken."
Japan scientist quits as cell research discredited

You guys will have to find another excuse for killing and harvesting babies now.

My son worked at a stem cell lab and they no longer use or need embryonic stem cells.

The state of the art uses the patients own cells and then converts them into stem cells so they are, at least theoretically, an identical DNA match. The stem cells are then converted into other cells, liver, etc. and where it gets interesting is that in a non-insignificant portion of the time, the stem cells will spontaneously revert back to their original pre-engineered form.
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Why are almost all stem cell proponents also abortion proponents?
grossly false assumption.
no one is pro abortion ..not in the way you're trying and epically falling to infer.
it's a waste and extremely stupid to not use all materials at hand for the greater good.
Why are almost all stem cell proponents also abortion proponents?
grossly false assumption.
no one is pro abortion ..not in the way you're trying and epically falling to infer.
it's a waste and extremely stupid to not use all materials at hand for the greater good.

Your word mincing response is rather pathetic. Would "pro-choice" make you feel better?
Why are almost all stem cell proponents also abortion proponents?
grossly false assumption.
no one is pro abortion ..not in the way you're trying and epically falling to infer.
it's a waste and extremely stupid to not use all materials at hand for the greater good.

Your word mincing response is rather pathetic. Would "pro-choice" make you feel better?
too many syllables for you ?
I'll make it easy, there is no pro life it's all pro choice either you choose to terminate it or you choose not too.
the pro life talking point was created to make dumbshits feel special.
Good God, what the hell are you talking about now, you silly broad? There are plenty of what they need in the fertility clinics cold storage. And since that material will be thrown out anyway, what differance does it make that it is used for research?

You assholes with your false morals are a shame to all Christianity.

So it would be OK with you if Mary aborted her "fetus?"

Mary should go talk to her doctor, and you should keep your nose out of her twat.

And you probably have no idea what a demeaning, misogynistic comment that is.

No, it wasn't.

Giant step toward new diabetes treatment
Harvard stem cell researchers today announced that they have made a giant leap forward in the quest to find a truly effective treatment for type 1 diabetes, a condition that affects an estimated 3 million Americans at a cost of about $15 billion annually:

With human embryonic stem cells as a starting point, the scientists are for the first time able to produce, in the kind of massive quantities needed for cell transplantation and pharmaceutical purposes, human insulin-producing beta cells equivalent in most every way to normally functioning beta cells.

Doug Melton, who led the work and who 23 years ago, when his then infant son Sam was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, dedicated his career to finding a cure for the disease, said he hopes to have human transplantation trials using the cells to be underway within a few years.

“We are now just one pre-clinical step away from the finish line,” said Melton...



I heard Melton being interviewed- fascinating guy- when his son was diagnosed with diabetes- he indeed left his previous career to focus on it- vowing to find a solution by the time his son was ready to move out of home. As he pointed out in the interview- he lived in fear of his son going into a diabetic coma in his sleep and just being dead in the morning. Even now- with his son a teenager, he goes in at least once in the middle of each night to check his son's blood sugar.
Oh look, more junk science so revered by the left has been exposed to be fraud:

"The Japanese researcher whose claim of a major breakthrough in stem cell research was discredited resigned after the government lab where she worked failed to replicate her results."

"Obokata initially was lauded for leading the research that raised hopes for a discovery of a simple way to grow replacement tissue. But questions about the validity of the research prompted Riken scientists, including Obokata, to retract two scientific papers.

"The allegations of research misconduct prompted a shake-up at Riken."
Japan scientist quits as cell research discredited

You guys will have to find another excuse for killing and harvesting babies now.

My son worked at a stem cell lab and they no longer use or need embryonic stem cells.

The state of the art uses the patients own cells and then converts them into stem cells so they are, at least theoretically, an identical DNA match. The stem cells are then converted into other cells, liver, etc. and where it gets interesting is that in a non-insignificant portion of the time, the stem cells will spontaneously revert back to their original pre-engineered form.

That is certainly one approach that is being used for some treatments.
Adult stem cell

If there was no additional potential to embryonic stem cells, no one would be bothering with the hassles, restrictions or the controversy.
Oh look, more junk science so revered by the left has been exposed to be fraud:

"The Japanese researcher whose claim of a major breakthrough in stem cell research was discredited resigned after the government lab where she worked failed to replicate her results."

"Obokata initially was lauded for leading the research that raised hopes for a discovery of a simple way to grow replacement tissue. But questions about the validity of the research prompted Riken scientists, including Obokata, to retract two scientific papers.

"The allegations of research misconduct prompted a shake-up at Riken."
Japan scientist quits as cell research discredited

You guys will have to find another excuse for killing and harvesting babies now.

My son worked at a stem cell lab and they no longer use or need embryonic stem cells.

The state of the art uses the patients own cells and then converts them into stem cells so they are, at least theoretically, an identical DNA match. The stem cells are then converted into other cells, liver, etc. and where it gets interesting is that in a non-insignificant portion of the time, the stem cells will spontaneously revert back to their original pre-engineered form.

They still do lots and lots of embryonic stem cell research.

"All the human embryonic stem cell lines currently in use come from four to five day old embryos left over from in vitro fertilization (IVF). In in vitro fertilization, researchers mix a man's sperm and a woman's eggs together in a lab dish. Some of those eggs become fertilized and begin developing. At about five days the egg has divided to become a hollow ball of roughly 100 cells called a blastocyst which is smaller than the size of the dot over an “i”. It is these very early embryos that are implanted into the woman in the hopes that she becomes pregnant."

Myths and Misconceptions About Stem Cell Research California s Stem Cell Agency

Stem cells were one of the biggest controversies of 2001. Where are they now - Vox
Oh look, more junk science so revered by the left has been exposed to be fraud:

"The Japanese researcher whose claim of a major breakthrough in stem cell research was discredited resigned after the government lab where she worked failed to replicate her results."

"Obokata initially was lauded for leading the research that raised hopes for a discovery of a simple way to grow replacement tissue. But questions about the validity of the research prompted Riken scientists, including Obokata, to retract two scientific papers.

"The allegations of research misconduct prompted a shake-up at Riken."
Japan scientist quits as cell research discredited

You guys will have to find another excuse for killing and harvesting babies now.

My son worked at a stem cell lab and they no longer use or need embryonic stem cells.

The state of the art uses the patients own cells and then converts them into stem cells so they are, at least theoretically, an identical DNA match. The stem cells are then converted into other cells, liver, etc. and where it gets interesting is that in a non-insignificant portion of the time, the stem cells will spontaneously revert back to their original pre-engineered form.

That is certainly one approach that is being used for some treatments.
Adult stem cell

If there was no additional potential to embryonic stem cells, no one would be bothering with the hassles, restrictions or the controversy.

Yes, you guys will use any flimsy excuse to justify harvesting babies.

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