‘Censorship actually killed people’: Dr. Jay Bhattacharya on the consequences of government suppression of honest discussion of Covid on Twitter


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Apr 15, 2016
We have a lot of my far-left friends here on USMB that STILL refuse to admit that what they were being told were lies and cost lives.

This highly respected doctor was shadow banned, censored, ridiculed, and pushed to resign because of what he was posting on Twitter. Thousands of people died, and kids were put back at least a year in education and more in their social development.

‘Censorship actually killed people’: Dr. Jay Bhattacharya on the consequences of government suppression of honest discussion of Covid on Twitter

December 31, 2022
By Thomas Lifson
If ever there were a case of villains with power harming the public with censorship, this is it. The First Amendment alone should have made the censorship by government using Twitter as a proxy unthinkable, but as we know, it didn’t. The invented categories of “misinformation” and “disinformation” have been proclaimed as not subject to it. That’s why the proof that censorship harmed, indeed killed, people is so important to ratify the importance of the First Amendment in practical terms.

Now that the FACTS are out there for all to see, how do my far-left friends here justify not changing their viewpoints? Stubborness, ignorance, what?
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We have a lot of my far-left friends here on USMB that STILL refuse to admit that what they were being told were lies and cost lives.

This highly respected doctor was shadow banned, censored, ridiculed, and pushed to resign because of what he was posting on Twitter. Thousands of people died, and kids were put back at least a year in education and more in their social development.

‘Censorship actually killed people’: Dr. Jay Battacharya on the consequences of government suppression of honest discussion of Covid on Twitter

December 31, 2022
By Thomas Lifson
If ever there were a case of villains with power harming the public with censorship, this is it. The First Amendment alone should have made the censorship by government using Twitter as a proxy unthinkable, but as we know, it didn’t. The invented categories of “misinformation” and “disinformation” have been proclaimed as not subject to it. That’s why the proof that censorship harmed, indeed killed, people is so important to ratify the importance of the First Amendment in practical terms.

Now that the FACTS are out there for all to see, how do my far-left friends here justify not changing their viewpoints? Stubborness, ignorance, what?
Censorship and outright ridiculing of effective drugs like HCQ and Ivermectin sealed the fate of countless thousands of people.
Denial of Covid and refusal to accept the vaccines, resulted in a million or more deaths in America.

And now Covid is coming back, more deadly than ever.

I feel that as a Canadian I have a moral duty to speak up against the denialists.
Denial of Covid and refusal to accept the vaccines, resulted in a million or more deaths in America.

And now Covid is coming back, more deadly than ever.

I feel that as a Canadian I have a moral duty to speak up against the denialists.
This is just an outright lie. No one died because they refused to take a drug that did nothing to stop them from getting a virus.

You are an idiot.

PEOPLE have the right to make their own choices. ALWAYS.
Just a few names of Bilderberg attendees and members of the WEF who manipulated the Covid Planscamdemic
I could provide page after page after page after page . Many hundreds of key opinion formers
Underlined names are WEF steering committee members.

Big media​

The non reporting of Bilderberg by TV or newspapers reveals that the group has considerable control of big media, which was mobilised to support the official narrative.

In March 2020 Shiraz Maher wrote a first hand account of his mild case of COVID-19

Promoting panic​

Full article: COVID-19/Panic
Commercially-controlled media's coverage of COVID-19 was a more-or-less monotone echo of the fear-driven official narrative, while calmer, more scientific voices “were never invited to the expert table”, as the editor of Bild admitted in August 2021.

  • Shiraz Maher - 2015 - A "Terror expert" who reportedly had a case of COVID-19 which was "classified as “mild” by British health authorities". Maher wrote a "horrifying account of his experience with COVID-19" which was picked up by the commercially-controlled media after it "went viral" on Twitter.
  • John Micklethwait - 2019-2009, 2007 - Co-authored The Wake-Up Call with Adrian Wooldridge. A promotional article, How the West was lost, concluded "For all its awfulness, the Covid-19 pandemic is an alarm call... It’s not too late to wake up to the fact that the West is losing its pre-eminence. We still have time to repair the damage. But we don’t have that much time — and the Eastern world is forging ahead while we are still dithering. Whatever we do, we cannot afford to hit the snooze button."
  • Kenneth Rogoff - 2012 - Former IMF economist whose dire predictions in early 2020 were widely reported in commercially-controlled media. Also predicted that COVID would speed the move away from cash[]
“Every time I open the obituary pages of the local newspaper, I find so many people that I know have died. A whole generation is being wiped out.”
Beppe Severgnini (25 April 2020) [76]
  • Beppe Severgnini - 2017 - Italian editor/journalist who reported from north Italy in March 2020, stating in April 2020 that "a whole generation is being wiped out".
“There will be no recovery. There will be social unrest. There will be violence.”
Jacob Wallenberg (26 March 2020) [77]
From "business expert" Jacob Wallenberg, a third generation Bilderberger

That is a lie.
How would "disinformation" kill a person?
If someone believes COVID is a hoax, they might get it, won’t test, won’t isolate, will spread it and may cause harm to themselves (for not seeking treatment) or those whom they infect.
If someone believes COVID is a hoax, they might get it, won’t test, won’t isolate, will spread it and may cause harm to themselves (for not seeking treatment) or those whom they infect.
In that scenario, COVID killed them, not "misinformation".
If someone believes COVID is a hoax, they might get it, won’t test, won’t isolate, will spread it and may cause harm to themselves (for not seeking treatment) or those whom they infect.
No one is saying that COVID was a hoax.

What Dr. Bhattacharya said, along with many other health professionals is that many of the protocols put in place were WRONG.

As we now know, Dr. Bhattacharya was 100% correct.
No one is saying that COVID was a hoax.

What Dr. Bhattacharya said, along with many other health professionals is that many of the protocols put in place were WRONG.

As we now know, Dr. Bhattacharya was 100% correct.
Yes, many people say that COVID is a hoax. If they refuse to believe it exists, they may choose to believe it’s lethality and transmissibility is not significant.

Protocols for treating COVID were and are based on best available evidence.

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