Centennial school shooting

Why am I not surprised that you would want that teacher, unarmed, face the armed gunman.
Liar, I have never said teachers should be unarmed. Maybe you have.
Do you support trained teachers carrying guns in schools?

I think it's a great idea to arm teachers....but was THAT teacher armed? Yes or no?

Was the school allowed to have armed teachers?
This thread is not about the teacher but the anti gun republican hating liberal shooter.
This thread is about an anti gun liberal who hated republicans took a gun to a gun free zone to shoot someone.
Not about the action of the teacher.

except the action of the teacher provoked the shooting - his cowardice did.

it is quite obvious that if this student would just like to shoot the teacher in revenge - he would wait for him near his house, were nobody could intervene, or in any other place where the element of the SHOW is not involved.

But he instead came to school and was clearly making it PUBLIC.

Which clearly points that killing was not the main objective. The show was. And in such situations negotiations are usually successful.
If the teacher would not be a coward.

But he was - and that provoked the shootings as the perpetrator was left with totally failed plan.

Putting all the recent shooting incidents in one pile serves one agenda only - anti-gun hysteria.
But it does nothing for the resolution of the root causes. Which here are clearly totally different than in Newton or Aurora.

when Columbine first happened - there was no anti-gun hysteria, but professional dissection of the causes - and the problem was addressed nation wide - bullying prevention - with the result of calmness for almost 10 years.

But when the incidents which have had absolutely other causes started this on-going anti-gun hysteria which is doing nothing to address the problem - all the preventive measures against bullying all but disappear - with resulting idiocy of arresting 6 year olds for making a finger sign.

prevention of anything, violence included, starts with diagnosing of the trigger causes.

But it does not look like anybody really is interested in prevention, but in pushing their agenda instead.
The tread is about the shooting: The target would seem to be topical.

Anyone who believes they would have stayed rather than run is a fucking hypocrite until they've been there.

This thread is not about his actions. He did what he did as you said it's understandable. But would a mother or father leave their child? I can't see myself leaving my child much less anyone's child at the mercy of a shooter, but that's just me. People who aren't trained for that type of emergency situation do not know what they will do until it happens.

I would whether focus on the action of the shooter if it's at all possible?

Yes, but the actions of the shooter were very clearly motivated: Unlike a mass murderer, he wanted to only kill one individual, and the individual was a teacher. Knowing this motive, the teacher left the school, removing the motive for the shooter being there.

Those wishing to assasinate teachers should remember that all they need to do is make an appointment, after school, or during the teacher's planning period, but ideally, just follow them to whatever watering hole they frequent after school, and casually blow them away in an ally, without witnesses.

exactly my point. and we do not know if he even wanted to KILL the teacher as if he would, he won't come to the full light in front of the camera but kill him when nobody watches.
if the teacher would not run away and therefore anger the mentally already unstable student - the bloodless solution was quite possible.

Instead the mentally unstable got pissed and started shooting RANDOMLY.
Iexactly my point. and we do not know if he even wanted to KILL the teacher as if he would, he won't come to the full light in front of the camera but kill him when nobody watches.
if the teacher would not run away and therefore anger the mentally already unstable student - the bloodless solution was quite possible.

Instead the mentally unstable got pissed and started shooting RANDOMLY.

a recent article stated he had the gun, 4 machetes and ammunition strapped to his body--and the Molotov cocktails.

He legally purchased the gun on Dec.6--I suppose they could address that issue?

The intent seemed to be to kill people--starting with the librarian/coach of the debate team.

much more will be coming. and it will be the same thing we have heard before.
a recent article stated he had the gun, 4 machetes and ammunition strapped to his body--and the Molotov cocktails.

He legally purchased the gun on Dec.6--I suppose they could address that issue?

The intent seemed to be to kill people--starting with the librarian/coach of the debate team.

much more will be coming. and it will be the same thing we have heard before.

this is the description in a total contradiction with the one at first.

so either they are lying now or were lying before or are lying altogether.

the first reports were as if of a totally different incident.

p.s. I think they are lying now.
A person with looking like Rambo with all those decorations won't be able to get to school unnoticed long before he got inside.
Something is not adding here.
Just pretend you hang all of that on yourself.
If you have any knowledge how the weaponry of the described sorts looks like and also weighs.
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This thread is not about his actions. He did what he did as you said it's understandable. But would a mother or father leave their child? I can't see myself leaving my child much less anyone's child at the mercy of a shooter, but that's just me. People who aren't trained for that type of emergency situation do not know what they will do until it happens.

I would whether focus on the action of the shooter if it's at all possible?

Yes, but the actions of the shooter were very clearly motivated: Unlike a mass murderer, he wanted to only kill one individual, and the individual was a teacher. Knowing this motive, the teacher left the school, removing the motive for the shooter being there.

Those wishing to assasinate teachers should remember that all they need to do is make an appointment, after school, or during the teacher's planning period, but ideally, just follow them to whatever watering hole they frequent after school, and casually blow them away in an ally, without witnesses.

exactly my point. and we do not know if he even wanted to KILL the teacher as if he would, he won't come to the full light in front of the camera but kill him when nobody watches.
if the teacher would not run away and therefore anger the mentally already unstable student - the bloodless solution was quite possible.

Instead the mentally unstable got pissed and started shooting RANDOMLY.

No, exactly what your point is is that you have no point: Your supposition that the teacher may have stayed and sacrificed himself for the good of anything is an absurdity based on no recorded historical basis.
Yes, but the actions of the shooter were very clearly motivated: Unlike a mass murderer, he wanted to only kill one individual, and the individual was a teacher. Knowing this motive, the teacher left the school, removing the motive for the shooter being there.

Those wishing to assasinate teachers should remember that all they need to do is make an appointment, after school, or during the teacher's planning period, but ideally, just follow them to whatever watering hole they frequent after school, and casually blow them away in an ally, without witnesses.

exactly my point. and we do not know if he even wanted to KILL the teacher as if he would, he won't come to the full light in front of the camera but kill him when nobody watches.
if the teacher would not run away and therefore anger the mentally already unstable student - the bloodless solution was quite possible.

Instead the mentally unstable got pissed and started shooting RANDOMLY.

No, exactly what your point is is that you have no point: Your supposition that the teacher may have stayed and sacrificed himself for the good of anything is an absurdity based on no recorded historical basis.

the teacher had no need to sacrifice.

If the student would want to kill the teacher - he would come to kill him were he could not escape and not make a show which failed to achieve his objective in the school.

which he did not - and that makes it clear that he was not planning to kill the teacher.

choosing the most difficult way to achieve your goal just proves that there clearly was another goal.

plus the articles I have read on the issue are now contradicting each other.
exactly my point. and we do not know if he even wanted to KILL the teacher as if he would, he won't come to the full light in front of the camera but kill him when nobody watches.
if the teacher would not run away and therefore anger the mentally already unstable student - the bloodless solution was quite possible.

Instead the mentally unstable got pissed and started shooting RANDOMLY.

No, exactly what your point is is that you have no point: Your supposition that the teacher may have stayed and sacrificed himself for the good of anything is an absurdity based on no recorded historical basis.

the teacher had no need to sacrifice.

If the student would want to kill the teacher - he would come to kill him were he could not escape and not make a show which failed to achieve his objective in the school.

which he did not - and that makes it clear that he was not planning to kill the teacher.

choosing the most difficult way to achieve your goal just proves that there clearly was another goal.

plus the articles I have read on the issue are now contradicting each other.

More stupid Monday morning quarterbacking doesn't support an already absurd argument.


Stop before you make a complete idiot of yourself.
No, exactly what your point is is that you have no point: Your supposition that the teacher may have stayed and sacrificed himself for the good of anything is an absurdity based on no recorded historical basis.

the teacher had no need to sacrifice.

If the student would want to kill the teacher - he would come to kill him were he could not escape and not make a show which failed to achieve his objective in the school.

which he did not - and that makes it clear that he was not planning to kill the teacher.

choosing the most difficult way to achieve your goal just proves that there clearly was another goal.

plus the articles I have read on the issue are now contradicting each other.

More stupid Monday morning quarterbacking doesn't support an already absurd argument.


Stop before you make a complete idiot of yourself.

oh, just piss off( are you drunk)

you clearly stated the same as I did - that if one wants to kill ones chooses the plan to achieve the goal not a botched idiocy of a show.

Yes, but the actions of the shooter were very clearly motivated: Unlike a mass murderer, he wanted to only kill one individual, and the individual was a teacher. Knowing this motive, the teacher left the school, removing the motive for the shooter being there.

Those wishing to assasinate teachers should remember that all they need to do is make an appointment, after school, or during the teacher's planning period, but ideally, just follow them to whatever watering hole they frequent after school, and casually blow them away in an ally, without witnesses.

just say it - it was the gun to be blamed for :lol:
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The shooter was a 16 year old boy driven mad by liberalim. Not the sort given to the making of careful plans. He was filled with rage over a thwarted entitlement and images of economic inequality.

Liberalism is a mental disorder this is the result.
The shooter was a 16 year old boy driven mad by liberalim. Not the sort given to the making of careful plans. He was filled with rage over a thwarted entitlement and images of economic inequality.

Liberalism is a mental disorder this is the result.

At least he did us a favor by blowing his own head off.

Saved us some tax payer $$

What are they putting in the water in that state?

Sheriff: Colorado school shooter dead - CNN.com

another leftist freaks out

Interesting you said this

On his Facebook page, he seemed to make fun of Republicans, writing "you republicans are so cute" and posting an image that read: "The Republican Party: Health Care: Let 'em Die, Climate Change: Let 'em Die, Gun Violence: Let 'em Die, Women's Rights: Let 'em Die, More War: Let 'em Die. Is this really the side you want to be on?"

Read more: Colorado teenage gunman had 'very strong beliefs about gun laws' and Republicans* - NY Daily News

"He had very strong beliefs about gun laws and stuff," said junior Abbey Skoda, who shared a class with Pierson during her freshmen year, The Denver Post reported. "I also heard he was bullied a lot."

Yep disarm more people so he can create more victims.
This is the second known gun control supporter who actually used guns to kill with.

some described him as a very opinionated socialist

it is a fact

as the left cranks up the hate

the more common this becomes

there is a pattern to it
The shooter was a 16 year old boy driven mad by liberalim. Not the sort given to the making of careful plans. He was filled with rage over a thwarted entitlement and images of economic inequality.

Liberalism is a mental disorder this is the result.

At least he did us a favor by blowing his own head off.

Saved us some tax payer $$


This is what liberalism does to children. The boy probably had liberal parents and no one to guide him away from the dark liberal path.

Just like Jihad Johnny Walker.
another leftist freaks out

Interesting you said this

On his Facebook page, he seemed to make fun of Republicans, writing "you republicans are so cute" and posting an image that read: "The Republican Party: Health Care: Let 'em Die, Climate Change: Let 'em Die, Gun Violence: Let 'em Die, Women's Rights: Let 'em Die, More War: Let 'em Die. Is this really the side you want to be on?"

Read more: Colorado teenage gunman had 'very strong beliefs about gun laws' and Republicans* - NY Daily News

"He had very strong beliefs about gun laws and stuff," said junior Abbey Skoda, who shared a class with Pierson during her freshmen year, The Denver Post reported. "I also heard he was bullied a lot."

Yep disarm more people so he can create more victims.
This is the second known gun control supporter who actually used guns to kill with.

some described him as a very opinionated socialist

it is a fact

as the left cranks up the hate

the more common this becomes

there is a pattern to it

the left will get what they deserve.
The shooter was a 16 year old boy driven mad by liberalim. Not the sort given to the making of careful plans. He was filled with rage over a thwarted entitlement and images of economic inequality.

Liberalism is a mental disorder this is the result.

At least he did us a favor by blowing his own head off.

Saved us some tax payer $$


This is what liberalism does to children. The boy probably had liberal parents and no one to guide him away from the dark liberal path.

Just like Jihad Johnny Walker.

Sounds like a right winger, they always resort to violence and hate.
This thread is about an anti gun liberal who hated republicans took a gun to a gun free zone to shoot someone.
Not about the action of the teacher.

except the action of the teacher provoked the shooting - his cowardice did.

it is quite obvious that if this student would just like to shoot the teacher in revenge - he would wait for him near his house, were nobody could intervene, or in any other place where the element of the SHOW is not involved.

But he instead came to school and was clearly making it PUBLIC.

Which clearly points that killing was not the main objective. The show was. And in such situations negotiations are usually successful.
If the teacher would not be a coward.

Such melodrama. Do you know what is hospitality? If the pinko-commie freaks can't have a civil debate and just want to shoot each other up, meh, what can you do? Get the hell out of there and go have a drink.
Y'all are sounding crazier than the shooter! Being a liberal or a conservative is not a mental disease. You have ideological disagreements, that's all. Don't get carried away with this.

Take a look at the parents and find out why those guns were not locked up. You cannot tell me that your child doesn't exhibit some substantial distress signs before doing something like this. How involved were they in his life?
See, now I remember the good old days in my high school, and we didn't take no shit, and there were no school shootings, such a thing would be impossible. Our teacher drank whisky, and he said to us, you fools, get your shit together, they'll keep trampling your rights if you don't get it organized. And we did, and we took over the school, got the policy of handing out detentions thrown out for skipping school and everything. That's how you get it done.
Y'all are sounding crazier than the shooter! Being a liberal or a conservative is not a mental disease. You have ideological disagreements, that's all. Don't get carried away with this.

Take a look at the parents and find out why those guns were not locked up. You cannot tell me that your child doesn't exhibit some substantial distress signs before doing something like this. How involved were they in his life?

The shooter was the gun owner.
At least he did us a favor by blowing his own head off.

Saved us some tax payer $$


This is what liberalism does to children. The boy probably had liberal parents and no one to guide him away from the dark liberal path.

Just like Jihad Johnny Walker.

Sounds like a right winger, they always resort to violence and hate.

He was an anti gun liberal that hated republicans. I say he listen to MSNBC
probably CHRISSY TINGLE UP MY LEG Matthews, Rachel Maddcow., drove him to do this.

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