Centennial school shooting

This is what liberalism does to children. The boy probably had liberal parents and no one to guide him away from the dark liberal path.

Just like Jihad Johnny Walker.

Sounds like a right winger, they always resort to violence and hate.

He was an anti gun liberal that hated republicans. I say he listen to MSNBC
probably CHRISSY TINGLE UP MY LEG Matthews, Rachel Maddcow., drove him to do this.

the denver post has "edited" the original news reports

deleting very opinionated Socialist

seems to not fit the narrative
That has been discussed --TV commentators.

It sounds coincidental to me--not a huge problem with Colorado or this specific area.

In the days, weeks to come--every detail will be analyzed. The only exceptional thing to me at this point--somehow the student was able to enter the school with the weapon.

Thinking of the families who lost children at Sandy Hook today, too.

There just are no words.

Yes, how are people still getting into schools with guns????

NOT just guns, he had a shotgun which is a pretty good sized (length) weapon, someone was not paying very close attention.
what is the most impressive in this story - it is the coward teacher, who ran away upon learning that the student he/she abused came for her - and ran away, like a true sissy.

I believe the teacher leaving the building is regarded as a strategy--if the student wanted to find the teacher he would also need to leave.

I don't doubt that the schools in this area have intense training exercises for such a possibility. The first responders went immediately into the building--something that was learned from Columbine.

a strategy which lead to the student getting pissed and shooting at others randomly?

if that is the strategy - it is an idiotic one.

I don't think so, though. It looks just a typical cowardice and a cover up in the news - a cover up of the teacher.

i would have recommended they arm the teacher and let her ambush the kid......, BUT ! we are talking about a "sissy", "wuss" and or coward. :up:
A teacher might not be their parents BUT IT is irrelevant. They are in charge when the children are own school grounds.

Did the teacher know that he was the intended target and after he was gone no other person would be harmed?
I think that knowledge came after the fact, not during the shooting. You have a screwed up way of asking a question. Holding the children close to me? Why would I use the child as a shield? Are you saying the teachers did wrong at sandy hook by not running away?

According to news reports, yes, he knew he was the intended target.

"using a child as a shield"? YOU suggested that. I said that drawing fire away from the children protected them.

Now you are saying all or some or one of the Sandy Hook teachers were the known intended target? I didn't know that.

Neither do you.

What an insane position to take - that the known target of a nutcase shooter should stay close to children when the shooting starts.

"using a child as a shield"? YOU suggested that. I said that drawing fire away from the children protected them.

OK that's one lie.

According to news reports, yes, he knew he was the intended target.

Well then now that is interesting if he knew he was going to be the target, why was he even at school that day, week, month? why wasn't the shooter picked up by the protecting cops? No I think you're mistaken or the news report is misleading.

NO , NO ! that could never happen with the most honest, non-partisan reliable news service in America (a huge application of SARCASM)
This is what liberalism does to children. The boy probably had liberal parents and no one to guide him away from the dark liberal path.

Just like Jihad Johnny Walker.

Sounds like a right winger, they always resort to violence and hate.

He was an anti gun liberal that hated republicans. I say he listen to MSNBC
probably CHRISSY TINGLE UP MY LEG Matthews, Rachel Maddcow., drove him to do this.

If the shooter's parents were liberal themselves, they might have been quite proud of the hatred their son had for republicans. He was showing the proper social conscience.
Why am I not surprised that you would want that teacher, unarmed, face the armed gunman.
Liar, I have never said teachers should be unarmed. Maybe you have.
Do you support trained teachers carrying guns in schools?

I think it's a great idea to arm teachers....but was THAT teacher armed? Yes or no?

I read/heard somewhere that was an armed guard.

A lot of people are grateful that the target drew fire away from the kids.

If not for that, this could have been a lot worse.
I believe the teacher leaving the building is regarded as a strategy--if the student wanted to find the teacher he would also need to leave.

I don't doubt that the schools in this area have intense training exercises for such a possibility. The first responders went immediately into the building--something that was learned from Columbine.

a strategy which lead to the student getting pissed and shooting at others randomly?

if that is the strategy - it is an idiotic one.

I don't think so, though. It looks just a typical cowardice and a cover up in the news - a cover up of the teacher.

i would have recommended they arm the teacher and let her ambush the kid......, BUT ! we are talking about a "sissy", "wuss" and or coward. :up:

Teachers ambushing children BEFORE they commit a crime?

A page or two ago, another nutter said the teacher and/or cops should have known what the kid was planning. Said nutter did not say how the teacher/cops would divine that information ...

If we let the nutters do it, they will turn our country into a constant armed battle. Then they'll say its the liberals' fault.

Drunk drivers injury and kill MANY more innocent people a year than school shootings. Where's the outcry over that? DUIs are a slap on the wrist-until you harm someone.

Oh that's right....it's not a political issue.
Drunk drivers injury and kill MANY more innocent people a year than school shootings. Where's the outcry over that? DUIs are a slap on the wrist-until you harm someone.

Oh that's right....it's not a political issue.

Yeah, you're right. We haven't passed any laws against driving drunk. No laws to make cars safer in crashes either. :rolleyes:

Have we succeeded in stopping all drunk driving or all car crashes? Nope. But, we haven't curled up in a whimpering ball of impotency and just given up, either.

Why should this be an either/or issue? Why does the right think we can't address more than one life-threatening issue at a time? Just because they don't have the brain cells to handle more than one little bitty thing at a time, doesn't mean the grownups are similarly handicapped.
Drunk drivers injury and kill MANY more innocent people a year than school shootings. Where's the outcry over that? DUIs are a slap on the wrist-until you harm someone.

Oh that's right....it's not a political issue.

Yeah, you're right. We haven't passed any laws against driving drunk. No laws to make cars safer in crashes either. :rolleyes:

Have we succeeded in stopping all drunk driving or all car crashes? Nope. But, we haven't curled up in a whimpering ball of impotency and just given up, either.

Why should this be an either/or issue? Why does the right think we can't address more than one life-threatening issue at a time? Just because they don't have the brain cells to handle more than one little bitty thing at a time, doesn't mean the grownups are similarly handicapped.

-I'm not a rightist

-Drunk driving laws across the country are little more than a slap on the wrist. Example:

3rd DUI arrest in Florida:

So after endangering the lives of hundreds of innocent people on the road THREE times (that you were caught):

-30 day minimum jail time, 1 year MAXIMUM. That's it. You put hundreds of people's lives in danger THREE TIMES (that you were caught), and you get 3 years.

-I agree we can tackle more than 1 life-threatening issue at a time. But why does the left obsess over guns MUCH MUCH more than they do with drunk driving? Which kills more people?

Because guns are "scary". That's why. I'm sure you feel no fear driving down the road (when you have a much higher chance at getting killed than in a mass shooting).
Last edited:
Liar, I have never said teachers should be unarmed. Maybe you have.
Do you support trained teachers carrying guns in schools?

I think it's a great idea to arm teachers....but was THAT teacher armed? Yes or no?

I read/heard somewhere that was an armed guard.

A lot of people are grateful that the target drew fire away from the kids.

If not for that, this could have been a lot worse.

No one knew the intended target was until after the fact. Should all teachers run away and leave children with the gunman?
Lanza went for a teacher shot her and then starting shooting the children.
I think it's a great idea to arm teachers....but was THAT teacher armed? Yes or no?

I read/heard somewhere that was an armed guard.

A lot of people are grateful that the target drew fire away from the kids.

If not for that, this could have been a lot worse.

No one knew the intended target was until after the fact. Should all teachers run away and leave children with the gunman?
Lanza went for a teacher shot her and then starting shooting the children.

that is what we are being TOLD.
with this government with an agenda against guns and constantly lying on other issues.... I am not so sure we are being told the truth.
I read/heard somewhere that was an armed guard.

A lot of people are grateful that the target drew fire away from the kids.

If not for that, this could have been a lot worse.

No one knew the intended target was until after the fact. Should all teachers run away and leave children with the gunman?
Lanza went for a teacher shot her and then starting shooting the children.

that is what we are being TOLD.
with this government with an agenda against guns and constantly lying on other issues.... I am not so sure we are being told the truth.

I read/heard somewhere that was an armed guard.

A lot of people are grateful that the target drew fire away from the kids.

If not for that, this could have been a lot worse.

No one knew the intended target was until after the fact. Should all teachers run away and leave children with the gunman?
Lanza went for a teacher shot her and then starting shooting the children.

that is what we are being TOLD.
with this government with an agenda against guns and constantly lying on other issues.... I am not so sure we are being told the truth.

Drunk drivers injury and kill MANY more innocent people a year than school shootings. Where's the outcry over that? DUIs are a slap on the wrist-until you harm someone.

Oh that's right....it's not a political issue.

Yeah, you're right. We haven't passed any laws against driving drunk. No laws to make cars safer in crashes either. :rolleyes:

Have we succeeded in stopping all drunk driving or all car crashes? Nope. But, we haven't curled up in a whimpering ball of impotency and just given up, either.

Why should this be an either/or issue? Why does the right think we can't address more than one life-threatening issue at a time? Just because they don't have the brain cells to handle more than one little bitty thing at a time, doesn't mean the grownups are similarly handicapped.

-I'm not a rightist

-Drunk driving laws across the country are little more than a slap on the wrist. Example:

3rd DUI arrest in Florida:

So after endangering the lives of hundreds of innocent people on the road THREE times (that you were caught):

-30 day minimum jail time, 1 year MAXIMUM. That's it. You put hundreds of people's lives in danger THREE TIMES (that you were caught), and you get 3 years.

-I agree we can tackle more than 1 life-threatening issue at a time. But why does the left obsess over guns MUCH MUCH more than they do with drunk driving? Which kills more people?

Because guns are "scary". That's why. I'm sure you feel no fear driving down the road (when you have a much higher chance at getting killed than in a mass shooting).

I think it's a great idea to arm teachers....but was THAT teacher armed? Yes or no?

I read/heard somewhere that was an armed guard.

A lot of people are grateful that the target drew fire away from the kids.

If not for that, this could have been a lot worse.

No one knew the intended target was until after the fact. Should all teachers run away and leave children with the gunman?

Lanza went for a teacher shot her and then starting shooting the children.

Oh for Pete's sake, read your own op. Then read the other links.

Where did you read that "all teachers ran away and left the children with a gunman"? Post the link or admit that you just keep making this crap up.

It would be stupid and irresponsible to purposely draw gunfire to children. If the known target had stood in front of a classroom full if students - gawd - even you and Vox should be able to see where that would likely lead.
This is what liberalism does to children. The boy probably had liberal parents and no one to guide him away from the dark liberal path.

Just like Jihad Johnny Walker.

Sounds like a right winger, they always resort to violence and hate.

He was an anti gun liberal that hated republicans. I say he listen to MSNBC
probably CHRISSY TINGLE UP MY LEG Matthews, Rachel Maddcow., drove him to do this.

"da libs" hate guns and want to take them all away remember? He was a right winger no doubt.

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