CEO Compensation Increased 940% Between 1978 and 2018, Workers’ Only by 12%

An Economic Policy Institute study shows that the dramatic increase in CEO compensation has a large impact on increasing inequality--worker pay could have doubled without the rise in CEO income.
CEO Compensation Increased 940% Between 1978 and 2018, Workers' Only by 12%

But, greed is good isn't it ?

Pretty funny that workers wages stopped rising not long after we changed immigration laws to allow massive Third WOrld immigration.

But hey, let's not try changing the things that cause "inequality". That misses the point.

The point is just to talk about it. And make vague anti-American posts.

They stopped rising after we cut the bottom out from unions.

Workers who can’t organize are left on their own. Easy prey to corporate masters

Gee, if you had more than half a brain you could negotiate on your own.

If the labor pool is flooded with Cheap immigrant labor, employers don't negotiate, they dictate.

Employers hire the cheap immigrant labor so they do not have to negotiate with the employees.

Exactly. And since we have changed the immigration laws to allow massive third world immigration AND allowed massive ILLEGAL third world immigration on top of it,

wages have stagnated.

An Economic Policy Institute study shows that the dramatic increase in CEO compensation has a large impact on increasing inequality--worker pay could have doubled without the rise in CEO income.
CEO Compensation Increased 940% Between 1978 and 2018, Workers' Only by 12%

But, greed is good isn't it ?

Pretty funny that workers wages stopped rising not long after we changed immigration laws to allow massive Third WOrld immigration.

But hey, let's not try changing the things that cause "inequality". That misses the point.

The point is just to talk about it. And make vague anti-American posts.

They stopped rising after we cut the bottom out from unions.

Workers who can’t organize are left on their own. Easy prey to corporate masters

Yes the republicans sent our well paying jobs to china with their war on unions. Now they pretend to want those jobs back.

Why do you say "pretend"?
An Economic Policy Institute study shows that the dramatic increase in CEO compensation has a large impact on increasing inequality--worker pay could have doubled without the rise in CEO income.
CEO Compensation Increased 940% Between 1978 and 2018, Workers' Only by 12%

But, greed is good isn't it ?


Before 1971, the working class was doing great and the one percent was doing lousy. Of course, after 1971, the working class started doing lousy and the one ercent started doing great.

Reason being is they completely debased the dollar in 1971.

Now the one percenters get all of that freshly printed fiat currency and they get to invest it first.

There's more to it than that, but it's been said a gazillion times already.
Pretty funny that workers wages stopped rising not long after we changed immigration laws to allow massive Third WOrld immigration.

But hey, let's not try changing the things that cause "inequality". That misses the point.

The point is just to talk about it. And make vague anti-American posts.

They stopped rising after we cut the bottom out from unions.

Workers who can’t organize are left on their own. Easy prey to corporate masters

Gee, if you had more than half a brain you could negotiate on your own.

If the labor pool is flooded with Cheap immigrant labor, employers don't negotiate, they dictate.

Employers hire the cheap immigrant labor so they do not have to negotiate with the employees.

Exactly. And since we have changed the immigration laws to allow massive third world immigration AND allowed massive ILLEGAL third world immigration on top of it,

wages have stagnated.


We havent changed the laws. Like those who came before him, Trump simply isn't enforcing them.
An Economic Policy Institute study shows that the dramatic increase in CEO compensation has a large impact on increasing inequality--worker pay could have doubled without the rise in CEO income.
CEO Compensation Increased 940% Between 1978 and 2018, Workers' Only by 12%

But, greed is good isn't it ?

Pretty funny that workers wages stopped rising not long after we changed immigration laws to allow massive Third WOrld immigration.

But hey, let's not try changing the things that cause "inequality". That misses the point.

The point is just to talk about it. And make vague anti-American posts.

They stopped rising after we cut the bottom out from unions.

Workers who can’t organize are left on their own. Easy prey to corporate masters

On the flip side, labor unions and workers who organized those were singularly responsible for China, India, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, etc. being the economic powers they are today, thereby causing the massive loss of American jobs. Did you expect all those American manufacturers to buckle and lose profit because of the extortion from organized labor?

And I suppose you now claim to want those jobs back? That is funny.

That was one of Trump's primary messages. Did you miss the primaries?

Why do you think that is funny?
Yeah, Marxist economics.
How'd that work for the average East German worker?
Marxism merely provides a balanced foundation for capitalism to
work for everyone. ( I think it's called democracy - something that's rarely been
actually tried out through history .)
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An Economic Policy Institute study shows that the dramatic increase in CEO compensation has a large impact on increasing inequality--worker pay could have doubled without the rise in CEO income.
CEO Compensation Increased 940% Between 1978 and 2018, Workers' Only by 12%

But, greed is good isn't it ?

Pretty funny that workers wages stopped rising not long after we changed immigration laws to allow massive Third WOrld immigration.

But hey, let's not try changing the things that cause "inequality". That misses the point.

The point is just to talk about it. And make vague anti-American posts.

They stopped rising after we cut the bottom out from unions.

Workers who can’t organize are left on their own. Easy prey to corporate masters

The big ticket unions cut their own ballz off. And when it came down to it thought of themselves first instead of their brothers when times got tough for them. Everything grandfathered and guarantees for those lucky enough to be. Government unions and government employees need to be busted also. Corrupted trade unions and monopolies need to be dealt with. But you are right about CEO's. For when the failing American production companies closed here a few decades ago or so, CEO's got big payouts for their ineptitude. That I did not forget. p.s.....Progs bolted from purchasing American made products before anyone else. And frankly after being screwed over with American products like cars over and over and being treated like crap from dealers and repair places, I do not care anymore. Asian cars rock!

Union workers used to receive a salary they could raise a family on, send their kids to college, retire with a pension, full health benefits

Workers no longer do.

And you are here, defending the status quo, to keep it that way.
An Economic Policy Institute study shows that the dramatic increase in CEO compensation has a large impact on increasing inequality--worker pay could have doubled without the rise in CEO income.
CEO Compensation Increased 940% Between 1978 and 2018, Workers' Only by 12%

But, greed is good isn't it ?

Pretty funny that workers wages stopped rising not long after we changed immigration laws to allow massive Third WOrld immigration.

But hey, let's not try changing the things that cause "inequality". That misses the point.

The point is just to talk about it. And make vague anti-American posts.

They stopped rising after we cut the bottom out from unions.

Workers who can’t organize are left on their own. Easy prey to corporate masters

Your wetbacks went to work under the table for a shitload less...Wetbacks ruined unions. See how this shit works...How can you have all the pet humans your heart desires and climbing wages?

Don't discount the effect of legal immigrants.

Wages don't rise, unless there is a SHORTAGE OF LABOR.
They stopped rising after we cut the bottom out from unions.

Workers who can’t organize are left on their own. Easy prey to corporate masters

Gee, if you had more than half a brain you could negotiate on your own.

If the labor pool is flooded with Cheap immigrant labor, employers don't negotiate, they dictate.

Employers hire the cheap immigrant labor so they do not have to negotiate with the employees.

Exactly. And since we have changed the immigration laws to allow massive third world immigration AND allowed massive ILLEGAL third world immigration on top of it,

wages have stagnated.


We havent changed the laws. Like those who came before him, Trump simply isn't enforcing them.

I'm referring to the immigration changes made in 1965, that led to immigration switching from European, to massively Third World immigration.

Wages were rising quite nicely with productivity before that, and not since then.
An Economic Policy Institute study shows that the dramatic increase in CEO compensation has a large impact on increasing inequality--worker pay could have doubled without the rise in CEO income.
CEO Compensation Increased 940% Between 1978 and 2018, Workers' Only by 12%

But, greed is good isn't it ?

Pretty funny that workers wages stopped rising not long after we changed immigration laws to allow massive Third WOrld immigration.

But hey, let's not try changing the things that cause "inequality". That misses the point.

The point is just to talk about it. And make vague anti-American posts.

They stopped rising after we cut the bottom out from unions.

Workers who can’t organize are left on their own. Easy prey to corporate masters

Your wetbacks went to work under the table for a shitload less...Wetbacks ruined unions. See how this shit works...How can you have all the pet humans your heart desires and climbing wages?

Don't discount the effect of legal immigrants.

Wages don't rise, unless there is a SHORTAGE OF LABOR.

Don't discount the effect of legal immigrants.

Wages don't rise, unless there is a SHORTAGE OF LABOR.
Workers' wages also rise when there's an increase in UNION representation.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
An Economic Policy Institute study shows that the dramatic increase in CEO compensation has a large impact on increasing inequality--worker pay could have doubled without the rise in CEO income.
CEO Compensation Increased 940% Between 1978 and 2018, Workers' Only by 12%

But, greed is good isn't it ?

Pretty funny that workers wages stopped rising not long after we changed immigration laws to allow massive Third WOrld immigration.

But hey, let's not try changing the things that cause "inequality". That misses the point.

The point is just to talk about it. And make vague anti-American posts.

They stopped rising after we cut the bottom out from unions.

Workers who can’t organize are left on their own. Easy prey to corporate masters

Your wetbacks went to work under the table for a shitload less...Wetbacks ruined unions. See how this shit works...How can you have all the pet humans your heart desires and climbing wages?

Don't discount the effect of legal immigrants.

Wages don't rise, unless there is a SHORTAGE OF LABOR.

Don't discount the effect of legal immigrants.

Wages don't rise, unless there is a SHORTAGE OF LABOR.
Workers' wages also rise when there's an increase in UNION representation.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Perhaps. Do you wish to address my point about surplus labor?

Or is bringing in more dem voters more important than concern about wages?
An Economic Policy Institute study shows that the dramatic increase in CEO compensation has a large impact on increasing inequality--worker pay could have doubled without the rise in CEO income.
CEO Compensation Increased 940% Between 1978 and 2018, Workers' Only by 12%

But, greed is good isn't it ? should work to become a CEO rather than a regular employee....good to, people should go to school, go to work, get the experience and climb the ladder.....just like those CEOs did....right?
If you don't like it go have a talk with the board of director members of any company.

They are the ones who set salaries for CEO's.
That touches on the heart of the problem.
Then become a CEO
The new "middle class" you mean ?
The top 10-15 % of millionaires doing the 1% -billionaires' dirty work while all
the rest of us peasants (the bottom 85%) keep the game running for you ?
That about sum it up Gordy ?
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How many of you work for a company with a CEO who gets paid 250 times what you do?
If you don't like it go have a talk with the board of director members of any company.

They are the ones who set salaries for CEO's.
That touches on the heart of the problem.
Then become a CEO
The new "middle class" you mean ?
The top 10-15 % of millionaires doing the 1% -billionaires' dirty work while all
the rest of us peasants (the bottom 85%) keep the game running for you ?
That about sum it up Gordy ?
dude, i am far from a CEO.

i just dont sit on my ass bitching cause people are not handing me shit.
An Economic Policy Institute study shows that the dramatic increase in CEO compensation has a large impact on increasing inequality--worker pay could have doubled without the rise in CEO income.
CEO Compensation Increased 940% Between 1978 and 2018, Workers' Only by 12%

But, greed is good isn't it ?

Define “worker”. How about Manager, executive, director pay? Are they workers or are they CEOs? How much accountability does a “worker” have vs. a CEO?

Class warfare or arbitrary / artificial CEO compensation mandates / laws may close the gap but new problems and challenges will emerge. Who will want the CEO position if compensation is capped or tied to “worker” compensation growth? What impact will that have on company performance or workers health and retirement plans?

Let the market determine.

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