CEO Compensation Increased 940% Between 1978 and 2018, Workers’ Only by 12%

Capitalism is failing the masses.

Communism is murdering the masses.
Capitalism is also murdering the masses.

Actually, no. It is employing the masses and making their lives better.

As opposed to socialism, which is stealing from them and ultimately starving them.
Russia's life expectancy had risen fast under communism. In 1913 the life expectancy was 32 by 1950 it was 64.Health in Russia - Wikipedia

That's not really something to brag about. The US life expectancy in 1913 was between 50-55 for men/women respectively. By 1950 it was 65-71 for men/women respectively.

Of course, we didn't kill off all those people like the Russians did during their revolution and under Stalin. You neglected to count the 500,000 killed in the Bolshevik Revolution and the 20 million killed by Stalin, so the life expectancy stats for Russia are pretty much a moot point.
People like EduardB and the OP get their "facts" from socialist websites. They invariably tell only the part of the story that fits their hateful, anti-US agendas. The study referenced in the OP for instance is from the Economic Policy Institute ... a union operation.

The real Eduard Bernstein was a comrade of Marx.
Communism is murdering the masses.
Capitalism is also murdering the masses.

Actually, no. It is employing the masses and making their lives better.

As opposed to socialism, which is stealing from them and ultimately starving them.
Russia's life expectancy had risen fast under communism. In 1913 the life expectancy was 32 by 1950 it was 64.Health in Russia - Wikipedia

That's not really something to brag about. The US life expectancy in 1913 was between 50-55 for men/women respectively. By 1950 it was 65-71 for men/women respectively.

Of course, we didn't kill off all those people like the Russians did during their revolution and under Stalin. You neglected to count the 500,000 killed in the Bolshevik Revolution and the 20 million killed by Stalin, so the life expectancy stats for Russia are pretty much a moot point.
People like EduardB and the OP get their "facts" from socialist websites. They invariably tell only the part of the story that fits their hateful, anti-US agendas. The study referenced in the OP for instance is from the Economic Policy Institute ... a union operation.

Eduard Biamonte was a comrade of Marx.
Doesn’t mean it is wrong
An Economic Policy Institute study shows that the dramatic increase in CEO compensation has a large impact on increasing inequality--worker pay could have doubled without the rise in CEO income.
CEO Compensation Increased 940% Between 1978 and 2018, Workers' Only by 12%

But, greed is good isn't it ?

Pretty funny that workers wages stopped rising not long after we changed immigration laws to allow massive Third WOrld immigration.

But hey, let's not try changing the things that cause "inequality". That misses the point.

The point is just to talk about it. And make vague anti-American posts.

They stopped rising after we cut the bottom out from unions.

Workers who can’t organize are left on their own. Easy prey to corporate masters

The big ticket unions cut their own ballz off. And when it came down to it thought of themselves first instead of their brothers when times got tough for them. Everything grandfathered and guarantees for those lucky enough to be. Government unions and government employees need to be busted also. Corrupted trade unions and monopolies need to be dealt with. But you are right about CEO's. For when the failing American production companies closed here a few decades ago or so, CEO's got big payouts for their ineptitude. That I did not forget. p.s.....Progs bolted from purchasing American made products before anyone else. And frankly after being screwed over with American products like cars over and over and being treated like crap from dealers and repair places, I do not care anymore. Asian cars rock!

Union workers used to receive a salary they could raise a family on, send their kids to college, retire with a pension, full health benefits

Workers no longer do.
Hard work doesn't make you a ceo. Unless you were born rich, you aren't in the running.
Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were born rich?
Facts notwithstanding, life's bitter losers have a constitutional right to whine to their heart's content.

If that's the case, President Trump has done more for the left's First Amendment right than any other President. They've been bitching and moaning for three years straight day and night, with another five to go.

What a guy he is. :biggrin:
Capitalism is failing the masses.

Communism is murdering the masses.
Capitalism is also murdering the masses.

Actually, no. It is employing the masses and making their lives better.

As opposed to socialism, which is stealing from them and ultimately starving them.
Russia's life expectancy had risen fast under communism. In 1913 the life expectancy was 32 by 1950 it was 64.Health in Russia - Wikipedia

That's not really something to brag about. The US life expectancy in 1913 was between 50-55 for men/women respectively. By 1950 it was 65-71 for men/women respectively.

Of course, we didn't kill off all those people like the Russians did during their revolution and under Stalin. You neglected to count the 500,000 killed in the Bolshevik Revolution and the 20 million killed by Stalin, so the life expectancy stats for Russia are pretty much a moot point.
Stalin had a holodomor famine, and so did the United States.American Holodomor
An Economic Policy Institute study shows that the dramatic increase in CEO compensation has a large impact on increasing inequality--worker pay could have doubled without the rise in CEO income.
CEO Compensation Increased 940% Between 1978 and 2018, Workers' Only by 12%

But, greed is good isn't it ?

Pretty funny that workers wages stopped rising not long after we changed immigration laws to allow massive Third WOrld immigration.

But hey, let's not try changing the things that cause "inequality". That misses the point.

The point is just to talk about it. And make vague anti-American posts.

They stopped rising after we cut the bottom out from unions.

Workers who can’t organize are left on their own. Easy prey to corporate masters

The big ticket unions cut their own ballz off. And when it came down to it thought of themselves first instead of their brothers when times got tough for them. Everything grandfathered and guarantees for those lucky enough to be. Government unions and government employees need to be busted also. Corrupted trade unions and monopolies need to be dealt with. But you are right about CEO's. For when the failing American production companies closed here a few decades ago or so, CEO's got big payouts for their ineptitude. That I did not forget. p.s.....Progs bolted from purchasing American made products before anyone else. And frankly after being screwed over with American products like cars over and over and being treated like crap from dealers and repair places, I do not care anymore. Asian cars rock!

Union workers used to receive a salary they could raise a family on, send their kids to college, retire with a pension, full health benefits

Workers no longer do.

Because the Left took over colleges and put families into enormous debt and destroyed the healthcare system too.
Some gripe about teachers, cops, firemen, etc like they are jealous. They should quit crying already.
Lefties gripe about everything and everyone. They are in it only for themselves, Initforme, and yeah ... they should quit crying already but can't.
Communism is murdering the masses.
Capitalism is also murdering the masses.

Actually, no. It is employing the masses and making their lives better.

As opposed to socialism, which is stealing from them and ultimately starving them.
Russia's life expectancy had risen fast under communism. In 1913 the life expectancy was 32 by 1950 it was 64.Health in Russia - Wikipedia

That's not really something to brag about. The US life expectancy in 1913 was between 50-55 for men/women respectively. By 1950 it was 65-71 for men/women respectively.

Of course, we didn't kill off all those people like the Russians did during their revolution and under Stalin. You neglected to count the 500,000 killed in the Bolshevik Revolution and the 20 million killed by Stalin, so the life expectancy stats for Russia are pretty much a moot point.
Stalin had a holodomor famine, and so did the United States.American Holodomor
Biden should have you speak at his rally’s.
Communism is murdering the masses.
Capitalism is also murdering the masses.

Actually, no. It is employing the masses and making their lives better.

As opposed to socialism, which is stealing from them and ultimately starving them.
Russia's life expectancy had risen fast under communism. In 1913 the life expectancy was 32 by 1950 it was 64.Health in Russia - Wikipedia

That's not really something to brag about. The US life expectancy in 1913 was between 50-55 for men/women respectively. By 1950 it was 65-71 for men/women respectively.

Of course, we didn't kill off all those people like the Russians did during their revolution and under Stalin. You neglected to count the 500,000 killed in the Bolshevik Revolution and the 20 million killed by Stalin, so the life expectancy stats for Russia are pretty much a moot point.
Stalin had a holodomor famine, and so did the United States.American Holodomor

Ahhh, I see. So it wasn't Stalin's fault all those Russian people died.

Riiiighhht. :cuckoo:
I will never ever blame some poor laborer making a measely 50 grand for making the company 5x that. Labor built this nation for the CEOs who sat back and relaxed.
Everyone is in it for themselves. There's just alot more people on the low end. The number is growing exponentially.
Capitalism is also murdering the masses.

Actually, no. It is employing the masses and making their lives better.

As opposed to socialism, which is stealing from them and ultimately starving them.
Russia's life expectancy had risen fast under communism. In 1913 the life expectancy was 32 by 1950 it was 64.Health in Russia - Wikipedia

That's not really something to brag about. The US life expectancy in 1913 was between 50-55 for men/women respectively. By 1950 it was 65-71 for men/women respectively.

Of course, we didn't kill off all those people like the Russians did during their revolution and under Stalin. You neglected to count the 500,000 killed in the Bolshevik Revolution and the 20 million killed by Stalin, so the life expectancy stats for Russia are pretty much a moot point.
Stalin had a holodomor famine, and so did the United States.American Holodomor

Ahhh, I see. So it wasn't Stalin's fault all those Russian people died.

Riiiighhht. :cuckoo:
He’s mad at Stalin for murdering only 62 million of his own people. He’s a Mao fan because he murdered 72 million of his own people.
I will never ever blame some poor laborer making a measely 50 grand for making the company 5x that. Labor built this nation for the CEOs who sat back and relaxed.
Actually, no. It is employing the masses and making their lives better.

As opposed to socialism, which is stealing from them and ultimately starving them.
Russia's life expectancy had risen fast under communism. In 1913 the life expectancy was 32 by 1950 it was 64.Health in Russia - Wikipedia

That's not really something to brag about. The US life expectancy in 1913 was between 50-55 for men/women respectively. By 1950 it was 65-71 for men/women respectively.

Of course, we didn't kill off all those people like the Russians did during their revolution and under Stalin. You neglected to count the 500,000 killed in the Bolshevik Revolution and the 20 million killed by Stalin, so the life expectancy stats for Russia are pretty much a moot point.
Stalin had a holodomor famine, and so did the United States.American Holodomor

Ahhh, I see. So it wasn't Stalin's fault all those Russian people died.

Riiiighhht. :cuckoo:
He’s mad at Stalin for murdering only 62 million of his own people. He’s a Mao fan because he murdered 72 million of his own people.

The hell you say? And all this time I thought it was just because he liked Chinese food.
Capitalism is also murdering the masses.

Actually, no. It is employing the masses and making their lives better.

As opposed to socialism, which is stealing from them and ultimately starving them.
Russia's life expectancy had risen fast under communism. In 1913 the life expectancy was 32 by 1950 it was 64.Health in Russia - Wikipedia

That's not really something to brag about. The US life expectancy in 1913 was between 50-55 for men/women respectively. By 1950 it was 65-71 for men/women respectively.

Of course, we didn't kill off all those people like the Russians did during their revolution and under Stalin. You neglected to count the 500,000 killed in the Bolshevik Revolution and the 20 million killed by Stalin, so the life expectancy stats for Russia are pretty much a moot point.
Stalin had a holodomor famine, and so did the United States.American Holodomor

Ahhh, I see. So it wasn't Stalin's fault all those Russian people died.

Riiiighhht. :cuckoo:
How many people has the United States killed? Timeline of United States military operations - Wikipedia
Actually, no. It is employing the masses and making their lives better.

As opposed to socialism, which is stealing from them and ultimately starving them.
Russia's life expectancy had risen fast under communism. In 1913 the life expectancy was 32 by 1950 it was 64.Health in Russia - Wikipedia

That's not really something to brag about. The US life expectancy in 1913 was between 50-55 for men/women respectively. By 1950 it was 65-71 for men/women respectively.

Of course, we didn't kill off all those people like the Russians did during their revolution and under Stalin. You neglected to count the 500,000 killed in the Bolshevik Revolution and the 20 million killed by Stalin, so the life expectancy stats for Russia are pretty much a moot point.
Stalin had a holodomor famine, and so did the United States.American Holodomor

Ahhh, I see. So it wasn't Stalin's fault all those Russian people died.

Riiiighhht. :cuckoo:
How many people has the United States killed? Timeline of United States military operations - Wikipedia

The article didn't give a grand total so I will just say that if the US killed them, they certainly had it coming.
The problem I have with CEO compensation, it isn't tied to stock performance. There are so many examples of CEOs who made terrible decisions that crashed the stock price but they still got all their salary PLUS bonuses. That isn't right IMO.
Our CEOs are paid many times more than CEOs in other countries yet they do not achieve any better and often worse performance
Look at GE for a perfect example. Shareholders and retirees of GE have been getting pummeled but from what I've seen the succession of CEOs all did very well while the stock price dropped and dropped.
They're including capital gains, stock dividends as well as income and bonuses and tax loopholes I'm sure.

So what? It's their job and their negotiated income based on performance. They wouldn't have the job or the pay without performance. The board of directors would fire them in a second. And boards do that on a regular basis.

CEOs need to be replaced by worker co-ops.

The operative word in your statement is "need". According to who's opinion? And how will you replace the private company's infrastructure without violence/theft/destruction? And who's going to replace the businessman at the top? Some drooling imbecile factory worker who made it to the top floor with a rifle first? How many times in history has a violent mob stolen private property/means of production and made it more productive?

I know. A history book scared you when you were little.
Actually, no. It is employing the masses and making their lives better.

As opposed to socialism, which is stealing from them and ultimately starving them.
Russia's life expectancy had risen fast under communism. In 1913 the life expectancy was 32 by 1950 it was 64.Health in Russia - Wikipedia

That's not really something to brag about. The US life expectancy in 1913 was between 50-55 for men/women respectively. By 1950 it was 65-71 for men/women respectively.

Of course, we didn't kill off all those people like the Russians did during their revolution and under Stalin. You neglected to count the 500,000 killed in the Bolshevik Revolution and the 20 million killed by Stalin, so the life expectancy stats for Russia are pretty much a moot point.
Stalin had a holodomor famine, and so did the United States.American Holodomor

Ahhh, I see. So it wasn't Stalin's fault all those Russian people died.

Riiiighhht. :cuckoo:
How many people has the United States killed? Timeline of United States military operations - Wikipedia
Damn right. And one more won’t matter so be good.

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