CEO pay is 380 times average worker's

This discussion is pointless. I've already solved the Entitlement Whiners' problem... Simply stop whining, start working harder, and become a CEO. Problem solved.

If it was that simple, everybody would be doing it.

No kidding, it requires talent, hard work and doing things most people wont do.

Most people wont travel.
Most people wont work the hours needed

se the problem is people would do it, if becoming rich was guaranteed, but its not. So only a few, try it and even fewer succeed

qnd i hqve no hatred for thosemthat do. Good for them
It's not easy becoming a CEO. Lots of blood, sweat, and tears involved. This OP is not willing to work hard enough or sacrifice enough to achieve such success. So now it's all about bitter envy for em. Sadly, he or she represents what our Nation is becoming. It's a Takers VS. Makers Nation now. Obviously, this OP is a bitter Taker.

Ah, it's all the working class's fault or your "Takers".
The graph I posted (Post # 108) clearly shows the working class, (that'd be the working middle class and working poor), are taking less and less of the National Income. As a matter of fact, that phenomenon has been a real fact since the 1970's. So according to real life the "Takers" have lost big time what they used to "Take" home in pay.
I love how you folks hate the working classes and label the most victimized productive demographic group in the country as "Takers". I'd care to bet, that most of the posters demonizing this group are actually part of this demographic. Fucking amazing.
Also. find me an economist that thinks it's a good thing that the working class has become so weak. Come on, find just one.
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It's not easy becoming a CEO. Lots of blood, sweat, and tears involved. This OP is not willing to work hard enough or sacrifice enough to achieve such success. So now it's all about bitter envy for em. Sadly, he or she represents what our Nation is becoming. It's a Takers VS. Makers Nation now. Obviously, this OP is a bitter Taker.

Ah, it's all the working class's fault or your "Takers".
The graph I posted (Post # 108) clearly shows the working class, (that'd be the working middle class and working poor), are taking less and less of the National Income. As a matter of fact, that phenomenon has been a real fact since the 1970's. So according to real life the "Takers" have lost big time what they used to "Take" home in pay.
I love how you folks hate the working classes and label the most victimized productive demographic group in the country as "Takers". I'd care to bet, that most of the posters demonizing this group is actually part of this demographic. Fucking amazing.
Also. find me an economist that thinks it's a good thing that the working class has become so weak. Come on, find just one.

If you're an Entitlement Whiner, you are a Taker. You don't have the right to steal from or punish others because you're unhappy being a loser. It just doesn't work that way. Work harder, become a success. Stop blaming others for your failures.
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Did Obama destroy the economy in 2007?

No that was the Democrats in Congress.
Is the economy better now than in 2007? No, household income is still below that level, food stamp and other government dependencies are up.
After 5 years of Obama and the Dems running things we still aren't anywhere near the prosperity of the Bush era.

A more accurate quote would be that "we still aren't anywhere near the prosperity of the Clinton era."

The graph I posted (Post # 108) clearly shows the working class, (that'd be the working middle class and working poor), are taking less and less of the National Income. As a matter of fact, that phenomenon has been a real fact since the 1970's. So according to real life the "Takers" have lost big time what they used to "Take" home in pay.

No, it doesn't show anything like that. Once again you demonstrate an inability to read a graph and understand what it says.
Does the average worker generate millions/billions of dollars and Employ thousands of people?

And could that CEO that generates millions/billions of dollars and employs thosands of people do so without workers?

Is thisma serious question?

the reason is, a good ceo is way more valuable than a good janitor. Do i have to explain why?

same reason why and actor is paid 380 times more than the person who makes a mountain for a set.
Does the average worker generate millions/billions of dollars and Employ thousands of people?

And could that CEO that generates millions/billions of dollars and employs thosands of people do so without workers?

Is thisma serious question?

the reason is, a good ceo is way more valuable than a good janitor. Do i have to explain why?

same reason why and actor is paid 380 times more than the person who makes a mountain for a set.

It's sort of a watered down Marxist misunderstanding of labor. Labor is entitled to the majority of profit because they contribute the majority of labor. Or something like that. I dont think it's Karl Marx. It sounds more like Chico Marx to me.
Does the average worker generate millions/billions of dollars and Employ thousands of people?

And could that CEO that generates millions/billions of dollars and employs thosands of people do so without workers?

Is thisma serious question?

the reason is, a good ceo is way more valuable than a good janitor. Do i have to explain why?

same reason why and actor is paid 380 times more than the person who makes a mountain for a set.

You've gone way over their heads. And they don't wanna understand. It's much easier for them to whine and demand more Entitlement Freebies. It's the lazy ignorant way out.
Stupid insults and idiotic, hateful talking points...thanks for the world depression, 4 years of mindless, disloyal opposition, and the stupidest, longest wars ever, brainwashed functional morons lol...
Stupid insults and idiotic, hateful talking points...thanks for the world depression, 4 years of mindless, disloyal opposition, and the stupidest, longest wars ever, brainwashed functional morons lol...

Back at ya nutter boy. You're hysterical now. You've had a long enough break. It's time for you to get back to cleaning that shitter. No one pays you to whine. They pay you to clean up their shit. Now get to scrubbing you silly turd wrangler.
I haven't worked a day in 7 years- I'm a RETIRED TEACHER. How dumb can you
No that was the Democrats in Congress.
Is the economy better now than in 2007? No, household income is still below that level, food stamp and other government dependencies are up.
After 5 years of Obama and the Dems running things we still aren't anywhere near the prosperity of the Bush era.

A more accurate quote would be that "we still aren't anywhere near the prosperity of the Clinton era."

The graph I posted (Post # 108) clearly shows the working class, (that'd be the working middle class and working poor), are taking less and less of the National Income. As a matter of fact, that phenomenon has been a real fact since the 1970's. So according to real life the "Takers" have lost big time what they used to "Take" home in pay.

No, it doesn't show anything like that. Once again you demonstrate an inability to read a graph and understand what it says.

The graph clearly shows exactly what I have said the graphs shows.
Nobody else on these boards has ever question my interpretation of these graphs and that includes the most intelligent conservative posters on this board, which of course excludes you.
When you post your that my graphs don't support what I post, you are clearly showing exactly how limited your intelligence is to every poster who reads that crap. Good job! :lol: Now run along sonny.
I haven't worked a day in 7 years- I'm a RETIRED TEACHER. How dumb can you

Thank The Goddess you are no longer inflicting yourself on captive, helpless children!
Does the average worker generate millions/billions of dollars and Employ thousands of people?

And could that CEO that generates millions/billions of dollars and employs thosands of people do so without workers?

Define "worker". You talking about product designers, marketing experts, R&D folks? Or are you referring to lever pullers and box movers? A CEO CAN AND WILL do without the latter. That's just a fact of 21st Century manufacturing.. That's why "cheap labor" is an passing fad.

Can a CEO do without financing? or a legal team? or stockholders? Could he do without energy or real estate or engineering? Nope.. Same with labor -- at least low skilled labor. But like those other commodities, they make no commitment to the company venture, risks or success.

You need to get the difference between ownership risks and responsibilities and innovations and straight salaried labor..
Did Obama destroy the economy in 2007?

No that was the Democrats in Congress.
Is the economy better now than in 2007? No, household income is still below that level, food stamp and other government dependencies are up.
After 5 years of Obama and the Dems running things we still aren't anywhere near the prosperity of the Bush era.

A more accurate quote would be that "we still aren't anywhere near the prosperity of the Clinton era."

This type of factoid in your graph is part of the same misunderstanding of corporate equity and compensation. The numbers reflect INCOMES -- not ownership values. And the losses in this Class War Recession are IMMENSE in terms of corporate "values".. All those closed manufacturing plants, all those consolidations and mergers, all of that shift to VIRTUAL COMMERCE and off-shoring --- represent TRILLIONS in economic contraction.. Money that simply BLEW OUT of the economy -- probably never to return.. But NONE of that will show on "income" graphs..
A more accurate quote would be that "we still aren't anywhere near the prosperity of the Clinton era."

The graph I posted (Post # 108) clearly shows the working class, (that'd be the working middle class and working poor), are taking less and less of the National Income. As a matter of fact, that phenomenon has been a real fact since the 1970's. So according to real life the "Takers" have lost big time what they used to "Take" home in pay.

No, it doesn't show anything like that. Once again you demonstrate an inability to read a graph and understand what it says.

The graph clearly shows exactly what I have said the graphs shows.
Nobody else on these boards has ever question my interpretation of these graphs and that includes the most intelligent conservative posters on this board, which of course excludes you.
When you post your that my graphs don't support what I post, you are clearly showing exactly how limited your intelligence is to every poster who reads that crap. Good job! :lol: Now run along sonny.

OK, let's look at it and go through it.

Note the graph shows "labor income as a share of total income." IT says nothing about absolute income. Labor income could be rising in absolute terms and this graph would not show it. We might be back to income under Clinton and you wouldn't know it from this graph.
In fact total national income is up over 66% from what it was under Clinton.
United States - GNI

There is likely more income generated by interest/dividends than there used to be. With an older population that is likely. Also with record numbers on SSI/Disabilty that will skew numbers.

So the chart shows nothing like what you think it shows.
Once again you have demonstrated you cannot read and understand a chart. You are a noob.
Labor income isn't rising if 10,000 factories have closed and moved to China. Labor income isn't rising if more people are on food stamps than ever before.

You don't have to be an economist to see that.

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