CEO pay is 380 times average worker's

Why do cons flip when this is applied to unions?

If companies pay what they pay because that is their value. Then why do cons consistently attack union pay?

Because unions have the ability to shut a business down or otherwise significantly damage it if they do not get what they want.

A individual does not have that influence.

Such influence can and does distort market value.


Was this a trick question?


What they have the ability to do has nothing to do with your logic that a company pays someone what someone is worth.

You cant change that to consider what they can do to a company when that isnt even the topic of discussion
Why do cons flip when this is applied to unions?

If companies pay what they pay because that is their value. Then why do cons consistently attack union pay?

It is not union pay that concerns me. It is union protection that has resulted in a drastic decrease in work ethic and overall effort.

If A and B start on the same day in a union shop and at the end of their first year, A has used all of his vacation days but still has 3 sick days left and 2 personal days left and tells B that he is going to call in sick next week and use those remaining days...

Yet B ALSO has 3 sick days and 2 personal days left but opts NOT to use them because, well, he is not sick and he has no need for the personal days....

And the I year anniversary comes and they both get the same raise per union contract...

What do you think B will do NEXT year with his unused sick days?

Example 2....

Same scenario.....but during the winter, when it snowed, A called in unable to get to work because the contract allowed for it, but B doesn't call in, and, instead, finds a way to get to work....and when the raises come, they both get the same raise per union contract....what do you think B will do NEXT time it snows? complaint is not about having sick days or personal days. It is not about be allowed to take off when it snows...

My compliant is that most, if not all union contracts force raises to be equal and do not take into consideration who has a better work ethic or makes a better effort.

In a nutshell...

Union contracts result in the entire staff trending to the least acceptable work ethic.
Less Message Board whining, and more work. That's my advice to you Entitlement Whiners on the Board. You want something? Get out there and get it. It's there if you want it bad enough. No CEO Boogeyman has forced you to be a loser. That's on you in the end.

Should people go work for our biggest companies like Walmart? Walmart pays so little employees are on welfare. This is increasing the size of gov while the ceo makes millions and Walton's make billions. This is corporate welfare. I thought you were against big government.

next question-------is anyone forced to work at walmart?

U silly corporate is well known that many Walmart employees have to rely on foodstamps to supplement their paltry income...which in fact, QUALIFIES them for that because it's so low.
AND guess who gets to pick up the tab for foodstamps, so that Walmart can continue substandard wages? The rest of us working stiffs...
So, in effect, we r subsidizing those fatcats on top...STUPID, huh?
If Walmart and McDonalds payed ALL their workers a living wage, they would not qualify for foodstamps.

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As far as anyone not being "forced to work at Walmart"...In any society, u need workers at all levels...without the bottom line factory worker who makes the products that enrich CEOs and the cleaners and service workers that keep things going..Everything would collapse.
All work is valuable...and those at the bottom who make wealth possible for those at the top deserve respect and should be paid enough to feed and support themselves and their families without government subsidies.

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Should people go work for our biggest companies like Walmart? Walmart pays so little employees are on welfare. This is increasing the size of gov while the ceo makes millions and Walton's make billions. This is corporate welfare. I thought you were against big government.

next question-------is anyone forced to work at walmart?

U silly corporate is well known that many Walmart employees have to rely on foodstamps to supplement their paltry income...which in fact, QUALIFIES them for that because it's so low.
AND guess who gets to pick up the tab for foodstamps, so that Walmart can continue substandard wages? The rest of us working stiffs...
So, in effect, we r subsidizing those fatcats on top...STUPID, huh?
If Walmart and McDonalds payed ALL their workers a living wage, they would not qualify for foodstamps.

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Jobs at Walmart and McDonalds at the lowest of levels are not jobs for those that need to support a family.

You, nor anyone else, can not tell me why a counter clerk at McDonalds deems to make more than minimum wage OTHER than the fact that that employee WANTS or NEEDS more money.....but from a business plan standpoint, those jobs are ideal for teenagers and more often than not performed by teenagers who are not in need of a living wage but instead earning extra money for personal use or to assist their parents.

The fact that a man with a wife and 3 kids is working behind the counter at McDonalds is the problem society needs to address....not the fact that McDonalds is simply paying a salary that corresponds to the value of the position itself.
Should people go work for our biggest companies like Walmart? Walmart pays so little employees are on welfare. This is increasing the size of gov while the ceo makes millions and Walton's make billions. This is corporate welfare. I thought you were against big government.

next question-------is anyone forced to work at walmart?

U silly corporate is well known that many Walmart employees have to rely on foodstamps to supplement their paltry income...which in fact, QUALIFIES them for that because it's so low.
AND guess who gets to pick up the tab for foodstamps, so that Walmart can continue substandard wages? The rest of us working stiffs...
So, in effect, we r subsidizing those fatcats on top...STUPID, huh?
If Walmart and McDonalds payed ALL their workers a living wage, they would not qualify for foodstamps.

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how many dollars per hour constitutes a "living wage" ?
As far as anyone not being "forced to work at Walmart"...In any society, u need workers at all levels...without the bottom line factory worker who makes the products that enrich CEOs and the cleaners and service workers that keep things going..Everything would collapse.
All work is valuable...and those at the bottom who make wealth possible for those at the top deserve respect and should be paid enough to feed and support themselves and their families without government subsidies.

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Do you practice what you preach?

Do you not shop for the best deal on a TV?

Would you ay 50 bucks for a pair of sneakers if a store down the block sells the same ones for 25?
As far as anyone not being "forced to work at Walmart"...In any society, u need workers at all levels...without the bottom line factory worker who makes the products that enrich CEOs and the cleaners and service workers that keep things going..Everything would collapse.
All work is valuable...and those at the bottom who make wealth possible for those at the top deserve respect and should be paid enough to feed and support themselves and their families without government subsidies.

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Do you practice what you preach?

Do you not shop for the best deal on a TV?

Would you ay 50 bucks for a pair of sneakers if a store down the block sells the same ones for 25?

good points, the people who demonize walmart are the same ones that spend most of their money there.
As far as anyone not being "forced to work at Walmart"...In any society, u need workers at all levels...without the bottom line factory worker who makes the products that enrich CEOs and the cleaners and service workers that keep things going..Everything would collapse.
All work is valuable...and those at the bottom who make wealth possible for those at the top deserve respect and should be paid enough to feed and support themselves and their families without government subsidies.

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Do you practice what you preach?

Do you not shop for the best deal on a TV?

Would you ay 50 bucks for a pair of sneakers if a store down the block sells the same ones for 25?

My question is flawed...

Here is a better question....

If, according to the blue book value, a car is worth 10K.....but the seller wants 12K.....would you pay him 12K?

Likewise.....if you knew he would sell it for 10K....but he is asking 12K....would you offer him 12K without negotiating?
Why do cons flip when this is applied to unions?

If companies pay what they pay because that is their value. Then why do cons consistently attack union pay?

It is not union pay that concerns me. It is union protection that has resulted in a drastic decrease in work ethic and overall effort.

If A and B start on the same day in a union shop and at the end of their first year, A has used all of his vacation days but still has 3 sick days left and 2 personal days left and tells B that he is going to call in sick next week and use those remaining days...

Yet B ALSO has 3 sick days and 2 personal days left but opts NOT to use them because, well, he is not sick and he has no need for the personal days....

And the I year anniversary comes and they both get the same raise per union contract...

What do you think B will do NEXT year with his unused sick days?

C'mon dude...This is so lame its not even funny. Someone uses the sick days he's given and you're upset that he isnt really sick. What do you want to do shove a thermometer in his ass as verification and take it to HR?

That is such a mild example that I think theres no "there" there

Example 2....

Same scenario.....but during the winter, when it snowed, A called in unable to get to work because the contract allowed for it, but B doesn't call in, and, instead, finds a way to get to work....and when the raises come, they both get the same raise per union contract....what do you think B will do NEXT time it snows?

Either he will make it in or he wont. People should not get or be denied raises because they use their sick days or cant make it through the snow man c'mon dude complaint is not about having sick days or personal days. It is not about be allowed to take off when it snows...

My compliant is that most, if not all union contracts force raises to be equal and do not take into consideration who has a better work ethic or makes a better effort.

In a nutshell...

Union contracts result in the entire staff trending to the least acceptable work ethic.

Maybe a snow day or a sick day shouldnt be included in work ethic. How about WORK be the determining factor in work ethic and the raises instead of speculation?
next question-------is anyone forced to work at walmart?

U silly corporate is well known that many Walmart employees have to rely on foodstamps to supplement their paltry income...which in fact, QUALIFIES them for that because it's so low.
AND guess who gets to pick up the tab for foodstamps, so that Walmart can continue substandard wages? The rest of us working stiffs...
So, in effect, we r subsidizing those fatcats on top...STUPID, huh?
If Walmart and McDonalds payed ALL their workers a living wage, they would not qualify for foodstamps.

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how many dollars per hour constitutes a "living wage" ?

Good luck getting an answer to that question.

How much money does one need to provide a roof over ones head, put clothes on their back and to feeds oneself.
Why do cons flip when this is applied to unions?

If companies pay what they pay because that is their value. Then why do cons consistently attack union pay?

It is not union pay that concerns me. It is union protection that has resulted in a drastic decrease in work ethic and overall effort.

If A and B start on the same day in a union shop and at the end of their first year, A has used all of his vacation days but still has 3 sick days left and 2 personal days left and tells B that he is going to call in sick next week and use those remaining days...

Yet B ALSO has 3 sick days and 2 personal days left but opts NOT to use them because, well, he is not sick and he has no need for the personal days....

And the I year anniversary comes and they both get the same raise per union contract...

What do you think B will do NEXT year with his unused sick days?

C'mon dude...This is so lame its not even funny. Someone uses the sick days he's given and you're upset that he isnt really sick. What do you want to do shove a thermometer in his ass as verification and take it to HR?

That is such a mild example that I think theres no "there" there

Example 2....

Same scenario.....but during the winter, when it snowed, A called in unable to get to work because the contract allowed for it, but B doesn't call in, and, instead, finds a way to get to work....and when the raises come, they both get the same raise per union contract....what do you think B will do NEXT time it snows?

Either he will make it in or he wont. People should not get or be denied raises because they use their sick days or cant make it through the snow man c'mon dude complaint is not about having sick days or personal days. It is not about be allowed to take off when it snows...

My compliant is that most, if not all union contracts force raises to be equal and do not take into consideration who has a better work ethic or makes a better effort.

In a nutshell...

Union contracts result in the entire staff trending to the least acceptable work ethic.

Maybe a snow day or a sick day shouldnt be included in work ethic. How about WORK be the determining factor in work ethic and the raises instead of speculation?

You completely missed my point...and I will assume it is that I did not articulate it properly.

I do not frown on sick days, personal days or snow days.

But if one is recognized for finding a way to get to work on snowy days....and one is recognized for NOT always using every sick day every year.....

Then there will be more trends to a better work ethic.

And like it or not but "effort" Is a major part of work ethic.

You know...I just re-read what I wrote earlier. I articulated my point fine. You either intentionally misconstrued it or you didnt want to see the point being made.

Bottom with a differential in dedication, loyalty and work ethic is not rewarded in a union shop giving cause for most, if not all to trend to the LEASET ACCEPTABLE WORK ETHIC.


That's part of the can work with more diligence and effort than another...but as long as they both meet the "minimum standards", they both get the same raise.

You actually supported my point.....but just refused to accept it.
As far as anyone not being "forced to work at Walmart"...In any society, u need workers at all levels...without the bottom line factory worker who makes the products that enrich CEOs and the cleaners and service workers that keep things going..Everything would collapse.
All work is valuable...and those at the bottom who make wealth possible for those at the top deserve respect and should be paid enough to feed and support themselves and their families without government subsidies.

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Do you practice what you preach?

Do you not shop for the best deal on a TV?

Would you ay 50 bucks for a pair of sneakers if a store down the block sells the same ones for 25?

good points, the people who demonize walmart are the same ones that spend most of their money there.

I do not shop there.
Why do cons flip when this is applied to unions?

If companies pay what they pay because that is their value. Then why do cons consistently attack union pay?

Because unions have the ability to shut a business down or otherwise significantly damage it if they do not get what they want.

A individual does not have that influence.

Such influence can and does distort market value.


Was this a trick question?


What they have the ability to do has nothing to do with your logic that a company pays someone what someone is worth.

You cant change that to consider what they can do to a company when that isnt even the topic of discussion

What do you suppose I meant by "distort market value"?

CEOs earn 380 times in pay more than average worker - Apr. 19, 2012

So does the CEO work 380 times harder?

Or is the CEO 380 times more useful?

Most nations pay gap is 20/50-1. Not 380-1. It's absolute ignorance.

The job of the CEO today is to prevent pay raises. They get about 25% while the corporations get about 75%. It pays good to be a Cash Driven idiot.

Sadly, "Profits Just Hit Another All-Time High, Wages Just Hit Another All-Time Low "

Read more: Profits At High, Wages At Low - Business Insider

Why are workers trash when Corporations can't thrive without them?

Despite your views on how easy it is to be a CEO, there's more to an upper level management position of any sort than preventing pay raises. You base your political opinions on an awful lot of unresearched assertions.

Where are you getting your numbers? Check that article you linked. It -starts out- saying that CEO's of "some of the nation's largest companies" earned an average of 12.9 million dollars.

Which of the nation's largest companies made so little in profit that 12.9 million comprised 25 percent of anything?

If you're going to have a serious conversation on economics, you can't just pull numbers out of your ass. Research this shit.
Don't blame the CEO Boogeyman for you falling short in life. Try working harder instead. You're either content being a janitor/burger-flipper/garbageman etc..., or you're not. If you're not, then you need to start working harder to achieve more. And btw, there's nothing wrong with those occupations. It's honest pay for an honest day's work. I respect that. It's far better than being a criminal or Entitlement Whiner. But always remember, the CEO Boogeyman had nothing to do with where you are in life. That is all on you in the end.
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