CEO pay is 380 times average worker's

Less Message Board whining, and more work. That's my advice to you Entitlement Whiners on the Board. You want something? Get out there and get it. It's there if you want it bad enough. No CEO Boogeyman has forced you to be a loser. That's on you in the end.

Should people go work for our biggest companies like Walmart? Walmart pays so little employees are on welfare. This is increasing the size of gov while the ceo makes millions and Walton's make billions. This is corporate welfare. I thought you were against big government.

Where is the corporate welfare? Do you know what the word 'welfare' means?

Do you have any idea how few walmart employees are at minimum wage or even close to it? very few. Yes, the old guy who gives you a buggy at the door is making minimum wage-------should he be making 500K ?

The government is taking care of walmarts employees while the Walton's make billions. That is corporate welfare.
Less Message Board whining, and more work. That's my advice to you Entitlement Whiners on the Board. You want something? Get out there and get it. It's there if you want it bad enough. No CEO Boogeyman has forced you to be a loser. That's on you in the end.

Should people go work for our biggest companies like Walmart? Walmart pays so little employees are on welfare. This is increasing the size of gov while the ceo makes millions and Walton's make billions. This is corporate welfare. I thought you were against big government.

next question-------is anyone forced to work at walmart?

Where else should they go? CEOs sent the good jobs to china. You notice the unemployment rate?
Should people go work for our biggest companies like Walmart? Walmart pays so little employees are on welfare. This is increasing the size of gov while the ceo makes millions and Walton's make billions. This is corporate welfare. I thought you were against big government.

next question-------is anyone forced to work at walmart?

Where else should they go? CEOs sent the good jobs to china. You notice the unemployment rate?

CEOs didn't send jobs to china, the government did via high taxes and punative regulations, oh, and you can thank the unions for destroying the textile industry in the USA and sending all of those jobs to mexico and central america.

Funny, but you never hear walmart employees bitching about their jobs, only the lazy assholes who sit at a keyboard all day and collect govt handouts.

want the unemployment rate to go down? allow the energy companies to harvest the oil, coal, and natural gas in this country, build keystone, stop taxing foreign profits--let that money back into this country to be used to build, innovate, and create jobs.
Should people go work for our biggest companies like Walmart? Walmart pays so little employees are on welfare. This is increasing the size of gov while the ceo makes millions and Walton's make billions. This is corporate welfare. I thought you were against big government.

next question-------is anyone forced to work at walmart?

Where else should they go? CEOs sent the good jobs to china. You notice the unemployment rate?

On April 8th of this year, it was reported that there were 4.2 million jobs available in February. Anyone who worked at Walmart would have been able to get one of them if they truly wanted to leave Walmart.
Should people go work for our biggest companies like Walmart? Walmart pays so little employees are on welfare. This is increasing the size of gov while the ceo makes millions and Walton's make billions. This is corporate welfare. I thought you were against big government.

Where is the corporate welfare? Do you know what the word 'welfare' means?

Do you have any idea how few walmart employees are at minimum wage or even close to it? very few. Yes, the old guy who gives you a buggy at the door is making minimum wage-------should he be making 500K ?

The government is taking care of walmarts employees while the Walton's make billions. That is corporate welfare.

Ok, you made that claim before, now give us some proof of how many walmart employees are on welfare. How many??
Yeah! The evil taxes pushed jobs overseas, not corporate whores who want to pay shit wages to peasants to maximize their profits.

And again, Keystone XL is projected to only create $5b of revenue for the People over a 100-year span. That's from the Heritage Foundation's report on the matter. The pipeline is shit that will not benefit the American people, only the energy companies that are already making more money than ever before.
Where is the corporate welfare? Do you know what the word 'welfare' means?

Do you have any idea how few walmart employees are at minimum wage or even close to it? very few. Yes, the old guy who gives you a buggy at the door is making minimum wage-------should he be making 500K ?

The government is taking care of walmarts employees while the Walton's make billions. That is corporate welfare.

Ok, you made that claim before, now give us some proof of how many walmart employees are on welfare. How many??
$7 billion worth.

This issue has become more known as we learn just how far some companies have gone in putting their employees on public assistance. According to one study, American fast food workers receive more than $7 billion dollars in public assistance. As it turns out, McDonald's has a “McResource” line that helps employees and their families enroll in various state and local assistance programs. It exploded into the public when a recording of the McResource line advocated that full-time employees sign up for food stamps and welfare.
How McDonald's and Wal-Mart Became Welfare Queens - Bloomberg
Where is the corporate welfare? Do you know what the word 'welfare' means?

Do you have any idea how few walmart employees are at minimum wage or even close to it? very few. Yes, the old guy who gives you a buggy at the door is making minimum wage-------should he be making 500K ?

The government is taking care of walmarts employees while the Walton's make billions. That is corporate welfare.

Ok, you made that claim before, now give us some proof of how many walmart employees are on welfare. How many??

1 million just for one store in wisconsin.
Walmart benefits from billions in government subsidies: Study | MSNBC
The government is taking care of walmarts employees while the Walton's make billions. That is corporate welfare.

Ok, you made that claim before, now give us some proof of how many walmart employees are on welfare. How many??
$7 billion worth.

This issue has become more known as we learn just how far some companies have gone in putting their employees on public assistance. According to one study, American fast food workers receive more than $7 billion dollars in public assistance. As it turns out, McDonald's has a “McResource” line that helps employees and their families enroll in various state and local assistance programs. It exploded into the public when a recording of the McResource line advocated that full-time employees sign up for food stamps and welfare.
How McDonald's and Wal-Mart Became Welfare Queens - Bloomberg

I asked how many employees. the cite says "fast food workers" receive 7B, Most are part time workers or teens doing summer jobs.

What is your solution? if walmart gives every employee a 20% raise, what happens then? Do they raise prices?, reduce the number of employees? close stores?

I know, your answer is cut CEO pay, they could reduce the execs pay to zero and it would not free up enough money to cover 10% of the employee raises.

you are just jealous of successful rich people----------admit it. You don't give a shit about welfare or worker pay, you just want to punish the "evil" rich who created the jobs in the first place.
The government is taking care of walmarts employees while the Walton's make billions. That is corporate welfare.

Ok, you made that claim before, now give us some proof of how many walmart employees are on welfare. How many??

1 million just for one store in wisconsin.
Walmart benefits from billions in government subsidies: Study | MSNBC

a quote from YOUR cite:

"The $7.8 billion includes an estimated $6.2 billion in public assistance for low-wage Walmart employees, including programs like food stamps, subsidized housing, and Medicaid. It also includes an estimated $70 million per year in “economic development subsidies” from state and legal governments eager to host Walmart in their cities.

Walmart spokesperson Randy Hargrove described the report as “not accurate,” citing a detailed response to its main points on The author of the response, columnist Tim Worstall, described the report as “fantastical nonsense” and took issue with the claim that welfare acts as an effective subsidy for Walmart."

as usual, you took some words out of context in order to arrive at an erroneous conclusion.
Ok, you made that claim before, now give us some proof of how many walmart employees are on welfare. How many??
$7 billion worth.

This issue has become more known as we learn just how far some companies have gone in putting their employees on public assistance. According to one study, American fast food workers receive more than $7 billion dollars in public assistance. As it turns out, McDonald's has a “McResource” line that helps employees and their families enroll in various state and local assistance programs. It exploded into the public when a recording of the McResource line advocated that full-time employees sign up for food stamps and welfare.
How McDonald's and Wal-Mart Became Welfare Queens - Bloomberg

I asked how many employees. the cite says "fast food workers" receive 7B, Most are part time workers or teens doing summer jobs.

What is your solution? if walmart gives every employee a 20% raise, what happens then? Do they raise prices?, reduce the number of employees? close stores?

I know, your answer is cut CEO pay, they could reduce the execs pay to zero and it would not free up enough money to cover 10% of the employee raises.

you are just jealous of successful rich people----------admit it. You don't give a shit about welfare or worker pay, you just want to punish the "evil" rich who created the jobs in the first place.

They are getting rich while increasing the size if government. Why is that good?
Why do cons flip when this is applied to unions?

If companies pay what they pay because that is their value. Then why do cons consistently attack union pay?
Ok, you made that claim before, now give us some proof of how many walmart employees are on welfare. How many??

1 million just for one store in wisconsin.
Walmart benefits from billions in government subsidies: Study | MSNBC

a quote from YOUR cite:

"The $7.8 billion includes an estimated $6.2 billion in public assistance for low-wage Walmart employees, including programs like food stamps, subsidized housing, and Medicaid. It also includes an estimated $70 million per year in “economic development subsidies” from state and legal governments eager to host Walmart in their cities.

Walmart spokesperson Randy Hargrove described the report as “not accurate,” citing a detailed response to its main points on The author of the response, columnist Tim Worstall, described the report as “fantastical nonsense” and took issue with the claim that welfare acts as an effective subsidy for Walmart."

as usual, you took some words out of context in order to arrive at an erroneous conclusion.

Show me how the 1 million for a store in Wisconsin is wrong.
Why do cons flip when this is applied to unions?

If companies pay what they pay because that is their value. Then why do cons consistently attack union pay?

Try for coherency.

It could be an asset if you ever achieve it, ClosedMinded.
Ok, you made that claim before, now give us some proof of how many walmart employees are on welfare. How many??
$7 billion worth.

This issue has become more known as we learn just how far some companies have gone in putting their employees on public assistance. According to one study, American fast food workers receive more than $7 billion dollars in public assistance. As it turns out, McDonald's has a “McResource” line that helps employees and their families enroll in various state and local assistance programs. It exploded into the public when a recording of the McResource line advocated that full-time employees sign up for food stamps and welfare.
How McDonald's and Wal-Mart Became Welfare Queens - Bloomberg

I asked how many employees. the cite says "fast food workers" receive 7B, Most are part time workers or teens doing summer jobs.

What is your solution? if walmart gives every employee a 20% raise, what happens then? Do they raise prices?, reduce the number of employees? close stores?

I know, your answer is cut CEO pay, they could reduce the execs pay to zero and it would not free up enough money to cover 10% of the employee raises.

you are just jealous of successful rich people----------admit it. You don't give a shit about welfare or worker pay, you just want to punish the "evil" rich who created the jobs in the first place.
What is my solution? Legalize marijuana. it won't get any easier than that.

Virtually everything that you can buy in a Wal-Mart superstore can be made by Americans for Americans from American hemp stalks. Please do not try to argue against this. You simply don't know what I know. In 1941, Henry Ford built a plastic car body from hemp, sisal and wheatstraw. In 2010, the UK company Lotus released the Eco Elise, a modern luxury sports car made from hemp composite panels. If plastic can be shaped into a car then I'm pretty sure that the American people can figure out a way to mold biodegradable hemp plastic into water bottles, tupperware, kitchen utensils, packaging, cellophane, and anything else that is not glass or metal.

In 1916, the USDA reported that an acre of hemp can supply four times more paper of better quality and with less pollution than an acre of mature trees, so all packaging, whether paper, cardboard, or plastic, can all be made from the hemp stalks that the DEA currently cuts down and burns (as they have continued to do for the better part of the last 75 years).

Increase domestic production, replace foreign imports, provide jobs, lower unemployment, and make America strong, independent and free. If Conservatives want to go back to the "good ol' days", this is how we won World War II.

They were called "the Greatest Generation".

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Why do cons flip when this is applied to unions?

If companies pay what they pay because that is their value. Then why do cons consistently attack union pay?

Because unions have the ability to shut a business down or otherwise significantly damage it if they do not get what they want.

A individual does not have that influence.

Such influence can and does distort market value.


Was this a trick question?

The far left comes in and defends unions, yet they also defend Obamacare. Obamacare was the final nail in the unions coffin. With Obamacare the last bastion of the union is now dead. That is why the unions now oppose Obamacare. So why do these far left posters take up for Obamacare that will kill the unions?
Why do cons flip when this is applied to unions?

If companies pay what they pay because that is their value. Then why do cons consistently attack union pay?
Because unions have the ability to shut a business down or otherwise significantly damage it if they do not get what they want.

A individual does not have that influence.

Such influence can and does distort market value.


Was this a trick question?
I'm sorry but you're mistaken. "An individual does not have that kind of influence"? As was pointed out in the HSBC narco-terrorism money laundering scandal, the individuals in charge of the company were "too big to prosecute". Workers' unions had to shed blood to get their kids out of mine shafts and into school. The American People had to suffer police brutality the likes of which those Occupy kids could only imagine. Pinkerton private mercenary "detectives" shooting up homesteads, riot breakers, scabs, Haymarket, Ludlow, etc. etc. et fucking cetera. The American People fought and bled for something as simple as an 8-hr work day.

HSBC CONFESSED to laundering billions for terrorist organizations that the US is currently at war against, and they paid a fine. They paid a fine and did not have to admit any wrongdoing (even though they had already confessed) because to prosecute those individuals at the top would have disintegrated the global financial system that HSBC helped create.

American unions can only WISH for that kind of special treatment.
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