CEO pay is 380 times average worker's

Where's your evidence that America's CEO's collude with the government?

And yes we average folks can and do have access to our state and federal representatives. It's merely a phone call or an email away.

Government owes you nothing. You get the government you vote for.
Sure, your tactic of ignoring the billions spent by lobbyists would probably make for a more settled mind. If only I could be so obtuse.

I won't deny the money spent by lobbyist. But not all lobbyist are bad. Lobbyist are the most regulated professions in Washington.

Under the Lobbying Disclosure Act (LDA), requires lobbyists to report on a quarterly basis their clients, the fees they receive and the issues on which they lobby. The Honest Leadership and Open Government Act (HLOGA) requires lobbyists twice a year to report campaign contributions for events that honor members of Congress or expenditures that they make to benefit members of Congress. In addition there is a series of revolving-door restrictions that prohibit former government officials from lobbying their former colleagues, in some instances on a permanent basis.

Any one can lobby congress, I do it myself all the time with a simple phone call and a few emails.

Liberals hate lobbyists. Until they are lobbying for shit they believe in. So the Sierra Club is good. The trial lawyers lobby is good. SEIU is good.
Recall that Obama pledged he wouldnt hire any lobbyists in his administration. That lasted about 2 weeks.
well holy shit, swallow found a typo------BFD

you really are a moron, shallow/swallow/sallow/fellow.

Hey the queer calling people "ignorant".

Do you say that with a lisp? Or is your mouth full of dick at the moment.


Jealous much?

Of what?

You really are the one who should be jealous.

I doubt any dude wants anything to do with ya.

Hey..but you can still use the electric broom.

It vibrates!

When the rich collude with the government to rig things in their favor, the only way to remedy the mistake is through government. We average folks cannot afford access to congressmen and senators. the wealthy can afford it and take advantage. Sure, government cannot be our wet nurse. But government owes us citizens a fair shake.

Where's your evidence that America's CEO's collude with the government?

And yes we average folks can and do have access to our state and federal representatives. It's merely a phone call or an email away.

Government owes you nothing. You get the government you vote for.


A boat load of Republican Presidential wannabees just made a trip to Las Vegas to kiss the ass of Sheldon Adelson.

How can you even post this nonsense?

How is that different than Obama going to fundraisers?
Where's your evidence that America's CEO's collude with the government?

And yes we average folks can and do have access to our state and federal representatives. It's merely a phone call or an email away.

Government owes you nothing. You get the government you vote for.


A boat load of Republican Presidential wannabees just made a trip to Las Vegas to kiss the ass of Sheldon Adelson.

How can you even post this nonsense?

How is that different than Obama going to fundraisers?

It is. Because Oprah's ass is much nicer than Adelson's.
Where's your evidence that America's CEO's collude with the government?

And yes we average folks can and do have access to our state and federal representatives. It's merely a phone call or an email away.

Government owes you nothing. You get the government you vote for.


A boat load of Republican Presidential wannabees just made a trip to Las Vegas to kiss the ass of Sheldon Adelson.

How can you even post this nonsense?

How is that different than Obama going to fundraisers? posted something that was patently false.

At the very least say it was "your bad".
Hey the queer calling people "ignorant".

Do you say that with a lisp? Or is your mouth full of dick at the moment.


Jealous much?

Of what?

You really are the one who should be jealous.

I doubt any dude wants anything to do with ya.

Hey..but you can still use the electric broom.

It vibrates!


I'm jealous of how much you swallow......teach me teach me~!

A boat load of Republican Presidential wannabees just made a trip to Las Vegas to kiss the ass of Sheldon Adelson.

How can you even post this nonsense?

How is that different than Obama going to fundraisers? posted something that was patently false.

At the very least say it was "your bad".

because you're a dumb fuck.

And democrats kiss the ass of George Soros, and Hollywood types like Harvey Weinstein......

if you're going to accuse someone, stop standing in a glass house.
another question for the libs--------how does CEO pay hurt the workers, the consumers, or the country? Do CEOs pay income taxes? Does 30-50% of their income go to the government?

Why is this such a big deal to you libs? Jealousy? envy?

In multiple ways:

1. It allows them direct access to Politicians. They are defacto unelected legislators. In other words a Neo-Aristocracy.

2. Their large compensation has an affect on the profit pool. They take the lion's share leaving labor and share holders to divide the rest.

3. Having no cap on compensation makes the CEO competitive with other CEOs for the highest amount. The CEO cares less about long term policy for the company and more about short term profit.

1. It allows them direct access to Politicians. They are defacto unelected legislators. In other words a Neo-Aristocracy.

Surely you jest. Just what happens to this "Neo-Aristocracy" when Democrats are the ones being bought?

2. Their large compensation has an affect on the profit pool. They take the lion's share leaving labor and share holders to divide the rest.

Okay, I agree with the former half of the statement. The second half I have an issue with. Just what constitutes the "lion share?"

3. Having no cap on compensation makes the CEO competitive with other CEOs for the highest amount. The CEO cares less about long term policy for the company and more about short term profit.

Which leads me to my next question. Just how is it you know what CEO's are concerned about the most? Are you or have you been one? It would make absolutely zero sense to make all your profit in the short term. That's why they invest in the future Sallow. Nobody in the business world ever gets rich by being short sighted.

Jealous much?

Of what?

You really are the one who should be jealous.

I doubt any dude wants anything to do with ya.

Hey..but you can still use the electric broom.

It vibrates!


I'm jealous of how much you swallow......teach me teach me~!

Gosh SuckEyeDick.

The swallow I do is when I gobble down rare steaks from cows.

The swallow you do is when you gobble down tubesteaks from men.

That's not something I know anything about.

Sorry. But keep practicing.

They say it makes perfect.

another question for the libs--------how does CEO pay hurt the workers, the consumers, or the country? Do CEOs pay income taxes? Does 30-50% of their income go to the government?

Why is this such a big deal to you libs? Jealousy? envy?

In multiple ways:

1. It allows them direct access to Politicians. They are defacto unelected legislators. In other words a Neo-Aristocracy.

2. Their large compensation has an affect on the profit pool. They take the lion's share leaving labor and share holders to divide the rest.

3. Having no cap on compensation makes the CEO competitive with other CEOs for the highest amount. The CEO cares less about long term policy for the company and more about short term profit.

Surely you jest. Just what happens to this "Neo-Aristocracy" when Democrats are the ones being bought?

2. Their large compensation has an affect on the profit pool. They take the lion's share leaving labor and share holders to divide the rest.

Okay, I agree with the former half of the statement. The second half I have an issue with. Just what constitutes the "lion share?"

3. Having no cap on compensation makes the CEO competitive with other CEOs for the highest amount. The CEO cares less about long term policy for the company and more about short term profit.

Which leads me to my next question. Just how is it you know what CEO's are concerned about the most? Are you or have you been one? It would make absolutely zero sense to make all your profit in the short term. That's why they invest in the future Sallow. Nobody in the business world ever gets rich by being short sighted.

Jest about what?

I'm not he one stating the money is free speech..that would be your end of the aisle.

And the last part of your post makes it pretty clear that you don't know how these folks operate.

Many bigtime CEOs get in, make their bones, grab their pay and get out.
The problem is we have execs making huge amounts of money while paying workers so little they are collecting welfare. So the government and spending continues to grow. Too much spending is a problem.

Not once in my life have I heard someone complain about the fact that Peyton Manning makes $43 million/year. He only works for 6 months! Doesn't he make 400 times+ more than the average stadium employee?

Does Peyton really work 400 times harder than the hot dog guy who busts his ass up and down the stairs for minimum wage pay?

Why does this argument only apply to CEOs, who on average work 12 months out of the year, and do a heck of a lot more than throw a stupid football around for entertainment purposes!!?


They kinda do.

They go on trips to wine and dine clients (on the US taxpayer's dime).
They sometimes hit the strip clubs (on the US taxpayer's dime).
They have meetings.
They sometimes go on television.
And if we are really lucky, some of them are frog marched to Prison! (Cya Bernie!)

They go on trips to wine and dine clients (on the US taxpayer's dime).

So does the President.

They sometimes hit the strip clubs (on the US taxpayer's dime).

So do our politicians.

They have meetings.

So do both houses of congress.

They sometimes go on television.

Yeah, and so do officials who want to be re-elected.

And if we are really lucky, some of them are frog marched to Prison!

There are a few political figures with a (D) next to their names who should be frog marched to prison. One just tried to bully a rancher, the other got four men killed in Benghazi; he changed a law and exceeded his executive authority. A slew of them have already walked the plank. So as you can see, there are disturbing parallels between CEO's and politicians. They both waste money, they both do shady deeds, and in some cases they both use your own money to lie to your face.
In multiple ways:

1. It allows them direct access to Politicians. They are defacto unelected legislators. In other words a Neo-Aristocracy.

2. Their large compensation has an affect on the profit pool. They take the lion's share leaving labor and share holders to divide the rest.

3. Having no cap on compensation makes the CEO competitive with other CEOs for the highest amount. The CEO cares less about long term policy for the company and more about short term profit.

Surely you jest. Just what happens to this "Neo-Aristocracy" when Democrats are the ones being bought?

Okay, I agree with the former half of the statement. The second half I have an issue with. Just what constitutes the "lion share?"

3. Having no cap on compensation makes the CEO competitive with other CEOs for the highest amount. The CEO cares less about long term policy for the company and more about short term profit.

Which leads me to my next question. Just how is it you know what CEO's are concerned about the most? Are you or have you been one? It would make absolutely zero sense to make all your profit in the short term. That's why they invest in the future Sallow. Nobody in the business world ever gets rich by being short sighted.

Jest about what?

I'm not he one stating the money is free speech..that would be your end of the aisle.

And the last part of your post makes it pretty clear that you don't know how these folks operate.

Many bigtime CEOs get in, make their bones, grab their pay and get out.

I'm not he one stating the money is free speech..that would be your end of the aisle.

Don't make me laugh. Money is indeed free speech. It sure as hell is when Democrats are throwing it around, isn't it?

And the last part of your post makes it pretty clear that you don't know how these folks operate.

And you do? And you're over here trashing them without knowing how they actually operate? Tell me, have you ever had any experience being a CEO? Or are your opinions of them driven by liberal stereotypes?

Many big time CEOs get in, make their bones, grab their pay and get out.

Which just reaffirms to me that you know squat about how CEO's operate. "Oh they make an absurd amount of money and they're not sharing it, they have to be evil!" Heaven forbid you ever become one, Sallow.
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Just what happens to this "Neo-Aristocracy" when Democrats are the ones being bought?

First thing, you've got to divorce yourself from the idea that there's any fundamental difference in practice between Demoplicans and Remocrats.

I have, this is why I am a libertarian. That's why I call any partisan here who gives speeches about politicians being bought and paid for by wealthy aristocrats. They remain eerily silent when it comes to politicians in their own party. I simply cannot stand that type of hypocrisy. This happens to both parties, Pogo; and in fact learned the hard way in 2012 on that lack of a difference.
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Just what happens to this "Neo-Aristocracy" when Democrats are the ones being bought?

First thing, you've got to divorce yourself from the idea that there's any fundamental difference in practice between Demoplicans and Remocrats.

I have, this is why I am a libertarian. That's why I call any partisan here who gives speeches about politicians being bought and paid for by wealthy aristocrats. They remain eerily silent when it comes to politicians in their own party. I simply cannot stand that type of hypocrisy. This happens to both parties, Pogo; and in fact learned the hard way in 2012 on that lack of a difference.

Then I'm at a loss to understand why you suggest this "neo-aristocracy" is any different because of a change in political party power. It sounds like you're suggesting Democrats are immune to this kind of manipulation. If only.

We live in an oligarchy. We dress our oligarch puppets in varying red and blue garb and pretend in here that they're doing different things but they're equally controlled by the oligarchy. Power shifting from one party to another doesn't do much more than change the names of the actors. The powerful (the original point) buy access the same way regardless whether they're buying a D or an R. It's the same game in a different uniform.
Less Message Board whining, and more work. That's my advice to you Entitlement Whiners on the Board. You want something? Get out there and get it. It's there if you want it bad enough. No CEO Boogeyman has forced you to be a loser. That's on you in the end.
I wouldn't pay somebody that much to play football. But everyone can see how well he plays. I'm not so sure every ceo is so valuable to the team.

Every CEO doesn't make 400 times more than his/her average employee, and every sports star who makes tens of millions of dollars isn't as valuable as Peyton. The discussion goes both ways.

You've gone over their heads. They desperately want to cling to blaming the CEO Boogeyman for them cleaning shitters for a living. It's much easier for them. In their warped brains, it justifies them stealing from others by way of Entitlement cheese. So nice try, but you won't get through to em.
Less Message Board whining, and more work. That's my advice to you Entitlement Whiners on the Board. You want something? Get out there and get it. It's there if you want it bad enough. No CEO Boogeyman has forced you to be a loser. That's on you in the end.

Should people go work for our biggest companies like Walmart? Walmart pays so little employees are on welfare. This is increasing the size of gov while the ceo makes millions and Walton's make billions. This is corporate welfare. I thought you were against big government.
Less Message Board whining, and more work. That's my advice to you Entitlement Whiners on the Board. You want something? Get out there and get it. It's there if you want it bad enough. No CEO Boogeyman has forced you to be a loser. That's on you in the end.

Should people go work for our biggest companies like Walmart? Walmart pays so little employees are on welfare. This is increasing the size of gov while the ceo makes millions and Walton's make billions. This is corporate welfare. I thought you were against big government.

Where is the corporate welfare? Do you know what the word 'welfare' means?

Do you have any idea how few walmart employees are at minimum wage or even close to it? very few. Yes, the old guy who gives you a buggy at the door is making minimum wage-------should he be making 500K ?
Less Message Board whining, and more work. That's my advice to you Entitlement Whiners on the Board. You want something? Get out there and get it. It's there if you want it bad enough. No CEO Boogeyman has forced you to be a loser. That's on you in the end.

Should people go work for our biggest companies like Walmart? Walmart pays so little employees are on welfare. This is increasing the size of gov while the ceo makes millions and Walton's make billions. This is corporate welfare. I thought you were against big government.

next question-------is anyone forced to work at walmart?

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