CEO pay is 380 times average worker's

Lazy jealous poor people started the world depression and the stupidest wars ever something, hater dupes...

Get to cleaning that shitter son. I don't pay you to think. I pay you to clean up that shit. Capisce.
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Notice how the lazy and unmotivated are always the ones who complain about salaries? This thread is a perfect example.

Hey come on, don't be so hard on em. To be fair, being turd wranglers and ditch diggers can't be a lot of fun. They'll either work harder and strive for more, or wrangle those turds and dig those ditches for the rest of their lives. The choice really is all theirs. But they're not gonna be allowed to punish or steal from others just because they're miserable failures. Too much of that has been allowed already.

Hey now! I have a Cousin who is a "turd jerker" (plumber) and he makes nearly $100,000 per. Of course, he owns his own company - that makes him one of those "greedy" CEOs. :D

Nope, CEO's don't own companies, just ask Antiparty, he knows everything, just ask him and he will tell you
Hey come on, don't be so hard on em. To be fair, being turd wranglers and ditch diggers can't be a lot of fun. They'll either work harder and strive for more, or wrangle those turds and dig those ditches for the rest of their lives. The choice really is all theirs. But they're not gonna be allowed to punish or steal from others just because they're miserable failures. Too much of that has been allowed already.

Hey now! I have a Cousin who is a "turd jerker" (plumber) and he makes nearly $100,000 per. Of course, he owns his own company - that makes him one of those "greedy" CEOs. :D

Oh i hear ya. He's obviously very happy doing what he's doing. He runs his own business. He's a success. And also, many people are quite content being janitors and ditch diggers. They realize not everyone's gonna be a star athlete, movie star, or CEO. They do what they do and their fine with it. The Entitlement Whiners are actually the minority. But they're a very vocal minority.

He spent 4 years going through the Plumbers apprentice program to become a Journeyman and started his own plumbing company. He now runs 8 trucks and employs 12 Journeyman Plumbers and takes on 6-8 Apprentice plumbers each year (Starting pay for the apprentice? $17 per hour)

Lots of turds that need "jerked" :D
I'm a retired teacher, and you fail miserably, hater dupe. Comparing thousands of multi-...millionaire CEOs with a handful of athletes and movie stars is dumb, but they should also be taxed more that's how you bring down obscene pay.

BTW, if you count ALL taxes and fees, the poorest fifth pay 16% of their income, and everyone else pays 21%, and the richest have quadrupled their wealth under voodoo, while everyone else and the country go to hell. Blaming the poor is brainwashed idiocy, and all Pub dupe.
You misspelled 'retarded".
Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.

Hey now! I have a Cousin who is a "turd jerker" (plumber) and he makes nearly $100,000 per. Of course, he owns his own company - that makes him one of those "greedy" CEOs. :D

Oh i hear ya. He's obviously very happy doing what he's doing. He runs his own business. He's a success. And also, many people are quite content being janitors and ditch diggers. They realize not everyone's gonna be a star athlete, movie star, or CEO. They do what they do and their fine with it. The Entitlement Whiners are actually the minority. But they're a very vocal minority.

He spent 4 years going through the Plumbers apprentice program to become a Journeyman and started his own plumbing company. He now runs 8 trucks and employs 12 Journeyman Plumbers and takes on 6-8 Apprentice plumbers each year (Starting pay for the apprentice? $17 per hour)

Lots of turds that need "jerked" :D

There ya go. Good for him.
Hey come on, don't be so hard on em. To be fair, being turd wranglers and ditch diggers can't be a lot of fun. They'll either work harder and strive for more, or wrangle those turds and dig those ditches for the rest of their lives. The choice really is all theirs. But they're not gonna be allowed to punish or steal from others just because they're miserable failures. Too much of that has been allowed already.

Hey now! I have a Cousin who is a "turd jerker" (plumber) and he makes nearly $100,000 per. Of course, he owns his own company - that makes him one of those "greedy" CEOs. :D

Nope, CEO's don't own companies, just ask Antiparty, he knows everything, just ask him and he will tell you

Yeah, I've got his number. Mad as hell because successful people live well and he lives in a refrigerator box. Lives by the credo "I could've been a contender" :D
Does the average worker generate millions/billions of dollars and Employ thousands of people?
CEOs earn 380 times in pay more than average worker - Apr. 19, 2012

So does the CEO work 380 times harder?

Or is the CEO 380 times more useful?

Most nations pay gap is 20/50-1. Not 380-1. It's absolute ignorance.

The job of the CEO today is to prevent pay raises. They get about 25% while the corporations get about 75%. It pays good to be a Cash Driven idiot.

Sadly, "Profits Just Hit Another All-Time High, Wages Just Hit Another All-Time Low "

Read more: Profits At High, Wages At Low - Business Insider

Why are workers trash when Corporations can't thrive without them?

Why are you so concerned on what other people make?
how much does a hollywood star make vs a gaffer?

Do you even know what ceos do? Or founders of companies?
start a business and pay yourself the same as employees that do rudimentary jobs. Let me know howmthat works out for ya
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Tin foilers- no connection to reality at all...thank god you hater dupes are 20% of the country and never will have any power- also wrecked the GOP lol...

Yeah sure, that's reality. Seriously, get back to scrubbing that shitter son. You're a shitter-scrubber for a reason. You're not very bright.
Jeebus what a brainwashed chump of the greedy idiot megarich GOP. HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING JEALOUS, ENTITLED, OR LOSERS. Has to do with justice, fairness, a successful economy- we're all going to ruin with your party's selfish, shortsighted policies- see sig. Change the channel- all the GOP has now is brainwashed hate and divide and conquer idiocy...

Hey dem-ass,
Green energy policy has deprived our economy of $1.2 trillion annually since your hack took office in 2009. If you really want to fix the economy you start right there.
Energy companies are making billions and the economy is shit, so how will making energy companies richer be better for the economy?
Man, get out of that 'rich people are the enemy' mode.
It's not about making energy companies richer. It's about allowing people to not waste so much of their money on overpriced energy costs, the result of a political contrivance. Flood the market with available energy resources, the cost of everything drops and people have more money to spend.
CEOs earn 380 times in pay more than average worker - Apr. 19, 2012

So does the CEO work 380 times harder?

Or is the CEO 380 times more useful?

Most nations pay gap is 20/50-1. Not 380-1. It's absolute ignorance.

The job of the CEO today is to prevent pay raises. They get about 25% while the corporations get about 75%. It pays good to be a Cash Driven idiot.

Sadly, "Profits Just Hit Another All-Time High, Wages Just Hit Another All-Time Low "

Read more: Profits At High, Wages At Low - Business Insider

Why are workers trash when Corporations can't thrive without them?

Fact, if true, that "CEO pay is 380 times average worker's" is exactly 0% of your business.
This discussion is pointless. I've already solved the Entitlement Whiners' problem... Simply stop whining, start working harder, and become a CEO. Problem solved.
This discussion is pointless. I've already solved the Entitlement Whiners' problem... Simply stop whining, start working harder, and become a CEO. Problem solved.
You have to be motivated to do that. It's easier for them to just collect a welfare check.
CEOs earn 380 times in pay more than average worker - Apr. 19, 2012

So does the CEO work 380 times harder?

Or is the CEO 380 times more useful?

Most nations pay gap is 20/50-1. Not 380-1. It's absolute ignorance.

The job of the CEO today is to prevent pay raises. They get about 25% while the corporations get about 75%. It pays good to be a Cash Driven idiot.

Sadly, "Profits Just Hit Another All-Time High, Wages Just Hit Another All-Time Low "

Read more: Profits At High, Wages At Low - Business Insider

Why are workers trash when Corporations can't thrive without them?

Fact, if true, that "CEO pay is 380 times average worker's" is exactly 0% of your business.
Snivelers gotta snivel.
We are a 'Takers VS. Makers' Nation now. We know the Takers are gonna keep on taking, but how long can the Makers sustain them and the Nation? Once the Takers outnumber the Makers, we're in deep shit. And we're currently moving rapidly in that direction. $18 Trillion in Debt and more & more Entitlement Whiners everyday. It cannot be sustained forever. The Gravy Train's gonna derail at some point. And that's when our problems begin.
This discussion is pointless. I've already solved the Entitlement Whiners' problem... Simply stop whining, start working harder, and become a CEO. Problem solved.

Indeed. I would challenge these Marxists to show me any company - ANY company! where the Board of Directors hires a CEO, or a COO, or a CFO and pays him the same salary that the workers make. ANY company in the HISTORY of the world. JUST ONE.

I'm sure that Al Gore made the same salary as his lemmings make. I'm QUITE sure that Bill Gates makes the same salary as the automatrons that he employs. I'm sure that Fidel Castro made the same salary as his peons made, or Mao, or Stalin. Sorry, I had to revert to tyrants - liberals don't normally start companies, let alone become CEOs.

They have never came to terms with the idea of Capitalism and, chances are, that once Barry is gone, they will NEVER get it. Just keep whining about it.
This discussion is pointless. I've already solved the Entitlement Whiners' problem... Simply stop whining, start working harder, and become a CEO. Problem solved.

If it was that simple, everybody would be doing it.

Exactly the point. It's incredibly difficult becoming a CEO. Not everyone can be a star athlete, movie star, or CEO. That's just the way it is. But that in no way justifies stealing from or punishing those who do achieve such success. If you wanna be a CEO, go for it. Don't just sit around whining about how good they have it. Do something. Work for it.

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