CEO pay is 380 times average worker's

It is funny and pathetic seeing high school dropouts like the OP whine about business leaders with graduate degrees and decades of experience make more money than him cleaning toilets in the same building.

Get back to cleaning the toilets and shut the fuck up.
Labor income isn't rising if 10,000 factories have closed and moved to China. Labor income isn't rising if more people are on food stamps than ever before.

You don't have to be an economist to see that.

Great job, Barack!
Labor income isn't rising if 10,000 factories have closed and moved to China. Labor income isn't rising if more people are on food stamps than ever before.

You don't have to be an economist to see that.

Great job, Barack!
The economy tanked in 2007 before Obama was President, and GOPbaggers have refused to help fix the mess because Obama's a Sharia Marxist tyrant (i.e. "black").
Labor income isn't rising if 10,000 factories have closed and moved to China. Labor income isn't rising if more people are on food stamps than ever before.

You don't have to be an economist to see that.

Great job, Barack!
The economy tanked in 2007 before Obama was President, and GOPbaggers have refused to help fix the mess because Obama's a Sharia Marxist tyrant (i.e. "black").

That meme is old and worn out. You need a new meme. That meme involves kiosks and typhoons. Dont ask why, somehow it just makes sense.
"Somehow it just makes sense" is a pretty hollow statement coming from you. You're a pro-life, anti-gay Rabbi who loves RuPaul. Nothing that you say makes any sense.
Labor income isn't rising if 10,000 factories have closed and moved to China. Labor income isn't rising if more people are on food stamps than ever before.

You don't have to be an economist to see that.

But corporate ASSETS and CAPITALIZATION HAS shrunk for off-shoring and all the other reasons I gave in my post above.. All those closed stores and factories are corporate downsized losses.. For the individual -- it's the diff between income and wealth. For the company -- it's the diff between profit and capitalization..

The economy is contracting worldwide. Trillions of dollars of corporate capitalization have vanished. And NONE of that shows on graphs comparing "incomes"..
"Somehow it just makes sense" is a pretty hollow statement coming from you. You're a pro-life, anti-gay Rabbi who loves RuPaul. Nothing that you say makes any sense.

You're right. It makes no sense. It made no sense when Obama said it. But his lapdogs ate it up anyway. It makes as much sense as saying Bush was so stupid he tanked the economy and Obama, our smartest president, can't fix it.
Who said that Obama is the smartest President? Also, Bush didn't tank the economy. Rich bankers tanked the economy.
Someone earlier brought up a good point.
Why is it that the Liberals anger is always directed at the CEO's of companies and not anywhere else.

I'm sure Kevin Costner was paid well for WaterWorld even though it bombed at the box office.
Did he have to apologize and give that money back.I don't think so...

Waterworld is one of the two worst movies I've ever seen, ever, so this is a good start.

But Costner didn't charge the moviegoers or write the movie. He's paid by the production company. And the production company is paid by us, the public.

Actually GoodYear tire doesnt charge the public either. They sell wholesale to thousands of retailers who decide what they need to charge. These huge incomes for actors/producers come from the same math and principle of CEO compensation. MOST of the income comes from taking ownership of the project ---- not from simple salary for labor... you leftists dont know the meaning of ownership, risk, or investment. Thats why you continue to be horseshit peddlers..,..

The actor analogy simply Does. Not. Work. The actor isn't paying (or employing) anybody, nor is he deciding what anybody gets paid. The CEO IS. The comparison is apples and oranges, and thus inoperative.

Ain't rocket surgery.
Who said that Obama is the smartest President? Also, Bush didn't tank the economy. Rich bankers tanked the economy.

Obama has tanked the economy. We should be in a post-housing-market-crash robust recovery but his energy policy has cost the average household $8k annually. In disposable, net income. Spending money. That is the bottom line, period.
I'm a retired teacher, and you fail miserably, hater dupe. Comparing thousands of multi-...millionaire CEOs with a handful of athletes and movie stars is dumb, but they should also be taxed more that's how you bring down obscene pay.

BTW, if you count ALL taxes and fees, the poorest fifth pay 16% of their income, and everyone else pays 21%, and the richest have quadrupled their wealth under voodoo, while everyone else and the country go to hell. Blaming the poor is brainwashed idiocy, and all Pub dupe.
You misspelled 'retarded".
Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.

-- and those who can't teach troll the internets.

CEOs earn 380 times in pay more than average worker - Apr. 19, 2012

So does the CEO work 380 times harder?

Or is the CEO 380 times more useful?

Most nations pay gap is 20/50-1. Not 380-1. It's absolute ignorance.

The job of the CEO today is to prevent pay raises. They get about 25% while the corporations get about 75%. It pays good to be a Cash Driven idiot.

Sadly, "Profits Just Hit Another All-Time High, Wages Just Hit Another All-Time Low "

Read more: Profits At High, Wages At Low - Business Insider

Why are workers trash when Corporations can't thrive without them?

Why are you so concerned on what other people make?
how much does a hollywood star make vs a gaffer?

Do you even know what ceos do? Or founders of companies?
start a business and pay yourself the same as employees that do rudimentary jobs. Let me know howmthat works out for ya

Once again for the dense ... a Hollywood "star" is not a CEO. In any way.
Does the average worker generate millions/billions of dollars and Employ thousands of people?

And could that CEO that generates millions/billions of dollars and employs thosands of people do so without workers?

Precisely. The Authoritarians drool all over themselves in hero worship so much they lose sight of their own damn selves.

Again this is appropriate:
"Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed.

Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration."

Abraham Lincoln
This discussion is pointless. I've already solved the Entitlement Whiners' problem... Simply stop whining, start working harder, and become a CEO. Problem solved.

If it was that simple, everybody would be doing it.

It's Jethro again... walking into the bank to apply for the job of President. :rolleyes:

This discussion is pointless. I've already solved the Entitlement Whiners' problem... Simply stop whining, start working harder, and become a CEO. Problem solved.

If it was that simple, everybody would be doing it.

Exactly the point. It's incredibly difficult becoming a CEO. Not everyone can be a star athlete, movie star, or CEO. That's just the way it is. But that in no way justifies stealing from or punishing those who do achieve such success. If you wanna be a CEO, go for it. Don't just sit around whining about how good they have it. Do something. Work for it.

My stars - - - - - he still doesn't get it. :banghead:
Who said that Obama is the smartest President? Also, Bush didn't tank the economy. Rich bankers tanked the economy.

Obama has tanked the economy. We should be in a post-housing-market-crash robust recovery but his energy policy has cost the average household $8k annually. In disposable, net income. Spending money. That is the bottom line, period.
And who made that money? The energy companies. Exxon, Chevron, Anadarko, BP, Shell, coal, natural gas, etc. Money that is going up to the rich job creators who will spend it and it will trickle down upon lazy moochers like a golden shower, right?

You almost sound like you want to take away hard-earned money from hard-working rich folks and redistribute it to the working class.
I have to say, this thread separates the men from the boys, and the makers from the takers. This is classic socialism vs capitalism. The lazy, unmotivated, entitlement liberals are all under the impression that the ones who create the jobs are the bad guys and the slacker parasites are the good guys. This illustrates perfectly why liberals should never be entrusted to make decisions on economic matters.
The bankers had a lot of help from their crony Bush regulators in tanking the economy...

Stop blaming the "lazy" poor for the Booosh/Reaganist just identifies you as a Fox/Rush/Beckbot gd dumb...even if you are 80% of this silly board....sure helps me write my book-thanks, Pub dupes...
No, it doesn't show anything like that. Once again you demonstrate an inability to read a graph and understand what it says.

The graph clearly shows exactly what I have said the graphs shows.
Nobody else on these boards has ever question my interpretation of these graphs and that includes the most intelligent conservative posters on this board, which of course excludes you.
When you post your that my graphs don't support what I post, you are clearly showing exactly how limited your intelligence is to every poster who reads that crap. Good job! :lol: Now run along sonny.

OK, let's look at it and go through it.

Note the graph shows "labor income as a share of total income." IT says nothing about absolute income. Labor income could be rising in absolute terms and this graph would not show it. We might be back to income under Clinton and you wouldn't know it from this graph.
In fact total national income is up over 66% from what it was under Clinton.
United States - GNI

There is likely more income generated by interest/dividends than there used to be. With an older population that is likely. Also with record numbers on SSI/Disabilty that will skew numbers.

So the chart shows nothing like what you think it shows.
Once again you have demonstrated you cannot read and understand a chart. You are a noob.

Ha! Laborer's rarely have dividend/interest income, most live check-to-check.
76% of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck
76% of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck - Jun. 24, 2013
Secondly, the BLS numbers would include wages only.
Nice try and goodbye.

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