CEO pay is 380 times average worker's

If the CEO is making 23 million and the corporation has 200,000 employees, how much would each employee get it they cut the CEO to 15 million and divided the 8 million amoung all of the employees?

This is a math test, can any of you libs do it?

come on libs-----------too hard or don't you like the answer?

Here's the answer for you libs who cannot do simple math----------$40. Taking 8 million from the CEO will get each worker $40/year--------said another way, your jealousy of the CEO is worth $40.

This whole thing is meaningless drivel from liberals who are failures in life and are envious of those who are successful and want the govt to punish the successful and reward the failures---------pathetic.
it is obscene but it seems most MURICAN's are low-info types so they only parrot what their media tells them

I already solved your problem... Stop whining, start working harder, and become a CEO.

Yeah, that's realist! As there are 3 applicants for every job opening that is wage based and upward mobility is at a historic low, do you think your advice is sound?

Yes, my advice is sound. Have you ever applied to be a CEO? I seriously doubt you have. So your knowledge of such things is extremely limited at best. Not everyone can be a star athlete or movie star. And not everyone can be a CEO either. That's just reality. They don't deserve to be punished because you couldn't make it. That's just not how it works. So i will advise again...Stop whining, start working harder, and become a CEO. Problem solved.
But the rich job creators have made 95% of the financial gains during the economic "recovery" since 2009. Certainly this means that immense wealth is going to trickle down any minute now to the worthless moochers.

When is Obama going to take 95% of financial gains away from the wealthy 1% job creators and hand it over to moocher druggie communists?

As sson as he can figure out a way.
If the top 1% have made all the gains as a result of Obama's policies, why do you still support him?
Are you fucking retarded? How many times do I have to write the words "BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA IS A WAR CRIMINAL" before you talking monkeys understand that I don't support him or his policies? When I criticize Republicans for being stupid *****, it doesn't mean that I love Obama or Democrats.

You hate Obama. We get that. Why do you hate Obama? Because he's a Marxist Sharia tyrant, or what the fuck ever? What are his policies that support this theory? Rich people have made more money than ever before. This is money that you say will benefit the working poor by raising the standard of living for everyone. But there are more working poor on government assistance than ever before. So which is it?

Are you aware that it is the wealthy class who have pushed more people onto government assistance by not raising workers' hourly wages with inflation? This system wasn't designed by poor people. The money class wants everyone on the government dole so that they don't have to pay their employees more. The government (the People- you, me, everyone else) can't support this system. Add on endless wars against whoever, wherever, and you have a retarded country that will sink itself into ruin.

This isn't a Republican or Democrat battle. It's rich versus poor, and the rich are winning.

No one with any common sense believes that rich people having money will benefit poor people to any great extent. The main reason that you have this misconception, is that you equate enterprise with rich people and you equate rich people with greed. This patently false logic chain leads you to bad conclusions, and bad conclusions lead to bad public policy.

The drivers of our economic growth are people who are trying to get rich, and those are the people that conservatives champion. The left wing war on the rich has been, and is, hampering the people who are trying hard to get rich, while having little impact on the actual rich.

How much a CEO makes, or how much an actor or a sports figure makes, or how much any of them have, is absolutely immaterial to your life, my life, or anyone else's lives in the real world. Your left wing puppet masters have you watching the left hand while the right hand is lifting your wallet.
How come people get so worked up about the pay of a CEO but a Hollywood actor making 20 or 25 million for staring in a movie or the pro athlete getting the 6 year 100 million plus contract doesn't bother people?

Who says it doesn't bother people? Did I miss a post?

I see far more threads post and gripes about CEO pay than actors and athletes just going by what I see.
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How come people get so worked up about the pay of a CEO but a Hollywood actor making 20 or 25 million for staring in a movie or the pro athlete getting the 6 year 100 million plus contract doesn't bother people?

Who says it doesn't bother people? Did I miss a post?

I see far threads post and gripes about CEO pay than actors and athletes just going by what I see.

Maybe because actors and athletes don't have employees under them.

Go to a baseball game and listen to the comments about ticket prices though. There's a parallel. Last time I did that, 'bout 4 years ago, I went through Stub Hub (a broker for recycled tickets) and it still set me back over 200 bucks for three people, for mediocre seats, and of course that's just admission, doesn't count parking or concessions. Is that reasonable? Well, it's the main reason I haven't done it in four years.
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How come people get so worked up about the pay of a CEO but a Hollywood actor making 20 or 25 million for staring in a movie or the pro athlete getting the 6 year 100 million plus contract doesn't bother people?

Who says it doesn't bother people? Did I miss a post?

I see far threads post and gripes about CEO pay than actors and athletes just going by what I see.

They only regurgitate what Communist nutters at NBC and CNN feed em. They have absolutely no idea how much work and sacrifice goes into becoming a success. And they don't want to know either. They're much more into whining and demanding more Entitlement Freebies. It's the lazy way out. It's who they are.
it is obscene but it seems most MURICAN's are low-info types so they only parrot what their media tells them

I already solved your problem... Stop whining, start working harder, and become a CEO.

Yeah, that's realist! As there are 3 applicants for every job opening that is wage based and upward mobility is at a historic low, do you think your advice is sound?

No one is forcing you, or anyone else, to work for one of those evil, rich CEOs. You are as smart, as well educated, and industrious as he is, start your own enterprise and hire other people. Or, perhaps you are not as smart, as educated, or as industrious as one of those evil, rich CEOs.

Better yet, start a solar panel manufacturing company and your messiah will throw taxpayer money at you. You don't even have to stay in business long, just long enough to get the millions.
If the CEO is making 23 million and the corporation has 200,000 employees, how much would each employee get it they cut the CEO to 15 million and divided the 8 million amoung all of the employees?

This is a math test, can any of you libs do it?

come on libs-----------too hard or don't you like the answer?

Here's the answer for you libs who cannot do simple math----------$40. Taking 8 million from the CEO will get each worker $40/year--------said another way, your jealousy of the CEO is worth $40.

This whole thing is meaningless drivel from liberals who are failures in life and are envious of those who are successful and want the govt to punish the successful and reward the failures---------pathetic.

Oh please. Nobody took your bait because you're playing with your own strawman doll. Which is kinda kinky. Nobody suggested that scenario; you made it up. Do that in private, willya?
Who says it doesn't bother people? Did I miss a post?

I see far threads post and gripes about CEO pay than actors and athletes just going by what I see.

They only regurgitate what Communist nutters at NBC and CNN feed em. They have absolutely no idea how much work and sacrifice goes into becoming a success. And they don't want to know either. They're much more into whining and demanding more Entitlement Freebies. It's the lazy way out. It's who they are.

I can always tell one of your sorry posts by reading up from the bottom before I even see the name. An endless whine of character attack on your own preconceived images. Boring too.

As noted before, you're so dedicated to class hierarchy that you'll even make one up if it's not present. I think you might need a psychologist.
Get rich, or die trying. If you're doing anything less than that, don't bother bitchin & whinin. No one has the right to punish others simply because they're unhappy about their life not going so well. That's on you in the end.
Jobs in China don't help Americans on food stamps.

Thats absolutely true. Now, how do you propose getting those jobs away from China and back to the USA?
The same way we did it during World War II.


What happened when American imports of raw materials from Asia were cut off during World War II? The US Federal government legalized "Marihuana" and We the People replaced foreign imports with domestic production. It will work again and we will accomplish even more with this resource with the agricultural and industrial technology that we have today.
Many successful wealthy Americans were poor early on in life. It's not a CEO's fault you're not doing well in life. That's on you.

OTOH it is your fault that all your arguments consist of simplistic hackneyed strawmen and putting words in other people's mouths. That's on you.

You want to punish CEO's because you're a bitter loser. It really is that simple. You have a classic losers mentality. You want to be a successful CEO? Then quit your whining and do it. No one should be punished because you're angry about being a loser. That's not how it works. Deal with it.

Once again -- I keep pointing out the flaw in your argument, and you keep confirming it. Enough already; I'm right. I get that.
Get rich, or die trying. If you're doing anything less than that, don't bother bitchin & whinin. No one has the right to punish others simply because they're unhappy about their life not going so well. That's on you in the end.

You're assuming the overall goal is "get rich". That says a lot right there.
Get rich, or die trying. If you're doing anything less than that, don't bother bitchin & whinin. No one has the right to punish others simply because they're unhappy about their life not going so well. That's on you in the end.

You're assuming the overall goal is "get rich". That says a lot right there.

If you ain't tryin, that says a lot right there. No one will be punished just because you're angry about being a loser. That's just not how it works. Entitlement whiners are just gonna have to accept that.
Who says it doesn't bother people? Did I miss a post?

I see far threads post and gripes about CEO pay than actors and athletes just going by what I see.

Maybe because actors and athletes don't have employees under them.

Go to a baseball game and listen to the comments about ticket prices though. There's a parallel. Last time I did that, 'bout 4 years ago, I went through Stub Hub (a broker for recycled tickets) and it still set me back over 200 bucks for three people, for mediocre seats, and of course that's just admission, doesn't count parking or concessions. Is that reasonable? Well, it's the main reason I haven't done it in four years.

There are many other people who work for sports teams the athletes plays for and many people who work at the studio the actors work at the pay differential between them and the actors and athletes is in the same range as that of the CEO and their employees yet for some reason only the CEO gets vilified. I don't hold it against the actor or athlete getting what the market dictates they can get I also don't that against the CEO it just seems like a lot of people are very selective on who that get pissed at for in their mind making to much money.
CEO pay is a disgrace, and so are voodoo tax rates that allow it- that have quadrupled the richest's wealth while wrecking the non-rich and the country...

Why is it a disgrace? Why aren't you a CEO? I mean according to you Entitlement Wingnuts, it's so easy. In the end, you Entitlement Whiners are just gonna have to accept that not everyone can be a star athlete or movie star. And not everyone can be a CEO either. Someone has to clean the shitters and dig the ditches. And that someone is you. Deal with it.
I never felt that ARod was worth his salary...
but the NY Yankees/Texas Rangers paid it so there you go.

Yup, life isn't fair. Not everyone in our Society will be a star athlete, movie star, or CEO. Some will have to be turd wranglers and garbagemen. That's life. Entitlement whiners are just gonna have to grow up and deal. It is what it is.
Someone earlier brought up a good point.
Why is it that the Liberals anger is always directed at the CEO's of companies and not anywhere else.

I'm sure Kevin Costner was paid well for WaterWorld even though it bombed at the box office.
Did he have to apologize and give that money back.I don't think so...

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