CEO pay is 380 times average worker's

How come people get so worked up about the pay of a CEO but a Hollywood actor making 20 or 25 million for staring in a movie or the pro athlete getting the 6 year 100 million plus contract doesn't bother people?

It's ignorance. People look at some actor and say "There's no way I could do that." BUt they think a CEO just sits in his office all day drinking coffee and watching TV. So they think "I could sit in an office and drink coffee all day just as well as he can. Why should he get paid so much??" They have no idea what a CEO does.

Spot On.
If the CEO is making 23 million and the corporation has 200,000 employees, how much would each employee get it they cut the CEO to 15 million and divided the 8 million amoung all of the employees?

This is a math test, can any of you libs do it?

come on libs-----------too hard or don't you like the answer?
Solution: Stop whining, start working harder, and become a CEO.


Trapped in a caste system? Untouchable? No problem, stop whining and become a Brahman so you can shift from victim to victiimizer. Do it today.

Disclaimer: side effects may include prickishness, loss of ethics and sudden karmic arrest

Solution: Stop whining, start working harder, and become a CEO.

If that's the solution, why bother with becoming a CEO and all the stress in entails.

Why not just work hard and become a pro athlete.

Or actor.

Or rock star.

And make some real money and have fun doing it.

Even easier: become an heir. Like the Kochs. Because it's all about planning ahead.
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CaféAuLait;8925408 said:
Jobs in China don't help Americans on food stamps.

Indeed, If Apple brought the jobs back to the US they would employ over 720,000 people.

Apple employs... 20,000 overseas...Many more people work for Apple’s contractors: an additional 700,000 people engineer, build and assemble iPads, iPhones and Apple’s other products. But almost none of them work in the United States. Instead, they work for foreign companies in Asia, Europe and elsewhere, at factories that almost all electronics designers rely upon to build their wares.

and your new I-phone would cost $5000 instead of $200.

Same reason certain produce is costing and will cost more to buy. Farmers can't afford to pay US wages so they hire illegals. They whole point of getting rid of migrant workers is to force family farmers out of business so big corps can buy them for pennies on the dollar.

As long as we value the 1% over all others, as long as we demand that the working and poor classes support the wealthy, this trend will continue.

Thank the gullible rw's.

Solution: Stop whining, start working harder, and become a CEO.


Trapped in a caste system? Untouchable? No problem, stop whining and become a Brahman so you can shift from victim to victiimizer. Do it today.

Disclaimer: side effects may include prickishness, loss of ethics and sudden karmic arrest

Yeah ... like the Republican said, just stop being poor.

If Rs told them to, rw's would chop off their own feet.
How come people get so worked up about the pay of a CEO but a Hollywood actor making 20 or 25 million for staring in a movie or the pro athlete getting the 6 year 100 million plus contract doesn't bother people?

Who says it doesn't bother people? Did I miss a post?
CaféAuLait;8925408 said:
Indeed, If Apple brought the jobs back to the US they would employ over 720,000 people.

and your new I-phone would cost $5000 instead of $200.

Same reason certain produce is costing and will cost more to buy. Farmers can't afford to pay US wages so they hire illegals. They whole point of getting rid of migrant workers is to force family farmers out of business so big corps can buy them for pennies on the dollar.

As long as we value the 1% over all others, as long as we demand that the working and poor classes support the wealthy, this trend will continue.

Thank the gullible rw's.

That makes no sense. If farmers can't afford to pay US wages (whatever those are. And that is not true) then why would corporations be able to?
As usual more ignorant blather from the Left.
CEO's only care about their stock holders and themselves. The stock market is a sick joke whose chickens will come home to roost. Bitching about it won't change the fact that this place is done for.
CEOs earn 380 times in pay more than average worker - Apr. 19, 2012

So does the CEO work 380 times harder?

Or is the CEO 380 times more useful?

Most nations pay gap is 20/50-1. Not 380-1. It's absolute ignorance.

The job of the CEO today is to prevent pay raises. They get about 25% while the corporations get about 75%. It pays good to be a Cash Driven idiot.

Sadly, "Profits Just Hit Another All-Time High, Wages Just Hit Another All-Time Low "

Read more: Profits At High, Wages At Low - Business Insider

Why are workers trash when Corporations can't thrive without them?

it is obscene but it seems most MURICAN's are low-info types so they only parrot what their media tells them

I already solved your problem... Stop whining, start working harder, and become a CEO.

And perpetuate the rigid hierarchical class system you fawn over obsequiously...
Ehh... no thanks. :eusa_hand:
Solution: Stop whining, start working harder, and become a CEO.


Trapped in a caste system? Untouchable? No problem, stop whining and become a Brahman so you can shift from victim to victiimizer. Do it today.

Disclaimer: side effects may include prickishness, loss of ethics and sudden karmic arrest

Yeah ... like the Republican said, just stop being poor.

If Rs told them to, rw's would chop off their own feet.

Many successful wealthy Americans were poor early on in life. It's not a CEO's fault you're not doing well in life. That's on you.
Jobs in China don't help Americans on food stamps.
Jobs in the USA don't help the Chinese without food stamps.
Do you have something against the poor in China?

The poor in China are not going to be very poor for long. Those in power in China have come to a true enlightenment. They have finally realized that they can grow their economy much more and increase the standard of living for all Chinese by taking this massive manufacturing base and using it to sell the products produced directly to their own people. Anyone who thinks that the US economy will continue to be larger than that of China has their head in the sand. Within 15 years, China's economy will surpass ours. Within 25 years, it will double ours.

I absolutely expect China's economy to be larger than the US economy, after all, they do have 4 times our population. it's a pretty simple concept for me to understand.

Trapped in a caste system? Untouchable? No problem, stop whining and become a Brahman so you can shift from victim to victiimizer. Do it today.

Disclaimer: side effects may include prickishness, loss of ethics and sudden karmic arrest

Yeah ... like the Republican said, just stop being poor.

If Rs told them to, rw's would chop off their own feet.

Many successful wealthy Americans were poor early on in life. It's not a CEO's fault you're not doing well in life. That's on you.

OTOH it is your fault that all your arguments consist of strawmen and putting words in other people's mouths. That's on you.

Trapped in a caste system? Untouchable? No problem, stop whining and become a Brahman so you can shift from victim to victiimizer. Do it today.

Disclaimer: side effects may include prickishness, loss of ethics and sudden karmic arrest

Yeah ... like the Republican said, just stop being poor.

If Rs told them to, rw's would chop off their own feet.

Many successful wealthy Americans were poor early on in life. It's not a CEO's fault you're not doing well in life. That's on you.

OTOH it is your fault that all your arguments consist of simplistic hackneyed strawmen and putting words in other people's mouths. That's on you.
it is obscene but it seems most MURICAN's are low-info types so they only parrot what their media tells them

I already solved your problem... Stop whining, start working harder, and become a CEO.

And perpetuate the rigid hierarchical class system you fawn over obsequiously...
Ehh... no thanks. :eusa_hand:

You wanna be a CEO? Do it. It's not a CEO's fault you're a loser. A CEO shouldn't be punished because you're bitter about being a failure. Not everyone can be a star athlete or movie star. And not everyone can be a CEO either. You want it, get out there and get it. Stop blaming others for your failures. That's a losers mentality.
I already solved your problem... Stop whining, start working harder, and become a CEO.

And perpetuate the rigid hierarchical class system you fawn over obsequiously...
Ehh... no thanks. :eusa_hand:

You wanna be a CEO? Do it. It's not a CEO's fault you're a loser. A CEO shouldn't be punished because you're bitter about being a failure. Not everyone can be a star athlete or movie star. And not everyone can be a CEO either. You want it, get out there and get it. Stop blaming others for your failures. That's a losers mentality.

OTOH it is your fault that all your arguments consist of simplistic hackneyed strawmen and putting words in other people's mouths. That's on you.

See what I mean? You just can't help yourself.

Just like that Bozo in here last night, what this comes down to is the Authoritarian crowd with their endless put-downs of what they see as a "loser" class, and the wider the gap between richer and poorer widens, the better they like it, because that's the kind shit they admire. A bunch of spineless sycophants.
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Yeah ... like the Republican said, just stop being poor.

If Rs told them to, rw's would chop off their own feet.

Many successful wealthy Americans were poor early on in life. It's not a CEO's fault you're not doing well in life. That's on you.

OTOH it is your fault that all your arguments consist of simplistic hackneyed strawmen and putting words in other people's mouths. That's on you.

You want to punish CEO's because you're a bitter loser. It really is that simple. You have a classic losers mentality. You want to be a successful CEO? Then quit your whining and do it. No one should be punished because you're angry about being a loser. That's not how it works. Deal with it.
CEOs earn 380 times in pay more than average worker - Apr. 19, 2012

So does the CEO work 380 times harder?

Or is the CEO 380 times more useful?

Most nations pay gap is 20/50-1. Not 380-1. It's absolute ignorance.

The job of the CEO today is to prevent pay raises. They get about 25% while the corporations get about 75%. It pays good to be a Cash Driven idiot.

Sadly, "Profits Just Hit Another All-Time High, Wages Just Hit Another All-Time Low "

Read more: Profits At High, Wages At Low - Business Insider

Why are workers trash when Corporations can't thrive without them?

it is obscene but it seems most MURICAN's are low-info types so they only parrot what their media tells them

I already solved your problem... Stop whining, start working harder, and become a CEO.

Yeah, that's realist! As there are 3 applicants for every job opening that is wage based and upward mobility is at a historic low, do you think your advice is sound?
CEOs earn 380 times in pay more than average worker - Apr. 19, 2012

So does the CEO work 380 times harder?

Or is the CEO 380 times more useful?

Most nations pay gap is 20/50-1. Not 380-1. It's absolute ignorance.

The job of the CEO today is to prevent pay raises. They get about 25% while the corporations get about 75%. It pays good to be a Cash Driven idiot.

Sadly, "Profits Just Hit Another All-Time High, Wages Just Hit Another All-Time Low "

Read more: Profits At High, Wages At Low - Business Insider

Why are workers trash when Corporations can't thrive without them?

The ignorance about economics and Capitalism is rampant amongst the anarchoMarxists aint it? Heres a completely free idiots guide to corporate CEO compensation. When you go hire a new CEO to run the 38 separate businesses of Caterpillar, you offer them a salary plus equity compensation. Equity doesnt come off the backs of ANY OTHER WORKER in the company. In fact, I and most stockholders would not invest in ahuge company where the CEO WAS NOT a major owner of that company. If you strip away the equity comp, and divided that remaining salary amonst the Catipillar workers, they could all get a set of Cat Working Shoes, a Cat tee shirt, and a steering wheel from a dozer each year. Or they could mug him, divide up up his salary and hope that the lower paid dupe that takes his place at that 20X ratio doesnt result in 10% layoffs next year. The reason the ratio is higher HERE, is that our companies represent 10X the worlds average corporate capitalization.

You really need to stop parroting millenial street pissing Occupy crap, and start studying and thinking about how our economic system really works.

"Equity doesnt come off the backs of ANY OTHER WORKER in the company."

The worker is part of the team. To ignore that the worker is a team member needed to make these profits is absolute ignorance. To think that the CEO can make these profits without the workers IS ABSOLUTE IGNORANCE.

Are the workers replaceable, maybe. Can you make the profit without the worker NO, NO NO. The CEO generally doesn't even know how to produce the product, that's a fact. Even the engineer's don't know how to produce it, the floor has to modify it beyond the blue prints to make it functional.

Your entire view of how companies form and who does what is warped . Because you dont understand the knowledge and risks involved in making stuff. The CEO MIGHT not know which buttons to push to make a tire, but he understands WHY that type of tire is being made and how to improve it. They understand what investments have been made in the materials, the process, and the marketing of that tire. His job never ends at 5PM, and the RISKS that he controls are immense. What is the RISK of the dude pressing the tire making buttons ? If it mattered to the CEO, THEY Could replace any button pusher in a couple days.

So your entire premise is faulty. Compensation for CEOs is not about SALARY comparisons. Transferring OWNERSHIP to CEOs via compensation is DESIRED. And management and RISK are never in your mind. Learn about OWNERSHIP and RISK a d there might be hope that you will be more than a street pissing Occupy parrot....

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