Certain Media Figures Invited To White House

Article yesterday that actual press members were complaining about lack of access in the White House. Also about lack of opportunity to video and photograph Obama at state functions. Many of them averred that using WH materials amounted to propaganda.
Bob Woodward complained this is the most closed WH he's ever seen. No one knows what's going on there.

Remember that in a dictatorship the first move is against free journalism.

Like when Bush made the White House guest list book unavailable for public eyes?

Shhhhhhhhh.............................. Jeff Gannon

White House Visitor List: Court Rules Against Disclosure Of Records
By PETE YOST 08/30/13 04:29 PM ET EDT

White House Visitor List: Court Rules Against Disclosure Of Records
White House blocks access to Obama events, news groups say - Worldnews.com


Oct 31, 2009 · The White House releases a partial list of visitors to the White House since President Barack Obama took office in January.
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If I were Roger Ailes, I would ask Juan Williams to publicly disclose what went on and what was talked about in the meeting with the Stuttering Clusterfuck.

If he refused, I would terminate him on the spot.

Shit like this is out of control.

If the Stuttering Clusterfuck wanted to have a closed meeting with the Press and invited leftists, moderates and Patriotic Journalists at the same time...?

I'd have nothing to say about it.

But inviting leftists ONLY?

That's bullshit. Juan Williams needs to disclose the subject and the content of the meeting or be fired.

The other networks and propaganda outlets? Shit, they couldn't care less. And neither could I.

Now, what Williams will say is, "If I disclose the content of the meeting to you, then FNC will be cut off by the White House!"

Don't care. Talk or hit the fucking door.

Well, NO!

Juan Williams is one of the rarest breed on this Earth, dying breed, snuffed out by political correctness, an HONEST DEMOCRAT.

For that same "sin" he has already been fired from NPR (or was it PBS?). Juan Williams is an honored occasional co-host of The Five and replacement host of the O'Reilley Factor.
He gives opinions that are honest, to the point, he never resorts to dispicable name-calling as other invitees to this circus are known to be, like Ed Shultz, he never advocates hatred like Lawrence O'Donnell and I am sure he attended this charade only because his respect for the office of the Presidency, if not for the utterly unqualified, unprepared and dishonest lying occupier thereof.

Journalists, like others who has to deal with confidentiality, should not be subject to such threats.

Juan USED to be an honest democrat. I've watched him and listened to him for a long time.

Not any more. Not since the 2012 election cycle. Not since FNC gave him a HUGE contract.

He's no better than Ed Schultz or Rachel Madcow any more.

Now, he's just another dimocrap

Well, in that case we just agree to disagree, but I would rather have an opponent who is on my side - occasionally - than one who is always on the other side.

Sometimes ideological purity leads to political suicide.

And as much as like and agree with most of your posts, I think you are wrong equating Juan Williams to Ed Schultz or Rachel Maddow. My guess is that even Mr. Williams would consider that an insult.
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Article yesterday that actual press members were complaining about lack of access in the White House. Also about lack of opportunity to video and photograph Obama at state functions. Many of them averred that using WH materials amounted to propaganda.
Bob Woodward complained this is the most closed WH he's ever seen. No one knows what's going on there.

Remember that in a dictatorship the first move is against free journalism.

Like when Bush made the White House guest list book unavailable for public eyes?

No I dont recall that. You dont either. I'd hardly consider it a threat to democracy.
ANother moral equivalence argument dies by its own stupidity.

are always just an ass? or a loyal Obama stooge?

He's actually both.
I recall that the WSJ is running big ads touting their upcoming interview with Obama. So the meeting was potentially about that. Either that or he threatened them if they wrote another negative word about him. Either one is believable, the second more so.

are always just an ass? or a loyal Obama stooge?

He's actually both.
I recall that the WSJ is running big ads touting their upcoming interview with Obama. So the meeting was potentially about that. Either that or he threatened them if they wrote another negative word about him. Either one is believable, the second more so.

Myself, I'd be embarrassed to know people see me as someone's lapdog...but Obama whistles and they come and heal at his feet

that sad
Hey, it's circle the wagons time for the most transparent Administration ever! I'm sure that they pressed hard for a narrative that puts the best face possible on five years of ineffective leadership. In case you hadn't noticed even the White House's most loyal mouthpieces have been ripping him a new one over the ObamaCare roll out. He's got to nip that in the bud or the Democrats are toast in next years election. I'm sure he pointed out to his "supporters" that telling the truth now was going to be devastating to liberals and that he needed their help like never before.
Well, NO!

Juan Williams is one of the rarest breed on this Earth, dying breed, snuffed out by political correctness, an HONEST DEMOCRAT.

For that same "sin" he has already been fired from NPR (or was it PBS?). Juan Williams is an honored occasional co-host of The Five and replacement host of the O'Reilley Factor.
He gives opinions that are honest, to the point, he never resorts to dispicable name-calling as other invitees to this circus are known to be, like Ed Shultz, he never advocates hatred like Lawrence O'Donnell and I am sure he attended this charade only because his respect for the office of the Presidency, if not for the utterly unqualified, unprepared and dishonest lying occupier thereof.

Journalists, like others who has to deal with confidentiality, should not be subject to such threats.

Juan USED to be an honest democrat. I've watched him and listened to him for a long time.

Not any more. Not since the 2012 election cycle. Not since FNC gave him a HUGE contract.

He's no better than Ed Schultz or Rachel Madcow any more.

Now, he's just another dimocrap

Well, in that case we just agree to disagree, but I would rather have an opponent who is on my side - occasionally - than one who is always on the other side.

Sometimes ideological purity leads to political suicide.

And as much as like and agree with most of your posts, I think you are wrong equating Juan Williams to Ed Schultz or Rachel Maddow. My guess is that even Mr. Williams would consider that an insult.

Last time I saw him was on 'The Five' and he was in full 'Protect The Collective' mode.

He's changing. I think he gets snapped back every now and then by management or O'Reilly, but his instincts come through when he's under pressure or in a relaxed atmosphere where he can be himself.

Juan also has a big time racial chip on his shoulder.
Article yesterday that actual press members were complaining about lack of access in the White House. Also about lack of opportunity to video and photograph Obama at state functions. Many of them averred that using WH materials amounted to propaganda.
Bob Woodward complained this is the most closed WH he's ever seen. No one knows what's going on there.

Remember that in a dictatorship the first move is against free journalism.

Like when Bush made the White House guest list book unavailable for public eyes?

Obama Blocks Visitor List Access, Echoing Bush

White House Visitor List: Court Rules Against Disclosure Of Records
White House Visitor List: Court Rules Against Disclosure Of Records
By PETE YOST 08/30/13 04:29 PM ET EDT

For some reason?

Inviting the press, ANY press..... Patriotic, libturd, communist, dimocrap..... ANY press, to 'Off The Record' meetings unless it involves National Security (we're about to nuke Iran, guys, keep it quiet) is just simply WRONG.

IIRC (and I usually do) those Journalists were roundly criticized for going to meet with the Stuttering Clusterfuck 'off the record'.

That's not what a free press does. A free press keeps politicians at arm's length and treats them with suspicion.

That's their job. Or, that's SUPPOSED to be their job
Article yesterday that actual press members were complaining about lack of access in the White House. Also about lack of opportunity to video and photograph Obama at state functions. Many of them averred that using WH materials amounted to propaganda.
Bob Woodward complained this is the most closed WH he's ever seen. No one knows what's going on there.

Remember that in a dictatorship the first move is against free journalism.

Like when Bush made the White House guest list book unavailable for public eyes?

Here we go: But...but..BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!!!!

Liberals...so predictable.
This is nothing new for a sitting POTUS to do. GWB did the same thing back in 2007, meeting with conservative talk radio host. He had another meeting like this prior to the one in 2007.

Bush welcomes right-wing talkers to the West Wing - NY Daily News

I remember Limbaugh saying he was one of the invited to the first meeting, and saying how the smoked cigars and sipped champagne. If a government is going to use propaganda than they all better be on the same page, and no doubt that was what these meetings were about.

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