Challenge: name someone who would be a worse president than Obama


Ooooooo RACIST, RACISM, YOU HATE BLACK PEOPLE! SQUAWK SQUAWK.. What if a conservative dressed Barry up to look like Aunt Jemima?

Republicans passed these out at a fundraiser.



Now, why isn't dressing up the other candidates as little rascals "racist". To me, it looks as if they are being treated "equal".
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if you think that herman cain and/or michelle bachmann wouldn't be a worse president than the current disaster, you're either in need of more medication or a serious hack.

How about Palin?
Fact is, this nation can not risk electing a Reoublican as President.

Repeal of Obamacare would deny coverage to millions
Decreased taxes on the wealthy
Increased taxes on the poor
Dismantling of Social Security and Medicare
Return to policies of torture

This is not what America wants
Fact is, this nation can not risk electing a Reoublican as President.

Repeal of Obamacare would deny coverage to millions
Decreased taxes on the wealthy
Increased taxes on the poor
Dismantling of Social Security and Medicare
Return to policies of torture

This is not what America wants

All bullshit and you know it.
most of the GOP candidates for starters and joe biden

Most? All of the current candidates are far worse choices. The best one, Romney, would be a return to Bush foreign policy.
Fact is, this nation can not risk electing a Reoublican as President.

Repeal of Obamacare would deny coverage to millions
Decreased taxes on the wealthy
Increased taxes on the poor
Dismantling of Social Security and Medicare
Return to policies of torture

This is not what America wants

All bullshit and you know it.

Look, you are preaching to the choir here. I know the Republican policies are bullshit but that doesn't stop them from trying to ram them down peoples throats
Fact is, this nation can not risk electing a Reoublican as President.

Repeal of Obamacare would deny coverage to millions
Decreased taxes on the wealthy
Increased taxes on the poor
Dismantling of Social Security and Medicare
Return to policies of torture

This is not what America wants

Fact is, this nation can not risk electing a Reoublican as President.

Repeal of Obamacare would deny coverage to millions
Decreased taxes on the wealthy
Increased taxes on the poor
Dismantling of Social Security and Medicare
Return to policies of torture

This is not what America wants

RETURN TO TORTUrE vs killing americans to undermine rights.

Fact is, this nation can not risk electing a Reoublican as President.

Repeal of Obamacare would deny coverage to millions
Decreased taxes on the wealthy
Increased taxes on the poor
Dismantling of Social Security and Medicare
Return to policies of torture

This is not what America wants

RETURN TO TORTUrE vs killing americans to undermine rights.


Well we all know how Republicans deal with terrorists. They fund them and take over businesses started by their brothers.

True story! :thup:
Fact is, this nation can not risk electing a Reoublican as President.

Repeal of Obamacare would deny coverage to millions
Decreased taxes on the wealthy
Increased taxes on the poor
Dismantling of Social Security and Medicare
Return to policies of torture

This is not what America wants

All bullshit and you know it.

Look, you are preaching to the choir here. I know the Republican policies are bullshit but that doesn't stop them from trying to ram them down peoples throats

No your claims are all bullshit. I apologize for not making it more clear
Fact is, this nation can not risk electing a Reoublican as President.

Repeal of Obamacare would deny coverage to millions
Decreased taxes on the wealthy
Increased taxes on the poor
Dismantling of Social Security and Medicare
Return to policies of torture

This is not what America wants


There is a plan from the Democrats.....namely attack the deficit the way refocus should be attacked by cutting spending and raising revenue.

Shared sacrifice by all Americans
Look, you are preaching to the choir here. I know the Republican policies are bullshit but that doesn't stop them from trying to ram them down peoples throats

No your claims are all bullshit. I apologize for not making it more clear

Fine, care to discuss?

Which one is bullshit?

Repeal of Obamacare would deny coverage to millions healthcare coverage isn't a right. If your to poor to buy it there's always medicaid or are you saying the government can't even do that right?
Decreased taxes on the wealthy Who pays more taxes a person that makes 30,000 at 25%
or a person who makes three million at 15%

Increased taxes on the poor How do you increase taxes on people who don't pay their fair share?
Dismantling of Social Security and Medicare it should be restructured
Return to policies of torture When did we stop?
No your claims are all bullshit. I apologize for not making it more clear

Fine, care to discuss?

Which one is bullshit?

Repeal of Obamacare would deny coverage to millions healthcare coverage isn't a right. If your to poor to buy it there's always medicaid or are you saying the government can't even do that right?
Decreased taxes on the wealthy Who pays more taxes a person that makes 30,000 at 25%
or a person who makes three million at 15%

Increased taxes on the poor How do you increase taxes on people who don't pay their fair share?
Dismantling of Social Security and Medicare it should be restructured
Return to policies of torture When did we stop?

Whether you consider it a right or not, Republican repeal of Obamacare will lead to millions of Americans losing healthcare. So your claim of BS is FAIL

Whether you think the poor pay their fair share or not, Republicans want to increase the taxes on those who are struggling the most. So, once again, your claim of BS is FAIL

Republicans want to restructure Social Security to remove it's tax base and threaten the benefits of millions of Americans. So, once again, your claim of BS os FAIL

Obama has forbidden the use of water boarding. So has most of the world. Republicans want to return it to our bag of tricks. So, once again, your claim of BS is FAIL

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