Challenge: Read the entire Old Testament in 2020


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
Notice I didn't say the entire Bible.
Sometimes that challenge can be to great
I will Post occasionally where I am at in my readings.
I would like you to keep up with me.
Notice I didn't say the entire Bible.
Sometimes that challenge can be to great
I will Post occasionally where I am at in my readings.
I would like you to keep up with me.
Which edition do you suggest? There are differences between the Catholic and the Protestant's bibles.
There are 54 portions of the Hebrew Scriptures... a torah portion and a haftorah portion. If you read one each week, you will complete the entire Hebrew Bible in a year.
will you let us know when you have found the religion ... otherwise, hope you can make it back. to the light.
Notice I didn't say the entire Bible.
Sometimes that challenge can be to great
I will Post occasionally where I am at in my readings.
I would like you to keep up with me.
As well, i. Who reads The Holy Bible nowdays anyhows? Blessed is a person who has acquaintanceship with one who reads The Holy Bible. Food for the soul. Rich for the life.
Notice I didn't say the entire Bible.
Sometimes that challenge can be to great
I will Post occasionally where I am at in my readings.
I would like you to keep up with me.
Let a drunkard drink his wine, Proverbs.
I recommend for someone to try the entire old testament to check out Vic Alexanders Aramaic translation, footnotes and a few videos if you can find them.
He was very thorough. More-so on the old testament than the new.

Verily I say unto you today,,,,,,,,you will be with me in paradise(not heaven)
Verily I say unto you ,,,,,,,,,, today you will be with me in paradise(not heaven)
See how that works(if you're a king) ?

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