Chances for a brokered GOP convention


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
What would cause the GOP to have a brokered convention?

Under rules changes made after 2012, a candidate needs to have the majority of delegates in eight states to have her or his name placed in nomination for the first ballot.

The rules committee is expected to change that rule, known as Rule 40. “The minimum could move higher, in the case of a clear nominee, or lower, if there’s a contested convention,” says Time magazine’s Miller.

As of today, the website, which tracks delegate counts, projects that 2,472 delegates will be at the convention in Cleveland. It lists 607 delegates as “bonus” delegates – party leaders and others who are delegated not elected in primaries. That means 1,237 delegates are needed for a candidate to win the nomination of the first ballot.

Those numbers, figuring in the chance of three viable candidates remaining in the election until July and the possibility of a rules change, has triggered the talk about a deadlocked convention.
It says "majority" not plurality.
I'd love to see this happen, just to see how it plays out and what the steps & rules are.

Would be interesting.

I have always wondered why the conventions changed from actual conventions into glorified coronations of the already determined winner.
A hulabaloo convention would be a wowser.

The insiders would be Bush, Romney, Ryan, and Trump, in the order.
I guess Trump could still implode, but I thought that likely in August, but .... seriously he sounds a lot less crazy than Jeb at times, not to mention Cruz, who recently decried lawyers and bankers in the same speech .... wait for it .... wait for it.

So, if Trump implodes I can see Rubio winning an outright majority in 8 states ... considering we'd be talking relatively small states, like Colo and some of the Southern states. But, Carson's gonna hold the evangelicals as long as he stays in and doesn't say something crazy enough to get him institutionalized. So, so long as Trump's even getting 20%, that's pretty much leaving only 60% for the rest, and somebody has to get 50% plus one.
I'd love to see this happen, just to see how it plays out and what the steps & rules are.

Me too. It would probably be Armageddon for the GOP.

Why? It would be a heavily watched event, more so than any coronation convention.
I don't know enough about the process to guess!

That's what would make it "must see TV". Not knowing who the nominee was hasn't happened in decades.

The problem is the Republicans running the convention would have to handle it properly.
I'd love to see this happen, just to see how it plays out and what the steps & rules are.

Me too. It would probably be Armageddon for the GOP.

Why? It would be a heavily watched event, more so than any coronation convention.
I think the gop needs a unifying candidate. Someone who can rally the irate base who are mad at the establishment, without scaring the establishment out of their wits. The only guy I see out there is Rubio .... although Trump's made a lot of money.

The dems have their own problems. Bernie's coming close to calling Hill a shill for Wall St.
I'd love to see this happen, just to see how it plays out and what the steps & rules are.

Me too. It would probably be Armageddon for the GOP.

Why? It would be a heavily watched event, more so than any coronation convention.
I think the gop needs a unifying candidate. Someone who can rally the irate base who are mad at the establishment, without scaring the establishment out of their wits. The only guy I see out there is Rubio .... although Trump's made a lot of money.

The dems have their own problems. Bernie's coming close to calling Hill a shill for Wall St.

Nationally I think the GOP needs the kind of spectacle a contested convention would bring, again, as long as it is handled properly. Hopefully we have more modern media savvy people than in 2008 and 2012 by now.
I'd love to see this happen, just to see how it plays out and what the steps & rules are.

Me too. It would probably be Armageddon for the GOP.

Why? It would be a heavily watched event, more so than any coronation convention.
I think the gop needs a unifying candidate. Someone who can rally the irate base who are mad at the establishment, without scaring the establishment out of their wits. The only guy I see out there is Rubio .... although Trump's made a lot of money.

The dems have their own problems. Bernie's coming close to calling Hill a shill for Wall St.
I'd love to see this happen, just to see how it plays out and what the steps & rules are.

Me too. It would probably be Armageddon for the GOP.

Why? It would be a heavily watched event, more so than any coronation convention.
I think the gop needs a unifying candidate. Someone who can rally the irate base who are mad at the establishment, without scaring the establishment out of their wits. The only guy I see out there is Rubio .... although Trump's made a lot of money.

The dems have their own problems. Bernie's coming close to calling Hill a shill for Wall St.

Nationally I think the GOP needs the kind of spectacle a contested convention would bring, again, as long as it is handled properly. Hopefully we have more modern media savvy people than in 2008 and 2012 by now.
But there's no establishment candidate acceptable to the base. Running a Mitt again is not a winning strategy. There may not be one, sadly.
I'd love to see this happen, just to see how it plays out and what the steps & rules are.

Me too. It would probably be Armageddon for the GOP.

Why? It would be a heavily watched event, more so than any coronation convention.
I think the gop needs a unifying candidate. Someone who can rally the irate base who are mad at the establishment, without scaring the establishment out of their wits. The only guy I see out there is Rubio .... although Trump's made a lot of money.

The dems have their own problems. Bernie's coming close to calling Hill a shill for Wall St.
I'd love to see this happen, just to see how it plays out and what the steps & rules are.

Me too. It would probably be Armageddon for the GOP.

Why? It would be a heavily watched event, more so than any coronation convention.
I think the gop needs a unifying candidate. Someone who can rally the irate base who are mad at the establishment, without scaring the establishment out of their wits. The only guy I see out there is Rubio .... although Trump's made a lot of money.

The dems have their own problems. Bernie's coming close to calling Hill a shill for Wall St.

Nationally I think the GOP needs the kind of spectacle a contested convention would bring, again, as long as it is handled properly. Hopefully we have more modern media savvy people than in 2008 and 2012 by now.
But there's no establishment candidate acceptable to the base. Running a Mitt again is not a winning strategy. There may not be one, sadly.

Draft Walker?
We've talked about brokered conventions the last two election cycles. I'm not expecting it to happen. But if it does, we will be fine
I'd love to see this happen, just to see how it plays out and what the steps & rules are.

Me too. It would probably be Armageddon for the GOP.

Why? It would be a heavily watched event, more so than any coronation convention.
I think the gop needs a unifying candidate. Someone who can rally the irate base who are mad at the establishment, without scaring the establishment out of their wits. The only guy I see out there is Rubio .... although Trump's made a lot of money.

The dems have their own problems. Bernie's coming close to calling Hill a shill for Wall St.
Which actually benefits Clinton.

No, whatever problems Democrats might have they in no way compare to the disaster that is the GOP primaries, particularly if there's no nominee by the convention
I'd love to see this happen, just to see how it plays out and what the steps & rules are.

Me too. It would probably be Armageddon for the GOP.

Why? It would be a heavily watched event, more so than any coronation convention.
I think the gop needs a unifying candidate. Someone who can rally the irate base who are mad at the establishment, without scaring the establishment out of their wits. The only guy I see out there is Rubio .... although Trump's made a lot of money.

The dems have their own problems. Bernie's coming close to calling Hill a shill for Wall St.
Which actually benefits Clinton.

No, whatever problems Democrats might have they in no way compare to the disaster that is the GOP primaries, particularly if there's no nominee by the convention

Calling them disasters just shows how much of a hack you are, despite your drive-by "rational" posts.
Not much longer now before we have the actual primaries. That's when the REAL process starts and it will be interesting to see how these polls hold up.

On the Dem side, this terrorism isn't helping Hillary as people will point out it stems from her failures while Secretary of State.
I recall the 1968 Democratic Convention and that was a doozy! I remember just shaking my head wondering if there was going to be a physical fight between delegations! They were walking out in protests, unplugging each other''s microphones and some delegates had to be removed for their behavior. Rioting took place outside the convention and there was never a dull moment.
I'd love to see this happen, just to see how it plays out and what the steps & rules are.
Would be interesting. I have always wondered why the conventions changed from actual conventions into glorified coronations of the already determined winner.
It happened because most delegates are now chosen in primaries instead of smoke-filled rooms by party regulars. Are we saying that democratically choosing a candidate isn't a good thing? Should we go back to the days of party bosses?!?!
I'd love to see this happen, just to see how it plays out and what the steps & rules are.
Would be interesting. I have always wondered why the conventions changed from actual conventions into glorified coronations of the already determined winner.
It happened because most delegates are now chosen in primaries instead of smoke-filled rooms by party regulars. Are we saying that democratically choosing a candidate isn't a good thing? Should we go back to the days of party bosses?!?!

Considering what we have been getting lately, and this is a NOMINATION, not an ELECTION, I fail to see the big deal if the nominee results from some back room dealings.

In any even, this would be due to more than 3-4 candidates left at the end, none with the required delegates to win.

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