Changes in US Wealth Distribution 1989-2019

Labor is now exploiting business, demanding, and receiving, more pay and benefits than ever before. Even the minimum wage is largely a thing of the past.
Problem with Georgie Porgie, is he just cant seem to see what we see. Go figure.

Just think, if it dies, then there is no other country left to save US from the Communists/Marxists/Democrats. You like high gas and food prices now, you will see rationing after that. Millions of people have died under Socialism as it is all about poverty and misery, except for the few elites who think they are so much better than you, so steal all the money from the people.

Socialism is the leading man-made cause of misery and death and misery known to mankind. Irrespective of its method of implementation, whether it be implemented by mob or strongman, collectivisation is a poverty generator. It is an attack on human dignity and a destroyer of rights.

Socialism Ends in Misery. – RadioChristianity
Are you blaming capitalists or socialists for high gas prices?
You might consider thinking of socialism as capitalism's critical shadow (and likely successor):

"Capitalism isn't the greatest thing since sliced bread.

"It's just another phase.

"Every economic system the world has ever seen was born, evolved and died.

"Capitalism is among them.

"It was born.

"It has evolved.

"So guess what the next stage is?

"It dies."

Okay, and?
Those lost jobs have been steadily replaced, to the extent that there are 10 million unfilled job openings at present, with more looming, especially in the healthcare sector. Many professional and technical fields are importing labor from other countries. The failure isn't from exporting jobs, but from our failed education system.
Those were middle-class UNION jobs that paid a living wage and built the most equal society (for white men) the world has ever seen. Our failure of education stems more from a government that prefers to borrow from its richest citizens instead of taxing them.
When there is freedom, how can you exploit labor?
"Exploitation of labour (also known as labor) is a concept defined as, in its broadest sense, one agent taking unfair advantage of another agent.[1] It denotes an unjust social relationship based on an asymmetry of power or unequal exchange of value between workers and their employers."

Exploitation of labour - Wikipedia

Which agency has the greatest power in a capitalist system, labor or employers?
So what you are telling me is that because of the Marxists/Socialists/Demofascists, and what they are doing to the Citizens of the US, no one can achieve wealth in this country? So why do people like you continue to vote for the very people who prevent you from success?

View attachment 727397
How do you know who I vote for?
Are you saying no one's currently getting rich in America?

The problem in this country is a lack of socialism.
"Exploitation of labour (also known as labor) is a concept defined as, in its broadest sense, one agent taking unfair advantage of another agent.[1] It denotes an unjust social relationship based on an asymmetry of power or unequal exchange of value between workers and their employers."

Exploitation of labour - Wikipedia

Which agency has the greatest power in a capitalist system, labor or employers?

When you're free to leave your job, how are you exploited?
Are you blaming capitalists or socialists for high gas prices?
Socialist Joe Biden, when he nixed the keystone pipeline and made it very difficult for us to drill our own energy, then go begging OPEC, a oil cartel to pump more, yeah, i am saying it is a Socialist who caused all this shit, along with high food prices, and shortages when it comes to baby formula and soon diesel. Socialist only know how to fuck things up, why dont you go study the USSR and what happened to them, or better yet, move to Cuba, the Socialist Utopian Paradise where you too can be just like everyone else down there, poor and miserable. *

........Cuba before Socialist Castro...................Cuba after Socialist Castro........................

* no matter how much to try to enlighten a retarded Socalist(but i repeat myself), they just cant pull their heads out of their asses, because of how they were taught by public indoctrination centers. Just like they did in the USSR and still today in Cuba....
How do you know who I vote for?
Are you saying no one's currently getting rich in America?

The problem in this country is a lack of socialism.
Damn, do you realize that everyone of those guys donated hugely to the Marxist/Democrat party? Except that now, the Marxist have pissed on Elon to the point he moved away from the Demofascist party and voted Republican. Even some smart liberals have had enough of the crap.

Thanks to the Demofascists who kept their states locked down, so the mom and pop stores had to remain closed, Walmart and Amazon both owned by Marxist owners got filthy rich from you slaves, while down here in Florida where our governor opened up the economy everyone did well, especially without a state income tax, that is why 600,000 new Floridians came here last year getting us another congressional seat. I must say, it sucks to be you, with all your jealousy to others who have made it big. They took the risk, they got the reward, dont take the risk, live under the inflationary rule.
Labor isn't exploiting business. Business has been exploiting labor.
In the world of capitalism: things that never change:

Infamous Companies Exploit Child Labor for Their Own Benefit

"Renowned clothing and manufacturing industries are taking advantage of sweatshops run by child labor with billions of customers per day.

"Brands such as Nike, Amazon, Shein, Zaful, Urban Outfitters, Forever 21, and many others partake in running their businesses by employing overworked and underpaid manual workers"
When you're free to leave your job, how are you exploited?
If your new job provides you with no input over what to produce, where to produce it, and how to distribute any surplus, you are still being exploited.

Exploitation of labour - Wikipedia

"Karl Marx's theory of exploitation has been described in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy as the most influential theory of exploitation.[1]

"In analyzing exploitation, economists are split on the explanation of the exploitation of labour given by Marx and Adam Smith.

"Smith did not see exploitation as an inherent systematic phenomenon in specific economic systems as Marx did, but rather as an optional moral injustice.[4]"

Inherent systematic phenomenon or optional moral injustice...what's your choice?

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