Changes in US Wealth Distribution 1989-2019

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"Net worth tends to have an even more extreme spread than income does.

"While many households in the United States have zero or negative net worth, the same statement isn't valid for income.

"Household income also reflects transfer payments, while the government isn't (really) in the business of transferring wealth."
Household income Gini Index U.S. 2021 | Statista.
View attachment 726390
US Gini household income distribution from 1990 to 2021 ranks a country from 0% (perfectly equal) to 100% (perfectly unequal).

It was 0.43 in 1992 and is currently 0.49.

The fundamental notion of American capitalism or exceptionalism was the production of a huge middle class.

Many people suspect the 41.4% jump in the Gini over the last decade and the rising level of consumer debt have been at least partially responsible for the loss of that greatest middle class in history.

10 Years Ago: Wealth & Income Inequality Analysis from Richard Wolff
Not that Joe Biden working with China, released upon the US the Kung Flu which enabled to Marxist to shut down the economy thus putting many people out of work, and only getting a $1,400 check to try to appease them. But hey, those people did go out and spend that money at either Amazon or Walmart. Marxists will do Marxist things.
Which right-wing moron said that?
Would all 1000 people begin from the same starting point?
Did they all begin with the same level of education and social contracts?
How many had rich parents like Don the Con?
You really should ask (Uncle) Tom Sowell why rich parasites who bribe government for favorable tax and trade policies think they "earned" their money.
You've actually made the point.
I sure am glad i am not one of the stupid people to have fallen for that crap. If you say you have been victimized, you can never work yourself to prosperity, as someone (usually Marxists) must of gotten in your way and prevented you from achieve your God's gift to succeed.

In 1989, i was working for Home Depot at 7 bucks an hour but investing 10% of my annual income to buy stock. My wife was worried about market crashes, and i told her that if the stock goes down, i will buy more. Today i own over 35,000 shares of HD along with other energy stocks, and pharma stocks. I am in the top 10 percent.

Why is it that people are willing to give up their hard earned money to buy "STUFF" they dont really need, but have to keep up with the Jones's. Most people live paycheck to paycheck, because they dont want to take the risk in investments. Safe money is money lost with inflation....
Nice fairy tail. Most of us also invested more than 10% into stocks that dropped to zero. A small percent got rich selling US out to China.

Home Depot Inc. is the second-largest U.S. importer of goods from China. Home Depot imports more from China than any U.S. company besides Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
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So what's the MAGA troll's opinion on US billionaires who saw their wealth increase by 55% during the Covid-19 pandemic that brought financial ruin to millions of productive Americans?

Nice fairy tail. Most of us also invested more than 10% into stocks that dropped to zero. A small percent got rich selling US out to China.

Home Depot Inc. is the second-largest U.S. importer of goods from China. Home Depot imports more from China than any U.S. company besides Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
The global labor market is in the developing nations. The global retail market is in the developed nations. This is just a fact of life.

"How Did the Distribution of Wealth Change From 1989 to 2019?​

"Wealth became less equally distributed over the 30-year period.

"The share of total wealth held by families in the top 10 percent of the distribution increased from 63 percent in 1989 to 72 percent in 2019, and the share of total wealth held by families in the top 1 percent of the distribution increased from 27 percent to 34 percent over the same period, CBO estimates.

"By contrast, the share of total wealth held by families in the bottom half of the distribution declined over that period, from 4 percent to 2 percent."

Families in the bottom half lost 2% over 30 years which means the bulk of the wealth transfer went from the US middle class to the richest ten percent; what will the next 30 years bring for 90% of Americans?

Trends in the Distribution of Family Wealth, 1989 to 2019.

You can see that when "bust" happens, the rich get richer. They push "boom and bust" for everything they've got, because they know the bad times are good for them.

They control the government, and then they use their political power (read money) to tell eejits to do what they want.

"look over there, some politician is dancing like a monkey. Right, let's give ourselves all the money, just don't tell the eejits."
You can see that when "bust" happens, the rich get richer. They push "boom and bust" for everything they've got, because they know the bad times are good for them.

They control the government, and then they use their political power (read money) to tell eejits to do what they want.

"look over there, some politician is dancing like a monkey. Right, let's give ourselves all the money, just don't tell the eejits."
When the Marxists Politicians go out and push green energy then divert billions of our tax dollars towards that energy, yeah those same politicians will get kickbacks. Why do you Marxists keep voting in the same people who are stealing American blind?
The global labor market is in the developing nations. The global retail market is in the developed nations. This is just a fact of life.
It's a fact of life just as money, markets, and corporations are all creations of the state. Corporations control the US state, so when millions of middle class jobs were outsourced to China, corporate shareholders became rich(er) while productive labor became unemployed. What else can you expect from an economic system to gives one percent of society (the owners) the legal authority to decide what to produce, where to produce it, and how to distribute any surplus.

Means of Production: Overview & Concept | Origin & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript |
It's a fact of life just as money, markets, and corporations are all creations of the state. Corporations control the US state, so when millions of middle class jobs were outsourced to China, corporate shareholders became rich(er) while productive labor became unemployed. What else can you expect from an economic system to gives one percent of society (the owners) the legal authority to decide what to produce, where to produce it, and how to distribute any surplus.

Means of Production: Overview & Concept | Origin & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript |
Our biggest problem is that we aren't educating and training our workers for the new economy.
Our biggest problem is that we aren't educating and training our workers for the new economy.
Imho, that's another critical symptom of a disease called capitalism.
Around a century ago socialism was widely regarded as inevitable in western countries. The US state of Oklahoma had the greatest number of self-described socialists sitting in its state legislature of all US states. Futurists predicted a 10- hour work week before 2000. That wave crested in 1980. and since that time we've seen the biggest wealth transfer in history from the US middle class to its 1%.

The Top 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From the Bottom 90%—And That's Made the U.S. Less Secure
Imho, that's another critical symptom of a disease called capitalism.
Around a century ago socialism was widely regarded as inevitable in western countries. The US state of Oklahoma had the greatest number of self-described socialists sitting in its state legislature of all US states. Futurists predicted a 10- hour work week before 2000. That wave crested in 1980. and since that time we've seen the biggest wealth transfer in history from the US middle class to its 1%.

The Top 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From the Bottom 90%—And That's Made the U.S. Less Secure

Taken it?
Like exchanged goods and services for it?
Would you say that leads to asset price inflation benefitting a small minority of Americans at the expense of millions of middle class jobs?

Are homes more expensive because more people can buy them with mortgages
instead of saving and paying cash?


Are there a lot more homes built because a lot more people can buy them?


Did building all those additional homes create millions of middle class jobs?

Just stop being a greedy envious little turd. It just makes you look like an asshole.

Worry about how money you make, not what others make.
You should worry about being perceived as a tiny, timid bootlicker willing to swallow every rich load venal parasites offer. Only ignorant trolls and categorical liars believe anyone "earns" billion$ without corrupting government.
You should worry about being perceived as a tiny, timid bootlicker willing to swallow every rich load venal parasites offer. Only ignorant trolls and categorical liars believe anyone "earns" billion$ without corrupting government.
You greedy little envious Moon Bats that are so butt hurt that somebody has more than you are the scum of this country.
Not that Joe Biden working with China, released upon the US the Kung Flu which enabled to Marxist to shut down the economy thus putting many people out of work, and only getting a $1,400 check to try to appease them. But hey, those people did go out and spend that money at either Amazon or Walmart. Marxists will do Marxist things.
You can see that when "bust" happens, the rich get richer. They push "boom and bust" for everything they've got, because they know the bad times are good for them.

They control the government, and then they use their political power (read money) to tell eejits to do what they want.

"look over there, some politician is dancing like a monkey. Right, let's give ourselves all the money, just don't tell the eejits."
Wherever capitalism has settled across this planet it has crashed on average every four to seven years.
Dot-com crash in the early 2000.
Subprime mortgage crash in 2008.
3 crashes in 20 years and there could be another one coming that will make the previous 3 look like the Gilded Age.

Wherever capitalism has settled across this planet it has crashed on average every four to seven years.
Dot-com crash in the early 2000.
Subprime mortgage crash in 2008.
3 crashes in 20 years and there could be another one coming that will make the previous 3 look like the Gilded Age.

Well, the problem for smaller countries is that they're dependent upon larger countries, like the US. So when the US goes into recession, it'll inevitably happen in other countries.

Boom and Bust is inevitable, but the scale of it is not. It could be gentle waves, or huge 2008 waves.
That is the best that you can do. A statement taken out of context.

FACT CHECK: No, Trump Did Not Tell People To ‘Inject Themselves With Disinfectant’ Or ‘Drink Bleach’ | The Daily Wire
Trump then clarified his remarks: “It wouldn’t be through injections, you’re talking about almost a cleaning and sterilization of an area. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work, but it certainly has a big affect if it’s on a stationary object.”
Trump later raised the possibility of whether UV rays could kill the coronavirus if it was on a person’s skin, in particular if it were on their hands.
See it is dickheads like you who listened to the Lame Stream Media, that he said what you memed, so typical of a Marxist slave, you voted against lower gasoline prices, lower food prices, grocery store shelves bare, just because you were told that "Orange Man Bad". Such stupid people who bite their noses off, just to spite their faces....
Wherever capitalism has settled across this planet it has crashed on average every four to seven years.
Dot-com crash in the early 2000.
Subprime mortgage crash in 2008.
3 crashes in 20 years and there could be another one coming that will make the previous 3 look like the Gilded Age.

When you have a socialist economy, there isnt enough to go around to have a boon and bust happening. It is always just busted, where everyone is poor and miserable, that is the Marxist way. Equality and misery....

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