Changing demographics hurting repub party


You sound exactly like the Know Nothings of the 19th century.
How many unauthorized immigrants were trespassing in America circa 1842?
How many were maiming, raping and killing Americans?
How many were destroying communities, the education and healthcare systems?
How many were funded by American taxpayers?
And YOU still cry like a little bitch when the FACT that you're a racist asshole is rubbed in your ugly face, LOSER.
Why is it that you globalists can never tell us core Americans why we should embrace this inorganic, unauthorized “changing of demographics”? Why can’t you sovereignty haters show us where this “changing of demographics” is improving America and the communities, cities, and states the trespassers inhabit?
Why can’t you ever offer any proof to support your feel-good theories? Why would you expect good Americans to want to support and accelerate the decay of America?
America was great because it wasn’t inhabited by Mexico’s people….that hurts your feelings but it’s the truth and everyone paying attention knows it.

How many unauthorized immigrants were trespassing in America circa 1842?
How many were maiming, raping and killing Americans?
How many were destroying communities, the education and healthcare systems?
How many were funded by American taxpayers?

Why is it that you globalists can never tell us core Americans why we should embrace this inorganic, unauthorized “changing of demographics”? Why can’t you sovereignty haters show us where this “changing of demographics” is improving America and the communities, cities, and states the trespassers inhabit?
Why can’t you ever offer any proof to support your feel-good theories? Why would you expect good Americans to want to support and accelerate the decay of America?
America was great because it wasn’t inhabited by Mexico’s people….that hurts your feelings but it’s the truth and everyone paying attention knows it.


Black folks aren't 'trespassers', Stormfront. They are us. Just like brown folks, trans folks, straight folks, gay folks, white folks. They're all as American as apple pie.

Your obsessive 'white is right' bullshit is tiresome as it is impotently futile.
Black folks aren't 'trespassers', Stormfront. They are us. Just like brown folks, trans folks, straight folks, gay folks, white folks. They're all as American as apple pie.

Your obsessive 'white is right' bullshit is tiresome as it is impotently futile.
Of course after we stole the country from Native Americans.
Of course after we stole the country from Native Americans.

Well, we conquered it, surely.

Things get murkier in places like Oklahoma when we started making treaties and then breaking them. Systems of laws exist within states, usually maintain the power of the powerful. But until fairly recently, they didn't exist between them. The relations between state was fairly anarchal.

But once you make treaties, you invoke the laws of your own land. And violating those your own laws and agreements is, by definition, illegal. In addition to being deeply dishonorable and shameful.
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Who is gonna fund the red states snap and other fed handouts?

If we ever divided the country that would be anybody's last concern. After you commies tax your businesses and wealthy to death they would quickly move to our country like the smart people in blue states are moving to our states today. With half your working people on welfare and inviting in immigrants by the millions that you'd have to support, your government would collapse in just a matter of a few years.
If we ever divided the country that would be anybody's last concern. After you commies tax your businesses and wealthy to death they would quickly move to our country like the smart people in blue states are moving to our states today. With half your working people on welfare and inviting in immigrants by the millions that you'd have to support, your government would collapse in just a matter of a few years.

Blue states tend to be wealthier, contributing more. And our nation has already invited immigrants by the millions and done just fine.

And both the Confederacy and Texas tried it on their own for a while. Both were economic disasters, with Texas coming hat in hand to the United States, essentially begged to join the Union after little more than 10 years.

And of course, we had to assume their massive debt. But such is life when accommodating conservatives.
Blue states tend to be wealthier, contributing more. And our nation has already invited immigrants by the millions and done just fine.

And both the Confederacy and Texas tried it on their own for a while. Both were economic disasters, with Texas coming hat in hand to the United States, essentially begged to join the Union after little more than 10 years.

And of course, we had to assume their massive debt. But such is life when accommodating conservatives.

People in blue states are not actually wealthier since their cost of living is so sky high. Anybody that watches the channel HGTV can tell you that. Our nation is doing just fine with millions of immigrants? Tell that to the border patrol, tell that to the ranch owners in Texas, tell that to the Mayor of NYC or the people now protesting these immigrants taking refuge in their school gymnasiums, tell that to the Mayor of Chicago, tell that to the homeless vets that had hotel rooms for shelter and the Communists kicked them out to put in illegals.

They are not fine, they are destroying our country piece by piece.
People in blue states are not actually wealthier since their cost of living is so sky high. Anybody that watches the channel HGTV can tell you that. Our nation is doing just fine with millions of immigrants? Tell that to the border patrol, tell that to the ranch owners in Texas, tell that to the Mayor of NYC or the people now protesting these immigrants taking refuge in their school gymnasiums, tell that to the Mayor of Chicago, tell that to the homeless vets that had hotel rooms for shelter and the Communists kicked them out to put in illegals.

They are not fine, they are destroying our country piece by piece.
Anything that cannot continue, won't. The invasion is unsustainable. The question no one is asking is what happens when the vermin realize that the United States is not fulfilling the promise they imagined.
And you just blinked, devolving into gibbering ad hominems to avoiding the topic of thread.

And what does your QAnon nonsense have to do with women voters wanting bodily autonomy?

Y'all keep ignoring what the voters actually value.
And instead focusing 'retribution' and stripping people of rights.And then act surprised and uncomprehending when they take it personally.

Get used to it.
No retard. Get used to this. Women HATE you and your party for trying to replace them with men. That’s reality. Not your whining and crying about a letter that only you retards on the left ever mention. YOU are an idiot who thinks all women vote in lockstep with you. WRONG. Most women don’t buy into your shit about wanting to murder unborn children up to the moment of birth. Now, since you have no grasp of reality, you should STFU before burying yourself deeper.
Anything that cannot continue, won't. The invasion is unsustainable. The question no one is asking is what happens when the vermin realize that the United States is not fulfilling the promise they imagined.

Leftists love illegals flooding the country until they end up in their backyard. Then it's a whole different ballgame.
If California did not pay their federal taxes, repubs getting food stamps in Kentucy would die from starvation. Maybe you would get hungry also?
No, if conservative middle class didn't work, you and your ilk would not receive their food stamps. Kalifornia is only interested in ruining Kalifornia not helping anyone else.
Are you stupid or something Forrest?

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