Changing demographics hurting repub party

I asked a question. You don't like questions? Is it your CHOICE not to answer?

Explain how your personal opinion is going to make women vote the way you want to vote for conservatives...and I'll answer any question you have.

As I've already explain how stripping women of rights and turning them into crimes will make them want to vote against you.

As we've seen with plummeting poll numbers among women since your ilk started doing exactly that.
Explain how your personal opinion is going to make women vote the way you want .....

The way I "want"? I reckon each individual adult woman will vote however SHE wants. If she is alive to exercise that CHOICE, that is.
Isn't the most important right the right to life? Why do you want to strip men AND women of this right?

To you, perhaps. But we're talking about the perspective of women voters.

You keep citing YOUR beliefs...without establishing any relevance to what we're discussing: how changing demographics are hurting the republican party.

Including women turning their backs on the GOP as republicans strip women of their rights and freedoms.
Good grief....You moonbats have been reprising this tune since Bubba Clintoon.

Of course, it's totally bigoted to think that the defining factor that will get people to vote for demoncrats is skin pigmentation....But we've come to expect such left-handed bigotry form you clowns.

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Between November 2022 and November 2024 4 million more Democratic voting 18-25 year olds will join the voting rolls. This is in addition to a couple of million immigrants who will tend Democratic.

But you just keep right on with your anti people platforms. It's a winner. Guaranteed!
You don't think women want to be alive? Really?

A fetus isn't a woman. Nor does a fetus vote. Making them irrelevant to any discussion of women voters and how changing demographics that are hurting the GOP.

You know, the topic of the thread.

Can I take this as you formally refusing to discuss the topic of the thread?
What Republican policies? The Republicans are not in power.
Proposals and Legislation
Nationwide abortion ban
Reduce VA funding
Reduce funding for school lunch programs
Hate speech toward Black, Latin, Women, LGBTQ+

Look what you're doing to Florida. The rest of us don't want that government intrusion.

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