Changing demographics hurting repub party

The stunning lack of evidence to back your claims. Especially then when your ilk was still babbling about Dominion Voting changing votes, and North Korean submarines bringing in fake votes through Maine.

Why would congress violate the constitution for your evidence free fantasy? Both the States and the DOJ had already confirmed that the election was legit. Audits had already been done.

And of course, you've already ignored the results of EVERY investigation that contradicting you. Making your calls for an 'investigation' just more meaningless gibberish.

Anything that doesn't ape your conspiracy....becomes part of your conspiracy.
There were no thourough investigations before Biden was confirmed on the 6th. Everything was still in court or being questioned in state legislatures. Try again liar.
More silly leftist voodoo science nonsense. The only 'grievance' politics happening is on the left with all that shared victimhood and how every freak and degenerate demands recognition for their mental illnesses. Sad.
White grievance politics and racist replacement theory are central to the GOP agenda – to keep the base frightened, angry, and going to the polls; we see proof of this daily on this very forum.
There were no thourough investigations before Biden was confirmed on the 6th.
Says you.

The States did their audits. Trump hired not one but TWO different companies to investigate. The DOJ did their investigation.

They all found jack shit to back your delusion.

So as you do, you ignored every investigation that didn't say what you want to believe.

Your delusion does not constitute our constitutional crisis.

Everything was still in court or being questioned in state legislatures. Try again liar.

Show me one state legislature that has overturned their 2020 results.

Smiling....I'll wait.
Says you.

The States did their audits. Trump hired not one but TWO different companies to investigate. The DOJ did their investigation.

They all found jack shit to back your delusion.

So as you do, you ignored every investigation that didn't say what you want to believe.

Your delusion does not constitute our constitutional crisis.

Show me one state legislature that has overturned their 2020 results.

Smiling....I'll wait.
I have three states that tried to decertify the election. If you do not think that is back up then, again, GFY.
Good grief....You moonbats have been reprising this tune since Bubba Clintoon.

Of course, it's totally bigoted to think that the defining factor that will get people to vote for demoncrats is skin pigmentation....But we've come to expect such left-handed bigotry form you clowns.

View attachment 786082
He forgets that the Dems are abandoning black voters for illegals. Even in Chicago, blacks are finally starting to wake up now that illegals are getting all the hotel rooms and other housing. As well as the other extra freebies that the blacks were promised.
Tell that to the women subject to your right wing abortion restrictions in more than a dozen states. Or all the books you're banning. Or using the power of the State to supress political speech.
Another supporter of porn in school libraries rears its fat disgusting head. And a murder supporter as well. Poor crybaby, you can’t shove sexual shit in front of children. Cry harder asshole, cry harder. By the way dumbfuck, you’re losing women by the day with your bullshit of replacing them with actual men who think they’re women.
He forgets that the Dems are abandoning black voters for illegals. Even in Chicago, blacks are finally starting to wake up now that illegals are getting all the hotel rooms and other housing. As well as the other extra freebies that the blacks were promised.

"Are undocumented immigrants eligible for federal public benefit programs?
Generally no. Undocumented immigrants, including DACA holders, are ineligible to receive most federal public benefits
, including means-tested benefits such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, sometimes referred to as food stamps), regular Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Undocumented immigrants are ineligible for health care subsidies under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and are prohibited from purchasing unsubsidized health coverage on ACA exchanges."

"Are undocumented immigrants eligible for federal public benefit programs?
Generally no. Undocumented immigrants, including DACA holders, are ineligible to receive most federal public benefits
, including means-tested benefits such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, sometimes referred to as food stamps), regular Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Undocumented immigrants are ineligible for health care subsidies under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and are prohibited from purchasing unsubsidized health coverage on ACA exchanges."
Tell that to the blacks actually protesting in Chicago because they can’t get lodging, food, or others things because of this. They don’t want illegals coming here and taking opportunities away from them. Notice they use the term ILLEGALS, not legal immigrants.
Another supporter of porn in school libraries rears its fat disgusting head. And a murder supporter as well. Poor crybaby, you can’t shove sexual shit in front of children. Cry harder asshole, cry harder. By the way dumbfuck, you’re losing women by the day with your bullshit of replacing them with actual men who think they’re women.
Laughing......your delusion about my positions on 'porn in school librariess', I'll leave to the wasteland of your mind. As its you citing you.

And what does your QAnon nonsense have to do with women voters wanting bodily autonomy?

"Are undocumented immigrants eligible for federal public benefit programs?
Generally no. Undocumented immigrants, including DACA holders, are ineligible to receive most federal public benefits
, including means-tested benefits such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, sometimes referred to as food stamps), regular Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Undocumented immigrants are ineligible for health care subsidies under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and are prohibited from purchasing unsubsidized health coverage on ACA exchanges."
Illegals would never lie!

BTW, are illegals in gubmint schools?
Laughing......your delusion about my positions on 'porn in school librariess', I'll leave to the wasteland of your mind. As its you citing you.

And what does your QAnon nonsense have to do with women voters wanting bodily autonomy?

You have to be alive to have autonomy, right?

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