Changing demographics hurting repub party

The reality is that if/when your policies fully take hold, it will be the worst thing that ever happened to you. There will be no one else to blame and life will SUCK, in all parts of America. Hope that hate keeps ya warm and fed...
They really just don't get it.

Reps are stupid. Nothing wrong with being stupid. But you have to be smart enuf to know you can't win. In such cases your only choice is secession.


We had the formula for the American success story and TPTB decided to shit on that formula and destroy America. Now, it was not all dems that had the diarrhea, reps are to blame for some of it as well. But reps part is on the greed part of the formula, while the dems part, which is the majority, is about the complete destruction of traditional American values as well as bankrupting America.

For instance...all this banking crap was figured out way back when. But, greed took over and they changed the laws / regulations to make more money and that weakened and eventually destroyed the banking system.

There is no mystery or magic involved. You run America as it was founded by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. You don't put self-loathing, white hating, filthy virtue signaling, commie dems in charge of the cities and D.C.. If you do that, then you got the America we have today...which is a country headed for implosion. And that not only goes for the cities, it is D.C., the schools, universities and the rest.

America only worked...when it worked.

Once you gave up the Constitution and Bill of Rights it was all over for America. Once you have a 2-tier justice system, that the dems have weaponized to be used as their jackboots, it was all over for America of old. Our current system is weaponized against conservatives and is based on anarcho-tyranny. If you don't know what that IS America in 2023. Anarcho-tyranny means the police will not be there to save you...the police will be there to arrest you.

Bub, back in the 1970's they had a guy named Joe Karbo that would take out full page $7,000 ads in the Sunday L.A. Times Newspaper to sell his book on how to get rich. In the ad he would say...'Most people are too busy earning a living to get rich'...or some such thing. That is how it is today when it comes to people reacting to political corruption. Most people are too busy just trying to get by and hold their family together than do anything meaningful with fighting political corruption.

It is catawampus thinking on anyone's part that thinks there is any way out of this mess other than secession. As well as for those that say 'pray harder' or call your congressperson' and vote! The dems won the popular vote 7 out of the last 8 presidential elections. Fixing this mess falls under the auspices of...if we could of...we would of.

Reddit r/Collapse had a political leanings poll. Do you see where conservatives are on the list?

Here are the results on 2.26.23

7.8k votes cast
1.2k Liberal
349 Conservative
588 Libertarian
3.4k Socialist
840 Moderate
1.4k Anarchist

We've LOST! This is our future...and even worse!

Now, some people say secession is a dirty word and want to call it a separation. Whatever you call it, you MUST be able to remove yourself from being under the thumb and rule of the filthy dems.

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It is not like life in the Conservative Union of States would be perfect. But old America is gone. What you have to judge is how things would be under perpetual dem rule and being disarmed...not what life in old America was like. There is a price to pay for the curing of any disease. You will either have to pay that price or die from the ailment.

The only problem is our politicians are incompetent fools and I've read that secession just can't happen. Too complex and is just a pipe dream. If we had a strong Gov. they would kick out the states that are in violation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. If so, the conservative states would not have to contemplate secession.

But if grandma had balls...she would be grandpa. And if shit was shinola, you wouldn't have to buy shoe polish. You can do anything with if. We need some real answers soon, not iffy, pie in the sky dreams or the dems will perpetually control all 50 states.

We've seen in real time that progressives only get progressively worse. It is the same with any mental illness unless it is treated. There are only 3 directions we can go. We can get better, stay the same or get worse. Sure, we can self balkanize, but this is the score. You can run away as far as you like...but you are only as safe as your last election.

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Abortion would be one the issues you're losing on.

As most women think that they are better judge on the use of their own bodies.....than old, white, right-wing men in a legislature.

I'm 101% for dems to abort all their babies and for dems to sterilize themselves to save the planet.

Idiot reps think they will save America by banning abortion...which will just bring more little dem babies into the world that will grow up to destroy America. Idiots deluxe!

There is one other side to the issue. If abortion is outlawed in certain states, the dems will self-balkanize and move to dem states so they can kill babies. Yes, another win if dems leave rep states. But I go for option #1...kill the dem babies and sterilize the filthy dems. You can't count on dems leaving.

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