Changing demographics hurting repub party

It is like repubs look at the polls and decide to adopt policies contrary to what the majority of American people want.
You mean policies that support and protect US citizens instead of murdering them or allowing pedophiles to attack our children?
Seems like your "majority" is a bunch of sick kooks like you jimboliar.
What dodge? What the hell are you talking about? How is YOUR straw man a dodge by me? You've got issues.
Damn right, I have issues. I despise each and every fool that either voted for Biden or continues to support his failed and corrupt administration. If I can't get another conservative president, I would gladly accept a benevolent dictator over and above anything related to a destructive
far-left ideology. Shit, even the devil himself would be a better option than what we have now.
Abortion would be one the issues you're losing on.

As most women think that they are better judge on the use of their own bodies.....than old, white, right-wing men in a legislature.

Until a guy wants to go in their dressing room, then suddenly it's their job to STFU, they're just women and it's your body, not theirs
Damn right, I have issues. I despise each and every fool that either voted for Biden or continues to support his failed and corrupt administration......

Then you go find such a person and tell them how you feel.

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