Changing demographics hurting repub party

Don't know who "they" is but I refuse to support fascists conspiracy theorists.

You know, Republicans.
When trump stood behind a podium and announced there was "massive voter fraud" he unleashed a deluge of lies and conspiracy theories on this country. It will take generations to wash his shit stain away...if ever.
When trump stood behind a podium and announced there was "massive voter fraud" he unleashed a deluge of lies and conspiracy theories on this country. It will take generations to wash his shit stain away...if ever.
Well when Poopeypants drops off the map a very large shitstain will have been removed.
Maybe you could leave with him.....
As for the voter fraud, it was rampant amongst you Dims with all the fake leftyvirus scam ballots you planted, and there is tons of evidence proving that.
You idiots are toast in 2024.
Well when Poopeypants drops off the map a very large shitstain will have been removed.
Maybe you could leave with him.....
As for the voter fraud, it was rampant amongst you Dims with all the fake leftyvirus scam ballots you planted, and there is tons of evidence proving that.
You idiots are toast in 2024.
The right wing insanity never ends
Why would one assume that immigrants would all vote democrat even if they could vote? A lot of immigrants are rather conservative.
The majority of those other than white (OTW) don‘t vote on the Constitution and our founding documents. They don’t vote on foreign affairs and or real political policy. OTW’s vote on social construct and free shit making OTW’s the dream electorate for the Mexicrat Party. The Mexicrat Party can’t run on a real political platform and win, it’s all about identity politics and social issues….haven’t you noticed the party is comprised of foreigners, freaks, faggots, feminazis and fucked in the head filth.

When trump stood behind a podium and announced there was "massive voter fraud" he unleashed a deluge of lies and conspiracy theories on this country. It will take generations to wash his shit stain away...if ever.
The right wing insanity never ends
Good piece here:

Gee, I wonder why racism, division and hate is growing in America…..Hmmm, it can’t be that filthy unAmerican fucks are bragging about flooding our nation with desperate illiterate thirdworlders to replace and vote over the top of core Americans…right?
Imagine being such a filthy piece of worthless dogshit that you’d brag about your disdain for America’s sovereignty, you’d brag about illegally changing the demographics of a nation, about changing the demography inorganically and against the peoples will.
Tucker lays it all out for you…here, you’re welcome.
"You"? What the fuck are you talking about?
In today's world if you are not middle-of-the-road or conservative you are my enemy. Left-wing liberals hate this great country and are determined to turn us into a third-world socialist white-less nation. Sorry if that hurts your feeling but I believe you fall into that category. Prove me wrong.
I think the Dems are making a mistake if they're counting on Hispanics being in their corner going forward. And will the percentage of Blacks stay the same? I don't know.
The black community is pretty pissed off at losing housing and other benefits to illegals. We will see if they remain so come election time.
The black community is pretty pissed off at losing housing and other benefits to illegals. We will see if they remain so come election time.
It would be nice if they would actually vote instead of letting someone fill out their ballots for them.
White grievance politics and racist replacement theory are central to the GOP agenda – to keep the base frightened, angry, and going to the polls; we see proof of this daily on this very forum.
Utter garbage. The notion of 'white grievance' is a contrivance from the same losers who invented 'white privilege' in order to create discriminatory policies against white folks that have rejected 'white guilt' politics. These idiotic ideas are all used as sad justifications to push for social and economic 'equity' instead of improving communities of color and having them earn their place within the social structure of this country.
Tell that to the women subject to your right wing abortion restrictions in more than a dozen states. Or all the books you're banning. Or using the power of the State to supress political speech.

Tell that to the women subject to your left wing bathroom policies that let men into their private areas. Not cool, pervert. You may want to do some research on Latino views, like on abortion and perversion like letting boys in women's bathrooms.

And you're flat out lying about books, Republican's haven't banned a single one. You don't know what words mean. You need an avatar that has a hand waiving over your head to symbolize how much flies over your head.

Test, what does Debbie Does Dallas have to do with my post? You don't get it, do you? Be honest. Hint, "banning" books ... You still don't get it, do you?
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Utter garbage. The notion of 'white grievance' is a contrivance from the same losers who invented 'white privilege' in order to create discriminatory policies against white folks that have rejected 'white guilt' politics. These idiotic ideas are all used as sad justifications to push for social and economic 'equity' instead of improving communities of color and having them earn their place within the social structure of this country.
Mommy looked this up for Mrs Jones....
Abortion would be one the issues you're losing on.

As most women think that they are better judge on the use of their own bodies.....than old, white, right-wing men in a legislature.

Yes, a great Catholic Latino position. LOL

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