CDZ Chaos By the Bay

Dem's have most of the Bay Area and CA in general for decades. That's why everything is going to shat.
That indeed explains it all.the dems have been infiltrated and this is coming from a guy who has said both parties are corrupt and one in the same which was always true fir decades till the last couple years.the American people let this happen so they have nobody to blame but themselves,
Can it be fixed,? 2 thousand to 3 thousand dollars for a not so great studio apartment, better weather & in general more humane treatment is a large part of the problem.
How did we get to this place? The fight between to many rules in how you run your life or no rules at all.
HaHaHa, Good luck with finding a studio in SF for 2K-3K. Over ten years ago, I got a storage room on the back of a garage near the SF Zoo for $2100 a month.
A buddy sent me this a few minutes ago

I don't think there is a an immediate fix- if you do, lets talk about it.

This has happened because we have the most corrupt government in the world,the city leaders should lay down the law and do the same thing they did with that guy in the video,he turned his life around when they threatened him with jail,they should do thst with everyone of them and have the police do their fucking job arresting drug dealers in plain sight instead of turning their back on them.

I used to love that city. Beautiful place, eclectic, good food, diverse. Then the democrats said "anything goes" and it became unsafe at anytime of day. Bums threatening tourists on the wharf for change, etc. I'll never set foot on that peninsula again.
A buddy sent me this a few minutes ago

I don't think there is a an immediate fix- if you do, lets talk about it.

This has happened because we have the most corrupt government in the world,the city leaders should lay down the law and do the same thing they did with that guy in the video,he turned his life around when they threatened him with jail,they should do thst with everyone of them and have the police do their fucking job arresting drug dealers in plain sight instead of turning their back on them.

America's jails are already full and so arresting and jailing mor drug dealers can't be the solution.

The solution is something very different but no American really wantt to talk about it.

So instead we can further establish here on this thread that America is becoming one of the world's sh-tholes.

Maybe it's not too late to reverse the trend? We could talk about it!
I used to be under the assumption that druggies would just keep to themselves if drugs were legalized. They'd go to a store, buy their drugs and go home and use them. And for those that do, kudo's to them.
But the drug problem is a LOT more complex than that.
For the guy who became homeless, through no fault of his own (job lose, illness, divorce etc etc), and ended up hooked on drugs, maybe there's a chance for that guy/gal.
But for those who enjoy their "freedom" to use drugs, steal for them, defecate and urinate on public side walks, in front of businesses (not that it's not illegal in SF now to do that), and all the other BS things they do (because it's now legal), these people need to be put away. Far away.
Give them one chance to get off of drugs and straighten up. There are rehab programs all across this country. Especially in CA. If they choose that route and screw up, then prison they should go. Or better yet, some sort of no mans land where they can be kept from society.
No Mans Land: A 1,000 acre facility, surrounded by the type of wall that Trump wanted for our borders. Where they're put in, and forgotten. Live or die, who cares? And why should anyone care? They don't even care about themselves or anyone else for that matter.

Dealing with this issue personally (methheads stealing from my business, always bumming from my customers, and caught one last week taking a dump behind my shop), I could care less what happens to them at this point. IMO, it's time for Americans to stand up for decent people a LOT more than they do homeless druggies. All this money they put into shelters, prison cells (just for druggies) would be more beneficial to decent business owners who chose to be productive, hire employee's, and make their communities a nice place to shop and vacation.

Seattle, just in the last 10 years, it's turning into a HUGE homeless drug infested pile of dung, just from the homeless druggies that have infested that city. They know they won't get arrested for just about anything, because the cops hands are tied. If they get arrested, they're usually turned back out on the street the next day. Sometimes, the very same day.

Good points. I'll add that the fact that CA criminalized thefts of less than $1,000 has exacerbated the problem. Drug addicts mug people, break into cars and shoplift to feed their habits...and law enforcement is forced to look the other way.
I lived in SF for several years and now live in Oakland. Homelessness on this side of the Bay is out of control as well. It is not a kindness to enable mentally ill and addicted people to live in filth, especially when they are preyed upon by the criminals who are let out of jail cuz "Covid".

My Nextdoor group has a chronic thread jumping conversation on homeless policy. I've had to stop participating because I am so sick of being called a racist whitey because I think homelessness is a public health crisis.
It's sad to see what has happened to my home state.
Can it be fixed,? 2 thousand to 3 thousand dollars for a not so great studio apartment, better weather & in general more humane treatment is a large part of the problem.
How did we get to this place? The fight between to many rules in how you run your life or no rules at all.
HaHaHa, Good luck with finding a studio in SF for 2K-3K. Over ten years ago, I got a storage room on the back of a garage near the SF Zoo for $2100 a month.
Thanks Concerned citizen, how much would be average today for rent on a studio apt?
I used to be under the assumption that druggies would just keep to themselves if drugs were legalized. They'd go to a store, buy their drugs and go home and use them. And for those that do, kudo's to them.
But the drug problem is a LOT more complex than that.
For the guy who became homeless, through no fault of his own (job lose, illness, divorce etc etc), and ended up hooked on drugs, maybe there's a chance for that guy/gal.
But for those who enjoy their "freedom" to use drugs, steal for them, defecate and urinate on public side walks, in front of businesses (not that it's not illegal in SF now to do that), and all the other BS things they do (because it's now legal), these people need to be put away. Far away.
Give them one chance to get off of drugs and straighten up. There are rehab programs all across this country. Especially in CA. If they choose that route and screw up, then prison they should go. Or better yet, some sort of no mans land where they can be kept from society.
No Mans Land: A 1,000 acre facility, surrounded by the type of wall that Trump wanted for our borders. Where they're put in, and forgotten. Live or die, who cares? And why should anyone care? They don't even care about themselves or anyone else for that matter.

Dealing with this issue personally (methheads stealing from my business, always bumming from my customers, and caught one last week taking a dump behind my shop), I could care less what happens to them at this point. IMO, it's time for Americans to stand up for decent people a LOT more than they do homeless druggies. All this money they put into shelters, prison cells (just for druggies) would be more beneficial to decent business owners who chose to be productive, hire employee's, and make their communities a nice place to shop and vacation.

Seattle, just in the last 10 years, it's turning into a HUGE homeless drug infested pile of dung, just from the homeless druggies that have infested that city. They know they won't get arrested for just about anything, because the cops hands are tied. If they get arrested, they're usually turned back out on the street the next day. Sometimes, the very same day.

Good points. I'll add that the fact that CA criminalized thefts of less than $1,000 has exacerbated the problem. Drug addicts mug people, break into cars and shoplift to feed their habits...and law enforcement is forced to look the other way.
I lived in SF for several years and now live in Oakland. Homelessness on this side of the Bay is out of control as well. It is not a kindness to enable mentally ill and addicted people to live in filth, especially when they are preyed upon by the criminals who are let out of jail cuz "Covid".

My Nextdoor group has a chronic thread jumping conversation on homeless policy. I've had to stop participating because I am so sick of being called a racist whitey because I think homelessness is a public health crisis.
It's sad to see what has happened to my home state.
And yet we open the border to thousands more homeless and support them more than our own citizens.
I used to be under the assumption that druggies would just keep to themselves if drugs were legalized. They'd go to a store, buy their drugs and go home and use them. And for those that do, kudo's to them.
But the drug problem is a LOT more complex than that.
For the guy who became homeless, through no fault of his own (job lose, illness, divorce etc etc), and ended up hooked on drugs, maybe there's a chance for that guy/gal.
But for those who enjoy their "freedom" to use drugs, steal for them, defecate and urinate on public side walks, in front of businesses (not that it's not illegal in SF now to do that), and all the other BS things they do (because it's now legal), these people need to be put away. Far away.
Give them one chance to get off of drugs and straighten up. There are rehab programs all across this country. Especially in CA. If they choose that route and screw up, then prison they should go. Or better yet, some sort of no mans land where they can be kept from society.
No Mans Land: A 1,000 acre facility, surrounded by the type of wall that Trump wanted for our borders. Where they're put in, and forgotten. Live or die, who cares? And why should anyone care? They don't even care about themselves or anyone else for that matter.

Dealing with this issue personally (methheads stealing from my business, always bumming from my customers, and caught one last week taking a dump behind my shop), I could care less what happens to them at this point. IMO, it's time for Americans to stand up for decent people a LOT more than they do homeless druggies. All this money they put into shelters, prison cells (just for druggies) would be more beneficial to decent business owners who chose to be productive, hire employee's, and make their communities a nice place to shop and vacation.

Seattle, just in the last 10 years, it's turning into a HUGE homeless drug infested pile of dung, just from the homeless druggies that have infested that city. They know they won't get arrested for just about anything, because the cops hands are tied. If they get arrested, they're usually turned back out on the street the next day. Sometimes, the very same day.

Good points. I'll add that the fact that CA criminalized thefts of less than $1,000 has exacerbated the problem. Drug addicts mug people, break into cars and shoplift to feed their habits...and law enforcement is forced to look the other way.
I lived in SF for several years and now live in Oakland. Homelessness on this side of the Bay is out of control as well. It is not a kindness to enable mentally ill and addicted people to live in filth, especially when they are preyed upon by the criminals who are let out of jail cuz "Covid".

My Nextdoor group has a chronic thread jumping conversation on homeless policy. I've had to stop participating because I am so sick of being called a racist whitey because I think homelessness is a public health crisis.
It's sad to see what has happened to my home state.
And yet we open the border to thousands more homeless and support them more than our own citizens.

One must ask: cui bono?

Certainly it's not law-abiding tax paying citizens.
Can it be fixed,? 2 thousand to 3 thousand dollars for a not so great studio apartment, better weather & in general more humane treatment is a large part of the problem.
How did we get to this place? The fight between to many rules in how you run your life or no rules at all.
HaHaHa, Good luck with finding a studio in SF for 2K-3K. Over ten years ago, I got a storage room on the back of a garage near the SF Zoo for $2100 a month.
Thanks Concerned citizen, how much would be average today for rent on a studio apt?
Really can't say with any certainty, I read the writing on the wall for many years before that time and finally managed to get out of CA in 2014. I am sure that it is over 3K in the city. I have returned a couple of times to visit friends, the last time in the summer of '19. Every city that I went through had homeless encampments under bridges, overpasses, behind oleanders on the sides of roads etc. I doubt I will ever return again. It is a shame.
I don't think there is a an immediate fix- if you do, lets talk about it.
We need to reorder the social system, and that is the government chartering system.
That task should be left to the state governments. The big problem with that is they would need federal funding. With federal funding comes some measure of federal control.
Thanks Concerned citizen, how much would be average today for rent on a studio apt?

Beware sartre of the time approaching when America's working people are rallied together to lay their partisan politics behind and become the American people standing against the free world. China of course about to be the chief motivation, as well as any perceived 'communist' enemies of America.

Fascism can always be depended upon to take a violent stand against a 'communist' or 'socialist' threat to the country from without.
Dem's have most of the Bay Area and CA in general for decades. That's why everything is going to shat.

Democrats aren't the reason for everything bad in the world. No more than Republicans are what's wrong with the world.
The two are more in cahoots than you might think.
I don't think there is a an immediate fix- if you do, lets talk about it.
We need to reorder the social system, and that is the government chartering system.
That task should be left to the state governments. The big problem with that is they would need federal funding. With federal funding comes some measure of federal control.
You, and the rest of your fellow Amlericans are already off on a tangent that will take you further away from any possible answers.

How's this for a possible start, even though it may come across as an exaggeration:

Release a full half of America's prison population, with no emphasis on any of the crimes committed.
Then spend 1.9T on rehabilitating them.

And so even though it would be absolutely impossible in America, it' already been proven to be very symbolic of Norway's huge success.

And then so, if America can't accept the facts then it becomes just one more example of why America will inevitably fail.

I rule out war for America's course in it's search for betterment because of the M.A.D. factor.

Many could see it as the M.A.D. factor's influence coming to fruition over the last 75 years in which America needed to turn to 40 smaller scale conflicts for it's perceived gains. But each and every one of those wars has failed to pay off. Even the more hopeful have resulted in none of the desired control over ME oil resources. China and Russia are spiriting that prize away by making friends!
Dem's have most of the Bay Area and CA in general for decades. That's why everything is going to shat.

Democrats aren't the reason for everything bad in the world.
If they don't sh-t on Democrats/Republicans then they're left with nothing but sh-tting on their fellow Americans.

The case has been made on America turning into a sh-thole and the case is being actively strengthened by only Americans here every day.

Think of the outcome being the coming together of America's working class people as a concerted force to stand against the rest of the world.

In truth, Trump had already initiated the process on Jan.6th. by bringing American working people together regardless of their political stripe.

This can then lead to having to choose a common enemy that has worked against the American people and led to their poverty. (it was never income inequality after all! Right?

It always was just the Je---, Chin-----, Russ----, whatever the regime decides to dictate?

p.s. Biden could do the same but right now it doesn't look like he can find his a-s from a hole in the ground. Leader of the world's next fascist regime? Not too likelyl!
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Dem's have most of the Bay Area and CA in general for decades. That's why everything is going to shat.

Democrats aren't the reason for everything bad in the world. No more than Republicans are what's wrong with the world.
The two are more in cahoots than you might think.

I agree that the Establishment Fusion Party is in cahoots in many ways, but CA is dominated by the Dems and the Public Employee Unions. The primaries are rigged so that in the general elections we usually have the "choice" of a Dem vs. another Dem/Green/Prog. In Oakland, we have this appalling ranked choice voting which is another descent into madness.
Norway's huge success.
Your argument is ludicrous, the solutions that work for a small country (1/6 of the population of CA) with no immigration problem will not work for a country with a population 55 times as large. Norway has a population less than 6M to the US population of over 330M. Norway Population 2021 (Demographics, Maps, Graphs)
If course you must be right, because I've been told the same each and every time I've used the example.

But of what must be 20 or 30 times, none of them went on to provide an explanation of why what's true for Norway couldn't be true for America.

And I see examples of Norway's success being applied and working very well for countries with large populations and large ground area similar to the US.

Is rehabilitation in some way not applicable to large populations? or_
Is incarceration somehow dictated as a necessity in countries with large populations?

I'm not expecting any answers, but still it might be worth asking the questions?
probably not.

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